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Kultura 06-21-2009 09:29 AM

Madame Kultura's Fortunes
Outside the circus tent, in the darkness near the woods, you spy a little wooden wagon. It is painted bright red and yellow, but the paint is old and starting to crack and peel. Two old brown horses are tied to a post, eating from a bag of oatmeal. As you approach, you look inside the little open door, past the beaded curtains, and see a woman crouched over a table, looking at something. Are they cards? She sees you. "Come on in" she says. Her voice is clear. The wagon is dimly lit, but a small stove is burning and the heat is comforting. Above the door, as you climb the three steps to the wagon you see the sign "Madame Kultura's Fortunes"

Hello and welcome!
I am Madame Kultura, a traveler woman from Europe.
Myself and my friends travel the world in this brightly painted wooden wagon, telling people of their fortunes - And sometimes misfortunes.

My friends, you ask? Where are they?
Right next to you. Behind you. Even above you.
My friends are the spirits. I have a gift, not possessed by many in this life. One that allows me to contact them.

And frankly, I prefer the company of most dead than living.

So, you have come for a fortune reading? Or would you like to ask the spirits a question? They're quite clever, some are very old and have seen a lot happen.

Would you like some tea? I don't read tea-leaves I'm afraid... They're too messy. I use tea bags for tea.
Tarots for fortunes.

Kultura 06-21-2009 09:30 AM

I am a humble woman, and ask for no fee for fortunes, but please feel free to donate if you find your fortune to your pleasing. Donations to charity.

I do ask that you do not question the spirits. They will give you an answer, and that is that. They will answer as best they can. I have no control over this, but please do not anger them by claiming they are fraudulent.

Please remember manners. A thank you costs nothing!

You must be patient with me. As with all so called "attractions" at the circus, I have a queue of people awaiting to have their fortunes read! Wait your turn, and don't skip in line!

Other circus attractions may offer you prizes of sorts. I offer you an insight into your very future. That is how it is.

>>If I am online whenever a request comes through, I will post the fortune/ answer both in the thread and on the front page. If a request comes through and you are not available at the time to receive your fortune, I will add it to the front page.<<

Kultura 06-21-2009 09:31 AM

Aha. Your fortune.

I will be selecting cards based on what it is you would like to know.

You may chose from:
  • The Future
  • Inspiration and Guidance
  • Seven Days

If you should choose the future, I will be directed to a card, chosen by the spirits for you. From this I shall be able make readings based on:

Time Frame (when the events stated will occur)
Career & finances
Family & Friends

If you choose for Inspiration and Guidance, then I shall consult one card - The Magician. I shall them be able to make an individual reading from this, for you. It is up to you to decide what it means to you.

Seven Days is a forcast of what lies ahead of you for the next week. Normally these are read from the next approaching Sunday. I will be guided by the spirits to seven cards, one for each day, each with itd own meaning, which I will read to you.

You wish to have your fortune read?
Fill out this form. I will get back to you as soon as the spirits allow.

HTML Code:

Name: (Or username)

Chosen Reading: (Fortune, Inspiration and Guidance or Seven Days)


Kultura 06-21-2009 09:33 AM

Here I will keep a record of those waiting in line for their fortune to be read, and the fortunes that have been read.

If you choose to have your fortune kept secret, please do say.

I'll be putting these under spoiler bars at the end of each day... This is 'cause there's just so so much!

Day One ReadingsX

Ivvy - Seven Days

The cards that the spirits lead me to for you are as follows:

Sunday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Monday - Queen of Wands - In business or material affairs, wait until the proper action becomes evident. Until then, persevere or finish what you started. In matters of the heart, don't waste time on an impossible relationship.

Tuesday - The Star - Ignore opposition and let nothing veer you off your course. In the end you will triumph, and all matters will conclude successfully or to your satisfaction.

Wednesday - The Chariot - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Thursday - Knight Of Wands - Clarify your objectives and when faced with a circumstance you previously would have bent under, recognize it as an opportunity to be at cause instead of effect and press through it.

Friday - Temperance - You could be feeling a little nostalgic as you look back on the past and the way things were... try to remember that happiness can come from many sources whether it's one you've named or not.

Saturday - The Lovers - You can expect good fortune in material affairs or employment matters, a positive turning of the tide in the romantic department, and most, if not all, of your goals will be achieved.

*Hime* - Seven Days

For you *Hime*, the spirits have chosen:

Sunday - Queen of Wands - Family matters, get-togethers or love affairs will take center stage. A call from a sweetheart, a check that really was in the mail or a sudden surge in business, could come as a much welcomed surprise.

Monday - Six of Wands - Both personally and professionally, people will be friendly, cooperative and supportive. Good news concerning something you've been waiting for can also be expected.

Tuesday- Ace of Pentacles - Keep an optimistic attitude and let time be the deciding factor. Take time out to play and don't be afraid to spend a little money on pleasurable pursuits or enjoyable commodities.

Wednesday - Nine of Pentacles - An offer of employment, financial assistance or support could come your way. Eliminate weak points and promote yourself, your business and social activities. In matters of the heart, you need to make the first move

Thursday - Death - DO NOT BE ALARMED. The Death card does not symbolize death. Let go of situations that no longer serve a purpose in your evolution. A new order will be established and like the Phoenix, you will rise up out of your own ashes and begin again.

Friday - The Lovers - You may suffer through unavoidable consequences or predicaments but you will do the right thing or come to the right conclusions and someone or something will correct the problem or remove you from it.

Saturday - Four of Pentacles - You will establish a new approach or foundation, but in romantic affairs, you will remain detached or non committed until you see which way the ball is going to bounce.

Wendy Darling - Seven Days

For you, Wendy, the cards read as follows:

Sunday - Seven of Cups - Something could upset your plans or cause you to feel traumatized or uncentered. Steering clear of negative thinking and focusing on solutions will bring a resolution and peace of mind.

