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Goblin Maiden 08-17-2009 01:16 PM

The Escher Room || Chilly down with Goblin ;D

Welcome to the Escher Room! This here hangout thread was formed thanks to the fun and festivities had during Celes Paradi 2009, particularly in Goblin Maiden's two threads that she made. We want the fun to go on!!

And the name? Labyrinth. 'Nuff said. ;D

Follow Mene's rules and the rules for the Menewsha Nations forum and we will all live happily ever after. =D

Sooo... With that said, feel free to post about whatever, my friends! ^__^

Little Miss 08-17-2009 02:04 PM


I just woke up and got my tea so i'm set for the day

rampagerose 08-17-2009 02:14 PM

Hello! I also just got up. I'm not used to getting up in the AM but I have been lately. I have my coffee. ^-^ And I'll have to get dressed soon and head out for errand-running, which I really don't feel like doing right now.

Little Miss 08-17-2009 02:19 PM

I did all my errands last night, i'm just doodling on a piece of paper now...


Stormy1 08-17-2009 02:19 PM

-sneeks in-

Hiiii. Just woke up, got to sleep in today. past two days of baby sitting at 6:45am so sleeping to 9:40 is sleeping in. XD

I'm in the middle of straightening my hair, watching Mamma Mia and wrapping a present so I can't really talk. But I thought I'd stop in and say hi and to subscribe before I forget. ^_^

Little Miss 08-17-2009 02:40 PM

Judging by the wrapping and the straitening, you're going to a party of some sort, right?

Stormy1 08-17-2009 02:48 PM

Yep ^_^ my friend just turned 17 last friday so her party is today. A bunch of us are going to her house to hang out and pig out of food. XD She makes me feel old, I'm turning 18 in like 3 weeks. XD

Normally I don't do my hair when its just hanging with friends but I just got it cut really short so it can't go in a pony tail anymore. XD

Little Miss 08-17-2009 03:27 PM

Lol, my hair is starting to grow out slightly *waits to cut it again*

When i was younger i had it grown down to my thighs

>_> i had very long hair

zovilove 08-17-2009 03:43 PM

Hello i just woke up. My hair grows really fast so yah

Stormy1 08-17-2009 03:58 PM

I use to had hair that went down to my waste but in 8th grade I told my mom I wanted it all chopped off to just below my ear. She didn't think I would go threw with it until we got the the hair place I told the stylist. XD I donated it though so ^_^

Yeah my hair grows really fast, its also really thick and curly so once it gets just slightly past my shoulders now I get it cut. XD Shorter makes it easier to deal with and to straighten!

Little Miss 08-17-2009 04:04 PM

I know! It totally does

I don't straiten my hair too often, mostly i just brush it :XD

rampagerose 08-17-2009 04:19 PM

I had my hair short a few times and it didn't look so good so now I keep it long. I am waiting and waiting for it to grow longer. Kekeke. It's 11:20 here and I really wish I could go nap. Which I can, but I'd have to take the laundry out for drying first... and man that's like, work.

Oscar the Wild 08-17-2009 04:26 PM

This feels fitting.

Hello, Goblin! ^_^ How are you today?

oHsoDemandinG 08-17-2009 04:28 PM

OMG you guys!! This is awesome!!

rampagerose 08-17-2009 04:35 PM

Then hurry up and do the Awesome Dance. *Breaks a move, jiggle...* Maybe I'll just stay on the sidelines and watch the dance.

oHsoDemandinG 08-17-2009 04:36 PM

Lol. Hey rose! Hot guy in your sig. *waggles eyebrows* So what's up?

rampagerose 08-17-2009 04:37 PM

He is... my CHILD OF PIXEL! >.> Yeahhhh. Nothing. Just putting off housework. What are you doing?

Jezriel 08-17-2009 05:28 PM

Hey guys! Didn't post yesterday 'cause I went to the lake! Got my son to school today ok, and spent some time playing with pixels. I am SO tired, could not sleep for all the ideas popping in my head. Things I don't even have the skill to make yet, sadly. XP

What's going on in here, today?

Goblin Maiden 08-17-2009 06:16 PM

Hee hee, second page already? ^__^ Yaaay for all the talking going on! =D I'm packing up all my stuff and throwing away all my junk (which I have far more of than I'd care to admit) in preparation to leave for college this Friday.

*Mai does the happy college freshman dance*

I just hope that I remain a happy college freshman so I can keep dancing. XD

ghostPastry 08-17-2009 07:24 PM

Ehehehe~! Awesome! :heart: *huggles thread*

Goblin Maiden 08-17-2009 07:32 PM

Dude, Sissy. I went to perform for you, but the button was not there. XD I was like, what...? Oh, yeah. Celes Paradi's over. =P Is it bad that performing had become sort of a habit?

ghostPastry 08-17-2009 07:38 PM

Awh. I don't think it's bad. I didn't really perform that much because I kept getting rejected, but today I went to collect stars from the goddesses, and it wasn't there. D':

Oscar the Wild 08-17-2009 07:48 PM

You're a college freshman?
I feel so young. DX

rampagerose 08-17-2009 07:48 PM

Kekee. I'm just... doing nothing, myself. Still. I made cheese biscuits and I did half the laundry, but that's it. Oh and I took a giant nap. ^-^

Goblin Maiden 08-17-2009 09:39 PM

Yay for giant naps. ^__^ I myself had a hard time getting to sleep last night. O__O;; Even though I was wicked tired. I hate it when that happens. >__>;;

I just got back from shopping! I got a hard case for my guitar, since I'm taking lessons and will need to be carting it around, as well as basic necessities like toothpaste. And I had some dinner (baked beans and buttered bread).

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