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Rhys Luna Emweise 11-11-2016 11:50 PM

Hunter & Lady Chello "Traitorous Love"
This is a private roleplay between Lady Chello and myself.
Feel free to read along, but please do not reply unless you are one of us.

((Lady Chello picked the title...))

Warnings: m/m relations (yaoi); assumed character death; violence; language...

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-12-2016 12:10 AM

HRH Prince Alistarr Micheal Rozlinn
Quiet and reserved, mostly due to not having been allowed to socialize with other children while growing up except those who lived in the castle, or noble children who'd visited with their parents. [___] was one of those children who grew up in the castle with him. They became close friends, despite their differences in age and status, becoming closer than many would think two males should... Then came the attacks against Alistarr's father, and their country... And the day he loses his best friend forever...

... Or has he?

Lady Chello 11-12-2016 03:02 AM Alexander Reed



Preference: Bi

Job: Personal Knight ( Octavius started his life out as a guard to the prince.)

Skills: hand to hand combat, master of close quarters fighting, master of sword, and able to adapt quickly to battle strategies.

Personality: loyal, brave, truthful, honestly one of the best friends a person can have. Due to his nature mean think of him a weak or naive person. He tends to see the good in people and dose his best to always do what is right. He has a stern knowledge what is wrong and right, and will defend what he believes to be right. Believe it or not he has a bad temper that he hides. Heaven forbid you be on the receiving end of his wrath when he explodes.

Octavius grew up in the castle as a squire in training she the death of his late father Sir Reed. His father was a great knight and had high exceptions for the young boy. Life as a squire was rough to say the least. He was constantly picked on and purposely treated worse than the other squires because of his lack of a good title or home. He was given to Sir Rillus the Captain of the guards to look after once his father died. Sir Rillus taught him everything he knows about fighting and life.

He grew up in constant fights with the other squires none of course where his choosing. However out of it all he managed to make friends with one special boy. To his surprise his soon to be best friend was none other than Prince Alistarr Micheal Rozlinn. However Octavius never let the title and long name fool him. Alistarr was just another boy like him trying to make it in a rough world. Some where their friendship shifted and changed into something even he can't explain. One this is clear Alistarr is the safest Prince around with Octavius by his side to guard him. Octavius would happily put his life down on the line for he beloved Prince. Everyone knows if you see the Prince you can bet Octavius isn't far behind.

Lady Chello 11-12-2016 07:08 PM

Ocatvius sighed as he worked in the royal stables again. He had been assigned there once again by Captain Rillus as punishment for fighting. By now he was a expert stable-hand.The Official Groom's or stable-boys, stable-man, or stable-hands had started giving him his own horses to tend to. As far as the royal staff seemed to think, he was just another one of the stable-hands. None of them seemed to know he was a squire in training. The Groom was a title giving to those who cared and worked in the stables with the horses. It was a hard job some times but Octavius worked through it as he always did. The company wasn't bad as long as you didn't mind the occasional nudging for treats. He laughed suddenly as one of the new foals came up and nipped at him a bit wanting to play.

He couldn't help but laugh as he rolled his eyes putting down his broom. " Oh alright you win! You really are persuasive." He said to the young white foal. " Your going to make a fine horse one day for the Prince." He said as he picked up the royal bridal and waited as the foal gracefully trotted up to him. The young foal had only arrived a week or two ago from a foreign land. It was to be Prince Alistarr's present from his father. The young foal was pure white with bright sky blue eyes. It had a grace about it in everything that it did. The foal was fit for a king with it's majestic appearance. The foal for whatever reason seemed to be very found of Octavius something that the staff had taken note of. The young foal would let no other person bridle it or ride it. Something that was a bit of a problem since it needed to be broken by the Prince's birthday party. The party was quickly approaching and the stable staff had been really worried. However true to form poor Octavius had been sent back to them as punishment for fighting yet again.

