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___emptiness___ 09-21-2011 01:41 AM

When was the last time you drawn?
>:( It has been weeks for me.I'm so busy in school that I have no time to draw anymore.So when was the last time you seriously sat down,and grabbed your sketch book?

Himalia 09-22-2011 03:05 PM

The last time I drew something serious was Sunday, though I did do a few doodles in my psychology class on Tuesday, such as a little cartoon pig, a pumpkin, some grapes, Freud and a little stick artist. xD

Isendor 09-22-2011 06:52 PM

I tried to doodle a coal picture to my rooming house but I haven't got any time to finish it. The school really messes up these plans. :D

Slide 09-23-2011 01:57 AM

I draw everyday-- seriously.

Elluh 09-25-2011 01:03 AM

I have three art classes in school : D
so I'm quite happy about that and
I work in my friend's studio. :3
I draw/sculpt everyday, I haven't
been painting much though..
But yeah, hopefully I'll be
able to paint soon~!

___emptiness___ 09-25-2011 03:28 PM

You guys are really lucky you can find time.Right now I have a little time on my hands so I'm going to draw now. :D

Furious 09-25-2011 04:13 PM

I've been a little busy the past few days, so I haven't drawn all that much. :(

I really need to get back to practicing. The last thing I drew was some avatar art for someone.

Ana_M 09-25-2011 07:57 PM

;x Every day for me, trust me, I go nuts when I can't get a sketch in a day. Even if it's a scribble it counts as drawing for me!

Haha, I think my parents are wary of taking me out with them to social events now, the last one was a bit chaotic...
I demanded something to draw with and some paper! :sarcasm: Took me about 2 or 3 hours of badgering and driving EVERYONE insane, however I finally got something to release some stress and imagination out on .. (: Printing paper and colored pencils! :)

I will start to lose it if I get hit by inspiration or the itch to draw and can't set that loose! I'm afraid I have to find time in order to preserve my saniittyy~. :) Good luck finding time~!

Dhraiauvessillus 09-26-2011 10:47 PM

The last thing I drew was the start of a male Tau Fire Caste picture from warhammer 40k.
The tau seem the most good of the factions so far.
I want to do more warhammer 40k pictures, but I don't know many races and classes, yet.

~LONGCAT~ 10-01-2011 12:47 AM

I've been jumping in the "draw the avi above you" thread to get back in the swing of avi sketching as I'd like to start a shop. So yesterday was the last time I drew something.

Pa-chinko 10-01-2011 09:10 AM

Seriously, about 3 years ago. :/ Life and uni has taken over.

Nephila 10-04-2011 02:45 PM

Just yesterday actually. And i'm going to color it today after work :D

ShadowXV 10-06-2011 11:07 PM

Today at Graphic Design Class

Maroon Surreal 10-13-2011 02:23 PM

I'm drawing an avi art request. *phew!* I'm new at this kind of business. They're a couple.

xXastraXx 01-11-2012 06:49 PM

I'm drawing right now XD for a contest on deviantart. I draw a little bit every day though. Always trying to improve.

Ophibell 01-14-2012 12:24 AM

I try to draw at least once a day. I try to progress and not stagnate.

Dystopia 01-22-2012 09:35 AM

It was probably a few days ago.

I'm not a very serious artist, so I don't really sit down and think "I will use this allocated time to draw!" But I often end up drawing on my notes. Seriously. Some of my notes are more drawings than notes. ... Or all drawings and no notes. Which would explain why I'm sucking at some of my classes.

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 01-22-2012 10:38 PM

I go through periods where I draw lots and then it fades away. XD
I haven't properly drawn in a while though, weeks, possibly over a month now. ; o;
I did doodle something a few days ago though!
Need to get out of my slump. orz

Death_to_the_reaper 01-23-2012 07:25 PM

I not really a good artist but I doodle during my classes.

keres corvax 04-01-2012 01:37 AM

I've actually been drawing a lot recently, like every day, one to two pictures a day, and i usually color them the day after. A habit i have been trying to get more in the habit of.

Sometimes I just go on sprees where I don't draw for months. Usually because my time is being eaten up else where.

Cobalt Poisoning 04-04-2012 04:24 AM

I can't remember the last time I drew anything serious. I doodle a lot, especially at work. Which makes me feel bad because I love art and all but I'm a terrible procrastinator. I need to break the mold! >.<

WishingMoon 04-07-2012 05:00 AM

I pretty much draw every day. If not drawing I'll be making something at the very least.

Suzu-Uta 04-09-2012 12:17 PM

I've been off a few months, but I'm back as of yesterday! I've been doing doodles of chibi for people here!

Popcorn Gun 04-10-2012 03:01 AM

A few days ago, I rode the city bus home, so I took out my pencil and little sketchpad and drew a lady that had fallen asleep, and I'm really pleased with it.

BberryBberry 04-22-2012 05:39 PM

Oh, this thread has reminded of how bad I've been lately~ >///<

I haven't completed a single picture in the longest time, and I barely draw outside of school anymore... ((I doodle over everything and I have an art class every other day, but I don't feel that that's good enough for me. I'm spoiled XD))

This is probably the last thing I drew, which is a pretty sad excuse for a drawing IMO being that it's a much much much simpler style than I would normally draw in... I've just been a really bad rut lately... 1) I've returned to that point where I have no confidence in anything I do, 2) I have very little time with school and everything, 3) I've been really moody lately, so what free time I do have is usually spent taking a nap or playing with my DS, and 4)Just a general art block

I do draw over everything in school ((I have dedicated special tabs in my folders to specific doodles XD Like Doctor Who doodles, Prof Layton doodles, Sherlock doodles, Hetalia doodles, etc XD They're just silly doodles, but they keep me entertained when I can no longer pay attention to my teacher)), but I never draw for fun anymore... Which is a real shame, because even I can see how much my improvement drops when I don't draw enough anymore...

But maybe I can use this as another motivator to draw some more! :D I started the 100 themes challenge on dA a long while ago (like about 2-3 years ago XD), but never got past challenge 8 XD So maybe I can work on that and see if those tiny prompts can get me to draw anything. Even if it comes out terribly, I gotta stop being so whiny and just learn to draw more

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