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Kory 07-09-2015 04:12 AM

Spooky Action. (Ava x Liebchen)
The date is October 29th, 1915. A wealthy family is experiencing many spooky "hauntings" in their family mansion. Naturally, fearing the worst, they vacate the mansion, leaving it to the care of one, young exorcist. This woman now resides in the mansion, searching for the paranormal stranger(s) that are wreaking havon on this poor family's home. It appears to be all in a days work, but will she find what she is really, truly looking for in this old house?

The mystery continues as one young exorcist and one playful ghost become unlikeliest of companions.

Kory 07-09-2015 04:13 AM

Name: Colette Lovely
Age: 27
Bio: Colette Lovely was born in 1888 to two rather poor English parents. She is a first generation American and is heavily involved with the paranormal since childhood. Her father, who studied paranormal activity in his youth, passed down many techniques and skills to Colette while she was growing up.
Because of her interest in the paranormal and spiritual activity, she was often shunned by her peers and ridiculed by teachers and professors. She eventually stopped going to school and began to make a living with her own business, exorcising homes in a unique, unorthodox fashion, which she likes to claim is one that she has taught herself.

In truth, Colette isn't afraid of ghosts or spirits, however, she has run into the occasional troublesome ghost, which has caused a lot of trauma for her. Now, she continues to exorcise homes for a pretty penny to keep herself afloat as, being a woman during this time in America, is not very gracious and not very fulfilling. Through exorcisms, Colette feels she can not only feel satisfied in her work, but she also helps the wandering spirits to find peace after death.

Zollie 07-09-2015 04:27 AM
Name: Anna Willows
Age: 22
Bio: Anna lived with her family in the late 1880s with her younger brother and her parents. It wasn't known how they perished in a grande mansion they lived in, but they went missing and were never found. Several hundred years later Anna still is said to appear through the mansion which freaks out the current residents.

Kory 07-09-2015 06:22 PM

The floorboards were creaking beneath her foot. This place seemed to be even older than she'd originally imagined. Generations of people probably died in this old house. Colette adjusted her hat as she took another step inside the family's resi- well, ex-residence, now. The interior was made up, almost entirely of rotting wood. It was obvious, despite how rich this family appeared to be, they did not take very good care of their home. Often this was for reasons that Colette understood well, houses this old had a lot of history that the future generations loved to preserve. However, it does nothing for the souls that become entangled and trapped in the webs of sorrow that clung to the ceiling and webbed the banisters of the wooden stairs.

She turned her attention to the small piece of parchment in her hands, which had tiny, inked scribbles across it. Instructions, of course. How to care for the house and which rooms are the haunted ones. Colette was not afraid of a little haunting. She was quite confident in her own abilities that she would not need instructions for how to care for this house.

Whatever ghosts were in here, she'd be the one it took to free them from their bonds that keep them forever trapped on earth. Colette straightened her back, standing stiff as a board, she boldly walked across the creaky floorboards and delved further into the maddening darkness of the abandoned mansion. Her heels clicked against the floor in an odd, yet, soothing rhythm that gave her come comfort and sense of familiarity in such a strange, unfamiliar environment.

"Alright..." She spoke softly to herself, "My room should be..." Colette took the time to study the foyer. It was quite large, a staircase to the left, which spiraled up into the top level, then there was a mysterious, almost-hidden staircase that was far in the back of the foyer, next to a dusty fireplace. Colette assumed that it led into whatever would be considered a basement. She snapped her fingers awkwardly, trying to add some sound to the, otherwise, soundless building, just to get her sensory skills going, as she took a glance at the parchment scrap again. "My room should be just down the left corridor. Behind the staircase?"

Colette shoved the parchment into the breast pocket of her jacket, reaching down to grab her suitcases, she made her way towards the staircase, noticing the strange portraits that hung scattered the wall with dull shades of reds, blues, and greys. Low and behold, there was, in fact, a long, corridor, dark, dank and covered with portraits that followed the length of the hall. She took, careful steps, half expecting something to pop out at her as she walked. Colette was prepared for anything, she had visited homes before where things have come flying towards her as the ghosts made attempts to get the stranger out of their house. She was rather glad that this house, so far, had no such surprises.

