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Kiyoto 04-19-2012 11:32 PM



My name is Kyohei Allucard, most call me by the name Ace. I am a detective, things have been going very well. I have been called many things, including the detective prodigy of my time. Being only sixteen, I have a lot going for me. Everything went wrong however, when he showed up. No one knows his true identity, he goes by the cover of Cheshire in the crimes he does. He is a thief and a murderer, one unlike any I have faced before. Why? Because he seems to have taken special care in picking the one his crimes center He seems to have become obsessed with me, leaving letters, attacking places where I have been and people important to me. I do not know why he is doing this, but I will stop him before he hurts anyone else...



Basically as said above, there is a detective (played by me), who is being practically stalked by an obsessed killer, who is going after the things most important to the detective. What he dosn't know, is the killer is his best friend in school, who has been his best friend since childhood... I want this to keep it a small group roleplay, so people have a chance to reply, and can keep up.



1. I am in charge here so please respect that, and what I say goes.
2. Follow all Mene rules.
3. Yaoi and yuri allowed, so respect this, and if you do not like it respect those who do.
4. PM all profiles to Me titled with the name of the Rp or they will not be looked at (NO ACCEPTIONS)
5. Keep ooc within the ooc, I do not like ooc in the rp thread, so keep it out. This is your only warnning.
6. No killing off other characters without their permission, but npcs are free game if you wish.
7. No godmodding please -.-
8. I will add/subtract and update the rules as needed.



Detective Allucard: Kiyoto
Cheshire/Allucard's Childhood Friend: Aoi Kazuya
Detective (name here: Kyohei's partner) : Open
Head of C.R.O.S.S: Open
Cheshire's Worker: Wavi
Cheshire's Worker: Triquetra
Shadow: Kiyoto
Undercover Agent: (Would be posing as maybe a teacher or something, to keep an eye on Kyohei)



Place in the Roleplay:
Extra (Optional):

Kiyoto 05-09-2012 09:03 PM

Kyohei Allucard

Kyohei paused as he stepped out of his car. He sighed a bit, being back at school was a bit strange. He still hadn't gotten used to it, and he had been back for almost a month now. He walked away from the car, where the two agents stood watching him. Why were they there? It was because last night Kyohei had gotten a strange letter from someone who had only signed themselves as Cheshire. According to the letter, he was being enlisted in some kind Seemed whoever this was was going to do something an soon. He had never been directly called out on a case before by someone, this was a first. Strange thing was, he had a bad feeling from this letter that something was coming. C.R.O.S.S had taken the letter to see if they could get any fingerprints from it or any DNA. Kyohei had a feeling they would find nothing.

Whoever this was, obviously knew he was good, so they would not make such a newbie mistake as to leave DNA to where they would be caught before things even really started. No...this wasn't going to be that simple. He sighs lightly, according to C.R.O.S.S the insignea that Cheshire had used, was one they had found at a few recent crime scenes. These scenes were a little to close to home for Kyohei's comfort. One had happened at a juice bar he and his best friend had visited that very day. The owner was in a coma in the hospital, he had been stabbed pretty badly and was in critical condition. He hoped he would be ok, if this was connected to Cheshire, and somehow to Kyohei himself, he would never forgive whoever was doing this.

Another sigh escapes from him, and he turned away from the parking lot. His phone was on vibrate, he was on call at all times. One good thing about being a detective, was it always handy when needing to get out of school. He was a bit ahead of the other students anyways, so technically right now he was just going through the motions so to speak. A small smile creeped onto his face as he saw a familiar face up ahead. His best friend Caelum Crystallis was at the top of the steps. He walked along, pausing for a moment to look up at the sky. This was deffinetly going to be an interesting day.

Zander (Shadow) Vixen

Zander smirked, leaning against the edge of the building that looked over at the high school. So that was Kyohei and Cheshire...this was certainly going to be an interesting match. He himself would not bother to get involved so early on, no he had to play this out carefully. There was no room for mistakes.His eyes drifted over the male who called hiself Cheshire he smiles a bit, quite the looker, then again Kyohei was as well. This was deffinetly going to be a fun little game. He pulls out a cigarette and a lighter. He wondered when the other players would make an appearance. The smoke from his cigerette curled up towards the sky, and he took a deep inhailed breath from it. The smoke and taste bitter in his mouth, but he soon released it making a small circle shape.

