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Silver Storm 04-06-2018 03:47 AM

Love Your Biggest Fan [Kat DakuuxSilver Storm]
Name: Buchanan "Buck" James
Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130lbs
Job: Hacker/IT
He works IT for a company that also hires him out to hack/test companies security systems. (It allows him to indulge his hacking tendencies with out ending up in jail.)
Likes: Hacking, working with electronics, pulling pranks and causing mischief, coffee, listening to music, animals, rainy days and walking/dancing/playing in the rain, riding his motorcycle.
Dislikes: Mornings, rude people, people with no sense of humor, most authority, crowds (gives him panic/anxiety attacks), strangers invading his personal space (can give him panic/anxiety attacks).
Personality: A mischievous rebel Buck was always getting in trouble growing up. His pranks and rebellious nature bounced him from one foster home to the next like an over-caffeinated bouncy ball. By his teenage years, he started running away, using his hacking abilities to get funds. He found an orphaned baby bunny a couple years ago and nursed it to adulthood, where it became his closest companion.

Kat Dakuu: Here is mine and our thread.

Kat Dakuu 04-06-2018 02:58 PM
Name: Augustus Darlington-Whit
Age: 23
Occupation: fashion model/rock idol
Appearance: He has layered golden blonde hair that sits longer in the back, almost to his shoulders while the rest frames his honey colored eyes. He has two ear piercings in each ear and often wears his hair pushed back to show off the black onyx stones. Stands 5’10” tall with broad shoulders and a nice figure, though he’s never worked out in his life. He just has good genes, smooth skin, and everything a man could ask for. On the back of his left hip he has a ruddy brown birthmark that almost resembles a star. His clothing is flashy, bold, and expensive in taste. Never ordinary, and never cheap.
Personality: A troublemaker at his core, Augustus deals with every event in his life like a game. He’s flippant and irreverent toward authority. If he can make his own, overdramatic entrance, he will do that instead of what he was told. He knows he’s beautiful and uses it to his advantage, manipulating people out of amusement rather than ill-intent. He appears to have no real ambition and treats his career without any seriousness, often running out in favor of something more interesting and high energy. It could be said he loves the idea of adventure and dramatic stories of romance, peril, and anything out of the ordinary. However, the people around him just find watching after him exhausting at best. They think sometimes he throws them for a loop just to watch them struggle. In truth, Augustus doesn’t care to be cruel. He’s selfish without realizing it and completely fascinated with anything he isn’t familiar with, which often include the most common of activities. He’s curious, light-hearted, and free as the wind. It’s part of his charm, but also the reason every single authority figure in his life wishes leashes were an option.
Bio: Born to a high society family who have both looks and riches, he’s been modeling since the age of ten. It’s second nature to him as is having the adoring attention of pretty much everyone he could want. Private high schools, modeling lessons, piano, and violin—he’s had it all. However, that never stopped him from charging forward in his life, wanting more. Six months ago, he started his music career at the urging of higher ups at the modeling agency. He’s not truthfully that talented, but his producers used his face and popularity to launch him into the number two record sale spot at his debut. He’s the talk of the town right now, but that hasn’t stopped him from getting into trouble…

Silver Storm 04-07-2018 05:18 AM

(So funny story, I came across that picture last night when I was looking for one for Buck and really liked it, but it was too rich and flashy for my character. I laughed when I saw that you had picked it.)

Buck's fingers lazily twirled a pen as he blandly listened to the twit on the phone's issue. This stuff was rarely ever challenging, just some brain dead idiot that couldn't figure out how to fix the simplest problem. He much preferred the times when he got to hack into a system, his fingers flying on the keys as he input code. He glanced over at the clock and sighed; half an hour left before he could go home and leave this stupidity behind.

"Did you try restarting the system?" He asked, fighting to keep the boredom out of his tone. He listened in frustration as the person launched into a long explanation instead of just giving him a simple answer. He rubbed at his temples, feeling the mild throbs of the starting of a headache. He thrived on challenge not this humdrum that mainly consisted of rescuing brain-dead morons from their own stupidity before they had a mental break down.

"Here's what you need to do," he said with a mental sigh as he began coaxing the fool through the process, breaking down the steps like you would for a kindergartner. By the time he finally hung up, with much thanks and praise from the idiot, there was only fifteen minutes left on the clock. He sighed and leaned back in his chair to wait for the clock to run out, praying there would be no more calls in that time, forcing him to stay late to deal with their stupid problems.