Colette found her room immediately, she could tell which was hers before hers had the door slightly ajar and broken from its hinges. Tearing away the strings of cobwebs that were caught in the doorway, Colette slipped into the room, eyes wide and focused. Well, now was her time to become acquainted with this house. Whatever tricks it had, Colette would be prepared. She walked towards the bed and lazily threw her one suitcase and briefcase onto the bed, jumping back a little as a large cloud of dust gathered from underneath her suitcase.

Colette coughed, yes, it appeared this house would definitely take some time to get used to. Considering it was still day time, Colette decided she'd take a short nap, she'd need her rest if she were to stay up tonight. Now, of course, it was not ladylike to sleep in one's street clothing, however, Colette never cared for the "ladylike". She pushed her suitcase to the other side of the bed and flopped onto it unceremoniously. It was not comfortable, but it could be grown to be tolerated, she concluded.

Thus, began her first night in this strange mansion.

Zollie 07-10-2015 05:58 PM

There was a story about the house involving the tale that was well known throughout a vast majority of the land. Even though it happened centuries ago, it is still remembered up until this day, and there are those who go in. Well, they never come back out and they're bodies are not found.

The mystery baffled investigators and the Willows family was never found but locals say they can see them in the windows of the mansion at odd times of the day and night. However, the house was built before the late 1800's and every resident that moved in wound up disappearing without a trace. Soon enough, people stopped trying to live there, and the stories became mere tales to frighten others to stay away from it. It is often that you can hear the voice of a young girl singing away to a song or lullaby. The last family in the 1800's that lived in the house were direct descent-dents. The husband as named Alistair Alan Willows, the wife was known as Abigail Eloise Willows, and the daughter's picture as well as who she was, was never known. Rumors were the Willows kept their daughter hidden away saying she was estrange and others said the couple murdered their own daughter hiding the remains to never be found again. However, no one really knows the truth behind the mystery, and those who did, as said before, disappeared.

A soft sound could be heard as the house creaked with how old it was and badly taken care of. The room that was occupied by the new visitor had shelves of dolls all around it and decorated in pink 'n white. It looked bland a bit, but it was the room of a child that enough was obvious. The closet was shut and the vanity was a bit dusty, it looked like the family who currently lived in it took a bit of care of it, before they were scared out that is. There were pictures of animals and other cute things including stuffed animals. The room had the scent of flowers to it, but there weren't any in the room. A child's laughter echoed through out the house on a higher level seeing as it was built for four instead of three floors. However, the fourth floor was already locked away at the end of the staircase as if it wasn't finished, and no one wished to see past it.

"Come on, come on, let's play" a faint and happy voice echoed. It may have still been lit out, but that didn't mean the house was empty. Children laughter filled the house as if it was calling towards those who slept and urged them even in sleep to follow with. A shadowy figure of a young girl appeared before the bed "Come Colette, let's play" the voice spoke reaching towards the sleeping girl on the soft bed "When the moon rises, the sun sets, they come out, and it's time to play. When the sun rises, the moon sets, you must learn when to run away." the feeling was gone as the chill in the air subsided leaving the room with a ghostly chill as if someone or something was truly there. Then the figure itself was no where near.

Kory 07-24-2015 08:57 PM

A strange voice seemed to seep into Colette's dreams... She wanted to call out to it, as the faceless voice had beckoned her to come "play". Interestingly enough, Colette felt as though she were a child again, (probably due to all of the childlike things that surrounded her in her new room), as her dream continued to play out, she allowed her child self to chase the voice into a dark, hollow void, where she eventually dragged herself out from her sleep.

It was almost a surprise to Colette once she realized that the voice was, in fact, not a part of her dream, but rather, a part of the house. She shot up in the creaky, old bed and immediately her ears and eyes were open, paying close attention to anything that might happen while she was awake. She waited a moment, just making sure that the voice wasn't in her own head.

"... You wish me to play with you?" Colette whispered softly. She knew, the ghost would be able to hear her, regardless of her tone of voice. However, the last thing she wanted was to anger the ghost. "Are you here with me? Please, give me a sign that tells me you are here with me."

Colette almost jumped to her feet immediately after making her request and she spun around to grab her suitcase, which, laid idly on the bed, untouched since her arrival. She quickly snapped it open and began to dig through her belongings frantically. She didn't have much time, she wanted to make sure she could log the encounter before the ghost decided to leave, or before anything bad could happen. Once she got a hold of her notepad and feather pens, she immediately began scratching down the date and her location.

