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Emilio 12-22-2018 07:36 PM

[Contest] Cookies & Candies & Eggnog Oh My! : I'm Hungry For Some Cookies!

Emilio 12-22-2018 07:37 PM
Welcome to Menewsha's 4th annual
Cooking Contest!
I know a lot of you enjoy baking and cooking lovely treats for your loved ones around this time of year. This is the Fourth Annual Sweet Surprise Cooking Contest! I'd love to see what you're Cooking Up! So I am inviting you to share what you've made in these three traditional categories!
  • Sweet
  • Savory
  • Sippable

To enter, simply prepare your real-life creations, add your username and snap a photo. Host the image somewhere (such as IMGUR, Flikcr, or tinypic), and paste or link your entries in this thread using the provided form. :3

  • No more than two entries per person, per category.
  • Don't edit your username into your image - it's got to be part of the original photo. If you mess up and forget the username, talk to me, Emilio, and I'll see if we can work something out.
  • No store bought goodies, please! Using recipes or box mixes is fine, as is getting as little bit of help from another person as needed (2 year old "help" decorate? That's fine. Enlisted someone to chop nuts for you? That's ok too.), as long as you've done the majority of the work yourself.
  • No last year entries! One wouldn't think this needs to be said, but apparently it does. Someone's already tried to pull this off in past years. You know who you are!

All entries must be submitted in this thread by the end of the Festival of Winter Nights event.
(Check the Event FAQ for the most current info.)

Emilio 12-22-2018 07:37 PM

There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize for each category! The prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are as follows:
  • 1st Place: 2 EIs of your choice from any FOWN event 3000g
  • 2nd Place: 1 EI of your choice from any FOWN event 1500g
  • 3rd Place: 500g

Q. What criteria are the entries being judged on?
A. For edible entries, I am looking at sentimentality (Is this a family recipe? Does it remind you of your nan, or a special memory? I love that stuff! ), how yummy I imagine it tasting (you won't fail for accidentally using an ingredient I don't personally like), and overall presentation (both staging and the food itself). For crafts: creativity, technique, results (if you attempt something really difficult I'll take that into consideration when judging the final product).

Q. All I have is my phone camera. How important is photo quality to you?
A. While entries aren't being judged on photo quality directly, since I can't actually taste the food the visuals do matter. I am not going to be picky about image resolution but a nicely staged photo will have an edge over a similar quality dish with a careless photo. (eg, Don't set your plate of beautiful, yummy food on a dirty floor next to a pair of sneakers to take your pic.)

Q. Does my entry need to be "Christmassy" in order to win?
A. Not at all. Whatever seasonal means to you is just fine with me. :) Feel free to add comments to your entries to explain anything you feel concerned about.

Q. I'm not the best cook, should I enter anyway?
A. Go for it! I love to see any and all creations - it's especially neat to share holiday foods because so many of them have personal relevance to the chef. :)

Emilio 12-22-2018 07:38 PM

For the sweetest of the sweet ~
Those festive candies, cookies, and other goodies go here!



[COLOR="deepskyblue"][B][SIZE="5"]I brought sweets![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]



Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1774097192)
I brought sweets!
Comments: its Keto friendly apple crumble, meaning that there is no flour or actual sugar in it!


Originally Posted by Rainbows (Post 1774097459)
I brought sweets!
Comments: A holiday plate that features the fruits of mother-child bonding over generations, including recipes from the same cookbook used by grandma and her mom (good ol' betty crocker[lol]):
Russian teacakes
Chocolate-dipped toffee cookies
Two traditional sugar cookies
Two citrus sugar cookies
Molasses ginger snaps
Coconut macaroons
Peanut-butter blossoms
and Haystacks, grandma's favorite lol


Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1774101966)
I brought sweets!
Comments: Here's an assortment of cookies I made for Christmas and other holiday gatherings. They include raspberry hammentashen (in honor of my dad), chewy molasses ginger cookies, nutmeg snowflake cookies, peanut butter truffles, chocolate chip cookies, and finally chocolate dipped macaroons.


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1774102474)
I brought sweets!
Comments: masala caramels! Every year I like to bake something around the holidays because I feel it's grounding and kind of sheltering from the comercialism that has become so rampant, so I've been making things for my mom's co workers for several years now, as it also alieviates her having to find stuff for them. This year I got it in my head to do some masala caramels. Luckily, such things do exist and I was able to find a recipe online. I tweaked the recipe, halving the amount of garam masala required and making up the difference with roasted cinnamon. I also doubled the amount of vanilla extract because, uh, I poured too much into the teaspoon and overflowed. But it turned out really tasty, I'm pleased to say! It was my first time making candy so I watched a bunch of tutorials, ha. I had ordered these cute little fair isle-y candy wrappers online (sadly the photo there didn't turn out as well as I first thought) which really upped the visual appeal. I think I'll try making them again next winter!


Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774105189)
I brought sweets!
Comments: I was actually able to make cookies!!! [eager] Gluten free from Betty Crocker :D

Emilio 12-22-2018 07:39 PM

From snacks to soups & salads to hearty main dishes,
things to eat that aren't sweet belong here. [boogie]



[COLOR="deepskyBlue"][B][SIZE="5"]I have a savory dish to share![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]



Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774102834)
I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: New Years Nacho! :D it's made with ground chicken instead of hamburger [eager] and it's cooked in sautéed onions and garlic [drool]


Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774102836)
I have a savory dish to share!
Comments: it's a roast! :D slow cooked in a crock pot ALL. DAY. with added russet potatoes and baby carrots and onions [drool]
(not color edited at all, just bad lighting [rofl])

Emilio 12-22-2018 07:39 PM

This is the beverage category. If you're meant to drink it, it belongs here!


[COLOR="deepskyBlue"][B][SIZE="5"]I made something to drink![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[paste or link IMG here]
[B]Comments[/B]: [optional]



Originally Posted by Risque (Post 1774102316)
I made something to drink!
Comments: Hennessy Hot Toddy, edited slightly.
  • 1.5 oz of Hennessy
  • 8 oz of hot tea (I used Harney & Sons Tower of London blend, which adds citrus & honey flavor)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 tbs of honey

Emilio 12-22-2018 08:30 PM


hummy 12-22-2018 08:38 PM

yum I can do this~

R u b y 12-22-2018 10:31 PM

What about crafted food? [ninja]

hummy 12-22-2018 10:38 PM

if you craft it you will win ;p

R u b y 12-22-2018 10:39 PM

I mean like not made with food though xD

Linnea 12-22-2018 10:41 PM

hmmm i might have to try to find somethings to enter here!

Car'a'Carn 12-23-2018 01:55 AM

EMILIO!! XD Breakfast clubber!! :P .... anywho... I'm gonna have to enter my cookies!!

Emilio 12-23-2018 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by R u b y (Post 1774095879)
What about crafted food? [ninja]

Hey R u b y:... Yeah why not. I'll go for crafted foods. It'll be kinda sad cause I won't get to eat them and technically this is a baking/cooking contest but... Why not right? I mean, the pumpkin contest has a crafted option too doesn't it? So lets go for it! I'll take all the submissions I can get :)

---------- Post added 12-23-2018 at 08:04 AM ----------

Haha! Hey Car'a'Carn! Well I never was in a breakfast club but thanks for the shout out ;)

---------- Post added 12-23-2018 at 08:05 AM ----------


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1774095806)

yum I can do this~


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1774095889)
hmmm i might have to try to find somethings to enter here!

Hey, can't wait to see what the two of you come up with :) I hope it's really tasty!

hummy 12-23-2018 04:18 PM

I thinking on what to make now

R u b y 12-23-2018 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Emilio (Post 1774096405)
Hey R u b y:... Yeah why not. I'll go for crafted foods. It'll be kinda sad cause I won't get to eat them and technically this is a baking/cooking contest but... Why not right? I mean, the pumpkin contest has a crafted option too doesn't it? So lets go for it! I'll take all the submissions I can get :)

---------- Post added 12-23-2018 at 08:04 AM ----------

Haha! Hey Car'a'Carn! Well I never was in a breakfast club but thanks for the shout out ;)

---------- Post added 12-23-2018 at 08:05 AM ----------

Hey, can't wait to see what the two of you come up with :) I hope it's really tasty!

Awesome Thanks Emilio! [squee]
I don't normally get a chance to make cool food stuff already, but just before thanksgiving I was told I can't have gluten and I haven't been able to figure out how to bake things properly with different flour yet [sweat] And I always love the craft contests that are around [love]

Car'a'Carn 12-23-2018 05:57 PM

Oh Ruby, I feel your pain. Most of my nephew's and nieces are gluten free. I've had to learn how to do gluten free baking and it's a bit of a learning curve isnt it? XD we'll get better eventually!!

R u b y 12-23-2018 06:03 PM

It definitely is! I don't have celiac (ye) but it's a preventative thing because I'm diabetic (type 1) and my bloodwork came back a little elevated for that kind of thing [gonk]

Yeah it's not that it can't be done, it's just trying to find a flour that bakes the same way because baking is science [rofl] I already loved Betty Crocker's gluten free brownies so I've been enjoying those [eager] but idk how festive those would be [rofl]

hummy 12-23-2018 07:26 PM

what is celiac

R u b y 12-23-2018 07:32 PM

Celiac Disease is where you can't have gluten

hummy 12-23-2018 08:04 PM

so that is like bread, cereal and all flours, yeah?

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 12-23-2018 11:05 PM

R u b y: Cricket flour! [eager] Would you want to try that?
Are you able to have Pao de quejo (Brazilian cheese bread)? It's made with tapioca flour.

Can you tell I'm slightly hungry for it.. ? [lol]

hummy 12-23-2018 11:07 PM

That sounds really good. Tapioca is good anyway you look at it, the pudding the bubbles in t's I would give tapioca flour a world

Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa 12-23-2018 11:10 PM

Yesss! Boba! I first had that in Seattle like 10-11 years ago! It's nice how popular it's gotten so I can find it easily around here. One Japanese restaurant just expanded their business and has a little boba tea area in it. It's cute~ [yes]

hummy 12-23-2018 11:14 PM

The fast food Chinese drive-through restaurant that I used to get my bubble tea from closed. I went there Jones and for one and it was gone

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