Monday - King of Wands- You will make contact with people of influence or those you wish to meet or hear from, and will experience gradual expansion and continued unfoldment.

Tuesday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Wednesday - Knight of Cups - Good friends, social invitations and opportunities to advance will be highlighted. Accept invitations, take that trip you were thinking about and don't be surprised if someone flirts with you! ;)

Thursday - Two of Wands - Your work will be well received and you will be praised for its quality and thoroughness. Good fortune or beneficial changes could come through the entry of an admirer or benefactor.

Friday - The Hierophant - You will be prevented from moving forward or advancing at this time by the powers that be. Do not, however, let this bring you down.

Saturday - Nine Of Swords - Progress that's suddenly stymied could catch you off guard. Worry, anxiety or suffering caused by another is also likely. Bide your time and you will have a new state of consciousness and a revised experience.

lunanuova - Fortune

The spirits have discussed it amongst themselves, and have decided that the card for you is STRENGTH.
My reading, based on this;

Time Frame: Imminently or just passing

Focus: Challenging situations pertaining to business, family, finances or the past could possibly arise. Have faith and it will all work out. The seeds you sow today will be the garden of your tomorrow.

Romance: Hanging on to a past relationship is keeping you from moving on. Let go and get on with your life, a brighter future awaits you.

Career & finances: Summoning up the energy and facing the challenge. May be involved with philanthropic work or self-help material. Results may be slow but you'll get a lot accomplished. Money that was promised will arrive and arguments or appeals will be won.

Health: You may be troubled by the past or something connected with the past, but you'll have the strength and spiritual fortitude to overcome any problem or handicap.

Family & friends: Possible squabble over an imagined slight or resentment stemming from the past. An old friend will return or call... a positive development.

alternate RUNE - Fortune

The spirits led me to the King of Pentacles.

Time Frame: Within the next few weeks

Focus: Completing old projects and beginning a new era. Possible involvement in the arts, media or communications industry. Diligence paying off.

Romance: The give and take could be lacking in your relationship and someone may be acting irresponsibly or being inconsiderate. But, on a positive note, if you've been estranged from a loved one, you will soon be reunited or reconcile your differences.

Career & finances: Mental activity will be accented. Creative project, writing or drawing, likely. Others will be impressed by your talents. Wanting to make more money and will! A prosperous new beginning is ahead.

Health: Improving in every way; everything will be looking up.

Family & friends: A reunion or reconciliation is probable. Many influential and helpful friends will surround you.

DariaMorgendorfer - Seven Days

The spirits have lead me to choose these seven cards:

Sunday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Monday - King of Pentacles - An open, honest, direct communication could turn an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience. Follow your heart, your hunches or your gut reaction and your efforts will be rewarded in more ways than one.

Tuesday - Justice - Justice could hang in the balance now and the motives of others may be in question. The present will have to evolve before it can be correctly evaluated and only time will provide the understanding you need.

Wednesday - Two of Swords - Some success will be attained but some obstacles will still remain. Allow others to help you and don't be afraid to take a chance.

Thursday - The Fool - Release wants, cares or worries and let go, let God. Don't hang on to things out of fear of loss or failure. A divine discontent is propelling you toward a better way of life.

Friday - Knight of Wands - You could be at a crossroad concerning your business, love life or living quarters. Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do.

Saturday - Queen of Swords - Conditions beyond your control could hamper your accomplishments. Have faith, stay emotionally detached and do the best you can. Earthly desires must be sometimes be sacrificed to make room for a Divine plan.

Anglie - Seven Days

The seven cards for you dear, are:

Sunday - King of Pentacles (he's popular today!) - Be patient, persistent and diligent in your efforts. You will be completing an era and closing the door to the past to begin anew, in a new direction.

Monday -The Emperor - You can expect good fortune in material affairs or employment matters, a positive turning of the tide in the romantic department, and most, if not all, of your goals will be achieved.

Tuesday - The Magician - This is the day to do, act or go forth! If you've been struggling to assert yourself, that's going to change. You will begin on a new foot, or with a new partner and love affairs will take a turn for the better.

Wednesday - Queen of Cups - You're going to have invisible help in your work or affairs but agents or go-betweens may prove to be disappointing. Use your charm and you'll attract gifts, favors, romance and advantages.

Thursday - The Fool - Release wants, cares or worries and let go, let God. Don't hang on to things out of fear of loss or failure. A divine discontent is propelling you toward a better way of life.

Friday - Death - Let go of situations that no longer serve a purpose in your evolution. A new order will be established and like the Phoenix, you will rise up out of your own ashes and begin again.

Saturday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

jurupamae - Inspiration and Guidance

Consulting the Magician card, I have read this for you;
The situation you feel trapped in is only temporary. Your pessimism will soon be replaced by great joy.

Seven Days
The cards for your next seven days -

Sunday - Temperance - The right ideas or actions will be provided, but it will take special effort or concentration on your part to use them to your advantage.

Monday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Tuesday - Ace of Swords - Have faith in yourself and know that your work is good and stands on its own. Persevere, be determined and let nothing divert you from having what you want.

Wednesday- Five of Wands - Look at defects and correct them. Reform some of your ideas or attitudes, and choose from a win instead of a lose point of view. Don't compromise or accept defeat.

Thursday - The High Priestess - Be committed to your goal and let nothing divert you from attaining it. Recognize the patterns that have sabotaged you in the past and cut them off. Help will come if you need it.

Friday - Four of Pentacles - You will establish a new approach or foundation, but in romantic affairs, you will remain detached or non committed until you see which way the ball is going to bounce.

Saturday - The World - It could take genuine wrath to free yourself from the oppression you're feeling but eventually you'll surmount obstacles or limitations and come out on top.

