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Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2017 03:20 AM

A Little Bit of Time
@My Friends;

So event... meet thread. Thread meet event. Come chat. Don't quote this post.

Queen_Andais 04-29-2017 03:32 AM

Well hello there, thread.

Sporcle 04-29-2017 03:37 AM

Wasn't pinged, but thought I'd say hello anyways!

xuvrette 04-29-2017 05:18 AM

I am so unaware about this event at all. O__O

Nephila 04-29-2017 09:14 AM

It just began so lot's of time too inquire. :D

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2017 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Queen_Andais (Post 1773887367)
Well hello there, thread.

Howdy Queene


Originally Posted by Sporcle (Post 1773887383)
Wasn't pinged, but thought I'd say hello anyways!

You don't have to be pinged to come and chat. Feel free to invite whomever you would like.


Originally Posted by xuvrette (Post 1773887793)
I am so unaware about this event at all. O__O

It kind of just happened.


Originally Posted by Nephila (Post 1773888099)
It just began so lot's of time too inquire. :D

I wish we had had an Easter/Spring event but this theme seems interesting.

hanahaki disease 04-29-2017 10:40 AM

So the theme of this event is time travel?

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-29-2017 10:44 AM

It would seem that way.

Nephila 04-29-2017 10:48 AM

Yes to the distant past of many dinosaurs. :D

Sporcle 04-29-2017 12:36 PM

I think it's such a unique theme, I love it so much!

hanahaki disease 04-29-2017 01:58 PM

Indeed it is :3 other themes like easter or spring are common to most avi sites.
Mene might well be setting a sort of precedent [heart]

salvete 04-29-2017 06:07 PM

ahh I did not know there was an event going on until now

hummy 04-29-2017 06:13 PM

it just started late last night
you are right on time <3

Sporcle 04-29-2017 06:31 PM

Not to mention it lasts seven days, so hopefully everyone can find time to give it some love!

star2000shadow 04-29-2017 06:52 PM


Ignis 04-29-2017 07:47 PM

The colors for the items are so pretty :)

Dottie Mae Evans 04-29-2017 09:21 PM

I came home from work and found this event. ^_^; Now to see what to buy.

Kirin Rosenbaum 04-30-2017 01:19 AM

I had a very nice roll over from last event. So I should have no problem getting my two sets of event rares.

Queen_Andais 04-30-2017 04:17 AM

My posting suffered today since I spent time with a friend and her kiddo shopping and then at the pool. Had a blast.

hanahaki disease 04-30-2017 04:25 AM

Yay for fun :D

Queen_Andais 04-30-2017 06:52 AM

With summer in the desert coming up, we might be making Saturday swim day from now until the end of summer. Gives us a chance to sun tan and drink while the kiddo plays in the pool and expends some of her endless kiddo energy.

hanahaki disease 04-30-2017 07:56 AM

Sounds like a plan o u o relaxing for you and energy expense for the kid.
You live in a desert area?

Kirin Rosenbaum 05-01-2017 02:14 AM

I feel like crap.

Queen_Andais 05-02-2017 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by hanahaki disease (Post 1773890031)
Sounds like a plan o u o relaxing for you and energy expense for the kid.
You live in a desert area?

My husband and I live in Arizona. We're in the middle to southern area of the state so it's hot in the summer time, but we can drive a few hours north and get into higher country where it is cooler.

star2000shadow 05-02-2017 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kirin Rosenbaum (Post 1773892702)
I feel like crap.

aww I'm sorry you feel rotten Kirin 'hugs'

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