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finx15 11-23-2014 05:07 AM

Mistress Vampire ((Finx and Shadowgamer42))
A vampire usual only looks down on humans seeing them nothing more the there next meal. There are a few vampire's who think of humans as more then that this is a story about a vampire that fall in love with her food source. This is a roleplay for Shadowgamer and Finx if you are not us don't post but feel free to read along.

Name: Erik Hunter
Age: 22
Gender: male
Personality: Kind, Gentle a little of a party boy but he doesn't let it go to his head to much.
Bio: Erik is the only child of his parents so he has been a little spoiled. He doesn't act that way though he likes to give back and help people where he can. Lately he has been in a more partying mood going out at all hours to make his life less empty without any friends or a girlfriend.

Shadowgamer42 11-23-2014 05:27 PM

Name: Veronica
Age: 21
Appearance: long black hair, brown eyes, wears red clothes and shoes
Personality: Veronica is a very stalker-like vampire. When she sees a human and she wants to drink their blood, she will watch and wait for the right time to strike. After she drinks someone's blood once, then she will crave it even more. She will then proceed to watching that person/people every night and surprising them so she can drink their blood. She is very aggressive, demanding, and pushy. When she isn't catching her prey, she is found in the mall getting new clothes or shoes.
Likes: human blood, new clothes, darkness
Dislikes: animals, sunlight
Bio: Veronica was raised to be a great vampire. She learned all of the tricks there were to becoming a great vampire. At the age of eighteen, Veronica was out every night watching the humans. It soon became an unhealthy obsession. She would go to the local hangout areas and wait for the right people to show up. When she sees someone, she will jump out and attack them viciously, biting their neck in the process. Then she will move on to the next person.

finx15 11-24-2014 02:40 AM

Erik wondered down the darkened streets the only light coming from the street lights that he past. He was on his way to a midnight party he had gotten bored of being home alone. The whole reason he went was in hopes to find a girl to at least spend a few hours with at that point he would have settled for a guy friend. He enter the club and sat down with a sigh ordering a root beer.

Shadowgamer42 11-25-2014 05:23 AM

Veronica watched in silence as people went into the club. She was starving for a taste of human blood. It had been only a few hours since her last meal, but it wasn't enough. She wanted... no, needed... more blood. It wasn't enough for her to have just two or three meals a night. Now she needed up to six.

Veronica watched the club. She was waiting the right meal to arrive. So far, no one seemed like the right one to her. Luckily, none of the humans had noticed her watching everyone. They were too busy minding their own business. "Let them have a good time," Veronica thought. "I'm not after them anyway."

Suddenly, Veronica saw movement. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a blonde male going into the club. Veronica watched as he disappeared behind the door. "Hmm," she thought to herself. "He looks tasty." Veronica watched and waited for the male human to come out of the club.

finx15 11-26-2014 03:20 AM

After another uneventful party Erik left the club sighing a little he glanced both directions not seeing a cab he rolled his eyes. "When I don't need them there everywhere and when I do there no where to be found." he snorted then started walking home hands in his pockets. He didn't know why he had such bad luck with females he just did.

Shadowgamer42 11-26-2014 07:07 PM

Veronica saw the blonde male come outside. "Finally," she said to herself. "Now's my chance." Veronica started following the male away from the club. She crouched, and stayed a safe distance away from him. Then Veronica knew it was time to strike. She got up and lunged herself at the human, ready to bite him.

finx15 11-26-2014 08:44 PM

Erik turned down an alleyway just as she lunged at him hearing a noise he turned blinking. "I'm sorry did you want something?" he asked taking down the fire escape steps to his building his front door didn't work right so he often went out the window. "I hope I didn't hurt you." he smiled. "You should walk so close to people though you'll get hurt."

((I couldn't help it that lunge was made for an epic fail XD))

Shadowgamer42 11-26-2014 10:50 PM


Veronica looked at the human as she stood up. She wiped off the dirt on her clothes, looked at him in the eye, and hissed, "I wasn't doing it to get hurt. I was trying to get a taste of your blood. You looked so delicious that I just had to have a taste." Her mouth watered and her desire to taste his blood grew stronger.

finx15 11-27-2014 11:56 PM

"Sure crazy lady why don't you go back to the hospital where you came from." Erik snorted lifting himself onto the stairs starting to head for his window pulling the stairs back up. "You want me to call them for you?" he wondered why he had to deal with the crazy person.