Kat Dakuu 04-07-2018 11:25 PM

(that's hilarious XD)

Augustus Darlington-Whit was a nightmare in disguise. A large pair of sunglasses hiding his eyes and a ball cap thrown on top of his blonde hair, he whirled through the streets, knowing full well what it would mean if he got caught. Despite his counter-measures against getting recognized, he still wore clothes flashy enough to draw the eyes of even the most ill-informed. The posters taped up in music store windows didn't help either. Men whispered, teenaged girl's giggled. And throw it all, Augustus just grinned with his perfect model's face.

“Is that August White!? No, look, over there!” High pitched and all a fluttered, the voice filtered to Augustus through the busy streets. Damn, this was getting dicey. He never ducked his head, but he dived through a group of businessmen off early to go drink together, trying to put distance between himself and the growing entourage of eyes.

“The rock idol?”

More whispers.

“So hot! I think he’s a model.” Well, Augustus wouldn’t argue with that. Ducking around a corner, he skid on the edges of his polished black shoes. Perfectly normal businesses rose up around him, which might turn out real exciting even if he had different plans for his time between shoots. Ah, but if he drew too much attention, he might never get free of the fans. Maybe he shouldn’t have run out on a whim? If he started regretting things now though, he’d hardly be a Whit, or even a Darlington for that matter. When an opportunity came, one best go running. Otherwise, he would never have a lick of fun.

Silver Storm 04-08-2018 03:24 AM

Buck leaped to his feet the moment he saw the clock reach the hour; he was free. He shut down his computer, tossed his headset on the desk and grabbed his messenger bag, slinging its strap over his shoulder. He was racing for the door when a shouted "Buchanan James!" had him skidding to a halt. He turned to see Gerald stalking towards him, a murderous look on his face that would have had Pennywise and Jason Vorhees quaking in their shoes like frightened chihuahuas. Buck on the other hand, bit back a groan at the sight, but plastered an innocent smile on his face.

He detested Gerald, along with a lot of the office. The young man thought he was the best thing since the invention of Instagram. Gerald talked and walked and acted like he owned the place and from the way he talked, any day now they would be making HIM the boss. Gerald's only real qualification, in Buck's mind, was his ability to look like he was working hard while dumping all of his work off on everyone else.

Buck grins as he sees what his ticked off co-worker holds in his hand. The shape, covered in a rainbow array of lime green, hot pink and neon yellow sticky notes, was the brand new coat that Gerald had been bragging about to everyone in ear shot all day long. Buck could tell from the look of death on Gerald's face, Buchanan knew that he better not let the other man catch him.

"Enjoy your new coat," he quipped before blitzing down the stairwell like a college kid late for free food. He skidded down the stairs, chased by the echos of Gerald's angry cries. Buck looked back over his shoulder laughing as he pelted out of the building and onto the street outside.

Kat Dakuu 04-09-2018 09:33 PM

Paying far more attention to the crowds on the streets rather than the comings and goings from the buildings around him, Augustus was not prepared to see a blur of red hair and dark clothes race in front of him. He arched to the side, only just avoiding hitting the person who had darted out of a building as if hellfire chased him. "Watch it, you-" As he righted himself, the sunglasses slipped from their precarious place on his nose before dropping to the ground. Well, that complicated things.

Augustus grabbed his face, a look of overdramatic horror coming over it. "Ah crap! Look what you did to my disguise!" In his fit of drama, he didn't bother keeping his voice down, never considering that the best guise would be to disappear into the crowd rather than inflame it more. But then, men like Augustus did not blend in, ever. "Manager is going to kill me, again! You're going to pay for this, pleb." He narrowed his eyes on the person that caused him distress, for the moment more focused on that than anything else.

Silver Storm 04-10-2018 02:58 AM

Buck looked up in surprise at the man about his age that he had nearly run into. His amber eyes took in the pompous blond before him, and he groaned inwardly. Away from one jerk and straight into another, he thought with a sigh. "I am so sorry your highness," he said, words dripping with sarcasm.

He looked closer and recognized the man before him. He knew who August White was, I mean he wasn't born under a rock. And hey, he may even find the blond very sexy. He might have some of August's adds and posters on his wall, but he didn't handle jerks well. The instant someone become snarky with him, he instantly had to snark back. It was a habit that was always getting him in trouble.

