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Iltu 08-29-2015 03:23 PM

Far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise! - A Bookish Celes Paradi Thread

Well, given that there is a fantasy theme for this event and my favorite book genre is fantasy, I thought, why not make a book-themed even thread? For discussing books, recommendations, and well, anything else that might come up.

You can talk about whatever you like here! The general topic is books and reading, but you're welcome to chat about whatever. People who don't like reading are absolutely welcome! [yes]

Iltu 08-29-2015 03:23 PM

  • Follow Mene's ToS (of course!)
  • Be civil when discussing disagreements over books. Don't take critiques of your favorite book personally, don't belittle other's reading choices, etc.
  • None of that making fun of or talking bad about people who don't like to read business. Don't even do it in jest. It's mean!
  • Pretty much just don't be a butthead, and you're golden!

Iltu 08-29-2015 03:24 PM

Got a book recommendation or five? Fill out this form as many times as you'd like and I’ll post it up here! Fantasy recs are encouraged, given the events theme, but you're welcome to suggest any book you like.


Plot: (No spoilers, try to keep it under three sentences or thirty words!)
Why You Love It: (Again, keep it less than or around thirty words!)


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1773433846)
Title: The Book of Lies
Author: James Moloney
Genre: YA Fantasy
Plot: A boy who has had his memories altered with the book of lies, pieces together the truth of who he and his companions are.
Why You Love it: It kept me guessing who was good and who was bad throughout reading it.


Originally Posted by Lathrine (Post 1773434896)
Title: Mistborn (or, The Mistborn Trilogy)
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Genre: Fantasy!
Plot: A young woman named Vin has an unusual amount of Luck hanging around her, and she gets roped into a grand scheme to help a band of thieves kill the Lord Ruler who has presided over their world for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Why You Love It: Lady protag! Also Brandon Sanderson's world has an incredibly unique magic system revolving around the use of metals (iron, copper, steel, etc.), a detailed second language/dialect of english, and a very detailed and fleshed out political system. It might be kind of dry for some people, but if you like that kinda stuff, you should check it out! Even if you don't, details are spaced out and peppered throughout the books enough that it never really bogs down the story. :)

Iltu 08-29-2015 03:24 PM


Iltu 08-29-2015 03:25 PM

Hopefully this post will be for a fun game or giveaway or something, if I think of one and have time!

Don't make me use it as a blacklist post, ya hear? [illgetu]

Iltu 08-29-2015 03:31 PM

Aaaand... we're open for business! Welcome, welcome, feel free to post now! Come on in, have a cup of tea, and elt's chat about books!

Amane 08-29-2015 04:19 PM

*grins* Young adult fantasy is my only jam.

Iltu 08-29-2015 04:20 PM

I love young adult fantasy! I think the last one I read by Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older. Not the best writing, but the story was fun, and it was cool because it was such a diverse book, which a lot of YA is seriously lacking.

Amane 08-29-2015 04:21 PM

I don't think about any of it. I just read and enjoy the story.

Li Mei 08-29-2015 04:22 PM

Blech, who needs fantasy novels. All you need is that devilish little Yumeh and Abel in the same room and KazBam! you have magic!

Amane 08-29-2015 04:22 PM

I'm imagining what Abel's relationship with Yumeh might be like.

Iltu 08-29-2015 04:25 PM

Amane- I'm sadly a pickier reader than I used to be...

Li Mei- That would be better than any book ever conceived in the history of mankind! (Or... elfkind or catkind...?)

Li Mei 08-29-2015 04:26 PM

Yumeh doesn't like anyone but Cessy, and every so often Vicky was allowed to touch him.

So yeah, I'll like let you fill in the blanks.

---------- Post added 08-29-2015 at 12:28 PM ----------

@Iltu- We like need to take a look further into this catkind books you speak of, those are probablly totally rad too.

Iltu 08-29-2015 04:31 PM

Sounds like that's a fight Yumeh might win... sorry Abel. :x

Catkind has produced some some astonishing literary works, truly. I mean, just look at this:,203,200_.jpg

Li Mei 08-29-2015 04:33 PM

That's totally astonishing! Who knew the cat could be so clever?

Iltu 08-29-2015 04:35 PM

Wouldn't surprise me if Yumeh was a contributor to that fine work!

Amane 08-29-2015 04:36 PM

I wanna read catkind books!

Iltu - I'm super observant. I've got so much attention to detail. Yet, when it comes to things other people can't stop taking note of and complaining about, like weird proportions and bad acting and unoriginal stories, I notice nothing. I rarely dislike a story coming from any medium unless it makes me uncomfortable on an emotional level.

Li Mei 08-29-2015 04:42 PM

I knew that devil's cat had to be good for somethin'!

Amane 08-29-2015 04:43 PM

I pity a newbie who crosses Yumeh…

Iltu 08-29-2015 04:43 PM

Amane- Bad writing is usually what does me in. And also characters reacting to situations in unbelievable ways. Like, "It's a race against the clock to save our friend! ...But we have to stop and make out and discuss our romantic attraction right this second!" But if the writing is decent and the characters are solid, I can get into anything!

Li Mei- What's that stinker cat been up to, anyway? General mayhem?

Amane 08-29-2015 04:48 PM

Hahaha… lovey scenes make me laugh so hard I can't read them in full. I don't understand that kinda love. *aromantic*
I even don't think about how reasonable their reactions are. The story happens, I take it in, I am immersed until it's over. And then I need a few days before I start acting like myself again. [XD] This one time, I read a post-apocalypse book and was alert to every sound ever. The characters were sneaking around a lot.

Li Mei 08-29-2015 04:57 PM

That's a good question Iltu, I should look into what that pesky cat is doing. Can't be anything good I assure you.

Amane 08-29-2015 05:00 PM

Or maybe Yumeh's sleeping.

Iltu 08-29-2015 05:05 PM

Sleep means nothing to a cat! They can awake any time, ready to wreak havoc, steal food, throw up somewhere inconvenient... Love those critters, though!

Amane- I'm aro too! (I think we discussed that once, yeah?) I tend to not feel one way or another about romance, except sometimes I find myself unable to stop rolling my eyes, and then every once in a while I'm like "wHEN WILL THEY??? KISS??? OH MY GOD I'M SO INVESTED!" [lol]

Li Mei 08-29-2015 05:05 PM

You could totally be right, but I'm gonna go check!

Catch ya later!

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