Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   Sizzla's Sizzlin' Summer Hangout - DRAW ME plz? ;) (

Sizzla 06-25-2008 08:04 PM

Sizzla's Sizzlin' Summer Hangout - DRAW ME plz? ;)
Sizzla's Sizzlin' Summer Hangout

Hey guys! I kinda missed the party here, but I'd like to join in last minute! I was gone all weekend, and now I'm trying to make up for lost time. :D

So stick around, hang out and say hi! :XD

I'm also looking for summery avatar artwork, and I've got the moolah to spend on it, so if you're willing to draw me, let me know and tell me how much you want (within reason of course).

Have fun and stay out of the heat! :XD

Tilly 06-25-2008 08:06 PM

*saying hi* ;D

HI! <3

Sizzla 06-25-2008 08:08 PM

Hey Tilly! :D How've you been? I stopped by your thread earlier, but I didn't have time to post. Work gets to me sometimes. :(

Tilly 06-25-2008 08:11 PM

Best kind, I don't mind! ;D Lolrhyming.

I've been great, school ends tommorow! Woo! How are you?

Eroy 06-25-2008 08:16 PM

Hiiii Siz!

My review went great! Though I didn't get as big of a raise as I did last year. Only $0.60.. That's what Matt got too. They says it's because we've had a high development year instead of a high sales year.. so ya :sweat: Oh well. They only had positive things to say about me. Which is great since I pretty much consider myself a slacker. :lol:

Sizzla 06-25-2008 08:19 PM

School ends tomorrow? Geez, isn't it a bit late for school to be getting out!? It's almost July! When do you have to go back after summer break? Man, I tell you, you kids are getting robbed of your summers! That's kinda sad. :(

I'm doing well enough. I've been stressing out over this ad I'm making for work. My boss keeps wanting changes made to it, and it's starting to get to me. Other than that though, I'm good. Work is over in about 1.5 hours and then I get to go home and sweat my butt off on my walk. And after that I get to sit in front of the TV and do nothing except watch So You Think You Can Dance, which is exciting. :D

EDIT for Eroy:
Woo!!! Awesome! Congrats on your raise! $.60 is better than nothing. Collin's got a pay freeze at his job right now, so it's good you got something. Huzzah!

When did Matt get his review? I thought he didn't have one scheduled yet?

Tilly 06-25-2008 08:22 PM

We go back the first week of September. D: We used to get out on like, the 4th, not the 24th, but the school board keeps shortening all our breaks.

Ad executive! o__o Important! Don't worry about the boss, no one loves him. And yay @ SYTYCD!

Sizzla 06-25-2008 08:26 PM

Well at least you don't have to go back until September. I know I was going back around Aug. 15th when I was in school. That kinda makes up for the long June schooling. Still though, that's a significantly shorter break. LAME! :x

hahaha. I'm totally not an ad executive, but I might as well be! XD That's a good majority of what I do at my job...

Woo! SYTYCD is awesome! Do you watch it?

Tilly 06-25-2008 08:28 PM

Yeah, it's just the school board doing what they do best. I have a theory that they feed off of misery.

That's so cool! Do you work at a big companie?

Yes, when I can! I watch the re-runs on Much.

editzors// Tilly is drawing you in Tilly's non-chibi style! ;D Do you wanna be drawn in that avatar?

Sizzla 06-25-2008 08:48 PM

Yeah, the school board just wants to make you suffer. :/ Sucky.

No, actually the company I work for is very small. There are only six employees, including me. So I get to do a lot more than I would at a large company. It's nice sometimes, but sometimes things are a bit too hands-on. heh. Most of the time I like it though. It's a good job and I'm getting great experience out of it.

Yeah, I've been watching SYTYCD for a few seasons now, and I always really enjoy it. Those people are IMPRESSIVE dancers. I wish I could dance so well!

Woo art! :XD Yeah, this avatar is summery I think. Go with it. That'd be fan-tastic! Thanks Tilly!

Ugh. I have some work to get done, but I'll be back in a bit to post a bit more hopefully. If not in a bit, I'll be back later tonight for sure. :)

Muggles Running Amok 06-25-2008 08:54 PM

I didn't even know there was a summer event.

wow. Lol.

