Menewsha Avatar Community

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Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 05:57 PM

TK and Tetsu's Earthy Art Shop 8D and Tetsu's Earthy Art Shop!

Welcome to our art shop! ^___^ Just like most events, Tori and I are selling art 8D Of course, you don't have to buy >.> We enjoy it when you stick around and chat too ;D Earthy Earth Day Ya'll

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:03 PM To Order

1. Post the completed form.
2. Start a trade.
3. Wait for your artwork.
4. Complete the trade when you receive it.
5. Be Earthy! 8D

ToriKat's order form:

Please note that I am strict about the following: If you do NOT start a trade after posting your order form, you will not get art. It's the only way I know that you're committing to buying art. T_T Do not send me a donation!

So remember! Have three things to get art from the TK: order form, a trade started, and patience!

Code: Woodify Me, TK!


Tetsumiro's order form:

Ref: *still img please*

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:05 PM Lists


1. ladyumbra - DONE
2. blueblackrose - DONE
3. Snowflower - DONE
4. Kyou Blade
5. Angelbug
6. Sylira
7. BrokenHearted


1. Aceo12
2. Snowflower
Unlimited Slots

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:07 PM's Arts

In celebration of Earth Day, I'm offering to make your avatar or original character into a wood sprite!

Price: 200g

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:11 PM's Arts

8D Here's what I'm offering for this event. It's not much but I hope you all enjoy it <3

Price? 80g 8D

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:13 PM Arts

1. ladyumbra
2. blueblackrose
3. Snowflower
4. Kyou Blade
5. AngelBug
6. Sylira
7. BrokenHearted

1. aceo12

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:14 PM

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:15 PM

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:17 PM

^____^ AND! Open now 8D

I don't know exactly when Tori will be on >.> I guess we can just wait it out for her 8D <3 I didn't think I would wake up this early xD ahah!

BrokenHearted 04-19-2008 06:19 PM

*dies* I've been drooling.... *wipes drool* :lol:

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:24 PM

o___o Drooling? Oh boy *gives you a plant to water*

BrokenHearted 04-19-2008 06:26 PM

*cries as plant runs away*

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:28 PM

D: Awwww *pets* How are you today? 8D

Wendy Darling 04-19-2008 06:29 PM

I toooold you guys I would stop by. <333

I'm so excited already with all the stuff going on! <3 So many contests to enter, and what not! <3

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:30 PM

Ahahah ;D Hi Windy! *glomp* I know D: I want to enter some contests... we'll see. Hehe I won't be on tonight/most of tomorrow, I'm taking care of my great grandmother since she's home again from the hospital

Wendy Darling 04-19-2008 06:44 PM

@Tetsu: I'm thinking of entering the art contest, but the art I have in mind is in no way Mene related. I don't know how well that would bode with the judging or not, but eh. . . worth a shot?

Aww, that's sweet that you're taking care of her! Spending time with her is really an imperative thing to do. I wish my great-grandmother were still living.

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 06:47 PM

Yeah, My great grandfather wants to go gambling tonight so he asked me to come look after her for him x3

D: I have to go soon. *flails* Well, now ish xD <3 I luffles ya'll 8D I'll uh... I'll be back... tomorrow night D: Hopefully this will stay alive and we'll get some love heheh! <3

*huggles* Bai bai Winddyyy 8D

nekomorty 04-19-2008 07:10 PM

*_* Oooh, more pretty pictures to see!

Paprika 04-19-2008 07:18 PM

After i make about 800g for the last bits of my avvie, im going to purchase some arts <3

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 08:03 PM

Puri! ^____^ Yes yes >.> More arts heheh!

@Paprika: ^__^ Ohhh! Awesome! Good luck getting the rest of your items!

Turns out I'm on for a little longer 8D Not much. We're going to a BBQ... Though it's trying to snow outside xD LOL!

Cami 04-19-2008 08:04 PM

Yay art! ^-^

I should draw some art.

Wendy Darling 04-19-2008 08:05 PM

Ack, sorry I ran off! My kitten ended up snuggling with me, and I got caught up petting him for a good long time. XD;

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 08:09 PM

@Amari: ^_^ You should! I'm finally getting out of my art rut D: So this will be good for me xD ahah

@Windy: Kitty! ^___^ I wanna pet my kitty D: She's at home, where I'm not atm xD ahahah

Wendy Darling 04-19-2008 08:22 PM

@Tetsu: Awww, that's sad! D: I'm going to die when I leave my kitties behind for college. My five babies, all without their mommy! T_T

Tetsumiro 04-19-2008 08:49 PM

@Windy: D: Awww! I'm taking mine with me~ She's so lovey <3 I couldn't leave her xD I'm getting an apartment in another state, living there for a year and going to university there once I can be a resident 8D then it's 10k cheaper ahaha!

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