The staff watched in silence as Octavius Bridled the young horse with ease. He even managed to put a saddle on the horse with no fuss. They knew that Octavius would make a fine soldier some day. He already had the fighting skills down to a art thanks to his adoptive father of shorts Sir. Rillus. Thanks to the horses he was learning the other important part, and that was how to care for others. The staff turned and went back to their own business knowing that Sir.Rillus would yell at them if he caught them helping Octavius out in the least. The Captain of the guards had made it clear that this was to be Octavius's punishment. He was to serve them and the horses. " Come on lets go for a walk." Octavius said to the young horse as he lead it out of the stables. He walked around the castle with the horse letting it get use to it's new home. After a while he mounted the horse and slowly started to guide it around. They explored the lands around the castle for hours. To Octavius surprise the young horse suddenly started to run. The horse seemed so happy as it glided through the air. His moments of bliss ended as he saw a large hedge suddenly appear knowing they where heading into the royal guardians. " NoooOOOO!" He yelled but it was to late the horse was already in mid air. The young horse landed a bit rough causing Octavius to be thrown forward into the lake.

Octavius quickly surfaced as he glared up at the young horse who looked apologetic. The horse walked over and held it's head down to him. He grabbed onto the bridal as he let the horse help him up out of the lake. He shook his head as he looked at himself. The horse seemed to be laughing from the fact that he had moss and Lilly pads all over him. "Oh so this is funny?" He snapped back at the horse who just laughed and suddenly bolted away in a playing manner. " Hey you get back here we aren't done talking about this!" He yelled as the horse ran off heading for a cluster of trees. Octavius quickly followed as he picked the moss and lilly pads off his face and arms. When he made it to where the horse had stopped he saw the reason for the suddenly excitement. "You threw me into a lake for apples?" He said as he quickly grabbed the reigns so the horse couldn't run off again. The horse looked shocked to see him and held a apple in its teeth as if trying to give him a peace offering. " I'll pass, go a head and enjoy yourself. It beats having to sweep the stables." He said as he smiled softly petting the horse.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-12-2016 07:42 PM

Alistarr had been out in the little wooded area of the gardens, hiding- once again- from his tutors. He felt it a waste of such a beautiful day to be locked up in some dark musty classroom, just him and his teacher, listening to the man drone on and on about useless boring shite. Most of his lessons, he shared with other children whose families lived or worked within the castle, like math, science, english, and history. Other lessons, however, like the foreign languages, and politics, he was alone for.

He scurried into a tree not a moment too soon, as a couple of servants turned a corner up hhe trail, calling for him. "Master Alistarr! Master Alistarr! ... Ooh, just you wait til your father learns you're skipping your lessons again, boy!" One lady, his Nanny, actually, threatened, as she and the younger maid headed back off towards the castle. Alistarr paled slightly, knowing what would await when he made it back to the castle. It was certainly better, in his opinion, however, to be turned over his father's knee than to endure both spanking and tongue lashing from the woman who'd raised him, for she often went far too hard and long, often times leaving his bottom bruised- not that his parents believed him. His father had been raised by her as well, and never once had a stinging backside last longer than a day.

Alistarr was just about to hop down out of the tree when he heard another commotion, and pressed himself closer to the trunk of the tree. Next he knew, a horse went galloping down the trail, a young squire following behind, beratig the beast for, apparently, tossing him into he pond. He stifled a giggle, watching teen and beast with amusement.

Lady Chello 11-12-2016 08:14 PM

Octavius looked up as the horse rose it's head it's ears moving forward as he peered off into the distance. He followed the horses eyes not seeing anything strange or out of the ordinary. He gently put his hand on the horses side as the horse stomped it's foot sensing something out there. "Hey come on boy." He said trying to lead the horse away and back to the stables. To his surprise the horse whinnied and shook it's head and body defiantly. He looked back again and saw nothing but a few trees no threats or anything to make the horse act the way it was. " Alright fine." Octavius said as he quickly mounted the horse. The horse seemed please as it trotted forward. Octavius had thought there was a threat at first by the horses behavior. That's why he tried to lead it away. Most animals would have went willingly if there had been.