She waited another moment, hoping that the ghost would cooperate with her. Colette didn't want to scare the spirit, rather, understand them. "Please," she whispered to herself. "Give me a signal..."

Zollie 07-27-2015 02:38 PM

Anna stood there invisible knowing soon she would have to go back soon. Though, the evening crept she could feel herself becoming a bit more solid than before. During the day unseen, during the night no one was ever there to see her as they always fled.

Anna could hear the music start playing again as it does every evening before nightfall. It filled her ears and she knew by being out too early she would have to be quick or risk scaring off another guest. Picking up a doll making it seem like it was floating and making it wave at her. She realized she could talk through the doll and all she said before the doll dropped was "I'm Anna"

When the music would play she would have to hide until it was time to come back out night. That was the rule for the spirits within the house and she would have to play by those rules if she didn't want this new soul to get lost, killed, or even scared away.

Anna faded away unable to hold onto the doll anymore and walked out of the room without making a single sound. The room was empty as a chill was gone. It was a fact that ghosts liked it cold because they could travel within it, but they didn't like heat or fire. Yet, the dolls stayed as the one that had been dropped gotten up to say something. While in a child like voice of a little girl it started to sing. "When the moon rises, the sun sets, they come out, and it's time to play. When the sun rises, the moon sets, you must learn when to run away.

The sun was begging to have an orange like red glow showing it would set soon. The house seemed a bit more alive than it did before. During the day the spirits would rest having no power to do anything. That is until the night would come and they would frighten all those who dared venture into the house. There were several stories about those who got scared away. Others who died including many more that were never known about. Nonetheless, when you die you do not become part of the house with the other spirits unless they wish for you to.

Kory 07-28-2015 10:55 PM

Colette's eyes widened immediately as one of the many dolls that filled her new surroundings had begun to float. She gasped a little as it spoke, I'm Anna. Though, Colette's first reaction would be to respond to the ghost, she found her hands immediately began to busy themselves with writing down what was transpiring, even though she wasn't looking at her notepad and her writing was probably very sloppy. She spoke as she wrote,

"Hello, Anna. I believe you already know my name...." She gave a gentle smile and awkwardly began to circle around the room, trying to see if she could feel the presence of Anna. Colette found that she could, in fact, feel her presence and it was surprisingly warm and light. The air surrounding her didn't feel heavy and dense as it did in most of the haunted homes she visited. Perhaps, this particular ghost held no ill will?

Colette opened her mouth to speak again, when a strange feeling washed over her and she could feel Anna's spirit fading away. "Oh... Wait! Please..." Colette sputtered however, she was interrupted by the sing-songy voice of a young girl... A strange little tune was sung and Anna's presence was lost. Colette stood in the darkness, alone and in awe. She stared off into space where the doll had once floated for a moment, then two, contemplating the song that was sung.

Her fingers got busy once more and she immediately wrote down in her notepad what she could remember from the tune. "...When to run away?" Colette stared at the words she'd scratched onto her parchment. It didn't make much sense to her, but she'd be patient in dealing with this ghost. Colette vowed in that moment to discover all she could about this ghost. Whatever their reasons for lingering in this life were, she'd help this ghost find peace.

Colette reviewed her notes once more, making sure to take notes of all that transpired this night. Yes, everything looked good. She then slipped her notes back into her old suitcase and turned around to light some nearby candles. She took this opportunity to slip out of her traveling clothes and into something more suitable for bed, all the while, thinking of the ghost she'd met and how different this one seemed compared to others she'd crossed paths with in the past.

"Anna..." She lamented. "Anna. I will help you find peace. Poor thing." She though aloud as she dressed.

Zollie 07-29-2015 01:16 AM

As the evening moved in through out the sunlit sky, it started to change to a more midnight blue shade mixed with red. Creating a purple mixture, the feeling in the room changed to a light fluffy atmosphere. The room warmed up once more while a voice echoed throughout the room "Do you want to play with me?" a light voice said though it sounded more like it was coming from the doll that was now floating in mid air. The doll that spoke had straight blonde hair with bright blue eyes. It was almost realistic looking as it wore a Lolita, black dress, with arm warmers. Matching stockings and high platform shoes.