Hyda - Fortune
Your card is the Nine of Swords Hyda.

Focus: Worrying about the future or someone close to you. Progress stymied or aborted at the moment of conception. Feeling morose or deprived. Try not to let your fears get the best of you. What looks like failure or loss could prove to be an opportunity for growth and greater reward.

Marriage could suffer due to work or an affair, or will be separated from the one you love, but a lot of what you fear is not true and will not be the case at all, and in a very short time you will be reunited.

Career & finances: Fresh ideas or avenues will come to the fore. Good fortune will come later on. A new source of income could come through things involving papers, letters, books or mail, and money will be acquired through a new project, business deal or settlement.

Health: Stomach problems, nausea or troubles with your prostate gland are likely. Try not to be depressed. You will have a new reality soon.

Family & friends: Someone may take your side against another, or you could be parted from a friend or loved one.

I am going to need a spoiler bar on the front page for all of these soom, before it looks too cluttered! :-p

Fairywaif - Fortune

The card the spirits have chosen for you is the Page of Pentacles

Time Frame: December 22 - January 19 (Capricorn)

Focus: Laboring over professional, scholastic or romantic endeavors. Wanting to be more successful or financially compensated. Not giving up until you get what you want.

Romance: Incompatibilities or irreconcilable differences could cause an unavoidable separation or divorce. Whatever you do, or decide to do, will be handled with integrity.

Career & finances: You may be feeling that there's nothing you can do to improve your financial outlook or lift you out of the slump you're in, but that is going to change. Success will come through a business proposal or social invitation that changes things for the better.

Health: Holding things in, not communicating your feelings, or being unwilling to listen to new ideas, will have an adverse affect on your health. Particularly your ears, throat and stomach.

Family & friends:
Family plans may be canceled or postponed. A friend might want to play matchmaker or bring you and another together in a business endeavor.

Adain-chan - Seven Days + Inspiration and Guidance

I consulted the Magician for Inspiration and Guidance. Here is the reading:

Be self-confident and direct your energy toward your work, research, or projects that you can do on your own, as that is where your strength will lie.

For your seven days, the cards that the spirits have led me to are:

Sunday - Three of Swords - You will salvage what you can, but things will not yet be completed or resolved. Don't panic, this experience is only temporary.

Monday - Knight of Pentacles - An open, honest, direct communication could turn an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience. Follow your heart, your hunches or your gut reaction and your efforts will be rewarded in more ways than one.

Tuesday - Eight of Swords - You will escape from oppressive situations or prisons of the mind or body. Don't blame yourself for the faults of others. Walk away or say no.

Wednesday - Page of Wands - Pursue philosophical or intellectual hobbies, work or lectures and get things settled or down on paper up front. That way there won't be any unpleasant surprises.

Thursday - The Fool - Release wants, cares or worries and let go, let God. Don't hang on to things out of fear of loss or failure. A divine discontent is propelling you toward a better way of life.

Friday - Queen of Pentacles - Clarify your objectives and when faced with a circumstance you previously would have bent under, recognize it as an opportunity to be at cause instead of effect and press through it.

Saturday - The Devil - Oh deary deary me...Problems could multiply today and your perception may be clouded. Don't forge ahead blindly. Slow down, plan carefully, and proceed with caution.

Day Two ReadingsX

Ogin.. The card drawn for you is the Seven of Swords

Focus: Uncertain or unstable conditions. Having trouble meeting deadlines, prioritizing or perfecting ideas. A surreptitious advantage coming your way (in your finances or love life) that puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Romance: An admirer will want to see you and will phone or come to call and/or or a new love could make you feel giddy. Be careful that you're not put in a compromising position.

Career & finances: Wanting to get away but work keeps pulling you back. May be to much of a perfectionist. Feeling anxious about money or income thought lost, but you'll soon have unexpected financial gains, and your good judgment and ability to establish correct priorities will prove to be successful.

Health: Working too long or hard will result in stiffness, aches and pains. Problems with your breast or chest are also possible. A rest would greatly help.

Family & friends: Love them but may be finding it difficult to make time for them. A conversation with a friend will put things into perspective. An old friend or business associate could also appear.

Fiziali... The card drawn for you is Death.
But do not be alarmed. The Death card rarely predicts anything very bad!

Time Frame: Imminently or just passing

Focus: Wanting things to change radically. Feeling you can't go on with the status quo. Having to let go of something (or someone) cherished. Negative situations coming to an end. Rising up again at a later date or in a different form and beginning anew.

Romance: Feeling short-changed in a romantic involvement. Wanting so much more than you received. A relationship finally ends, but your love for that person may not.

Career & finances: Hopes, income or promises may be severed. Possible job loss or cancellation of funding predicted. Try to hang on. It may take time, but you will have luck in a new business enterprise, and income thought lost will be retrieved, revived or reinstated.

Health: Discussions about health, death, or dying. Positive thinking is the best medicine.

Family & friends:
A Happy gathering with loved ones is in store. If you and a friend can't get together now, you'll have another chance later.

Rainy - Guidance and Inspiration

I consulted my card, the Magician, and here is the reading for you...

Trust in the right out workings of your affairs and they will work out exceptionally well.
I hope this means something to you.

Dae - Future

The card the spirits led me to was the Eight of Pentacles.

Focus: Advancement, romance and opportunities to better yourself, spread your wings or diversify your skills, becoming available. Recognition, backing on a project, and small successes are predicted.

: An unexpected romantic opportunity will come as a pleasant surprise. Someone is about to light up your life and if there's no one special in it now, you'll be be attracting romance like bees to honey! Involvement with an actor, craftsman or artisan is also likely.