The horse apparently had heard something that interested it in some way. The horse stopped at a group for trees as it looked from one to another. It seemed to be searching for something. Suddenly the horse stared to whinny once again. The horse refused to move as he peered up into the one tree that had captured it's fascination. Octavius had learned to lessen to the horses as he looked up and scanned the tree. At first he didn't see anything out of the normal until he spotted a young boy hiding. " Hey come down it's not safe to be up there! The storms from last weak made the trees weak. " He warned as he watched the horse suddenly lean up and slam it's hooves against the tree. " Hey none of that from you!" He remarked as the horse neighed out as if trying to say it was only helping. " Please come down." He said trying to plead with the boy honestly worried about his safety.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-12-2016 08:34 PM

Alistarr giggled a little again, watching the squire and the young colt. He stiffened, cursing softly when the horse headed straight to him. "This tree's fine- stronger than it looks..." He replied, eyeing Octavius warily. He swayed when the horse kicked the tree, and quickly grabbed for the branch above him to steady himself. "Alright, alright... Since you're both so insistent."

Alistarr stood, holding the upper branch for balance, and checked the tround below him before jumping. He rolled when he landed, ending in a crouch a couple steps away from both squire and horse. He approached slowly, holding a hand out flat for the horse to sniff, glancing briefly up at Octavius, before returning his attention to the horse, the design upon the bridle catching his eye. "Who are you, and why are you mounted upon a royal horse?" He asked, more curious than demanding, but still insistent upon knowing who he was to think it okay to ride one of the King's own horses.

Lady Chello 11-12-2016 09:01 PM

Octavius watched the young boy as he leaped from the tree. He was impressed that the boy knew how to greet a horse. The horse seemed taken with the young boy and quickly skipped the pleasantries and started nuzzling the boy wanting his attention. "Oh behave!" He snapped at the horse who just ignored him and seemed to want the boy's attention. Octavius sighed as he heard the boys question making him hang his head. He finally looked up at the boy as he tried to sit taller in the saddle like a knight in training was suppose to do. " I'm Octavius Alexander Reed Knight in training." He said being honest as the horse suddenly lifted it's head from the box and posed in a dignified manner as Octavius spoke. Octavius just rolled his eyes at the horse as he leaned down and patted it's neck. " Oh please you don't care about me other than I'm your personal toy. " He said as he laughed and looked to the Boy.

" Honesty I feel like one of the Grooms most of the time. I'm suppose to be learning how to be a knight instead I keep getting sent to the stables. Most everyone here seems to think I'm a stable-hand as well. Maybe their right. " He said as he sighed and looked to the horse. " This pain in my side is to be a gift for the Prince's up coming birthday. However none of the other stable staff can get near it to try and tame it. I believe they have chosen to leave this little pain to me to handle. " He said as he slowly dismounted from the horses back and walked closer to the boy still holding the horses reigns. " I believe a better question would be why a nobleman like you is out here by yourself? " He said noticing the boys dress. "It's not safe for a noble like yourself to wonder around this area without some protection. There have been rumors of bandits, wolves, bears and other things that wonder into the area sometimes." He said as he looked the boy over. " If your going to come out in these areas at lest dress the part so people can't tell who you are. You stick out like a sour thumb in those clothes and would be a easy target for some unjust person. You wouldn't be the first noble child to be kidnapped and held for ransom stolen in their own kingdom." He warned as he looked up seeing the sun. " Come on let's get you back or at lest get you some where safer."

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-12-2016 09:21 PM

Alistarr smiled, eyes twinkling with amusement as the horse posed when Octavius introduced himself. He pet the horses muzzle, scratching up from his nose to behind the poor beasts ears. He looked up at Octavius when he said it wasn't safe within the woods. "I know these woods better than nearly anyone... And that this portion of the woods are on royal land." He replied, feeling confident that as long as he didn't leave the boundaries of his property, he'd be safe. Not only were soldiers always patrolling the edges of the property, there was also the Wall. It ran eighteen feet high around the entirety of the castle grounds, guards posted at the gates to the north and south at all times.

Grinning slightly, Alistarr held his hand out to the squire. "And so you're the squire I hear the guards always complaining about... Pleasure to make your acquaintance... And please. I'm no noble's brat..." He said, planning to keep his identity from Octavius for as long as possible.

