Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Menewsha Hallowe'en Event 2008 (
-   -   Shake Your Brains /// Art Shop{full}// Art Contest (CI's=prize) // Oracle Reading??? (

Glammy 10-28-2008 12:20 AM

Shake Your Brains /// Art Shop{full}// Art Contest (CI's=prize) // Oracle Reading???
OK. This thread now does a fair few things.
Here's a guild.

1: Art Shop
2: Art Contest
3: Oracle Reading


1: Art Shop

Here I'll be doing some little event commissions in exchange for gold or event items. These headshots/busts will cost you 250g or 20 candy apples (can be a combination of items or just one item, whatever).


You'll be getting things like:

1. Waffle
2. siaasgn
3. Lilim
4. Mirith
5. Naeru
6. Anoni (x2)
7. Attack
8. Paprika

check waiting list and post this form (filled in of course)

[size=4][b]SHAKE YOUR BRAINS TO THE RIGHT[/b][/size]
[b]request:[/b] {{oc, avatar, whatever}}
[b]what items your paying with:[/b]
[b]Anything else:[/b]


2: Art Contest

k, so I have a few avatars that I've dressed up for the event (I'm also throwing in my Gaia avatar because I love it liek wow). I'd love to see some art done of them~ <3 SO I'm running a little contest C:
> all your own art
> play fair
> enter as many times as you want
> you can only win one prize

1st. CI set for this month + art from me (waist up thing)
2nd. Any event item (common or actualy event item)
3rd. Any event common


The Swamp Thing's Wife. She's a classy lady with martial issues stemming from her husband's inability to satisfy her in the bed room. He sleeps on the couch and she threatens divorce if he doesn't lift his game~


The Gentlemen. He was once a well respected man of the community, running a rather successful medical practice. One evening, while returning from a patients house, he was attacked by a posse of sexually deprived thugs. This attack caused an untimely death for our dear Gentlemen. Now he roams the streets under the quarter moon, taking his revenge upon any who cross his path~


Krystal. She was everything you'd ever want in a gal - ritch, blonde ($100 twice at month at Cutz both Wayz) and double jointed. Then one day she was on her way to a halloween party (dressed as a playboy bunny, of course) when she met a stranger. He said "graaaaahahah". She said "eeep~!" and it was love at first bite. Now she roams the streets with him in a romantic quest for braaaiiinssss~

Verren Windred. He's been an orphan since 12 due to a rather lovely government program resulting in his parents getting a lovely rope necklace. He was Shipped off to a military school not long after where he trained to both kill and work as a field medic. While at school he met Julian and little shinny anime hearts danced between them, and random cutesy animals rolled past in what appear to be LSD induced hallucinations (or at least, that’s what I think love looks like). They served in a war together. Verren was 23 and the war finished, Julian was forced into a marraged and Verren moped around a bit. To cut a long story short, Verren become a mad surgeon, developed an opium habit and started meeting people in ally ways occasionally (aka, Caster, aka, the Wing'ed guy). Somewhere a long the lines he got bit by a Vamp' and started drinking Bloody Mary’s without the Tomato Juice.


3: Oracle Reading

yah. I do it occationaly.
Haven't for aaaages, and thought it'd be fun to have ago since I finally found my deck the other day~ ♥

>GLAM, GLAM! what do you mean by 'oracle reading'????
It's kinda like tarot reading, but different.

>GLAM, GLAM! how does it work?
You post the form that's bellow, and I'll give you a reading.

>GLAM, GLAM! is there a catch?
yah. YOU GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY D: I mean, no. Not really. Just if there's a heap of people, I'll take a while. + these are just for fun, k?