Career & finances: Praise, compensation for your efforts, new orders or an offer of financial assistance will lift your spirits and improve your outlook. Incremental material gains can be expected.

Health: May be experiencing weight loss or a lack of appetite. Be cautious outdoors. Too much sun or heat could have an ill effect.

Family & friends:
Scheduling family outings or making travel arrangements could present problems. Not a big deal however. Social life will definitely be improving and business and pleasure will mix nicely.

Saph - Future

The Page Of Cups was selected for your future;

Focus: Waiting for the future to unfold. Lots of meetings, discussions or work related projects keeping you busy. May need to define what you really want or need.

Driven by the desire for love and companionship or wanting a relationship to progress faster than it is. Possibility of meeting a new love through an increase in social activities.

Career & finances: Something essential may be missing, or someone could decide not to commit. Probably doing behind the scenes work or finishing what others start. Financially, you'll be holding your own.

Health: You could have problems with your feet, knees or legs and/or be highly impressionable or sensitive.

Family & friends:
Fed up with some, but others will be quite enjoyable. An Invitation could be coming your way.

Consulting the Magician card for guidance and inspiration, here is my reading;

Don't give up, you will receive an answer or clear-cut direction that will solve your problem and get you back on the right track.

Day Three ReadingsX

Katyasha - Inspiration

The Magician says;
Abortive attempts or delays are in your favor. New ideas or actions will replace old ones and something better will be established that could not have happened otherwise.

Loffel - Future

The card the spirits have led me to for you is The Empress.

Time Frame: Imminently or just passing

Focus: Passive rather than active activities. Time to reflect, take in the great outdoors, and connect with others. Success coming after a delay.

Romance: You will long for love and affection but won't be content to be a surface lover or to have a surfacy relationship.

Career & finances: You'll probably take time off or reschedule appointments. May work in the human potential field, do something creative, or want a profession that helps others actualize their potential. It will take time but money will come.

Health: Your back may be bothering you. Try to take more breaks and get in touch with your body. Go outside for clarity and inspiration.

Family & friends: Somebody close could be concerned about their home or property. Communication problems, or wanting to say something to someone but not being able to, are probable. Female interactions may be emphasized.

Donna - Seven days

The cards chosen for you by the spirits are as follows:

Sunday - Nine of Wands - There's no getting around it, you're going to have to wait for the final prognosis. Stay on purpose with your intention and what you want.

Monday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Tuesday - Seven of Swords - Maintain mental or emotional balance, keep things in their proper perspective and take things slow and easy. A friend will be very beneficial to your life, work or career.

Wednesday - Three of Pentacles -Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Thursday - Wheel of Fortune - Don't get stuck on plans today. Letting things go the way they will, will bring good fortune.

Friday - The Emperor - You can expect good fortune in material affairs or employment matters, a positive turning of the tide in the romantic department, and most, if not all, of your goals will be achieved.

Saturday - Two of Wands - Your work will be well received and you will be praised for its quality and thoroughness. Good fortune or beneficial changes could come through the entry of an admirer or benefactor.

fairywaif - Seven days

The cards selected by the spirits for you are:

Sunday - Queen of Cups - You're going to have invisible help in your work or affairs but agents or go-betweens may prove to be disappointing. Use your charm and you'll attract gifts, favors, romance and advantages.

Monday - Seven of Pentacles - Don't attempt to take on more than is yet safe or sound. New ideas will come to the fore that will help you carry on or ensure a successful outcome.

Tuesday - Page of Pentacles - Practical idealism is what's needed now and your personal integrity could play an important role. Persevere conservatively and be willing to listen to or act upon new ideas.

Wednesday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Thursday- The Empress - Luck will be with you in finding an emotional outlet that will resolve tension, ease your mind or soothe your soul. Heed your feelings and not your intellect and you'll be moving in the right direction.

Friday - The Hierophant - You will be prevented from moving forward or advancing at this time by the powers that be.

Saturday - Nine of Swords - Progress that's suddenly stymied could catch you off guard. Worry, anxiety or suffering caused by another is also likely. Bide your time and you will have a new state of consciousness and a revised experience.

~~xXel3ktraXx~~ - Seven days
The spirits have chosen the following cards for you:

Sunday - King of Wands - You will make contact with people of influence or those you wish to meet or hear from, and will experience gradual expansion and continued unfoldment.

Monday - Ten of Swords - Come to terms with what is, but turn away from negative thinking patterns or habits and look for alternatives. Learn to have more faith in that which can't be seen but nevertheless exists.

Tuesday - Nine of Wands - There's no getting around it, you're going to have to wait for the final prognosis. Stay on purpose with your intention and what you want.

Wednesday - Temperance - The right ideas or actions will be provided, but it will take special effort or concentration on your part to use them to your advantage.

Thursday - Seven of Wands - Ignore opposition and let nothing veer you off your course. In the end you will triumph, and all matters will conclude successfully or to your satisfaction.

Friday - Six of Cups - You could be feeling a little nostalgic as you look back on the past and the way things were... try to remember that happiness can come from many sources whether it's one you've named or not.

Saturday - Two of Cups - Good news, upliftment and joy can be expected today. Luck will be with you in gaining the support of others and in friendships or passions beginning or renewing.

Emma Corrin - Future

The card I have read from has bee the Eight of Pentacles.

Focus: Advancement, romance and opportunities to better yourself, spread your wings or diversify your skills, becoming available. Recognition, backing on a project, and small successes are predicted.

Romance: An unexpected romantic opportunity will come as a pleasant surprise. Someone is about to light up your life and if there's no one special in it now, you'll be be attracting romance like bees to honey! Involvement with an actor, craftsman or artisan is also likely.

Career & finances: Praise, compensation for your efforts, new orders or an offer of financial assistance will lift your spirits and improve your outlook. Incremental material gains can be expected.