Kat Dakuu 04-10-2018 10:04 PM

Augustus eyes narrowed, his mouth opening to retort when the shrill scream of a teenaged girl pulled him back to the real world. "Mom, look! It's August White! Do you have any paper?!" He groaned inside, knowing everyone within a five yard radius had to have heard the cry. Already, he could hear a murmur take up the streets around him, though at least the businessmen paid him no mind. It was just everyone else he had to worry about.

"Who's the guy with August? Is he a model too?"

Wincing, Augustus did the first thing he could think of. "Quick! They're gonna mob!" With that, he grabbed the wrist of the redhead and took off running down a side street, dragging the other man with him. It was run or die at this point. He could finish this conversation later. Well, hopefully not too much later.

Silver Storm 04-12-2018 07:13 AM

Buck was definitely surprised to feel the blond's hand close around his wrist and dragging him away. After a moment of frozen surprise, he was able to get his brain to boot back up. He started running, easily keeping pace with the other young man, though he did nothing to break August's grip. He would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the handsome blond's touch. So what if he possible had a crush on August White, along with half of the rest of the populations.

This was not at all how he had expected his day to go, running down back streets with August White as screaming fans ran after them. Why did he bring me with him? Buck couldn't help but wonder. After all it wasn't like he was in much threat from the crazed fans. He wasn't anyone famous, just a nobody IT guy. He didn't even make in one year what August made in on shoot. His apartment was a tiny little studio with a loft bedroom.

Kat Dakuu 04-12-2018 11:08 PM

After dodging down a few streets, Augustus had the same thought as Buck. Why was he running down random back alleys with a complete and total stranger? Slowing to a stop, he pressed his back against the side of a brick building. "Oh man!" he groaned. "Those girls sure know how to drive a guy crazy!" He bit back a small laugh, though he was too out of breath to continue it. "I think we lost them though, even if I have no idea where we are anymore."

He turned to grin at the redhead, realizing only then that he still held the man's wrist. Augustus' eyes went wide as he snatched back his hand. Oh right, why did he bring this guy along again?! "A-ah, well...this is just because our conversation was unfinished you know. My sunglasses-" He let out a dramatic cry. "Oh man, they fell and I didn't even pick them up! Those were Bvlgari, you know. Do you know how expensive that is?!" He let out another groan, feeling the loss of his expensive eyewear in his gut. And this....this was all the red-haired guy's doing.

Silver Storm 04-13-2018 12:36 AM

"So you drug me through a bunch of alleys and got us lost?" Buchanan gripped, though honestly he didn't really mind. His amber eyes scanned over their surroundings as he tried to orient himself. He did know the city halfway well and he even if he didn't know where specifically they were in the city, he knew the general direction of his apartment. His attention was ripped away from his surveyal of their surroundings by the other man dropping his wrist like it burned.

Buck shook his head as he listened to the blond start whining about his sunglasses. "Yeah normal people don't have and can't afford those," he replied benignly. "The last pair I had were $10 Walmart specials." Though the sunglasses had looked really good on August, he did have to admit. And flashy and expensive definitely fit the man standing before him.

Kat Dakuu 04-15-2018 12:49 AM

Though he gave a sulky glare, the other man had captured Augustus' interest. "A Walmart special? I've never shopped at anything like that. I wonder if it's interesting." He paused, seeming to consider that for a second before doing a full body shrug. "Ah well. I can always add that to my list for later. About those sunglasses though, I won't let you go until you do something about that. It would hardly be sporting since it's your fault in the first place," he hummed.

Now that he looked closer, the person in front of him intrigued Augustus. Bright hair, a decent face--he'd make a decent partner for the time being. Considering he ran off between shoots in order to have fun, he shouldn't stop halfway. Hadn't he already dragged the guy this far? Augustus smiled, broad and cocky, his eyes nearly sparkling with it. "I won't let you say no."

Silver Storm 04-15-2018 03:28 AM

Buck shook his head at the blond's words. Walmart, interesting? He couldn't hold back his derisive snort at that thought and those words. "Eh its not all that exciting," he said with a shrug. "Though it can be amusing people watching." You never knew what kind of crazy people or things that you would observe at Walmart. But why would someone of August's caliber be interested in going to Walmart? After all the blond before him screamed wealth and high class; if he walked into Walmart right now he would get noticed.

