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M i r o 06-18-2012 02:30 AM

Miros Epic Pixelisms || [my pixel workroom is dead. yes.]

Epic Pixelisms is here to bring you epic pixels of outfits morphed into avatar items for everyone to wear~!
Please leave suggestions/feedback (keep it civil). Thank you! [heart][:B]

Don't be afraid to drop by and chat/comment! I know I'm known for making pixel dolls and other pixel goodies but those are 50% smaller than grand scale clothing/avatars. I'm used to smaller pixel dolls and making 150% technical details with them. lul So, I'm not a master at it. I don't know all. Although, I can find resources that do ~

Thread Guidelines
  • No torturing the Mirorororo!
  • Works will have text ' n ' stuff removed if picked 8D *shot*
  • Chatting and item suggesting is appreciated~! Cometomemybebes;;
    (If you wish to collaborate and help me finish things, I welcome you! xD)
Table of Contents
  1. Org. Works in Progress: 。*:★(´・ω・人・ω・`)。:゜★。
  2. Pixel Works Completed: (✪㉨✪)
  3. Reserved - Watching Entertainment

tools used: MS paint + PE + kawaiihannah tutorials . fonts used: pixelicious, reBIRTH, infected and john handy . link to previous pixels: DA

M i r o 06-18-2012 02:36 AM

Org. Works in Progress: 。*:★(´・ω・人・ω・`)。:゜★。
Inspired by Artemis Fowl, "Atlantis Complex" when he says: "It's me! I'm the nut!"
Because a squid is trying to crack his wetsuit open to eat'em
The pumpkin friend will stand alone, by itself like Bunchie/Peeblo.
The reason for him is because I think of magic during the changing of seasons @ w @;;

Original Works: Hiatus ProjectsX
Chocolate bunny series was inspired to make more bunny ears, basically. (The "Drink Me" bottle is completely random, rofl) I'm not sure how big the bunny fake-feet are supposed to be. The ears I'm satisfied with for the most part. I don't know if I'm going to progress on it. u w u;
This was inspired by a Pokemon, called Chingling E:
I have no idea where I was going with it... I just like bells.
Poison Apple designs are original but I like the white poison on top of it like Snow White & The Huntsman.

Fandom Works: Throw-away ProjectsX

These works here may never become real items on mene ): Basically, I guess I can see it as practice or throw-away projects that I've wasted time on. loololl But I appreciate any comments you have on'em! [arrow] (May alter it in a different version)
Alice in Wonderland
Pants from KH DDD -> KH key necklace
CC key purse/charm -> CC wand
TWEWY Uzuki ( I think I need collaboration help ORZ;; )

M i r o 06-18-2012 02:40 AM

Pixel Works Completed: (✪㉨✪)

M i r o 06-18-2012 02:41 AM


Some Watching Entertainment 8)
Thank you for oogling! [heart]

Ravinessa24 06-18-2012 11:53 PM

i hope its ok to post but i like your items i want the key so bad .

M i r o 06-19-2012 12:04 AM

Its okay to post. ^^
Thank you! I'm planning on trying to morph it into more accessories or clothing.

Ravinessa24 06-19-2012 12:10 AM

oh yeah that would be awesome im not very good at pixelling so im not going to try this but i do like watching others make things its pretty amazing

linapoo 06-19-2012 12:36 AM

miroooo! +u+ i love the KH gear
hehe i can't wait to see pixel stuff from you! ;u; i've always loved your worksss

M i r o 06-19-2012 01:28 AM

@ linapoo; linaaaaaz! :glomp:
hahaha! well, I'm compiling more stuff to do right now. 8) <3

Pixeling is where I have a lot of fun but I a lot of energy zapped;;

@ Ravinessa; Oh, well you never know. ^^
Usually you can get your ideas pixeled if you make a great concept for the pixelists of mene to grab onto.

xuvrette 06-19-2012 07:07 AM

Miroro have no cut ribbon for open ceremony post!
Or else I will already storm in and droooooool all over the keys...

M i r o 06-19-2012 07:39 AM

I need a ribbon ceremony? XD
Hahaha! Well, I coulda done pinged everyone, I guess.

xuvrette 06-19-2012 12:04 PM

No, just one post saying you are done setting up would do.

Maria-Minamino 06-19-2012 02:55 PM

I'm in love with all your items...seriously in love. I'd buy them in a heartbeat!

xuvrette 06-19-2012 03:09 PM

I look at the clow wand again...
XD lol.
The bird beak is poking at the breast!!!

M i r o 06-19-2012 05:52 PM

@ Xu; Oh! I usually do but I didn't want to take up another post. @ w @

rofl Crazy Xu! ;P
I thought of that... before it was where the avatar was kissing the beak.
I didn't know where else to layer it, since I'd have to redo the head, I think? If I try rotating it in PS then the pixels would bork.

@ Maria; aww, thank you! That inspires me ^^

xuvrette 06-19-2012 06:03 PM

I would rather the beak peck on my shoulder than on my... *beeeeep*!

M i r o 06-19-2012 07:26 PM

pffft! Well, I moved it here now:

xuvrette 06-19-2012 08:13 PM

... and you insist on putting the beak pecking *beeeep*! at the center...
I like the one on the shoulder.

M i r o 06-19-2012 08:58 PM

At least one made it to your liking. XD
I guess I have no choice but to re-pixel it right for the right hand. ><

xuvrette 06-19-2012 09:42 PM

hmm... yaknow... why must the beak facing the person? why can;t the beak face outward? that is how Sakurachan wave towards the card anyway...?

M i r o 06-19-2012 11:08 PM

There just placed in general areas for now. I was thinking it could be a multi+ equip for others to put it anywhere. xD
I'm hopping back ' n ' forth between the other pixels I'm doing

Auric Dreams 06-19-2012 11:17 PM

I popped in here to check out other peoples work before I posted my latest work and I must say the bell rope bangle is pretty cute. I could see it on a Japanese shrine priestess sort of avatar or during Christmas.

M i r o 06-20-2012 12:30 AM

Hi, Auric! ^^
Oh, yes. I'm in love with oriental accessories. I thought it'd be a good idea for what you have mentioned.

Auric Dreams 06-20-2012 12:54 AM

So another fan of oriental accessories, great! I love them as well. I've always liked the feelings they gave off. Also I really do love all the poses you added to it. <3

xuvrette 06-20-2012 04:31 AM

lol... the bell rope.
XD It looks kinda big as a bangle...

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