Health: May be experiencing weight loss or a lack of appetite. Be cautious outdoors. Too much sun or heat could have an ill effect.

Family & friends: Scheduling family outings or making travel arrangements could present problems. Not a big deal however. Social life will definitely be improving and business and pleasure will mix nicely.

Celestrya/ Alicia - Fortune

The card chosen for you has been the Six of Wands

Focus: Frustrating occurrences. Restrictions placed on you by time or circumstance. Things falling apart or just not going the way you want them to. Short termed however. Don't worry, you'll get through it.
Romance: An amorous or impetuous suitor (one who is perhaps younger than you) is going to try to win your heart... he or she just might! Positive developments and/or changes in your existing relationship are predicted.

Career & finances: Mental work will be very successful. A lot can be accomplished. You might find yourself moving from behind the scenes to center stage or you could go to a seminar or workshop. May be experiencing tension related to finances, but difficulties will be overcome and a payment or settlement is in the offing.

Health: May be feeling frustrated, edgy or irritable; a good indication that you probably need a rest or a vacation. Possibility of nursing a loved one back to good health.

Family & friends: A relative may be troubled by a financial matter that could end up costing you. Professional friends are indicated and they will be very supportive.

Day Four ReadingsX

woopdidoodoo - Guidance

Consulting the Magician card, here is the reading for you,
You have what it takes, you just need someone who can help you get where you want to go or put it all together. Hang on, help is coming.

Shimawa_zen - Future
The card chosen by the spirits for you has been the 10 of Pentacles.
Focus: Domestic matters, home and family, will come to the fore; expenses, repairs, taking care of household responsibilities, etc. A chain of events will soon be completed and most of your problems will be eliminated. Romance: You or the one you love could be too busy (or preoccupied) to extend the energy it takes to keep a relationship going. Or you may be unable to cement the type of relationship you want to have.
Career & finances: Discussions about schedules, marketing, or forming a new group are probable. Money will be fair or alternating but if a financial transaction has been bothering you, you'll soon have a pleasant surprise. Also, money will come in through clients, a dividend or a legacy.
Health: Someone will probably need looking after, vaccinations or grooming. If you've been in the doldrums, new elements will enter your life that will make your outlook on the future more hopeful.
Family & friends: Talks of future plans and travel. A previous arrangement may change unexpectedly. A new alliance may be formed with a group of business associates or friends.

Caonia - Fortune

For you, the card chosen has been the Six of Pentacles.

Focus: Evaluations or opinions. Problems with relationships, superiors or competitors are probable. May be rethinking your current position or strategy. Corrective action will need to be taken. Romance: More of the same; delays and disappointment. Tired of waiting for someone to get their act together. Might just decide to look for somebody else.
Career & finances: You could be in for an upsetting confrontation at work. Try to let it roll off your back. It will get straightened out. You'll soon be grateful for the arrival or realization of a new platform for future endeavors and although you're only making only a pittance now, in times to come, you'll reap many rewards.
Health: Problems with medical or insurance papers could arise. Headaches or stomach upsets are also likely. Restructuring your thinking will lead to a sense of satisfaction, self-worth, or well-being.
Family & friends: Tensions will ease up but the problem(s) may remain. Could possibly get a call from someone you'd rather not hear from.

Seven days -
The seven cards chosen for you are:

Sunday - Page of Cups - You'll succeed in work that's done behind the scenes, self-help areas or finishing what others start, but don't bite off more than you can chew in your passion to go forward or you'll find things hard to swallow.

Monday - Eight of Wands - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Tuesday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

Wednesday - Five of Cups - Expect delays, setbacks or letdowns but a valuable lesson will be learned. Assume more accountability for yourself and your well-being and in time your desires will be realized.

Thursday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Friday - The High Priestess - Be committed to your goal and let nothing divert you from attaining it. Recognize the patterns that have sabotaged you in the past and cut them off. Help will come if you need it.

Saturday - Ace of Pentacles - Keep an optimistic attitude and let time be the deciding factor. Take time out to play and don't be afraid to spend a little money on pleasurable pursuits or enjoyable commodities.

Dae - Seven Days

The seven cards for each day are as follows;

Sunday - Ten of Pentacles - Attend to day to day living or household affairs that need maintenance or attention and stick close to those who support you or the way you want to feel about yourself.

Monday - The Tower - This could be an upsetting day. Remain calm in the face of unexpected changes or challenges and listen to the inner voice that assures you that everything is going to be all right.

Tuesday - Seven of Swords - Maintain mental or emotional balance, keep things in their proper perspective and take things slow and easy. A friend will be very beneficial to your life, work or career.

Wednesday - Two of Swords - Some success will be attained but some obstacles will still remain. Allow others to help you and don't be afraid to take a chance.

Thursday - Ten of Swords - Come to terms with what is, but turn away from negative thinking patterns or habits and look for alternatives. Learn to have more faith in that which can't be seen but nevertheless exists.

Friday - Queen of Swords - Conditions beyond your control could hamper your accomplishments. Have faith, stay emotionally detached and do the best you can. Earthly desires must be sometimes be sacrificed to make room for a Divine plan.

Saturday - Four of Wands - Actions will be taken to correct for losses or mistakes and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more with the knowledge that the Universe does know what it's doing.

Day Five ReadingsX

Rainy- you chose the following to be read for you... Fortune/Inspiration & Guidance/Seven Days

Fortune - The King of Wands was selected for you.