Anna was using the doll to talk to Colette this time. "Oh Coleeeeette" the doll spoke to get the attention of the one living and breathing within the room. "Do you want to play tonight?" Anna would love showing someone all her favorite hideaways. As well as things others had yet to see. The rooms in the house appeared to be fun and for any child who wished to find it. Or to see it with their own eyes. Anna was happy that night had come, she could play all night long, and not care at all. Although she did wonder if this new living doll (Colette), would stay for more than just this night. That of course, would depended on the others. The doll stayed floating where it was as it waved to her waiting for it to be noticed.

Memories flooded Anna's mind from one of the first children that moved in with their family here, they were scared, and wanted to run away from this place. Anna never understand that until she watched the child die from an accident within the house and then she knew it was those who were with her. Red eyes who couldn't be seen, but within dark shadows of the night. As long as Anna was there to be the light, Colette would be safe, but if Anna retreated for any reason that there may change in an instant.

(I'm sorry it's the best I can do on low sleep)

Kory 07-30-2015 10:21 PM

(Totally fine by me!)

As Colette slipped into her night gown she jumped at the sound of her name. Immediately, she spun around to stare at the doll that had once again come back to life, er, so it seemed. The ghost was trying to contact her again! Colette decided to take her chances this time, maybe her notepad and scientific approach scared Anna away the first time? Well! She'd certainly not make that mistake twice.

Colette left her parchment pad in it's place in the suitcase on the bed. She slowly, very cautiously approached the doll as it spoke. "Do you not have friends to play with?" Colette asked, still taking slow, careful steps towards the doll. "... You must be very lonely in this big house." Colette sank to her knees in front of the doll and stared at it intensely, listening very carefully to what Anna may have to say.

"Do I not scare you, Anna?" She asked. She reached out to touch the doll, wanting to run her fingers through the doll's hair. Colette had a love for beautiful porcelain dolls, it was a strange change of pace to hear a ghost speak through one, however, her hand stopped a couple of inches from the doll's face and she drew her hand back to rest on her lap. "There have been many people who are afraid to come to this house..." Colette sighed. "You do not seem to be angry, I wonder why everyone is afraid of you."

(Sorry, it's short!)

Zollie 07-31-2015 04:30 PM

(You're quite fine, so far only two main characters are involved, there isn't much to write about right now)

"No, I don't have many friends here, but I hope you'll be my friend" Anna was different than the other ghosts, most of the kids went and hid, but Anna love to be out in the light most of the time. Anna watched the girl move closer to her, well the doll, and listened to her. This was making her curious, most of them would run for the hills or something half of the time. Anna didn't answer the lonely part, she was lonely, but then again she wasn't. Not a very easy thing to answer to half of the time, but she probably was more than she let on. Though she had forgotten about it over time and the more she saw other humans come into the house, the more she really did forget it.

"You do not scare me, others do not scare me" Anna answered, but there was one thing she was somewhat afraid of "You're not going to run away too are you? Like all the others before you?" Anna asked standing there as her actual form started to look almost like an outline, but still hard to see. She appeared more like a grey sort of shadow standing against the wall. Anna knew the people were not afraid of her, but afraid of the spirits that dwelled in the house with anger, fear, and loneliness.

"I'll be full soon, do you want to play when I appear?" Anna asked smiling, her voice showed kindness "I'm not scary, nor angry, and I will not harm you, promise" Anna start twinkling in the light of the candle lit room. The moonlight reflecting off of her showing her appearance a little more. Once a few minutes had passed she quietly became more solid, but not yet fully. She was wearing an old red and black, lace dress from around the 1700s or masquerade era. She had really long pretty blonde hair to her waist almost that looked really soft and her eyes were a beautiful light blue. Lighter than most would have and more rare to see which looked good against her light almost pale skin that was flawless. Smiling she looked at Colette "Hello Colette, I am Anna, nice to meet you" she smiled kindly at the other girl. Anna was almost an exact replica of the doll minus she was life like and looked more alive standing in front of the other girl now.

Kory 08-01-2015 03:25 AM

Before Anna began to materialize in front of Colette, Colette came a bit closer to the doll and stared directly into it's painted eyes,

"I promise you, I will not leave this house. No matter what manners of hell may lurk here." And Colette meant that. She was quite used to being surrounded by evil spirits that wanted nothing more than to see Colette dead or gone, but she still held fast in those situations. "I will not abandon you."

