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ToriKat 12-22-2007 02:13 AM

TK-Neko-Tetsu Holiday Art Shoppette
Happy Holidays everyone!

Welcome to our little shoppette of arts! To celebrate the season, we'd like to offer you holiday and winter themed artworks. Be sure to read all of the posts before you order. And hang around to chat with us! ^^
  • Intro
  • ToriKat
  • Nekomorty
  • Tetsumiro
  • Waiting List
  • The Process - a must read!
  • Completed Arts

ToriKat 12-22-2007 02:27 AM

ToriKat's Candy Cane Tree

Loiter around too long, and I'll eat j00! xD Mmm, peppermint. 8D

Art offer:
-300x400 canvas

Examples: one and two


Order Form:

I want one!!


ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:13 AM

Nekomorty's Pool of M&Ms

Art offer:



Order Form:

NEKO! I want one! :D


ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:14 AM

Tetsumiro's Winterland

Art Offer:

~400x400 Canvas (In OpenCanvas 1.0)
~Watercolour style-ish
~Two or three colours (depending on avi/OC)

Example! Right Here! xD


Order Form:


Pick Me Tetsu!

Avi/OC (picture/s required):

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:17 AM

Waiting Lists

1. `puppet
2. Candiie
3. Cyndel
4. Snowflower
5. Sakura_Madison
6. Spring `Tyme Fresh
7. disturbed66
(unlimited slots, you'll get them after the event if I screw up xD)

1. BrokenHearted
2. Titaneatomoe
3. Iced-anime

1. Spring `Tyme Fresh
(Note: Tetsu is unlimited!)

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:20 AM

The Process

1. Post the completed order form.
2. Start a trade. Please don't donate without telling us. (Note: TK's mailbox is so full...T_T)
3. We'll do the artwork and send it to you.
4. Complete the trade.
5. Enjoy your art! <3

Completed Arts

BrokenHearted :: jessiekins :: nocturnal miyu :: titaneatomoe :: kairek :: Trinitydoll :: Dystopia :: Sizzla


BrokenHearted :: `puppet :: ToriKat :: titaneatomoe

BrokenHearted 12-23-2007 06:28 AM

I want one!!

Name: BrokenHearted
Avatar/OC: Current Avatar
Expression: Flirtatious (I can't spell XD)
Color: Red of course! :lol:

Woot!!!! Been waiting for you to open! :lol: Is it okay if I start the trade in a few minutes? ^^;

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:30 AM

  • *runs in* Hello TORI!

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:32 AM

@BrokenHearted: *laughs* I've been waiting forever for my pals to swing in and complete their posts...but impatience got to me. 8D
No problem! :3

@jessiekins: Hey there!! <3 How are you? xD

BrokenHearted 12-23-2007 06:34 AM

Heehee I was wondering about those names and was like...maybe mule? But then there were two so I was like haha they lost their posts. XD Yay thankies...I should have it in like a minute. <3

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:36 AM

  • Tori: i'm doing really well.

    Name: jessiekins
    Avatar/OC: Current Avatar
    Expression: Cute
    Color: You can pick..

    trade sent!

wish 12-23-2007 06:38 AM

  • Nice art. <333

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:40 AM

@BrokenHearted: *laughs* I wish it were possible to have more than one mule here. They would be useful for joint threads...I guess I need to harass them off of Mene a little more. >D

@jessiekins: Yay, that's good to hear. <3

Thanks for ordering, you two! I'll most likely get to start on them tomorrow since I need to go to some point since it's 12:40am here. @_@

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:43 AM

  • @tori:
    thanks hon. i can't wait to recieve it. ^^
    only 1240am. it's 140am here. lol

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:44 AM

@wish: Thank you! ^_^

@jessiekins: Wow. xD If I were back at school...5am would be nothing for me...but since I'm at home, my parents will literally chase me off the computer once they find out I'm on it. xD

BrokenHearted 12-23-2007 06:46 AM

Heehee starting trade now. Jessie and I are in the same timezone. ^^; I'm not even tired cause I was up until like 3am last night. XDDD

No rush on my art. I just loved the one you did for me before...must have another. ^.^

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:49 AM

  • tori:
    lol hon. i don't have to worry about that anymore thank god. lol

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:50 AM

@BrokenHearted: *_* I'm so glad to hear you liked it! <3

I might actually expand the canvas to 400x500. 300x400 is a little restricting. It's a wonder how I did 300x300 during the Halloween event. xD

@jessiekins: *laughs* I won't have to next year. I'll be out of school and booted out of the house to be on my own. *admits I'm scared though* xD

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:51 AM

  • @tori:
    it's not that bad. Right now i'm just behind on a few bills because of the holidays

BrokenHearted 12-23-2007 06:55 AM

Anything you wanna do to the art is fine by me. :3 *excited* I have no art talent so I collect it from others. XD

nocturnal miyu 12-23-2007 06:55 AM

yay! torikat has a shop... i hope you don't mind drawing my OC again... ^^;

I want one!!

Name: nocturnal miyu
Expression: happy
Color: blue

jessiekins 12-23-2007 06:57 AM

  • *runs around singing christmas carols

ToriKat 12-23-2007 06:57 AM

@jessiekins: It feels like I've lived under a rock a good portion of my life. (or in a hole in a wall) ^^; Finding a job...finding a place to live...and so on...I don't know where to start! xD

@BrokenHearted: Hehe, kay. <3
Aw...I want to be an art whore myself. T_T I think it'd be fun to see my characters in other's styles. *_*

jessiekins 12-23-2007 07:00 AM

  • @tori:
    first thing to do is get a job, then you can get a place to live

BrokenHearted 12-23-2007 07:00 AM

Lol this is nothing....I keep myself happy with freebies and cheap arts during events for now...but once my major quests are over (7 more items!) and I'm just after commons and running a charity. I'm going to be attacking the art forum for large commissions. XDDDD

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