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Shadami 06-06-2018 01:00 AM

[Game] Touring the Zoo

Shadami 06-06-2018 01:01 AM

  • A story will be updated every few hours with a puzzle to solve to continue the story.
  • Put your guesses in spoiler tags. [hidetitle= My guess][/hidetitle]This way if people want to take a guess themselves they don't have the riddle/puzzle ruined for them. If you can't do a spoiler than please send me a message instead with your guesses. [boogie]
  • Get your guesses in or help solve puzzles until the next puzzle is released.
  • You may go back and solve a previous puzzle but you need to have something new about it to get the participation gold. EX: A crossword puzzle written out in your own handwriting, find a secret clue that wasn't discovered

  • First to solve each puzzle - 500 gold
  • Any who participate in a puzzle - 200 gold

Shadami 06-06-2018 01:01 AM

Current Story:

You arrive at the Elephant enclosure and see another sticky note pinned to the sign there talking about one of the elephants inside, Patches. She likes to paint pictures that she doesn’t quite finish because she finds it amusing to have people guess how she would have filled in the blanks.
You should check out the pictures she is working on and try to fill in the blanks! It might help you in the future.

With a white background if the transparent isn't working right.
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

Current Puzzle:

What is being drawn?
First to Solve will go to the first art finished, and the next puzzle will release right after. But the drawings can be continued to be turned in even after that. I want to see how everyone fills in the blanks. Amazing drawing skills not required. Just have fun!

As the painting canvas is taken away so the elephant can go get a bath and food you peel off the sticky note wondering why it didn’t lead you to the next zone and you see written on the back.
“Solve all five pictures and than look at the map. Patches is leading you to the next location that you should go.”

Shadami 06-06-2018 01:01 AM

Previous Stories:

Map RiddleX

Hey fellow Menewshans! It's time for us to head into the zoo for an awesome adventure! We have so many choices of where to go but I have no idea where we should go first? Oh hey look there is a map just inside the entrance, how incredibly helpful, let's check out what the zoo looks like and decide where we are going to explore first.

Wait? What is this? Someone has pinned a note to the corner of the map.


Originally Posted by The note
It's not the creatures that slither and crawl
(Though please remember those aren't slimy at all.)
But three cages away that we set to go first.
And please not the spiders, they're just the worst.
Now count one, two, three and look what you see.
It's not covered in fur, or have a long neck.
But upon its flower, there's sometimes a speck.
This could be a hint to the next game as well.
Once you arrive at the enclosure, perhaps I might tell.

What could this possibly mean? Will you all help me solve it so that we can get on with our adventure?

Figure out where the riddle pinned to the map is leading. Remember to PM your guesses to Shadami, but feel free to chat in here as long as you try not to give any spoilers away.
Hint: This first puzzle has lots of clues, so feel free to make guesses on what the additional secrets are.

Previous Puzzles and Solutions:

Map RiddleX

No one has solved this yes, so answers can still come in to try to get that first solution bonus gold. It just can't be the simple answer now. it needs to include a why.

Shadami 06-07-2018 02:49 PM


Map RiddleX

Nephila: Gold Sent
Emma Corrin: Gold Sent
Angel Spirit Girl: Gold Sent

Shadami 08-05-2018 12:04 AM

And you may all post and participate whenever you want. ^-^ i'll get the next round out in a few hours. I apologize that this got out late, some real life issues came up. if i have to finish the games i had planned after the event is over I will. <3 to all!

Nephila 08-05-2018 12:10 AM

Tricky riddle. O.o

Shadami 08-05-2018 12:10 AM

Don't worry. The first one I think is the hardest of all of them xD

Nephila 08-05-2018 12:13 AM

I think I'm just going to be silly then. :)

Shadami 08-05-2018 12:16 AM

No worries. Silly is fine :D I'm looking forward to seeing people's guesses ^^

Nephila 08-05-2018 12:23 AM

I hope you get a few good ones.

Shadami 08-05-2018 12:24 AM

Well that answer definitely followed one of the clues :D fun answer ^^

Nephila 08-05-2018 12:39 AM

Heh I see what I did wrong.

Shadami 08-05-2018 12:42 AM

I have nothing against second guesses if you would like to. ^^

Nephila 08-05-2018 01:13 AM

Hehe nah I think it's funny and that's good enough for me.

Shadami 08-05-2018 01:56 AM

That works than :D

Emma Corrin 08-05-2018 02:00 AM

So I'm super bad at riddles, but do we just PM you our guess as to which symbol the riddle is leading to? Like, ice cream shop or food court or spiders?

Angel Spirit Girl 08-05-2018 02:09 AM

my guessX

A butterfly

Shadami 08-05-2018 02:40 AM

You can Pm it or you can put it in a spoiler tag :D

Emma Corrin 08-05-2018 04:57 AM

I'll PM since I think it's more fun that way! :D

Shadami 08-05-2018 04:59 AM

That's why I put the two options in ^^

Emma Corrin 08-05-2018 05:04 AM

Yeah I just didn't know if it was as simple as referencing the icon on the map lol It felt too easy earlier!

Shadami 08-05-2018 05:05 AM

It is as simple as referencing an icon on the map.

Emma Corrin 08-05-2018 05:08 AM

Normally I don't get riddles, so I'll be surprised if I'm right to be honest lol I tend to overanalyze them and misunderstand - if I am right, I attribute it to there being a visual aid [lmao]

Shadami 08-05-2018 05:11 AM

:3 I'm hoping to get the next thing out soon when a right answer comes in. :D feel free to try to work it out more.

Possibly going to bed soon. So i'm going to leave this tough puzzle overnight. Feel free to put some theories to try to work out the riddle in spoilers and discuss it in chat. I'll read them all and such to figure out who got it first. ^^

I promise some of the ones I have next are much easier. I'll change it in the morning even if it isn't figured out though ^^

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