Ever so slowly, Anna began to take shape in front of Colette. To which, Colette was amazed and bewildered. It was pleasant to see the Anna take form, though, still translucent. Colette got to her feet and stared at Anna's beautiful, icy blue eyes. "Anna..." She smiled. "I would not mind playing with you. In fact, I'd enjoy that very much."

Colette approached Anna, reaching out to touch the space that Anna (almost) filled. It felt so real, almost as though she could just touch... But Colette realized she was slightly disappointed when her fingers slipped right through Anna's cheek. Of course, she'd forgotten about the dimensional barrier that separated the two of them. Colette pulled her hand back and let out a long, heavy sigh.

"You are so beautiful." Colette whispered. "I only wish that I had gotten the chance to meet your better acquaintance in better circumstances." There was so much that Colette wanted to learn about Anna, so much that she wanted to know, she'd almost forgotten the reason why she had come to this house in the first place. "Are you alone?" She asked Anna.

Colette's notepad laid forgotten in her suitcase.

Zollie 08-01-2015 03:38 AM

Anna smiled happy to have someone who would stay and play. The question was, for how long, and would Anna stop the spirits that dwelled in the house with her? Not focusing on the negative thoughts, Anna watched Colette reach out to her, though Anna didn't flinch at all. Not because she was a ghost and the other girl was human, but because she didn't feel any harm coming from her at all. "Thank you, but I must return what you have said to me. In my eyes you are just as lovely as I"

Anna slightly tilted her head about how Colette spoke about meeting her in better circumstances. "Yes and no. Yes I am alone as far as I am the only spirit such as myself. The others...they're not spirits anymore, but they won't come out until almost one in the morning usually. So we don't have to worry about them for a few hours." Anna spoke her guard up for later if she had to protect this human with her non-existence she would. She didn't want to lose another friend...not like all the others that ran away screaming or died.

"I really would like to play, but one of my favorite things to do in this house is to take old passages to other places around here. Want to see the secret garden? I'm not sure if it still looks as beautiful as back then, but I might be able to change that" Anna spoke smiling kindly as she glanced around mentally to make sure no other spirits were latching on to anything or anyone. "Maybe I can even show you my room" her real room, not the one that Colette was originally in, that was just a room for show back then.

"But you might with to put some shoes on that you're comfortable in walking or slippers." Anna spoke wondering if the girl ate anything while she was gone for that short time. She was going to ask, but she wanted to make sure a few different things first.

Kory 08-03-2015 01:54 AM

Colette smiled at the compliment that Anna had given. It had been a long time since anyone had told Colette she was beautiful, she greatly appreciated Anna's response.

"I'd love to see the secret garden. Is... it alright if you show me?" Colette asked. She wanted to be sure that Anna was a safe spirit to talk with, thus far, Anna seemed to be okay. Didn't seem angry or full of spite. Just seemed a little lost, lonely, even. Colette would do what she could to keep Anna happy. Hopefully, with enough information Colette could figure out what exactly was happening in this house.

Colette gently dusted her dress in the spots where she'd knelt in front of the doll earlier. The floors appeared to be much dustier than she's originally anticipated. Was this room one that wasn't frequently visited by the family that lived here? Colette started to get a little suspicious... Why would the family place her in this room if it was not frequently used?

So many questions swam around in Colette's mind, yet, all she could really think about was Anna and how to help. AS much as Colette started to greatly enjoy Anna's presence, it was unnatural for any spirit to roam earth after death. Colette let out a sigh at that sad thought.

"I would love to see your room, dear." Colette smiled, yet at the mention of slippers or shoes, Colette's smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of confusion. Still, Colette did not argue with Anna. Instead, she simply turned around and bent over to lift up the covers that hung over the side of the bed, she then slipped her boots out from underneath the bed and began to slide them onto her feet, at the same time, asking Anna, "Why do I need shoes? Are we going to the garden first?"

Zollie 08-05-2015 12:43 PM

"Of course, I wouldn't tell you where it is, and just leave like that. That would be rude, mother has taught me better than that" she spoke though she should have held off on that comment about her mother, but too late it was already heard by the others. She didn't turn or break or glaze, but her ghostly aura meant to be seen by other ghosts told them to back off. That it was her time to play.

