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Tachigami 05-23-2012 05:21 AM

Nameless Drabbles (Dead)
Dead Thread~

Tachigami 05-23-2012 05:41 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-23-2012 05:46 PM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-24-2012 05:49 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-24-2012 06:14 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-26-2012 12:39 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-26-2012 03:17 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 05-31-2012 06:52 AM

Once Upon a Time

Once, stories were written on paper. Paper was made from trees, and trees weren’t just figments of one’s imagination. Oxygen came from those green leaves, instead of being artificially created in labs and released in grates in the sidewalks or on top of tall, hollow poles. Once, the land was fertile, things could grow and take root without the help of humans. Now everything has no color, and is in varying shades of gray, white or brown.

Once, people were happy. They went on vacations and played games, they had friends and dressed in all the colors of the rainbow. Once, their will to live was high. They didn’t have to wear white jumpsuits and their hair wasn’t a uniform black. Women used to style their hair, but now, it’s straight and even and almost as lifeless as their sad eyes. Men used to enjoy their hair as much as women, even if they hid the fact. Now it doesn’t exceed five inches and refuses to do much more than lie on their head. They’re all clean-shaven. They’re all desolate.

Once, children laughed. They went to school. They rode bikes and skateboards and played their little sidewalk games. They even climbed up those things called trees at one time, daring one another to go higher and higher. Now, their voices are as listless as their existence.

Once, the wind carried on it the sweet scent of nature, animals and people alike, alive and well. Now it’s still, and the sky seems to always be overcast. Always overcast, but it never rains.

If only it would rain.

If only dead seeds were alive again.

If only we had stopped this present while it was still... the future.

Tachigami 06-22-2012 01:38 AM

Pending Rewrite

Tachigami 02-02-2013 04:10 AM

I'm a Monster...

What had he done?

What had he become?

He could feel the sharp sting of glass cutting into his knees, but didn't recognize it. His cracked glasses made the scene fractured into multiple visions, making it of greater torture. But he couldn't see it through the blur of the tears that ran down his face. Red and brown, white and blue melded into one mass of incomprehensible insanity that swam before his burning eyes, and though the coppery smell was powerful and the dying heat of life was so close, he dared not to move.

His hands were sticky---and when he brought them up, he saw them covered with blood. He shook his head hard, sending his glasses off and skittering across the floor, across the spreading pool from the thing before him he just didn't want to look at anymore. He gritted his teeth, biting back a sob that threatened to explode out of him. He hung his head.

"I'm sorry." He coughed at last. "So sorry. It was an accident..."

An accident!? The condescending voice in his mind screamed at him, forcing him to curl in on himself and shake. That's not an accident! You're a murdering bastard! Look at him! Look!

He didn't want to. Regardless, however, he opened his eyes. Though he couldn't see without his glasses, he didn't need to---his brother was dead. His blood was everywhere---everywhere, and he knelt in it, his hands and shirt, covered. It almost didn't look realistic, and if he hadn't done it, he'd have thought it staged.

"I'm so sorry, Azzy..." Daniel brought up his hands and hid his face. He had killed his brother---his other half. The only thing he had in life. Without looking, his right hand went for the knife he'd cast aside.

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