The circle framed the two boys just across the street and he smiles. This was deffinetly going to be fun. Turning away from the edge, he pulled a black pistol from his belt. Standard issue for cops, and this one was special. It belonged to the chief of police, and it was going to be a little fire starter in this game. He laughs, before taking another breath on his cigerette. He then dropped it to the ground, snuffing it out with his foot. He used the stairs, and walked out of the building without anyone even stopping him to ask questions. It was time to begin phase one. A black limo waited out front, and he got in.

It took him across town to the chief of police's house, his daughter was the only one who was home. Poor girl didn't know what was coming. He wore gloves, so the only prints which would be on the gun would be of course her father's. He easily slipped in the back door, fools never locked it. He had had the house on surveylance for days. He walked up the steps to where in her room the girl was getting ready to leave for the very school where the two boys were. He smiles seeing her getting ready. He didn't make a sound, and it was over as quick as it began.

Her lifeless body fell onto the bed, and he tossed the gun next to her. Walking over to the dresser, he opened a music box. The little dancer spun to the music. Lifting up the bottom, he slipped out a key. A smile creeped onto his face once more. This had been what he had come for, the girl was merely a decoy. Now that he had the key, he walked out of the house closing the still unlocked back door. Fools should have known better...

Wavi 05-10-2012 02:53 PM

Akan was out and about doing it his thing. Yeah right. More like he was still snoozing in bed. One hand was flopped lazily across his forehead while the other one dangled out in the open. A foot was twisted awkwardly one way while the other one rested against the bottom of the upper bunk. A patch of drool the size of Texas could be spotted a mile away. Hair was in a tizzy and facial hair in a state of disarray, the green-haired male hardly looked his age. Most would probably peg him as a teenager, but this chap was actually a hardworking adult.

When the alarm blared again, his matching green eyes flicked to the annoying buzzer. It was really quite a nuisance; always going off at some godforsaken time in the morning.

Hand patting around the bunk, it finally landed on an oversized pillow. Hurling said pillow at the alarm, the screaming cry of a hit cat followed. "Sorry, Stumpy," rattled from his dry throat. It was grungy sounding and quite sickening to hear, but Akan had just been woken up… well, sort of.

Rolling over, the purring sound of a cat echoed down his ear canal, which drew a sleepy grin on his face. "Stumpy-buddy," he cooed while drawing the cat closer to his chest. "Sing me back to sle…." Snoring filled the air. Again.

Aoi Kazuya 05-14-2012 12:31 AM

Caelum literally rolled out of bed as soon as the first hint of the sun had risen over the horizon. He landed perfectly on the pillows he had left on the floor the previous night and sat up, staring at the wall opposite him, his brain not registering what he was staring at. It was a daily routine of sorts, his mind was always sluggish in the mornings so it was best if he woke up earlier so that he could be working at full capacity when it really mattered.

An hour later, Caelum was finished with his morning routine and was in the kitchen greeting his parents a good morning. They smiled back at him as normal and Caelum's mother set down a plate of food at the spot of the table that was designated as his seat. He sat and quickly ate, lost in his own thoughts. That last job had been a bit messy... he'd have to find other alternatives to stabbing... or maybe have something other than a knife utilized. Hmm...but other than that things had gone really smoothly. He'd have to remember to call Akan and Brent later to give them their next assignment. But who next...? Caelum looked up at the clock and decided he'd think it over during school. he dropped his empty dishes into the sink and left the kitchen, grabbing his keys and book bag before he left the house.

The ride to school didn't take long and Caelum's motorcycle slid neatly into a spot close to the school building. he turned off the engine and got off, pulling his helmet off. He glanced around the school grounds to see if he could spot Kyohei. When he didn't see him Caelum climbed the stairs that led to the front entrance and leaned against the wall of the school, waiting.

Kiyoto 05-14-2012 12:41 AM

Kyohei walked up the steps to his friend. He paused for a moment, to glance out in the direction his friend had been staring. He wondered at times what went through his friend's head, but at times he thought it better not to pry. The guys who were assigned to watch him stood off a bit, then went to scan the grounds. He rolls his eyes slightly, and looks back at his friend. "Hey, how are you doing this morning?" he leaned against the railing of the steps and watched his friend, body language was everything. He could usually tell a lot from what a person's body language said.

He lets his backpack slip from his shoulder and fall to the ground. As he did a bird flew out of the bush below, he looked at it as it did, a few lone feathers flittered down to the ground. Students bustled around, all of them not even noticing the feathers. He wondered what else people didn't notice. They went through their days not noticing half of the world that goes on around them. He sighs a bit and looks up at the sun a bit as he waited for what his friend was going to say. He wondered if his friend had herd about the attack, it was all over the news by now, he would tell him about the letter soon.