Anna had a feeling Colette would have questions, but right now she just really wanted to play. It was rare for her and over the centuries the last girl who she was able to trust wound up trying to burn the house down, but the spirits just...well she joined the spirits put it that way. Anna's eyes went from happy to in a daze "Come on, we don't want to miss it" Anna smiled as her eyes lit up once more while she added "This is an old house, alot of places don't get cleaned, and no one has been in the secret passageways in over four centuries" so that would be over four hundred years to this day.

"Ready?" Anna asked thinking that since Colette was human they would have to take the long way, but that was what the shoes were for. Anna could go through walls, but they would have to work together to find the levers that would open these hidden passageways. "Let's go to the garden first, then we can check out my room, you have to go through the garden and past the small waterfall to get to my room." Anna loved her room almost as much as everything else, but her room was hidden away farther than anyone knew.

Kory 08-08-2015 02:07 AM

"Oh, of course..." Colette giggled a little as she adjusted her feet into her boots. When Anna told her to hurry, Colette stumbled a bit as she straightened herself and made to follow Anna's ghostly, transparency towards the secret places that Anna wanted her to see.

"Four centuries!" Colette gasped. "This place is even older than I'd thought." It was a subtle change for Colette to see, but Colette noticed that Anna's eyes changed. They were not as happy and bright as they were before, as though something she'd mentioned had made her a bit more solemn than usual? Colette wanted to ask about it, she pondered for a moment... To ask? Or not to ask? To risk upsetting Anna? Well, Colette realized if she did upset Anna, it wouldn't be the first time she'd accidentally upset a spirit. May as well take the chance while she had the chance.

Anna seemed so excited to show her the secret passages and especially her room. "I'd be delighted to see your room, dear."

Colette knew it was now or never to ask about the change in Anna's eyes. She swallowed a lump in her throat and spoke with a slightly dry voice,

"Miss it, Anna? How would we miss it? I'm sure it isn't going anywhere." Colette hoped she wouldn't regret asking. "Your eyes... they changed, you appear much more solemn. Is there something bothering you about taking me to the passages?" Colette truly didn't want to frighten Anna or make Anna feel the need to entertain her if that was not what she truly wanted. Though, Colette had the feeling there was more to this house than what Anna was telling her.

Zollie 08-08-2015 04:04 PM

"Oh yes this place has a lot of history" Anna said thinking 'and spirits' but she ignored her thoughts, as long as she stayed happy tonight, nothing would go wrong, and if that meant Anna had to keep an eye on Colette all night, fine. Anna smiled as her body became less transparent "This way, right here" for a moment Anna didn't say anything as she reached out to a light fixture on the wall and pulled on it, her hand almost slipped through, but she was able to pull it down making the wall shake a bit. That was defiantly going wake up some old spirits sooner than later, but Anna wasn't one to care.

Once it opened lights lit up a stair way going down and then leading out straight "We will go this way, I can show you the path I love taking" she waited for Colette to go first unless she wanted herself to go, but the lights on the walls kept it lit and it wasn't too bad as far as being old in the hidden passageway. Probably because no one ever went down there anymore. "There is only a certain time at night or day that you can go through this passageway and it knows what time it will be, gotta start moving before the clock chimes otherwise we're not going tonight" Anna ushered Colette into the passage way, they had about two minutes before the clock would chime for the next hour to begin.

"Hm? I'm not sure what you're talking about, but my room is this way" Anna answered looking over her shoulder confused or so she appeared that way. "Let's go let's go, one minute before a chime" she took Colette's hand as the clock chimed making the wall shake a bit more before starting to close as Anna took Colette's hands pulling her through without getting caught in anything. Anna sighed in relief, most who agreed to play with her didn't make it past that. However, Anna planned it closer to the time she would be more solid rather than before it would begin.

Kory 08-11-2015 02:34 PM

Colette was calm and collected for the majority of the journey as she followed Anna closely, though, she couldn't help but gape at some of the architecture of the house. Very beautiful, very regal in some areas. Colette would have to come back after her visit with Anna to sketch some rough drawings of the rooms later.

Colette found herself getting more and more excited with each step. That is, up until the wall began to shake. Immediately, Colette's first reaction was to grab whatever was in front of her and hold on tightly. Well, that was what she did, reach reached out and grabbed Anna, and clung to her tightly for a moment, then two after the wall stopped shaking. Colette's breathing evened out and she slowly let go of Anna. Then realized that she was actually able to touch Anna!

