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Head Librarian 12-07-2010 03:30 AM

Roleplaying Forum Rules
Menewsha Roleplay Forum Rules

Hello and welcome to the roleplaying forums! Before you get to playing, there are some important rules we need to cover.

  • All posts must abide by Menewsha's Rules and Terms of Service.
  • Please remember that Menewsha is a PG-13 site. If you would like to create a roleplay that oversteps those boundaries, you may do so at Menewsha's "cousin" site, WTF RPG.
    • Romance is permitted, but scenes of sexual acts are not. You may employ a "time skip" effect when roleplaying these types of situations.
    • If you plan on having a particularly violent roleplay, we would ask that you place a warning for it at the beginning of your thread and/or the graphic posts, so that no one will read it who does not want to. However, please keep in mind that overly graphic/disturbing violence will not be allowed.
    • Rape (any sexual act that is non-consensual), incest, beastiality, and sexual or otherwise inappropriate contact with minors (any character under 18 perpetrated by a character over 18) is absolutely prohibited from any roleplay, regardless of whether it is explicitly written or mentioned as part of a character's backstory. You may not ask that other users roleplay these subjects with you offsite.
Any roleplays that become overly explicit will be removed without warning. Repeatedly roleplaying explicit scenes will earn you an infraction. If you feel that your roleplays must venture into explicit territory, you must take the roleplay offsite, such as to another website, email, or instant messenger. You may not continue an explicit roleplay in Menewsha private messages.
  • Anything not written by yourself must be put into quote tags ([quote]text here[/quote]). This includes character profiles that you did not write.
    • If you would like to continue a roleplay here from another site, it must be within quote tags and can only be the most recent posts. If you wish to store more than just the most recent few posts, please use your Menewsha blog.
  • Flobs (any image or text used for post decoration, such a picture of your character used in every post) are not allowed on Menewsha. You may use such a decoration for your very first post in the roleplay or in the "set up" posts of the thread. You may include a one-off picture that is relevant to your post (such as a picture of a new location or character, clothing, weapons, etc.) within the normal flow of the RP, but not as a flob.
    • If you need a way to distinguish between multiple characters you write, you may change the color, size, or font of your text. You may also use [line]color[/line] to show further separation.
    • You may roleplay with your mule (second) account, however, you may not roleplay between to your two accounts. If you and another user are roleplaying with each other and are found to be on the same IP, a member of staff may contact you to prove that you are indeed two separate users. You may not use a charity mule to roleplay.
  • Please respect the rules that each original poster has put forth for their roleplay. Do not god mod/godmode or post in an RP you have not been accepted into, unless stated by the OP that you may do so. If you post in a roleplay that you have not been accepted into, it may be considered spam and your post may be deleted.
  • All posts outside of the Menewsha Nations forum must be in English. You may not post foreign language roleplays. The only exception to this is if a character occasionally speaks a foreign language, however it must be brief.

    Originally Posted by Example
    "Konnichiwa! Namae wa Sakura desu! Doozo Yorushiku!" Sakura introduced herself quickly. She soon realize though that the words had come out in a different language then she intended. "Ah! Gomen Gomen. I mean Hello! My name is Sakura. Nice to meet you!" she reintroduced herself.

Please note that breaking any of these rules will earn you a warning. Repeatedly breaking these rules will earn you an infraction against your account. If you're unsure of whether a post you're about to make is allowed, please feel free to PM it to a moderator with your concerns.

Head Librarian 12-07-2010 03:30 AM

Roleplaying Forum Rules (revamping, under construction)
The difference between a private and public roleplay

You may notice that each roleplaying forum has a "Private/1x1" subforum to it. Private roleplays are roleplays that are not open to new players. Private roleplays are generally planned ahead of time in the roleplay requests forum.

If you have not been accepted to join a roleplay in a private forum, don't post in it! Not only is it rude, your post may be counted as spam and you may receive a warning.

If you would like to create a roleplay that is not open to new players, please place it in the appropriate private subforum.

