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Cupcake Queen 03-17-2012 12:42 AM

Tavern Tales
It is the mideval times where people are strong, rude, and royal. The story takes place in a tavern in a barbarian village where people come to relax and feast. The people of the town have no clue that a evil older than time itself is about to awaken and spread evil through out the village. The real big downside? the evil can shape shift. Will the threat be stopped? Will the kingdom and village be saved in time? Who will the heroes be?


You can't make your character unstoppable or unbeatable.
Send me the profile and if i accept post it.
if you are gonna be gone for a while tell me.
no inappropriate pictures ok

Profile skeleton


Name: Ember
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Bio: Ember is the owner of The Tavern. The tavern has been in her family for generations. She is sweat and willing to give shelter to any weary traveler. She is an amazing cook which is what made her tavern famous.

Andraus 05-16-2012 09:05 PM

(asked awhile ago to join, and you said okay. Decided to post it.)

Name: Alexander "The Fox" Von Garrett
Age: 24
Gender: male
Bio: Heir to a Aristocratic Family, Alexander Came to This part of the Homeland to find a Bride to take home. He's Called 'The fox' due to his Speedy, Yet Strong, Attack's in Swordsmen play. Alex is only Some-what of a Snob. He May like Getting Treated special, but he isn't blind, to expect it to be the same everywhere.

Cupcake Queen 05-16-2012 09:23 PM

Ember sat in the small garden behind her tavern. She was tending to the flowers that she kept out back. The birds sang around her. She held out her hand as a blue jay landed on it. She smiled and brought it up to her cheek and it nuzzled her then flew off. She then went back inside and cleaned up then began cooking food.

Andraus 05-16-2012 09:42 PM

(what you think of my Sig? It show's most of the male's from HTF, including lifty and shifty.)

Alex was sitting in a corner of the tavern, quietly playing solitare. He enjoyed the quiet, and sense most people had been drafted toward's war, The Tavern was likely to stay that way. It was One of the Reason's he was glad he wasen't a knight.

Cupcake Queen 05-16-2012 10:12 PM

Ember walked over to Alex. "Can i get you anything?" she asked.

Andraus 05-16-2012 10:45 PM

Alex looked up, and smiled lightly. "Just a Cup of Tea, thank you....."he said, looking back at his card game.

Cupcake Queen 05-16-2012 10:50 PM

"Coming right up," she said with a smile and went into the kitchen and waited for the tea to finish.

Andraus 05-16-2012 11:17 PM

Alex looked at his mail, and sighed. It was another Emisary to marry the Daughter of some Rich merchent family. Alex tossed it too the side, and scanned threw his mail

Cupcake Queen 05-16-2012 11:33 PM

Ember brought out the glass of tea. "Here you go sir," she said sitting it down. "Anything else i can get you?" she asked.

Andraus 05-16-2012 11:49 PM

"Rabbit haunch, with a Small Pile of Salt. "He said, drinking his tea

Cupcake Queen 05-17-2012 12:45 AM

" comeing right up," she said with a smile and walked into the kitchen.

Andraus 05-18-2012 10:58 PM

Alex coughed slightly, and looked around. Noone, not a single soul. It was odd, because this place was useually busy.

Cupcake Queen 05-19-2012 12:24 AM

" if you're wondering where everyone is, it is because of the events happening lately. People dont come around much," she said bringing him his food.

Andraus 05-19-2012 02:09 AM

Alex looked at the Girl. "You talking about the Run-away Aristocrate, or the Clashs between the Synod and the College of Whispers? "He asked, curiously.

Cupcake Queen 05-19-2012 07:12 AM

" your second guess is right on the bat," she said vleaning up other tables.

Andraus 05-19-2012 08:37 PM

Alex sigh's, and looks at a Book. "What is Wrong With those Idiot's? I swear, The Counciel Should Do something about them. Their starting to Cause Contiental Striff. "he said, sounding completly Like A Diplomat/Aristocrate

Cupcake Queen 05-20-2012 04:04 AM

" from what i have heard, the council can do nothing against the darkness," she said.

Andraus 05-20-2012 09:28 PM

"You talking about the Wraith-lord, Molag Bal? I heard that he Conqured the Land of Drachma. How in the hell did he do that?" he asked, curiously. "The only thing I heard about it, was somthing about the Time gear's "He said.

Cupcake Queen 05-21-2012 11:39 AM

"Yeah i am. And the way he is able to do it is that he has the power to shapeshift and yes he has the time gears," She said. She heard a bunch about him when customers did come in.

Andraus 05-22-2012 01:20 PM

you saw 4 Soldiers enter. Each one was Wearing Dremora Armor, the Symbol of Lord Molag's Army. "Where is the Aristocrate, Alexander Von Garrett, girl? Lord Molag wishs to speak with him. "said the cold, and intimidating voice of the soldier. The Other's started scanning the room.

Cupcake Queen 05-22-2012 06:25 PM

"I'm afraid i haven't heard of anyone by that name," she said. These soldiers didn't scare her.

Andraus 05-23-2012 12:06 AM

One lifted a War-hammer from his back, and smashed down on a Old-looking vase. "Il ask again. Where is he?"he said.

(this should be in the Fantesy forum, so we could have magic in 'ere )

Cupcake Queen 05-23-2012 12:18 AM

(i figured since it was taking place back in time it would be here. you can ask them to move it if you want)

" I am telling you the truth i don't know anyone by that name and even if i did i would never tell you big ugly brutes," Ember said.

Andraus 05-23-2012 12:28 AM

(i will, k.)

The Dremora looked at her, and left. Alex lifted up his hood, and watched after them. He then looked at the vace "Want me to repair that? "He asked.

Cupcake Queen 05-23-2012 12:33 AM

"Knock yourself out. it doesn't match anything else anyway so i don't really care," she said. "You are the one they were looking for weren't you," she said.

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