[b]question:[/b] {something like "what does my future hold", not "what car should I buy" xD be vague. Like the readings}
[b]anything else the spirits should know:[/b]

Glammy | Dystopia | Waffle | nocturnal miyu

Lilim 10-28-2008 12:21 AM


Glammy 10-28-2008 12:22 AM

:atttaches to Lilim:

Lilim 10-28-2008 12:25 AM

Do you want the Spare Ribs for girl or boy?
I'll be happy to get them for you if you draw me ^_~

meilin 10-28-2008 12:25 AM

Oooo~ Glammy set up a thread!
I might have to buy event item with gold just so I can order. XD;;;;

siaasgn 10-28-2008 12:26 AM

Ohh . . . I'm such an art addict . . and it seems like I only ever buy during events . . . . lemme see . . . I'll probably be back to order some because I'm weak :lol:

Glammy 10-28-2008 12:28 AM

Lilim this one?
C: It's actually something like 'scatch out my/your heart' and it's a guy item ~<3

xD aww. being an art addict can be hard during events~

yah. I'm an event junkie xD
I might add a gold option later for people who don't want to buy event items~

Lumi 10-28-2008 12:29 AM

Ooh your art is neat, Glammy! ^^ :heart:

aphrodite remix 10-28-2008 12:31 AM

Just throwin it out there Glammy but your avatar is amazing as is your art.

Lilim 10-28-2008 12:32 AM

^_^ K I'll get ya that plus tip *Models for you*

siaasgn 10-28-2008 12:32 AM

username: Siaasgn
request: My avi - I'll not change it for a bit - and if I do change it I'll post a pic here.
what items your paying with: tribal dress (the brown one . . is the enough?)
Anything else:

Waffle 10-28-2008 12:35 AM

request: Current Avatar <3
what items your paying with: Red Demonate Top // Tribal Hairpin // Tribal Sleeves // Red Assassin Skirt
Anything else: Make me look scary with fangs and stuff? xD

Glammy 10-28-2008 12:36 AM

:> thankyou~~

aphrodite remix
~ aww, thankyou. I'm meant to be the Swamp Thing's Wife xD

:snaps photographs for later~~~:
ooooh....pretty things :pets:


oooh~ your avvie looks like a lot of fun~
and yep, the dress is fine~

I make you look so scary zombies will worship yo'

siaasgn 10-28-2008 12:37 AM

Sweet - I'll stick the dress in a trade to you now so I don't forget :yes:

meilin 10-28-2008 12:38 AM

Ah, now I have to figure out which items haven't been used. XD;;;

monstahh` 10-28-2008 12:38 AM

Holy crap that is awesome.

Mirith 10-28-2008 12:38 AM

what items your paying with:All three pairs of the boots?
Anything else:Make me look evil. : 3

aphrodite remix 10-28-2008 12:39 AM

lol well I hope you entered into some of the many avatar costumes going on I'm sure you would probably win something ^^

Waffle 10-28-2008 12:40 AM

saweet <3 I just hope I don't end up cleaning after them, like picking up their organs and stuff.

Lilim 10-28-2008 12:40 AM

*Bends over so Glammy can get a nice pic of her sexy panties* Hehhee Me skirt is super short hehe

Glammy 10-28-2008 12:41 AM

I'll be updating the first post with what's been used in a second~
Then, when I've finished trades off any items I have will be removed from the list C: I might add some more in later


aaaah~ I'm am full technically, but since it's a solia avatar I'm adding you up C:

ooh lalaaaa~
:snapsnapsnap goes mr. camera:

...that would be icky.
like...really icky.
zombies are so messy :/

aphrodite remix
I haven't actually :/
mostly because it's sort of a co-creation between myself and Paprika~

Dystopia 10-28-2008 12:41 AM

*crawls over to Glammy and latches on*

meilin 10-28-2008 12:43 AM

Okay~ XD
-will wait and see-

Mirith 10-28-2008 12:44 AM

Oh thank you! <33

What boots are those exactly. >.>

Waffle 10-28-2008 12:47 AM

Lol. And they're so slow. gawd. xD I can imagine being chased by one-well chase isn't really the right word, cause I'd be walking to get away from it. xD

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