Lady Chello 11-12-2016 09:41 PM

"You could have fooled me." Octavius said under his breath at the boy's confidence. He had the trade marks of a noble brat as the boy had parsed it. He held out his own hand and shook the boys hand. "It's a pleasure to met......I don't believe I got your name." Octavius said as he stared at the boy. "You said you live around here so then please tell me what your name is." He said wondering who this young boy was that made such outrageous clams. "The guards think I'm bad they apparently haven't met you." He said in a playful manner meaning the boys use of words and confidence. It made him laughed softly as he smiled. He hadn't met to many young boys with a mouth on them like this one or with such confidence. Oddly enough Octavius found himself attracted to it. He did have a reputation sadly with the guards. He never started any of the fights he ended up in he just finished them. Normally ended up with the other boy seriously injured and knocked down a few pegs in the arrogance area.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-12-2016 09:56 PM

He frowned softly. Most people treated him different after he revealed who he was. Acting more stiff and proper, even the younger ones, afraid of insulting him and bringing the king and queen's wrath upon them. "You can call me Alis... Or Al, whichever you prefer..." He said with a shrug and a tight smile.

Lady Chello 11-16-2016 11:22 PM

Octavius noticed that the boy frowned and his demeanor seemed to change. He went quiet as he studied the boy and nodded his head hearing the boy give his name. " I really don't have a name other than YOU most of the time. So you can call me what you like. And I think Alis is different and suits you. There is nothing wrong with being a little different." He said as he laughed softly more for himself as he finally hung his head and became a little more serious. " I'm sorry Alis if my comments earlier offended you. I don't always think before I speak. Most of the time that leads to trouble." He said as he started to smiled again thinking about the times his mouth had gotten him into serious trouble. "Maybe your right maybe the guards have a right to talk about me." He said as he sighed and looked to the horse. He then looked back to Alis with a smile. " So what are you doing out here?"

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-16-2016 11:40 PM

Alistarr smiled softly, and shook his head. "Oh, no, no offence taken. It wasn't anything you said." He said, running a hand over the foal's neck, picking a few knots out of his mane. "I'm hiding from my tutors." He said, shrugging. "Lessons are so boring. How can they expect anyone to sit and listen to them just drone on and on about pointless nonsense for hours every day?" He had no idea why his tutors couldn't make their lessons a little more fun. Maybe then he'd actually retain some of the knowledge they were trying to drill into his thick skull.

Lady Chello 11-19-2016 12:34 PM

"Tutors?" Octavius said in surprise as he stood there for a moment thinking. Suddenly he got a nudge by the young horse. " Hey whoa there!" He said as he looked at the young horse who seemed taken will Alis. " I think the young horse is right. Why not come with us and walk around the market. It's good for the horse to get use to the land. Besides there is always something going on in the market. Some times there are shows other time singing. There is always yummy goodies on sale and beautiful girls around. Or some new trader from a strange distant land. You can learn a lot from a local market. You can learn about the trade and how good a king is by the market. If the market is flushing and there are many market stands with few poor people that is a good king with a healthy economy under his control. You can find out about the land by talking to the local merchants and traders by looking at their good and sampling them to learn about the quality. Really the market place can tell you a lot about a people and place. There is trader from a distant land who brings in sweet apples that this little one can't get enough of. I always bring him some when I can. I love the traders sour apples they are green and tart. " He said as he smiled. " It might be fun for you to come with us. " He said as he smiled. " Besides I am tried in combat so if things get rough I'll have your back." He said meaning it.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-19-2016 01:14 PM

Alis thought about it, and grinned. "Sure! I'd love to join you... Certainly sounds like a better learning experience than going back to my tutors..." He said. He was excited about the idea of getting out of the castle without a full entourage. It was no fun when they never let him do anything.

Lady Chello 11-26-2016 09:26 AM

Octavius smiled as he laughed seeing how happy Alis was. He started walking as the horse nudged his way in between the two. " Well excuse me for daring to forget your here." He said as the horse nuzzled it's head up against him. "Hey!" he said as he laughed and petted the horse. " Ok fine you win as always. I guess you think this means you get two apples from me and two from Alis right?" He said as the horse nodded and look to Alis and nuzzled him before walking normal once again. " The Prince is going to be in for a surprise with this guy. He is very smart witch is the problem." He said as the horse looked suddenly offended and started prancing with it's head held high in the air. " As I said problematic."