Eroy 06-25-2008 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sizzla (Post 3453154)
EDIT for Eroy:
Woo!!! Awesome! Congrats on your raise! $.60 is better than nothing. Collin's got a pay freeze at his job right now, so it's good you got something. Huzzah!

When did Matt get his review? I thought he didn't have one scheduled yet?

Pay freeze. That's some shit dude... especially with the rising cost of fuel and food. Ya.. $0.60 is better than nothing. :yes:

He has his review right before I had mine. He got his scheduled Monday or something like that. I think they are pretty happy with his performance from the sounds of it.

When are your reviews?

Pounded 06-26-2008 12:35 AM

-ninja's in -hugs everyone- ninja's out-

.Pixie Dust. 06-26-2008 12:46 AM


whats with this party???

Sizzla 06-26-2008 12:51 AM

@Moogle: *drools on your Death Cab picture* I saw your post in the AT thread, but I thought we could bring it here. :D They are SO good. Like, wow. I dunno. I've had this obsession with Ben Gibbard since I heard The Postal Service. So I proceeded to find nearly every album he ever made (including his Home EP, which I :heart:) and every remix he did. XD *obsessed*

Yeah, an event! I haven't really been around much to participate, but I'm going to try for the next couple of days. I really only get out and about during events, so I try to take advantage when I can.

@Eroy: I dunno when my review is... Sometime in the next month I'd imagine. But we all should be getting a cost-of-living raise here at the beginning of the fiscal year (july 1), and that's always pretty nice. PLUS, the economy is fucked right now, so we should get more than last year -- I think.

@Pou: :hug: You ninja you!

@Pixie: Aaah, I know that signature! The bug always gets me! XD

How are you this fine evening?

.Pixie Dust. 06-26-2008 12:52 AM

hahahahah! Im glad to see it hasnt lost its touch. I have been gone for ages so...can someone tell me whats new and whats with this party thing?

Sizzla 06-26-2008 12:58 AM

Uhhhhhh.. What's new? Well, not too terribly much. I guess it depends on how long you've been gone. :XP Maybe you should check out the Announcements forum. It'll tell you about this event too. :D

But in a short summary, this is the user-run summer pool party. There are some game threads run by users in the stickies where you can win prizes, but other users are giving away prizes and art in their own threads too. *nods* Basically we're all hanging out. XP

.Pixie Dust. 06-26-2008 01:00 AM

Oh so its not like christmas and all that stuff? no falling candys or snow flakes?

Ive been gone about 4 months. Cant you tell by my avatar? lmao.

I love some of the new items

Pounded 06-26-2008 01:08 AM

-ish hugged- >w<
Hehe -giggles- :D

Sizzla 06-26-2008 01:12 AM

@Pixie: Four months?! Oh man, well a lot has gone on probably! You did miss the Phoenix Jubilee, which was held last month. It was a staff-run event with free items and stuff... And there have been a lot of new items -- and a lot of basic items in a TON of colors. :D

Pou is silly! :glomp:

Pounded 06-26-2008 01:13 AM

-cheeky grin- Hehe i know :3 So is Sizzla -nods-
-huggles- How are joo?

.Pixie Dust. 06-26-2008 01:21 AM


and now Im poor.

Sizzla 06-26-2008 01:27 AM

I'm pretty good Pou. :D It's hella hot here. I went on a walk earlier and thought I was going to die of heatstroke. I'm not used to 90-degree-plus weather! Now I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance. XD

What's up with you?

@Pixie: Oh MAN, you missed the software switch too! What do you think of our new look? :D We've got new games, blogs, social groups... all KINDS of fun stuff! ^_^

.Pixie Dust. 06-26-2008 01:31 AM

Oh wow thats awesome! I havent even explored yet coz I wanted to see what this event was about but....I will now.

What were the items I missed? so I can make a list and get em. I hate being behind on items

Pounded 06-26-2008 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sizzla (Post 3455106)
I'm pretty good Pou. :D It's hella hot here. I went on a walk earlier and thought I was going to die of heatstroke. I'm not used to 90-degree-plus weather! Now I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance. XD

What's up with you?

That's good. Awww that's no fun lol xD.
-gives you an ice-cream xP-

I'm good too, been a bit bored without my net for several days so i resorted to playing xbox games xD.

It's cold over here o3o
Lol, tis only like 10-15 degress right now and we have to be at school >.>

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