Focus: A very ambitious period. Self confidence and leadership ability will come naturally. New partnerships are indicated and people of influence that can help you, will.
Romance: Problems in the past may have caused you to shut down emotionally but not letting on to what's really going on inside will make the pressure build. Loosen up, love is everywhere... you just have to let it in. A new relationship or a positive change in an existing one is about to be established. A marriage proposal could also be indicated.
Career & finances: Your greatest success will come through new ventures and in your ability to get you concepts across to others. Business and finance will take first place and improve, ideas for self promotion will begin to formulate and orders or calls for work will increase.
Health: Tension headaches or problems with your lower back are likely. A new treatment, diet or exercise regime, may be implemented.
Family & friends: There could be concern over a health problem or the sale of a home or property. A friend from the past is going to call -someone you recently thought of- and you will make a new friend who could become a very significant part of your life.

I consulted the Magician for Inspiration and Guidance. Here is my reading;
Don't let your desire colour what is. Refuse to accept less than what is correct in people or to settle for what is "so-so. A sow's ear dressed up to look like a silk purse is still a sow's ear.

And the seven cards chosen for each day are:

Saturday - Eight of Wands - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Sunday - The Devil - Problems could multiply today and your perception may be clouded. Don't forge ahead blindly. Slow down, plan carefully, and proceed with caution.

Monday - Six of Swords - Opinions, evaluations and problems related to work or relationships will take the fore. You will do some rethinking but in the end, will decide to pass on, withdraw from or sever a connection or partnership.

Tuesday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Wednesday - Ten of Wands - In business or material affairs, wait until the proper action becomes evident. Until then, persevere or finish what you started. In matters of the heart, don't waste time on an impossible relationship.

Thursday - Three of Wands - Successful conclusions will be reached and apprehension will dissolve. Trust that your ideas can be realized and expect the best.

Friday - The Hierophant - You will be prevented from moving forward or advancing at this time by the powers that be.

Ivvy, you decided you wanted to know your future, plus seek inspiration and guidance.

For your furture, the Queen of Swords was chosen. Here is your reading;

Time frame: August 23 - September 22 (Virgo) Focus: The past will be gone and the future will look uncertain, but you'll be trying to "keep the faith" in spite of it all. Analysis, technical training or electronic devices could take on more significance.
Romance: You will be alone or separated from the one you love, and feeling an emptiness nothing seems to fill. Learning to find satisfaction in things you can do on your own will alleviate much of your sorrow.
Career & finances: Waiting for something to develop. Projects may be difficult to launch and health problems could impede progress. Payments will probably be late and/or a financial agreement might not be honored.
Health: Having trouble carrying out plans but managing to press on and push though it.
Family & friends: You might get sad or upsetting news. A loved one could suffer a loss. May be feeling alone even when you're not.

The reading from the Magician for your inspiration and guidance is as follows;

Things are going to work out better than you anticipated, and an unexpected twist of fate will be a turning point for you in the attainment of your goal.

Shinigami2 - You chose to have your seven day forecast read. The cards chosen for you by the spirits are:

Sunday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

Monday - Four of Wands - Actions will be taken to correct for losses or mistakes and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more with the knowledge that the Universe does know what it's doing.

Tuesday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Wednesday - Nine of Pentacles - An offer of employment, financial assistance or support could come your way. Eliminate weak points and promote yourself, your business and social activities. In matters of the heart, you need to make the first move.

Thursday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Friday - Ace of Cups - Creative, inspired or innovative ideas will meet with success and a heartfelt desire will be realized. Illumination and/or an unexpected blessing could come through a chance meeting or disclosure.

Saturday - The Hermit - You will accomplish most of your goals and emerge into a new plateau of potentiality, yet this is only the first step of your unfoldment and there's much more ahead to be achieved.

And for your inspiration and guidance, I consulted the Magician.
This is my reading;

Your relationships are a direct reflection of your relationship with yourself, or the way you view your relationship with God. If you want your relationships to improve, you must first improve your relationship with yourself.

Cloudwalker - For your future, the card drawn is the Tower

My reading is as follows;
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing Focus: Overthrow of existing conditions. Unanticipated disruption and misfortune. Strange occurrences and bizarre happenings. Try to remain calm in the face of challenge and what is right, essential or meaningful will be preserved.
Romance: Probable separation or divorce. Lies, infidelity or abandonment causing an irreparable loss of faith or trust.
Career & finances: Feeling like you made a mistake but you might not have. New opportunities, recognition or improved conditions can be expected in the not too distant future.
Health: Money coming from an accident or injury. Medical expenses may be high. Needing to take a respite before commencing any new ventures.
Family & friends: A relative could be worried about a possible court action. Disheartening news may come from a friend.

And for guidance, I read from the Magician.
In time you will intuitively sort things out and come to the conclusion that it's better to not give problems any more thought or attention, and to relax and start enjoying yourself.

Shimawa_zen - I consulted the Magician card for inspiration for you;

A feeling of emptiness is sometimes necessary. A cup that is already full has no room for more. There are times when earthly desires must be sacrificed in order to make room for a Divine plan.

thulhu - For each of the next seven days, the following cards were chosen for you by the spirits;

Sunday - Two of Cups - Good news, upliftment and joy can be expected today. Luck will be with you in gaining the support of others and in friendships or passions beginning or renewing.

Monday - Queen of Cups - You're going to have invisible help in your work or affairs but agents or go-betweens may prove to be disappointing. Use your charm and you'll attract gifts, favors, romance and advantages.

Tuesday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Wednesday - Nine of Cups - What you want will be realized, but only after you thought it wouldn't be, and the form or way in which it will be fulfilled will probably change. Withhold judgment and don't make premature evaluations.

Thursday - Knight of Wands - You could be at a crossroad concerning your business, love life or living quarters. Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do.

Friday - Ace of Wands - Do something different, and be alert or receptive to new ideas. Act on the alternatives that will be presented. A new start or way of life will be realized soon.

Saturday - Four of Wands - Actions will be taken to correct for losses or mistakes and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more with the knowledge that the Universe does know what it's doing.