Octavius slowed down a bit as they neared the market. He softly put his hand on the young horses side and started to pet him. " It's ok keep calm I'm here no one is going to harm you." He said softly calming the horse as they entered the loud and nose market. The market was full of trade and people from far and wide. " If you look you see our streets are clean even here in a busy area. The poor people are happy and dressed nicely far better than some others in strange kingdoms I've seen. " He said as he pointed out some of the poorer areas as they walked about. " They aren't as nice as the other areas around here. If you look at them there is no dirt, no damages what so ever. They just look like people forgot to put the extra decorations that are on the richer houses. The King is a good king. " He said as he smiled and looked up seeing a show starting with a jester dancing about along with other acts. "See this is one of the shows that can happen here. We get people from far off lands that come and put on shows. " He said as he smiled enjoying watching the Jester and the other acts.

Rhys Luna Emweise 11-26-2016 01:12 PM

Alistarr was amazed at just how well their city was faring. Last time he'd been out of the castle and actually allowed to look around, the buildings had been far worse off, the people nowhere near as cheery. "My... So much has changed..." He said softly, more to himself than to Octavius. Back then, his father had only just taken control of the kingdom from his older brother. The man had been a greedy old fool, keeping the Kingdom's riches for himself, taxing the people nearly to starvation. Then he'd fallen ill- some said he was poisoned, though the word of a servant wasn't always true- and Alis' father had taken the throne.

He watched the performance for a while with Octavius, before he was distracted by some decadent scent wafting in on the breeze. "Octavius.... what in the world is that smell?" He asked, sniffing a bit, to see if he could figure it out, or where it was coming from at the very least.

Lady Chello 12-10-2016 07:39 PM

"huh?" Octavius said as he turned looking at Alis. He then laughed as he smelt the wonderful smell. "Humm it's hard to say there are many things here that smell wonderful. Why don't we try the local baker. I believe you might be smelling some of their goods. There are many stalls here that make sweets, meals, and other yummy delights. " He said as he gently pulled on the reigns and began the walk through the forest of different stalls and smells. " Here is one of the best meat stalls." He said pointing to the stall run by a father and son team. "Is this what you smell?" He asked taking a moment to enjoy the wonderful smells coming from the smoked meet at the stall. He smiled enjoying the wonderful smell as he turned his head seeing another stall opposite the meat one full of different sweets. "Ah her is one with different spiced nuts drizzled in honey. " He said as he saw the desert that he loved. " Oh you have to try some of this!" He said as he pulled out a few coins from his coin purse at his side.

"Here is one of the best deserts around here. There is crispy pastry with a nut mixture covered with honey. I believe it's called Baklava and is new here. " He said as he thanked the lady and handed the large piece to Alis. " Here try it and see what you think." He said as he looked around trying to find the bakery. " Ah there it is!" He said smiling as he saw the crowed gathered around a small stall being run by a young girl. Off to the side stood the bakery it's self. " The fresh breads are sold here at the stall and the other goodies are inside. The smell of the fresh bread normally brings crowds. Their cakes are moist and put a smile on anyone's face." He said as he smiled and looked to Alis. " I hope that you are enjoying yourself. And don't worry there are more stalls so we'll find what is catching your attention I'm sure."

Rhys Luna Emweise 12-10-2016 08:42 PM

As Octavius led him around, Alistarr kept sniffing, trying to figure out what the smell was and where it was coming from. He listened to Octavius' descriptions, and accepted the baklava eagerly, trying a bite. "Mmm... That is good... Very sticky though, and not the right scent..." He said, passing the treat back to Octavius. It was almost too rich for him.

He took a few steps towards the busy bakery, inhaling, hoping to find the scent there. Sadly, that wasn't the right place either. He whined softly, growing frustrated trying to find the smell. He wandered off a bit- doubtfully a smart thing to do in a crowded market- following the scent himself.

Lady Chello 01-04-2017 12:53 PM

"Hey!" Octavius shouted as he watched Alis wonder past him. " Great now I have two of you to keep up with." He said under his breath as he looked over at the young horse who just glared at him. " Don't act indigent now." He said rolling his eyes as he tried to follow after Alis. He tried his best to navigate the busy streets of the market place. However it seemed that the further he went the busier it got. " Are the fates against me today?" He said peering up at the sky anger fully in his voice. "Just what I need to loose him and you." He said to the horse who just turned it's head obviously still mad.

