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ChoShadowMaster 04-06-2015 05:44 AM

Morgan Wolfe
February, 4th
Two Older Brother

Alice Bello - Council Member
Graham Norman - Council Member
Kylie Robbins - Council Member
Aaron Riddle - Council Member
Freya Rose - Council Member

JayRose 04-06-2015 09:08 PM

Rogan Treber
June, 12th
Four Other Siblings

Jacob William-Council Member
Titus Myers-Council Member
Edward Coleman-Council Member
Anna Sheperd-Council Member
Alex Simon-Council Member
Clara Wingfield-Council Member

ChoShadowMaster 04-08-2015 07:13 PM

"Denied?" Shock running clearly through the young girls voice. As she looked to each person in the group sitting down before her, "How can that be?" Waiting for an answer, really she was just waiting for this to be some kind of bad joke, searching each face for anything. Than her eyes landed on the center face in the group and her eyes narrowed at his face.

JayRose 04-08-2015 09:06 PM

"You haven't meet the right requirements.", a male voice spoke, he looked rather nervous, "The idea, is indeed a great one. But your class just doesn't have the funds...sorry." he said the last part very weakly, he looked nervously from the young girl, than to the young man she was glaring at, whom was the student body president.

ChoShadowMaster 04-16-2015 10:51 PM

"Requirements?" she shook her head in disbelief making her, hip length, black hair move wildly from side to side with it. "They haven't been met?" she took a step towards them in anger, "I've placed the requirements there in front of you." her voice raised but not in a yelling manner, she pointed to the files with papers, that were speared out in front of them.

JayRose 04-16-2015 11:20 PM

"Yes, these are a part of them...but the funds..." his voice trailed off a bit hoping that the president would finish for him, but that didn't look like it was going to happen. "Look, Miss Wolfe," he started firmly, "These signatures and paperwork is all well and all...if we were against this and your classroom had the money." he sighed, "But the money is where the problem lays still."

Jacob felt bad about this whole thing, because he was one of the ones who had tried to help Morgan, get this club to work. He had hoped it was all going to work out and had been excited to see that she was come in today to show she had everything to kick start this club. This was her fourth time, this year coming to push for this club and it should have been her last but it wasn't falling into place for some reason...he was confused now that he was looking at everything, the money was the one thing holding her back and he could have sworn that they had made sure she knew she needed that money.

ChoShadowMaster 05-05-2015 11:45 PM

Morgan, quickly rubbed her forehead feeling a headache coming on, than pushed her long black hair out of her face, "No," she glared at Jacob, she was done talking to him, he wasn't the problem, so she set her glare on the President, "I jumped through all your hoops and did all that you asked. You said it would be enough and that once I presented it to the Student Body, and you all agreed, you could pass it." The rest of the members seemed to agree with her but the President always had the final say, plus he was always able to get people to see things in a more reasonable way...his way.

JayRose 05-06-2015 07:34 PM

Jacob, took a step back from Morgan, and gulped in fear, even though there was a large table separating them, 'Man when she's pissed, she's pissed!' he couldn't think of anything else to say...what else could he say? But he didn't have to as the President, finally moved.

The Student Body President, clasped his fingers together and leaned froward onto the table with his elbows, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and making his hair fall forward to frame is face, "I never said it would pass if you had all this." he glanced down to the papers with his eyes and than set them back on the furious girl before him, "I said you could have a high possibility of passing with this." he meet her glare with narrowed eyes of his own, he did not like to be disrespected, "You have been denied. There is nothing more to discus. You don't have the money to support this." he leaned back in his chair. "No money to pay for what is needed, than there is no club. There is nothing left to discuss." his face very mono tone, leaving no room for argument...but Morgan was not like most, she always found someway to argue with his reasonable ways.

ChoShadowMaster 07-06-2015 04:52 AM

All she could do was stand there and listen to him tell her there was no way this was happening, she bit her lip to keep from yelling at him. He had lied to her lead her to believe she would get approved in this meet.

Once he finished rubbing her nose in her screw up and how it was all for not, she let out a calming breath and let her hands unfist and looked Rogan, in the eyes and with a very calm and steady voice she spoke loud enough for him to her hear, "You're an asshole." she heard the gasp from the others, she kept eye contact with Rogan, for a few moments longer than turned to leave the room.

JayRose 07-08-2015 05:25 AM

Rogan, was shocked at being called such a name, but mostly that she of all people was the one that did. But on the outside all he did was keep eye contact with her and rise an eyebrow at her, while the rest just gasped in complete shock, "Miss Wolfe." He said her name firmly as she turned to walk out the door, this was not over.

ChoShadowMaster 07-08-2015 05:31 AM

Morgan, was just about to put her hand on the door handle and be done with this man but his voice reached her ears and it told her to do otherwise. Morgan was not stupid she knew whom she was talking to and that what she said could cost her dearly but at the moment she didn't care. She stood at the door frozen to hear what he wanted but did not turn to look at him, she didn't want to lose her confidence and she was sure he had a face on that would suck it all from her, so she stood there and waited.

