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Kirin Rosenbaum 01-13-2012 05:55 PM

A School Boy Crush
Kirin was 18 years old and had shoulder length black hair. He had hazel eyes and stood six foot tall. He wore a long black leather trench coat over black jeans and a black shirt. He had a piercing in his eyebrow and his lip. Today he was in D.C. to watch Captain America get some award or another. Kirin had grown up hearing about Captain America from his grandfather. He had posters and everything from that era that his grandfather had given him. He couldn't wait till Cap came out.

Repo 01-13-2012 06:31 PM

When his name was called by the president - the now president, not President Truman - he stepped out to meet him. Shake hands, smile at the crowd. This part he was good at, though - he wouldn't be singing or dancing around. The war was over...long over actually. Flashes were now going off like crazy. It still baffled him - and blinded him a little too - the fact that technology had changed so much - the people too. He had to undergo therapy for quite awhile before he was allowed out in public. But hey, how hard could jumping fifty plus years into the future be?

Quite actually.

After accepting the award, he stepped up to the podium. The crowd hushed to let him speak.
"Thank you, Mr. President." He said, smiling sheepishly before patting the medal on this chest. "I hope I can continue to serve my country...even in these times of peace."
He continued on for a spell, using his revised speech. The crowd seemed to like it, which was good. It made him smile, but he very much felt like Steve Rogers again. Small, tiny. So it was a relief to him once he got out of the crowds way.

Peeking out from backstage, he could see that things were starting to clear. There wasn't going to be a signing tonight, luckily that was going to wait for the feast tomorrow.
"All set to go?" A voice asked him, he turned, it was one of the generals from the army base he was staying it.
"I think I'm gonna stick around for a bit... You can go though, no need to wait for me."

Kirin Rosenbaum 01-13-2012 06:35 PM

Kirin lets out a happy sigh as the man of the hour comes out on stage. He was even more handsome in person. His heart flutters. Not that he thought he stood a snow balls chance in hell at him. Once it was all over he heads up the street. He need to get back to his hotel. He had to catch a bus early to get back to school. He had skipped school to be here and it was worth it to him. Hell he didn't even really want to be in college. "Hey freak." He turns to see who spoke and he gets hit in the face with a fist. Said fist then starts to pummel him with his partner.

Repo 01-14-2012 04:17 AM

To say he didn't get out much would be an understatement. Luckily, the white-house and area, although very modern, did look familiar to him. Taking in a deep breath, and exhaling a calm feeling washed over him - until his ears picked up on the sounds of a scruff amongst all the traffic and noise pollution. As dutiful as ever, Cap took it upon himself to investigate...As sure as he was that it wasn't a gang of nazis - his patriotism and heroism wouldn't let him leave it alone.

Running at a faster than normal pace, he let his over-sensitive ears guide him to the source of the fighting. The sight brought back many memories. Memories of a small, puny blonde boy being beat up in ally ways. With more force than was nessecary, he grabbed the scruffs of the two blokes beating on the poor lad and turned them to face him - the shock on their faces brought a genuine smile to his.
"Now boys, I think you'd best run home now. We don't want to be getting into any trouble, right?" He asked. And when they nodded to the large, well built man holding them the Cap was satisfied.

After watching them run off, he turned his attention to the boy. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked with genuine concern. He'd been in this situation to many times to not care.

He didn't look too roughed up. A split lip, maybe a black eye by tomorrow. The Caps blue eyes scanned him for any more serious injuries. "Well, other than those pieces of metal in your face...I'd say you're going to be back looking like your handsome self in no time." He said, pulling the boy up and patting his shoulder. He didn't mean his comment as an insult...But growing up in the 1940s did leave him a little... 'Out of the Loop' as one would say.

Kirin Rosenbaum 01-14-2012 04:25 PM

Kirin couldn't believe that Captain America had saved him. Had gotten those boys to leave him alone. He was speechless as he helped him stand. He really would be alright, though it wouldn't have turned out so well if Cap hadn't come. He hears the comments about his piercings and, though he's sure they weren't meant as an insult. He wanted to impress him. He knew his parents would be happy if he got rid of his piercings. "Thanks." He says with a smile his hazel eyes flashing. This was more then he ever could have hoped for. In fact he was grateful to the two boys who had attacked him. If it wasn't for them he wouldn't be standing in the Cap's presence at this very moment. ::I wonder what it would be like to have those arms around me.:: He thinks to himself. His hand goes to one of those well muscled arms.

Repo 01-14-2012 06:23 PM

The Captain smiled back, this youth reminding him of himself when his friend would come to the rescue. The smile faltered for a moment when the boy reached out to touch him - mistaking the touch as a sudden case of vertigo, or a wince of pain, he gently reached out and gripped the other boys arm. "Well, you shouldn't really be walking the streets alone at night. Unless you enjoy being beat up." He said with a chuckle, remembering his friend's chastises. "Like my friend used to tell me, someone isn't always going to be around to save your back." Gripping the boys other arm now, he looked into his hazel eyes, getting distracted by the color - it looked familiar somehow - before using his military training to look for any signs of feinting.

"Now, just where were you headed...." He trailed off, taking a step back and looking as sheepish as a big, beefed up man could as he waited for the youth to fill in the blank of his name.

Kirin Rosenbaum 01-14-2012 06:25 PM

"Kirin... my name is Kirin." He says realizing he had never told him his name. He looks down a blush on his cheeks. "I was just heading back to my hotel." He says. Though it was hardly that. It was just a hole in the wall place, it was the only thing he had been able to afford. It would be considered on the wrong side of town.

Repo 01-14-2012 06:56 PM

"Nice to meet ya Kirin." He said warmly. "Why don't we get you back to your hotel?" He offered, walking out of the ally way and looking inquisitively to both sides as if asking which way. Turning around to look back at the boy, he flashed a smile before saying. "I'm Steve by the way... Though, most people just call me Cap."

His over active mind just decided to keep jumping on. "So, if you're staying in a hotel, I guess that means you're not from around here?" He suggested. "Me neither. I was born in Los Angelas." He said, remembering the city fondly.

Kirin Rosenbaum 01-14-2012 08:03 PM

"I'm from Ann Arbor." The boy says heading left back towards the, not so good side of town. "I've lived there for most of my life." Soon the neighborhood gets a bit seedier. He can't believe he's walking with Steve Rogers, Captain America. He does feel bad that he couldn't have afforded anything nicer. "Um... this is my place." He say as they get to a seedy looking place. He sees the look of, what is it, disgust that the Cap is given to the place. "It's all I could afford." He says feeling the need to explain himself. He doesn't know why. "It's not as bad as it looks." He says though he knows that isn't true.

TheEcoEmo 08-26-2012 06:01 AM

:'D You ghys are doing wonderful so far, if i may say. :'D [heart]

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