Bina Fydan... For your future, the spirits chose the Eight of Swords...;
Focus: Withdrawal, "endarkenment" or deadlock. Others seem to have the upper hand. Try to remember that every experience has a positive end in view and no matter how great the problems may seem, they can still be overcome. New freedom will be found through the resolving of restrictive conditions, or getting out of an oppressive commitment.
Romance: Feeling boxed in but you are actually being spiritually protected so you won't be diverted from your higher purposes. Regeneration through a different environment or person is predicted.

Career & finances: Wanting to get out of an oppressive situation or change your line of work. May be worried that financial resources are dwindling, but a new venture, purchase order or business opportunity will come right to your door.
Health: Be very cautious; accidents abound. Driving could be hazardous. Use care around sharp objects or electrical gadgets.
Family & friends: Some family members will be immensely enjoyable but others, a burden. Choose your friends wisely and learn to be more discriminating.

And for your seven days, the cards chosen were

Sunday - Eight of Wands - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Monday - Knight of Cups - Good friends, social invitations and opportunities to advance will be highlighted. Accept invitations, take that trip you were thinking about and don't be surprised if someone flirts with you!

Tuesday - Page of Cups - You'll succeed in work that's done behind the scenes, self-help areas or finishing what others start, but don't bite off more than you can chew in your passion to go forward or you'll find things hard to swallow.

Wednesday - Six of Cups - You could be feeling a little nostalgic as you look back on the past and the way things were... try to remember that happiness can come from many sources whether it's one you've named or not.

Thursday - Two of Swords - Some success will be attained but some obstacles will still remain. Allow others to help you and don't be afraid to take a chance.

Friday - Queen of Wands - Family matters, get-togethers or love affairs will take center stage. A call from a sweetheart, a check that really was in the mail or a sudden surge in business, could come as a much welcomed surprise.

Saturday - Six of Pentacles - Someone may give you a gift or a token of love or money could come in a letter. Your affairs will still be unsettled but you'll move into a happier atmosphere. Be willing to defer instant gratification.

Kultura 06-21-2009 09:38 AM

The spirits that travel with me are very wise. They have been both alive an dead for a long time, so theyknow and have seen many things.

The spirits will answer ONE question for you.
Make it good.

Would you like to ask a question? It could be about anything.
Just be warned, sometimes the answers may not seem clear. Nor will they be to your liking. You have been warned.

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Kultura 06-21-2009 09:40 AM

Here's where you will be able to see the spirits' answers.

Emma Corrin

Your question:
Will this summer prove to be the happiest summer I've had in years like I hope it to be?
Answer: Yes.

Your question:
Preferably in the relationship department?
Answer: Likely, and even sooner if you apply yourself.

Kultura 06-21-2009 09:47 AM

Now you have come to a decision that I nor the spirits can help you with.

Shall you continue?

Big thank you to Juru and Dae, both ladies donated gold for readings, and it was much appreciated! Thank you both.

Ivvy 06-21-2009 07:27 PM

Name: Ivvy

Chosen Reading: Seven Days reading please

hehe I shall get the very first one. :P

*Hime* 06-21-2009 07:29 PM

Name: *Hime*

Chosen Reading: Seven days

Wendy Darling 06-21-2009 07:36 PM

Name: Wendy Darling

Chosen Reading: Seven Days. :3

Yay, Kultura, the mystic fortune tellerrr~ :D

lunanuova 06-21-2009 07:57 PM

Name: lunanuova

Chosen Reading: Fortune

alternate RUNE 06-21-2009 08:00 PM

Name: alternate RUNE

Chosen Reading: Forutune, please.

This is very cool. :3

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:08 PM

Oooh wow :)

I will get to work. I was busy making tea :oops:

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:10 PM

lol hey Gypsies need their drink as well.. hehe

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:14 PM

It's to calm the nerves!


Ivvy - Seven Days

The cards that the spirits lead me to for you are as follows:

Sunday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Monday - Queen of Wands - In business or material affairs, wait until the proper action becomes evident. Until then, persevere or finish what you started. In matters of the heart, don't waste time on an impossible relationship.

Tuesday - The Star - Ignore opposition and let nothing veer you off your course. In the end you will triumph, and all matters will conclude successfully or to your satisfaction.

Wednesday - The Chariot - Advancement, movement and travel for work or pleasure is indicated and an aura of romance will prevail. If a significant love affair doesn't begin, you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two.

Thursday - Knight Of Wands - Clarify your objectives and when faced with a circumstance you previously would have bent under, recognize it as an opportunity to be at cause instead of effect and press through it.

Friday - Temperance - You could be feeling a little nostalgic as you look back on the past and the way things were... try to remember that happiness can come from many sources whether it's one you've named or not.

Saturday - The Lovers - You can expect good fortune in material affairs or employment matters, a positive turning of the tide in the romantic department, and most, if not all, of your goals will be achieved.


*Hime* - Seven Days

For you *Hime*, the spirits have chosen:

Sunday - Queen of Wands - Family matters, get-togethers or love affairs will take center stage. A call from a sweetheart, a check that really was in the mail or a sudden surge in business, could come as a much welcomed surprise.

Monday - Six of Wands - Both personally and professionally, people will be friendly, cooperative and supportive. Good news concerning something you've been waiting for can also be expected.

Tuesday- Ace of Pentacles - Keep an optimistic attitude and let time be the deciding factor. Take time out to play and don't be afraid to spend a little money on pleasurable pursuits or enjoyable commodities.

Wednesday - Nine of Pentacles - An offer of employment, financial assistance or support could come your way. Eliminate weak points and promote yourself, your business and social activities. In matters of the heart, you need to make the first move

Thursday - Death - DO NOT BE ALARMED. The Death card does not symbolize death. Let go of situations that no longer serve a purpose in your evolution. A new order will be established and like the Phoenix, you will rise up out of your own ashes and begin again.

