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Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:03 PM

I Spy... a prize for the last poster?
I'm finally joining the Pots o' Gold madness... and I have a mystery prize for the last person to post in the thread! But to pass the time until that last post, who's up for a game of I Spy?

I'll start us off with a nice busy picture we can spy from-- avatar spies are fun, but I don't want to hold anyone up if they want to change clothes! The picture is below, but if the resizing is weird you can see it here, too!

The winner of the first spying round gets to start the next one!
Round 1: The red towel was spotted by Mythos!
Round 2: The Orange Hair of the guy in the tree was spotted by Wyrmskyld!
Round 3: Seridano spotted the Green alley-gator!
Round 4: Mythos spotted the Purple-shirted guy in the window!
Round 5: Wyrm spotted the Green parrot on the roof!
Round 6:

I spy something RED!

hummy 03-20-2013 05:04 PM

*comes to help*

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:05 PM

Yay! *rubs hands together*

Let me get this started... is it the mailbox? :D

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:06 PM

It is not the mailbox!

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:07 PM

Is it the cap on the guy sitting in the bottom right corner?

blueblackrose 03-20-2013 05:07 PM

I spy, how fun.

Is it the umbrella?

hummy 03-20-2013 05:07 PM

i will just post, okay?

chellybean1985 03-20-2013 05:08 PM

Is it the over hang on the store?

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:09 PM

It is not the cap, the umbrella, or the overhang!

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:10 PM

Is it the towel the woman in the bathroom is wearing?

I doubt that'd be a problem, hummy!

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:12 PM

It IS the towel! Mythos is the first winner! :D

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:12 PM

... xD Wow. Right! It's my turn to find a picture, yes?

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:13 PM

Or you can use the same picture... I chose it because it's full of spy-able things!

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:15 PM

Hmm alright! Using the same picture I spy something orange!

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:17 PM

Is it the Cafe Joe sign?

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:18 PM

It's not the Cafe Joe sign.
I was tempted! But it isn't that.

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:21 PM

Iiis it the hair of the guy in the tree?

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:21 PM

... xD
Well that didn't last long! Yes. He cracked me up looking all sorts of lost!

hummy 03-20-2013 05:21 PM

good luck , everyone!

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:23 PM

I spy something GREEN!

Mythos 03-20-2013 05:25 PM

Thanks hummy!

Hmm... is it the shirt the girl is wearing in the hippie van?

blueblackrose 03-20-2013 05:26 PM

Is it the funky looking pants on the guy that is walking with the red backpack on?

hummy 03-20-2013 05:27 PM

lol, funkie pants
can't touch this

Wyrmskyld 03-20-2013 05:27 PM

It is not the pants nor the shirt!

Seridano 03-20-2013 05:28 PM

/dances across the page
This looks fun!

Is it the alligator?

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