JayRose 07-09-2015 08:27 PM

"I never said you were dismissed." He had only said the discussion was over, and the tone in his voice showed just how much he disapproved of her actions to just walk out, he never moved from his resting position, with his chin resting lightly on the back of his clasped together hands. His eyes narrowed slightly behind his thinly, black framed glasses.

ChoShadowMaster 07-09-2015 08:36 PM

She looked over her shoulder at him for a moment, she could tell by the look on his face and tone of voice, he was not playing around. Morgan, turned to face him with an annoyed look on her face still and than suddenly she smiled very sweetly at him, "Of course, Your Majesty." She bowed low at the hip to him and looked up at him from her low bow, her face and actions full of sarcasm, "May I please be dismissed from your presence now, Your Majesty?" She never broke eye conact with him as she said this.

JayRose 07-09-2015 09:20 PM

Rogan, smirked at her response, 'Always, looking for the hard way of doing things, Morgan.' He simply sat and watched her from the low bow she had yet to come out of, neither one said a word and the others seemed to scared to even breath to loud, it was so quiet you would have been able to hear a pen drop. The tension was so thick that you could hear the relief in the others when Rogan, finally spoke, "Yes..." He could see the satisfaction on her face but before she could enjoy it he spoke again, "Oh and Miss Wolfe, don't forget to do the books today...can't have that late again." He knew she wouldn't have forgotten them but she never liked to be reminded of the time she had screwed up and gotten in trouble, she had never missed or messed up on anything ever again. But she was treading on thine ice with him and he planned to put her back in place, because with him being the student body president, she had no choice but the listen to him when it came to business affairs of the Student Body, and that always ticked her off because there was nothing she could do even when she really didn't want to be respectful.

ChoShadowMaster 07-13-2015 06:31 AM

Morgan, hoped she would have gotten something out of him, to upset his normal cool composure, she would have won she thought. As she stayed in her low bow, and watched as Rogan simply kept eye contact with her and than smirked, she matched it and waited to see what he would say, "Yes..." a slight frown meet her face but she didn't let it stay, in a lot of ways she thought she'd won, he had nothing to comeback at her with. She stood from her low bow and her long hair stayed to the front of her body, as she turned to grab the door handle his cold voice rang out in the silent room again.

Morgan was thankful she was facing the door and not the council, because when he reminded her to do the books it snapped any feelings of satisfaction out of her making her body go completely stiff, he knew how awful she had felt about her screw up and how hard she made sure it would never happen again. He was pushing all the buttons and there was nothing she could say back to him....not when it came to student council business, even if it was him, "Yes, sir." Was all she could get out in her strongest voice as she bite her lip from saying anymore. She quickly opened the door and then quickly and gently closed it behind her.

JayRose 07-14-2015 11:05 PM

Once, Morgan, left the room in a much more rather plasent way than he thought she would, the smirk on his lip and playfulness in his eyes left with her. He looked to the rest of the council staff, "Is there anyone else that we have a meeting with today?" He looked more to Jacob as he waited for a reply, "Um, no sir. Miss Morgan Wolfe, was the last meeting today." He said while double checking his list. Rogan, pushed himself away from the table, "Very, well than." He stood up and neatly began to put the papers that lay in front of him away, as did the others, "We are all done for th day. We have a staff meeting tomorrow after classes. We will meet at 3 o'clock, sharp. Don't be late." He took his glasses off and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Yes, sir." The others responded quickly. "Also, please make sure everyone gets there responsibilities done today before you go home, because we'll be going over everything tomorrow and I don't want any excuses for why they are not done. You're all dismissed, thank you all for your hard work today." He said finally looking at everyone as he tucked the files under his arm, "Yes, sir."

ChoShadowMaster 07-17-2015 12:13 AM

Morgan, walked calmly down the hall and rounded the corner, she sighed seeing no one in sight (It was 4:15pm after all, the only people really that hanged around after school, were people in clubs, sports, in trouble, or just those that stay to study) she took a deep breath and let it out, "Just count to ten and you'll be good." she took another deep breath and closed her eyes,"One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six........ UUUU GGGGHHHH!!!" The more she counted the more pissed off she got, Morgan kicked her feet and balled her hands into fist and swung them, if anyone did pass by she would have looked like a 5 year old, throwing a temper tamper. She slapped both her hands on her face and rubbed her face in frustration, "Ugh, you arragant...Stuck up. Self-Rightous. Pigheaded. Spoiled breat. Two-Faced...JERK!" As she said each name it filled her with anger and her voiced raised with each one. When she said the last one she punched the wall closest to her and breathed heavly, once she calmed down she felt the pain shoot through her hand, "Ow! That's his fault to!" She shook her hand and blew on it, tears caming to the edge of her eyes. She sighed again, "Ah, that was stupid." She ran her hand through her hair, "Well, I know how to end all this." She sighed again, "I was hoping to just tough it out....oh well." She sighed.

Morgan opened the door to the classroom and was happy to see her teacher still working late, like he always did, "Mr.Bloom? I'm sorry to interrupt you. Can I talk to you for a few minutes?" She watched as worked on the paper in front of him and than stopped to look up at her, she swallowed nervously.