"Oh my.." She breathed out. "What happens after the chime?" Colette asked, but her question was quickly answered as the wall began to shake again, Colette scrambled towards Anna to avoid getting hit by the wall as it began to close. Colette's head snapped back to look at the wall as it closed rather quickly. Her breathing was uneven again and she looked at Anna with wide eyes.

"What was that?!" She didn't realize that she was speaking so loud, it was almost as if she were yelling, but she caught herself after that last bout of somewhat shock and anger. "If you brought me this way to kill me, I promise I will not let that happen!" Colette dusted her nightgown and allowed her breathing to slow down again... She didn't know why she was so upset, it wasn't like ghosts hadn't tried to kill her in the past. Colette had to guess, she was so upset because Anna befriended her, she felt for a second as though she should be offended.

Zollie 09-28-2015 01:20 PM

"That would be the puzzle sliding door, it only stays open for a short amount of time, and then it closes." Anna answered not realizing the moment she became more solid and less see through than usual. Anna looked at her a moment shaking her head a bit. "I would never try to kill you." Anna's expression remained quite still as she held out her hand to Colette. "Come on, there isn't much farther really." If Colette would take her hand or not, Anna would lead the way regardless walking down the dusty old passageways with cobwebs all over.

Anna's body temperature changed a bit from ice cold to well less cold than it was already. She wouldn't remember right off the bat that there was a time certain ghosts if innocent enough would or could become solid for a time period. A short time period. Though, Anna wasn't one to dwell upon the past for long, so she wouldn't think about it. If she did think about it she didn't do it much.

"Do you have any siblings Colette?" Anna was an only child seemed to have been raised that way, but always wondered what life was like for others whenever they would find their way here. "Why did you come to this house of all places? You could die here you know, not by me, but more of by other ghosts who have been here longer. Doesn't that frighten you at all?"

Kory 09-30-2015 04:29 PM

After spending many different nights in haunted houses with ghosts that would want nothing more than to see Colette dead at their feet, Colette found it hard to just put her trust in Anna... Though she was still suspicious of Anna... she still took Anna's hand and allowed her to lead the way. Hopefully, if she survived tonight, then whatever Anna wanted to show her would be well worth the near-death experiences.

As she followed Anna, Colette was caught off guard by her question,

"No, I'm an only child... My parents both wanted only one child. It was cost effective and my mother felt that she would rather give all of her love and attention to one child than spread it out over a few." Anna seemed to be very curious, a trait that Colette felt she also shared. She smiled as she continued to follow Anna, all the while, answering her queries,

"Well, Anna..." Colette began, "It's my job to come to these old houses and help people who are struggling with angry ghosts. Many people are afraid of the paranormal, I think they often feel there's not enough room in their homes for their families and the ghosts too." Colette smiled again, but this smile was closer to a fake one, as her true emotion was worry. "... I'm not afraid of ghosts, even angry ones. I've dealt with some pretty threatening ghosts before in my line of work, but I made it out alive and the ghosts are no longer haunting those homes... Does it bother you that I am here? I trust that you will keep me safe, Anna."

Colette reached out to Anna and took her hand gently in hers, giving it a gentle squeeze, feeling a little surprised that she was able to do so. Most likely, Anna wouldn't be so visible and so tangible for long, better she take advantage of that before it was gone.

Zollie 01-20-2018 03:29 AM

Ava The Vampire: DAMN. Where was I for two years? How the hell did I forget about this thing, i enjoyed this story back then too. I can't believe this was back in 2015. Then again that was around the end of my first job and beginning of my recent job but wow. I can't believe how long it has been. So unreal. I am so sorry I never replied, it was never intentional. I just got back into my account as well, I was locked out for quite some time.

Kory 01-22-2018 03:28 AM

That's alright, if you want to continue this RP we can! But I am currently in the process of moving, so my replies might be extremely slow and few and far between.

Zollie 01-22-2018 03:56 AM

Ava The Vampire: You waited all this time and are still willing to do this. So I'm sure I can wait just as long for your replies. I'll either do a post tonight or sometime in the next day or so. i have night shifts next two nights and plan on re-jumping back into roleplaying big time.

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