Shadowgamer42 11-28-2014 05:52 PM

"I'm not a crazy person," Veronica snapped. "I'm a vampire, and, for your information, this is what I do every night. I catch my prey so I can eat my next meal." Then she paused and looked at him. "You want proof?" she asked. "I can give you proof." She opened her mouth and showed her fangs.

finx15 11-29-2014 12:56 AM

"Nice sharp teeth.'' Erik smirked a little. "How long did it take to file those?'' he was working on getting his window open nodded when it opened. 'well crazy lady I would love to stay and chat but I need sleep." he glanced down at her then with a shake of his head his smiled inside locked the window and pulled down the bars on all his windows like he did every night.

Shadowgamer42 11-30-2014 08:26 PM

Veronica watched as the human left. She noticed that there was something different about this human compared to the others she'd encountered. She noticed that he was not shaking in fear like they did. The way she saw it, he probably thought it was all an act. Maybe he thought she was getting ready for Halloween.

"Well," Veronica thought to herself. "I'll show him that I am a real vampire. I'll get him when he least expects it." As she walked, Veronica made up a plan. "I'll wait a few days, and then I will catch him," she told herself. While she walked, she heard her stomach growl. "First I need to get something to eat. Then I'll watch and wait for the perfect time to catch him." Veronica smiled to herself. Her plan was perfect. Now it was just her job to wait for the right time to put it into action.

finx15 12-01-2014 03:13 AM

Erik spent the next couple days going back and forth from work. Finally his door was fixed so he could go in like a normal person but he didn't get out much at night only to go up the street to the convince store. This time he went slower on his way home enjoying his night air.

Shadowgamer42 12-02-2014 08:24 PM

Veronica waited just like she planned. She spent the next few nights preying on other humans, but she still wanted to try that blonde human's blood. No other human would satisfy her craving.

Then one night she saw him. She was hiding in one of her favorite spots, waiting for someone to catch. Veronica had waited there for a while, but no one had shown up. That is, until she saw the blonde human again. "There you are," she said to herself. "Maybe I can get you now." She decided not to follow him and lunge this time. She knew that wouldn't work. Instead, she would just wait for the perfect time to trip him. Then she would be able to bite him.

finx15 12-03-2014 03:49 AM

Erik stopped at the corner sighing a little. He was exhausted from working all week he glanced around for a cab to go to the theater planning to catch a movie to get rid of some of his boredom.

Shadowgamer42 12-03-2014 04:30 AM

"No! I could have gotten him!" Veronica said between clenched teeth. "I almost had him!" She paused for a moment, watching him. "Okay, fine," she said to herself. "I'll just lunge him again." She stood up and got closer to him. This time, however, Veronica didn't creep up behind him. Instead, she ran toward him and jumped to her feet. She wouldn't let her meal get away again.

finx15 12-03-2014 04:40 AM

Erik yelped as the girl from before slammed him into the cement. "What the?" he blinked. "What are you doing?" he frowned at her.

Shadowgamer42 12-03-2014 06:17 AM

Veronica stood up and scolded herself. "Ah!!" she said enraged. "I should have had you this time!" She pointed her finger at the human, angry at herself for missing him again.

finx15 12-04-2014 11:31 PM

"I'm kind of underneath you on the ground. You expected something different when you slam into me?" Erik sat up rubbing his head. "You could have hurt both of us. What wrong with you?" he glared at her. "You belong locked away trying to hurt people like that."

Shadowgamer42 12-05-2014 06:50 PM

Veronica was enraged. "How dare this human tell me that I need to be locked away!" she thought to herself. She looked at him for a long moment, and then she said, "Look, apparently you don't realize who you are dealing with. I'm a vampire and I want to drink your blood." Veronica was about to explain who vampires are when she suddenly stopped and looked at him. In the back of her mind she thought,

"Hey, he's kind of cute."

"Stop it!" she quietly scolded to herself. Veronica shook her head. "He's your next meal, not your potential boyfriend!"

finx15 12-06-2014 12:05 AM

"I'm you think you are." Erik patted her arm. "but vampire's don't exist they never have...maybe they will in the far off future. I'll get you some apple juice or something to help." he carefully stood up. "Good nothing's broken."

Shadowgamer42 12-06-2014 04:38 PM

"I don't want apple juice," Veronica said. "I want your blood." It was no use. She couldn't make him believe she was a vampire. She also couldn't seem to bite him. Her craving for his blood was never going to be satisfied. Veronica felt extremely frustrated.

finx15 12-07-2014 04:18 AM

"You only think that. I'll get you water and dye it red." Erik gentle touched her shoulder. "Let me help you." he frowned a little. "We can see how you feel after you get something to drink."

Shadowgamer42 12-07-2014 08:37 PM

"Okay, fine," Veronica said as she got up to her feet. "I'll let you help me." She decided to let the human be nice to her. She would just be wasting her time going after him again.

finx15 12-08-2014 03:00 AM

"Alright." Erik smiled and lead the way back to the convenience store. "What do you want?" he asked her showing off the amount of different drinks.

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