If your roleplay is open to new members, but new members must fill out an application or otherwise be approved before posting, your roleplay would still belong in one of the public forums.

A brief explanation of each forum

Find yourself confused about which forum your thread should be in? Here's a quick overview of what belongs in each forum.

Please note that if your roleplay fits into multiple categories at once (such as a school of magic set in the past), you may place it in whichever forum you feel best suits it. The only exception to this is the fan based forum; if your roleplay is based on an existing piece of media, such as a movie, you must place it in fan based.

You will not be in trouble for miscategorizing a thread. However, if you place a thread in a forum in which it absolutely does not belong, a moderator may move it. If you would feel more comfortable doing so, you may PM a moderator to ask to help you decide which forum your thread should go into. However, this is not necessary.

Roleplaying Forum (Main)
The main roleplaying forum is where you can see all the roleplaying subforums, as well as discuss roleplaying in general. You may discuss roleplays and various techniques in writing, post guides and tips, or ask for critiques. Please note that no actual roleplays should be posted here, they need to go into the proper subforum!

Character Journals
A character journal is where you may post in-character journal entries from the point of view of your character. This forum has its own special rules which you will need to abide by when posting here.

OOC Topics
This forum is for OOC (out of character) threads about your roleplay. This is where you can discuss with your fellow players what you would like to have happen next in your game, alert them to upcoming absences, or otherwise discuss your game. Please note that you are allowed to include OOC posts within your roleplay if you would like to. Some people simply prefer to keep it to a separate thread.

Roleplay Requests
This forum is where many roleplays are born! Here you may post an idea for a new roleplay (or a list of them) and see if anyone would be interested in joining you. Many of the roleplays requested here become private roleplays, but you may also make a request for a public one if you'd like. If you're looking to join a new roleplay, don't overlook this forum!

Fantasy settings are worlds that are unlike ours. Book series like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and A Song of Ice and Fire are examples of fantasy. These worlds often include magic, mythical beasts, and other elements not found in our world.

Sci-Fi or Futuristic
If your roleplay is set in the distant future, it belongs here! Space and/or time travel, aliens, and advanced technology such as virtual reality and robots are all classic examples of science fiction.

Modern Stories
If your story takes place in a setting much like our current world and does not involve any aspects that would place it in another forum, it goes here. Examples of stories that would belong here would be workplace romances, roadtrips, parties, etc.

Historical or Alt-History
Does your story take place in the past, or a slightly different version of it? Medieval knights, victorian royalty, samurai knights and even steampunk adventures all belong here.

School Roleplays
If your roleplay takes place largely at a school, be it a highschool, university, or any other institute of learning, it belongs here.

Supernatural and Horror
Vampires, werewolves and ghosts, oh my! If your story involves supernatural ghouls or scary monsters, it belongs here! If your zombie isn't looking for brains so much as it is looking for love, that's fine too.

Fan Based
Any roleplays that take place in a universe from another media (books, TV, movies, manga, etc.) must be placed here, regardless of what genre they are. While a Doctor Who roleplay is science fiction and a Naruto roleplay fits in alt-historical, it is based on an existing work, so it goes here. This applies even if you are not using characters from the work, just the universe.

Still scratching your head as to where your roleplay goes? Do you feel that your medieval zombie school for the magically gifted fits into too many genres to put it in one of the above forums? Maybe it somehow doesn't fit any of the above forums? Not to worry, place it here! You won't be in trouble for miscategorizing your thread. But remember that people who are looking for a sci-fi type roleplay will be looking in the sci-fi forums, so you may not find all the players you'd like here.

Closed for Sorting
We recently expanded our roleplay forums from just a few very large subforums into all the categories that you see now. Some of the older roleplays we have not yet been able to move to their appropriate forums, and they are located here. You are free to post in these roleplays, but you'll notice that you cannot create new threads in here. If your roleplay is in here and you'd like it moved now, please report the first post, and in the report tell us which new subforum you'd like it placed in.

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