Buck's musings were cut short when the other man started demanding that Buck do something about his sunglasses. "What would you have me do about them?" He asked, one of his eyebrows shooting up. "I don't see how its my fault that you can't hold on to and keep track of your stuff." His amber eyes had turned cool as he studied the handsome, shallow blond before him. Typical celebrity bull; blame their problems on the little man.

Kat Dakuu 04-16-2018 08:40 PM

Augustus made a mental note to include people watching in another outing. He always had such limited time so he didn't stay still long enough for it, but it did seem fun after all. Now he would have to try it. Still smiling, Augustus beckoned to the street behind them. "Well...for starters, figure out where we are and get me back to Luxurd Avenue. Then we'll see from there." He clearly didn't mind that that the other man continued to insist that none of this was his fault and only Augustus was to blame. That argument was already over and gone, even if they never agreed. Augustus had his priorities.

Grabbing hold of the other man's hand, he pulled him back out of their hiding place and onto a small and completely unfamiliar street. It ran through the backside of a number of buildings, though with lane markers, he could hardly call it an alley. After taking only a few steps, Augustus paused though, looking back at the man he continued to hold captive for his whims. "Oh, and you should tell me your name as well. I can hardly just call out 'you' all the time!"

Silver Storm 04-17-2018 04:13 AM

Buck stared at the blond before him, surprised that the other man seemed to be planning to keep him around. For how long though was the question. When would famous, heart-throb August White grow bored of his presence and toss him aside like yesterday's garbage. Well if August wanted Buck to get him unlost, that is what he would do. With a shake of his red head, he grabbed August's arm and pulled him down another street. His amber eyes looked up to the sky and then to the buildings around them, as he figured out where they were and in what direction they needed to go.

"Huh?" He said when August spoke again, breaking his concentration. "Oh, names Buchanan but my friends call me Buck." He glanced over again at the smoking hot blond next to him. "Is August White really your name?" He gave up and asked out of curiosity. "Or is it like a stage name?"

(Sorry was never sure if Augustus' real name was known or if he was only known as August White.)

Kat Dakuu 04-22-2018 05:41 PM

"Buck, then," Augustus said with a smile, already assigning himself the role of 'friend' it seemed. Happy to be led for now, he felt a glow of happiness that this all went according to his plan. Buck did as he asked, of course, and now his day was looking better and better. "Oh, it's a stage name. You're right on that. Augustus Darlington-whit sounds entirely too rich and old fashioned for a rock idol. No one would go to a concert for a guy with a name like that. If you want, you can call me Augustus though. I wouldn't say that it's what friends call me, but rather my family and my manager." Throwing back his head with a laugh, tossed his hair back with a hand in that sort of effortless move that normally drew everyone's attention to him.

"But I take it you can find the way back to Luxurd?" The streets hadn't gotten more familiar to Augustus, but he didn't mind it, not really anyway. If he didn't like to get lost, he would have stayed at the studio.

(You're good. It wouldn't be a widely known public fact except to people who really care to search)

Silver Storm 04-22-2018 05:59 PM

"Augustus," Buck murmured trying out the name on his tongue and liking the sound of it. It fit the blond well in his opinion and didn't seem old at all to him, more rich and exotic. I would go to a that concert if it was you, Buck thought. You are so insanely hot!. He was broken out of his thoughts, which was probably good as he was unknowingly staring at the man next to him, by Augustus' question. "I think I can," he said with a shrug. "I know the general direction we need to go, but not necessarily the quickest route there." For once he was cursing his good sense of direction as he wouldn't have minded being lost with the blond.

Kat Dakuu 04-23-2018 07:02 PM

Still smiling, Augustus only dismissed the fact that Buck might not get them anywhere fast. "That's fine since I don't mind if we have to spend all day together in order to make up for the glasses. That's not too demanding is it. You don't look like you have other plans." Okay, so he was being a bit petty and he knew it. Truth was, Augustus just didn't want to let a good opportunity go. If not for the glasses, he didn't think he could pull such an interesting person into his games, even for a day. But then, he did seem oddly willing when even his own manager rolled his eyes to see such stunts, and those two had been together for more years than he dared to count.

Augustus took an extra few steps to get in front of Buck, turning so he could inspect the other man with a critical eye. "Could it be you're one of my fans though? You actually want to follow me around?"