Friday - The Lovers - You may suffer through unavoidable consequences or predicaments but you will do the right thing or come to the right conclusions and someone or something will correct the problem or remove you from it.

Saturday - Four of Pentacles - You will establish a new approach or foundation, but in romantic affairs, you will remain detached or non committed until you see which way the ball is going to bounce.

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:20 PM

Ahh much insite Madame Kulti... I shall save this and watch. :)

DariaMorgendorfer 06-21-2009 08:22 PM

Name: DariaMorgendorfer

Chosen Reading: Seven Days

Edit, donation sent directly to Kultura!

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:27 PM

You do not need to send a donation. I am a humble lady, and take pride in my work. That is worth more to me than money :)

And keep an eye out Ivvy... You never know. The world works in mysterious ways!


Wendy Darling

For you, Wendy, the cards read as follows:

Sunday - Seven of Cups - Something could upset your plans or cause you to feel traumatized or uncentered. Steering clear of negative thinking and focusing on solutions will bring a resolution and peace of mind.

Monday - King of Wands- You will make contact with people of influence or those you wish to meet or hear from, and will experience gradual expansion and continued unfoldment.

Tuesday - Three of Pentacles - Meetings, unions and activities geared toward the future, will be in focus. Success is assured so don't be reticent when it comes to accepting new opportunities or pushing yourself or your ideas.

Wednesday - Knight of Cups - Good friends, social invitations and opportunities to advance will be highlighted. Accept invitations, take that trip you were thinking about and don't be surprised if someone flirts with you! ;)

Thursday - Two of Wands - Your work will be well received and you will be praised for its quality and thoroughness. Good fortune or beneficial changes could come through the entry of an admirer or benefactor.

Friday - The Hierophant - You will be prevented from moving forward or advancing at this time by the powers that be. Do not, however, let this bring you down.

Saturday - Nine Of Swords - Progress that's suddenly stymied could catch you off guard. Worry, anxiety or suffering caused by another is also likely. Bide your time and you will have a new state of consciousness and a revised experience.

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:28 PM

Hehehe yes it does yes it does. :)

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:31 PM


lunanuova - Fortune

The spirits have discussed it amongst themselves, and have decided that the card for you is STRENGTH.
My reading, based on this;

Time Frame: Imminently or just passing

Focus: Challenging situations pertaining to business, family, finances or the past could possibly arise. Have faith and it will all work out. The seeds you sow today will be the garden of your tomorrow.

Romance: Hanging on to a past relationship is keeping you from moving on. Let go and get on with your life, a brighter future awaits you.

Career & finances: Summoning up the energy and facing the challenge. May be involved with philanthropic work or self-help material. Results may be slow but you'll get a lot accomplished. Money that was promised will arrive and arguments or appeals will be won.

Health: You may be troubled by the past or something connected with the past, but you'll have the strength and spiritual fortitude to overcome any problem or handicap.

Family & friends: Possible squabble over an imagined slight or resentment stemming from the past. An old friend will return or call... a positive development.

The spirits are gonna give me a hard time tonight! They're complaining of being overworked!
Lazy beggars! :-p
Hard work didn't kill them, something else did!

Ivvy 06-21-2009 08:32 PM

lol ahh it is hopping in here for sure. :)

lunanuova 06-21-2009 08:36 PM

Thank you Madame Kultura! (and of course the spirits!) ;D

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:36 PM


alternate RUNE - Fortune

The spirits led me to the King of Pentacles.

Time Frame: Within the next few weeks

Focus: Completing old projects and beginning a new era. Possible involvement in the arts, media or communications industry. Diligence paying off.

Romance: The give and take could be lacking in your relationship and someone may be acting irresponsibly or being inconsiderate. But, on a positive note, if you've been estranged from a loved one, you will soon be reunited or reconcile your differences.

Career & finances: Mental activity will be accented. Creative project, writing or drawing, likely. Others will be impressed by your talents. Wanting to make more money and will! A prosperous new beginning is ahead.

Health: Improving in every way; everything will be looking up.

Family & friends: A reunion or reconciliation is probable. Many influential and helpful friends will surround you.

I only have one more today to end this rush! Then I can go check on my apple bobbing :D

You are welcome Luna :)

Anglie 06-21-2009 08:40 PM

Name: Anglie

Chosen Reading: Seven Days, please.

I like this idea, thank you very much ^_^

Kultura 06-21-2009 08:43 PM


DariaMorgendorfer - Seven Days

The spirits have lead me to choose these seven cards:

Sunday - The Sun - Nothing will be clear or resolved at this point, and business mergers or personal unions will not come to pass or work out as you had envisioned. Keep an open mind and the truth shall set you free.

Monday - King of Pentacles - An open, honest, direct communication could turn an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience. Follow your heart, your hunches or your gut reaction and your efforts will be rewarded in more ways than one.

Tuesday - Justice - Justice could hang in the balance now and the motives of others may be in question. The present will have to evolve before it can be correctly evaluated and only time will provide the understanding you need.

Wednesday - Two of Swords - Some success will be attained but some obstacles will still remain. Allow others to help you and don't be afraid to take a chance.

Thursday - The Fool - Release wants, cares or worries and let go, let God. Don't hang on to things out of fear of loss or failure. A divine discontent is propelling you toward a better way of life.

Friday - Knight of Wands - You could be at a crossroad concerning your business, love life or living quarters. Don't try to assess situations and effect solutions in advance. The time will come when you'll know what is true or what to do.

Saturday - Queen of Swords - Conditions beyond your control could hamper your accomplishments. Have faith, stay emotionally detached and do the best you can. Earthly desires must be sometimes be sacrificed to make room for a Divine plan.

I will get to work on yours right away Anglie :)

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