Octavius looked around the crowed street he found himself on. " He couldn't have got far." He climbed up on the horse who looked nervous with all the people around. " Shhh Boy it's alright." He said softly to the horse as he tried to find Alis from a slightly higher view point. There he saw Alis strange colored hair. It was different from most peoples. Normal people had brown,red, black, blond or a variation of such colors. However Alis hair was more silver something of a oddity with made him stand out. "Alis!" he screamed out over the crowded market place. However about that time his eyes noticed sudden movement. The men where dressed in strange attire and had sinister looks on their faces. At there sides where long curved swords not native to the land. They seemed to be heading right for Alis obviously noticing his strange hair and dress.

Rhys Luna Emweise 01-04-2017 01:12 PM

Alis looked up when he heard Octavius calling his name. He'd just found the stall where the scent was emanating from- it seemed to be some type of fruit-filled pastry. Looking around for the other boy, he happened to spot the strange men approaching him. A quick glance told him they were trouble. He paid for a few of the pastries, and left the stall, trying to get back to Octavius before the men reached him. The crowds seemed to be working against him, though, growing thicker as he went.

Lady Chello 01-04-2017 01:52 PM

Octavius watched as Alis turned and saw the fate that the fates had dealt him. Octavius scanned the area for a gap or anything he could use to reach Alis in time. There as if by magic a flat cart rested up against a pile of brinks obviously of no use to it's owner anymore. He looked back to where poor Alis was. He drove his heal into the horses side turning the reins as he lined the horse up with the cart. " Should be sturdy enough. Just like before you can do this you have to." He told the horse as he took a breath then gave the command driving his heel in the horses side once more. This time the pair picked up great speed as they ran right for the abandon cart. The horse suddenly lunged forward into the air making the market go quiet as they watched the horse and rider sail through the air over them.

The moment of awe and amazement ended when the pair landed hard on the others side of the market. The horse let out a angry scream as it reared and turned quickly. It's aim was true as it dash right past the strange clothed men causing them dart it every direction for safety from it's mighty hooves. Octavius himself poised atop the mighty steed as he reached out in one swift motion and scooped Alis up. In that one motion he had put the young boy in front of him holding him close to his chest as he gave the horse it's commands. The horse flew through the market as people screamed making way for it. The royal guards themselves appeared on horse back as they let Octavius pass. Their attention on the band of men who where trying to follow them.

Octavius pulled the reigns to a stop when he saw Sir Rillus and his block-aid just before the palace gates. The man looked angry but his attention soon turned to Alis as he barked orders his men moving as the palace gates open. For the first time Sir Ruillus wasn't mad at Octavius his mood and expression had changed. "Run and don't stop until you reach the palace. The guards with know what to do. The King and Queen are worried we will handle the men." He said as he barked orders at his men and hurried past. Octavius was confused but gave the command to the horse as they dashed away.

Rhys Luna Emweise 01-04-2017 07:44 PM

Alistarr almost screamed when he was grabbed, before he realized who had him. He turned his head, smiling softly, uttering a brief thank you to Octavius. He leaned into the older male's hold, frowning slightly when he noticed the roadblock. Shit... His parents must have discovered he was missing.

Lady Chello 01-04-2017 10:33 PM

Octavius held onto Alis as they dashed away. How did the palace guard already know about the men? And why did they need to get to the palace. He had many questions but he did as he was told. Once they reached the palace he pulled on the reigns bringing the horse to a stop. He patted the poor horse knowing it was tired from the adventure they had. He looked up as he saw the finest of the palace guards approaching. He peered down at Alis and spoke softly. " Are you alright?" He asked as his head turned hearing a women yelling out for the Prince and saying how happy she was to have him back safely. " Prince? Where?" He said without thinking as he looked around not seeing a Prince any where.

Rhys Luna Emweise 01-04-2017 10:58 PM

Alistarr nodded, giving Octavius a smile. "I'm fine..." He said, reassuring the older boy. He dismounted, and let everyone fuss over him, even though he hated it. "I'm fine, really! Octavius saved me." He said, not mentioning how Octavius had been the one to take him into the city to begin with. He'd have to remember to get some peasant clothing next time he went out of the castle... Or just not wander away from his guard. Who knew what could have happened if Octavius hadn't been with him.

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