Silver Storm 04-24-2018 06:41 AM

Buck softly rolled his amber eyes at Augustus' antics, though truthfully he wasn't really bothered or annoyed by them. So what if the blond was a little over the top? In his business, it was expected of you. "I told you, if I could I would replace them," Buck muttered when the other boy brought up his glasses again, but Augustus' next words had him stumbling to a halt. His brain scrambled with how to answer but his mouth just decided to go with the truth. "Yeah I suppose I am a fan," he said with a shrug. "Always thought you were hot..." He stuttered to a stop when his brain caught up with his mouth and he realized what he had just admitted. Great, now Augustus will panic or think you a weirdo or get disgusted, Buck mentally reprimanded himself.

Kat Dakuu 04-27-2018 07:37 PM

Augustus' eyes sparkled, amusement as well as excitement showing at Buck's admission. So he had been right. That more than anything brought him joy and no matter how he reacted to his fangirls before, he was an artist. He lived to be enjoyed by the fans, so right now, he couldn't help but smile. "So you are a fan. Thanks for the compliment, though I know it well enough," he added, grinning his widest before turning to face the correct direction again. By now, the street had come to an end and turned to another which looked far more familiar than the last. Good, so they were making progress. "At least now I know I'm not just foolishly dragging you along with my whims, so no one can complain. "Come on, there's a place we're going, so don't lag behind now."

Silver Storm 05-01-2018 09:53 PM

Buck just shook his head at the cocky blond, wondering how much of it was an affectation, put on by the expectations of fans and record companies, and how much of it was truly Augustus. But it wasn't like Buck was missing out on much at home by following the model and singer around, plus he found Augustus' ways amusing. So with a shrug Buchanan followed Augustus through the streets, wondering where they were going. He looked at the streets and businesses around them, trying to see if he could get a hint at this destination that Augustus was dragging him to. But then he glanced over at the blond and for a few moments, got distracted taking in the other male's handsome features.

Kat Dakuu 05-04-2018 10:01 PM

His eyes straight on the road now that he knew their location, Augustus paid very little attention to Buck. He walked with a purpose and confidence that one could expect from a model, his strides long as if he wasn't used to someone keeping pace with them. Only after a few turns did he slow his pace. Finally, he stopped, gesturing boldly with one arm. "We're here! Time to pay me back for the sunglasses, so you better be prepared." He tugged Buck's wrist straight into the building in front of them, music and colorful lights bursting from a propped open door. "Space Arcade! You're going to play games with me all evening, got it!" Bursting through the door, Augustus let out his biggest grin, no reservations holding him back anymore.

Silver Storm 05-05-2018 06:20 AM

Buck raised an incredulous eyebrow at their destination, but he couldn't hold onto his skepticism when they walked through the door. For once inside he watched Augustus become a different, more free and relaxed, person, one that Buck found very handsome and intriguing. He felt as though he were finally seeing the true man that Augustus was, underneath all the flair and pomp of wealth, fame and pressure. "I suppose there are worse ways to spend the evening," Buck said with a casual shrug. Though truth to be told, he was jumping at the chance to spend the evening with his secret celebrity crush, and even more this new and intriguing Augustus he was seeing since they had stepped into the arcade.

Kat Dakuu 05-11-2018 11:50 PM

"There are, because this is the best way to spend an evening!" Augustus clarified, already making a bee line straight for an open game console. It didn't matter what game it was, but he felt a flare of happiness still when he saw the old school Space Invaders. "You've got quarters, I hope. And the best thing? No one will think to look for us here." Augustus paused, then amended his statement. "Well, me. Since no one would be looking for you. Probably." Squinting his eyes at Buck, he nodded his head. Yep, the red-headed guy was no one of importance. Exactly what Augustus wanted. He held out a hand, expecting coins to land there with no hesitation, though his face never once lost its look of childish glee.

Silver Storm 05-13-2018 09:44 AM

Buck's gut response was to scoff at the out held hand, but he couldn't resist the look of child-like glee on Augustus' face. So he found himself digging in his pocket and pulling out the change, depositing the quarters into the outstretched hand. He bristled for a second at Augustus calling him nobody, but he supposed in the blond's world Buchanan was nobody and unimportant. So instead of getting angry, he shrugged it off with a sigh. It was stupid of him to think that someone like Augustus would see him as anything more than a momentary distraction in the midst of the day to day monotony. And that thought, he found, strangely broke his heart.

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