JayRose 12-10-2015 09:02 PM

Mr. Bloom, had been hard at working on grading the students papers that lay in front of him. When he heard his name being called by a young voice, he stopped his work to look up. He saw that it was Morgan Wolfe, "Oh, Miss Wolfe! What can I do for you?" He asked a shocked seeing it was her but smiled having it be one of his best students, "Come in, please, it's fine." He waved her in with his free hand

ChoShadowMaster 12-10-2015 09:08 PM

"I'm sorry I hope that I'm not interrupting you, sir?" she walked in when he waved her in, she stood in front of his desk, a weak smile on her face and her hands fiddling with each other in front of her body and chewing on her bottom lip. 'Now that I'm here I'm not so sure about I rushing this only out of anger?' she was deep in thought as she stood there in front of her teacher.

JayRose 12-10-2015 09:48 PM

"No, I was almost done, it won't take more than just a few more minutes. What did you need to see me about?" he placed his pen down, and took off his glasses and gave Miss Wolfe his full attention. He could see something was bugging her, he hoped she wasn't getting bullied or something of the sort, she was such a kind, sweet and hard working girl, although lately her grades were dropping just a bit but that was normal when the subject were changing and getting hard he supported.

ChoShadowMaster 12-10-2015 11:12 PM

Snapping out of her thoughts at the sound of Mr. Blooms, voice, she looked up at him and straighten her back and stopped fiddling with her fingers, 'I came this far and it's not like it's going to get any better...I'm done with the council...I'm done with trying to put up with Rogan.' She had a look of determination on her face. "I've come to see you about resigning from the Student Council." She stated firmly,"I know I'm not exactly on it but I do the books as an extra credit, but I also know that I only have to at lest put in a years worth of time and then I can stop doing it. I've done a year and four months" She didn't know why she felt the need to keep explaining herself but now that she started she almost couldn't stop, "Plus, but I'm sure you've noticed grades have dropped a bit and have not picked back up, I thought I could handle this but the Counciles books take a lot of time away from my studies. I can't do both and I'd hate to only be able to give half the effort to one or the other instead of 100% to both. So, I ask to be resigned from my position as the Student Counciles book keeper, sir." She said all of this with confidence, she felt bad about having to lie to her teacher about the real reason why but she figure grades dropping would be the best way out of all of it.

JayRose 12-10-2015 11:30 PM

He was going to say something but when she started to talk again he stopped and smiled, he could tell she was nervous but also very serious about what she was saying, "Yes, I did notice your grades dropping. I'm glad you're coming to me about this and if you feel that you do need to drop out of the Student Council Bookkeeper position, then I will let you do so." He could see the relief on her face, "But you will have to train the person I find to replace you as it is your duty as the bookkeeper. I will find them immediately and tomorrow you will have someone to train." He stood up and walked around his desk and leaned against it and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Is that the only reason you want to resigning, Miss Wolfe?" His face not showing much but a slight look of concern.

ChoShadowMaster 12-11-2015 12:16 AM

Morgan had been nervous...scared even that he wouldn't let her but when he agreed with no argument, she sighed in relief, "Thank you so much, sir, for understanding." But then he said she would have to train the next person, which brought a frown to her face, "What!?" That meant she would still have to spend time around Rogan, than, "But wouldn't you or like another teacher be better at that kind of thing? I mean what if I make a mistake or something?" she quickly spitted out excuses, her arms flapping at her side, and her face filled with nervous .

JayRose 12-11-2015 12:38 AM

When she ignore his last question and went straight into trying to get out of training the new Bookkeeper, he wonder if it had anything to do with the Council members themselves, but Morgan got along with everyone in her class, so he thought he might be looking to hard for there to be something wrong. A frown marred his face, "I'm sorry but no. This is your responsibility, that you agreed to, and if I'm not mistaken it was the last Bookkeeper that taught you. If you don't want to train the new one, than you can keep the position yourself." He could see that his words were not sitting well with her but he was not meant to let her slack off on her responsibilities. "Besides..." He pushed himself off the desk and unfolded his arms and let a warm smile come to his face, "You give your best in all that you do, so I don't believe anyone could train them better than you, Miss Wolfe." He placed a gentle, reassuring hand atop of her head, since she had dropped it from his pervious words, "It'll only take a month at most and you'll be free from all responsibility for the Council." He smiled down at her.

ChoShadowMaster 12-11-2015 01:16 AM

Morgan, instantly felt guilt shoot through her for ask him to find anyone than her to train the new Bookkeeper. When he frowned at her, she felt miserable she lower her head in shame and listened to his words, like a child being scolded by their parent. 'Great, now he must think I'm such an irresponsible, whiny child.' She frowned deeply, Mr.Bloom was a teacher she looked up to greatly and respected, she was a slight teachers pet but she defiantly wanted to do right in his eyes. She thought for sure he was just going to tell her to just stay as the Bookkeeper but when she felt the slight pressure of his hand on her head , her eyes widened and she looked up from behind her bangs with a small pouting, sad face. When he spoke she felt his warm smile wash over her and she instantly felt better. She smiled, a small smile back up at him and nodded her head, "Yes sir, I'll do my best."

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