Triquetra 05-14-2012 03:37 PM

"Akan!!!" Brent called from the other room as he heard the alarm go off. Brent that morning had gotten up. Not from his own free will, but because he was hungry. His cursed stomach refused to allow him another hour of sleep. He got up, took a quick shower to wash the morning grossness off of him, changed and went into the kitchen. I may add whenever Brent decides to cook, it never ends well. He at least had a cookbook opened this time. It was opened to scrambled eggs. Simple scrambled eggs. Let's keep in mind the toast in the toaster had been ion there for about twenty minutes now. Smoke was pouring out of the small machine.

He also had something citrusy smelling coming from the oven. God only knows what was inside. But now he was mixing two eggs in a bowl with a bit of milk, salt and pepper. Oh, and he missed the direction about leaving out the shells. So yeah. Brent poured the mixture onto the hot pan. The very hot pan. The eggs stuck right away, and as he went to mix them, they got stuck, and also started to burn.

"Uh oh." Brent said. Pausing for a second before moving onto the next step. Thats right, without turning the pan off. "Bacon!" Brent knew he could not screw bacon up. It was Bacon after all! He took another pan out, allowing it to get hot before carefully placing the magical meat onto the skillet... POP! The grease form the pan burned him, causing Brent to scream from pain. The smoke detecters also started to go off, as well as the sprinklers they mysteriously had in the kitchen. Needless to say, Akan would have one fine breakfast this morning.

Wavi 05-15-2012 03:20 PM

The familiar scent of smoke hit Akan's nose all too soon. Eyes flying open and body springing up from the bed, the male in the green frog pajamas zipped toward the kitchen. Before he poked his nose into the kitchen, Akan slicked back his hair and removed the wrinkles from his shirt. Cool and calm that's all that was running through his mind. It was always a show with him.

Sauntering in as if he were the coolest thing on the planet, his arms went to his face, tugging at the flesh below his eyes as he stared at the truly horrific scene. "YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!" Arms flailing, the green haired man leaped over the tiled floor toward the stove that was now spewing great black clouds of smoke. Just as he reached the oven, flames shot up toward the ceiling, which sent Akan recoiling backward into his brother.

While tangled in the other man's jumbled up limbs, Akan's eyes ran over to the fire extinguisher. He needed to thwart those licking orange flames or forever suffer the pains of burnt tasting air.

In an almost graceful slide, his butt collided with the wall the extinguisher was mounted on. Prying himself from the floor, he donned his hands with the brilliant red device. A whipped cream like substance was soon splashing the fire out, coating the stove in what looked like a layer of hot frosty.

Fire dead and breakfast ruined, the green eyes of the older twin flicked toward the sheepish gaze of the one that ruined the morning.

"You…" his brows caused a large crease to form on his forehead. Finger pointing and lips turning down in a ghastly frown, his voice began to hint at his inner rage. "You! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Within seconds, he was pounding the male in the gut, snorting at it all. "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU… STAY. AWAY. FROM. THE. KITCHEN!"

Brow twitching, he relinquished his grip on the sad faced male. "Gah! I'll just make us… bagels." Bagels. Not what he wanted, but it was the only thing aside from cereal that didn't require the stove. There was oatmeal, too. But he didn't trust Brent to operate the piece of machinery. Knowing Akan's luck, Brent would probably blow it up. Fork or something would be left in there. Just thinking of it caused Akan to groan. Grabbing his head, he could already sense a headache coming on. It was going to be a long day…..

Aoi Kazuya 05-16-2012 01:32 AM

Caelum's eyes flickered over to where Kyohei was approaching him and a smile stretched his lips. "So so. It is a school day, so can't really feel that great about it. You?" He didn't bother to move from his spot against the wall, though he did turn his head slightly so that it was easier to see Kyohei as Caelum talked to his best friend. Kyohei didn't suspect him at all, though Caelum was disheartened to know that kyohei hadn't even thought to discuss the matter with him or inform him of it. They were best friends right? Shouldn't he be able to trust something like that with him? And then there were those pesky agents that were always following Kyohei around... they made things a bit trickier. Not impossible... more challenging. Fun.

He had already pinpointed where each one was hiding. It would be a simple matter of sending a text to one of the twins to have a few... dispatched of. But later... maybe lunchtime? Or in the middle of class. Hmm... Caelum closed his eyes and rolled his head a bit to get a crick out of his neck before dropping his gaze back to Kyohei and waiting for an answer.

Kiyoto 05-16-2012 01:43 AM

Kyohei paused. He looked over at his friend for a moment and sighs slightly. "I am alright I suppose" his hands tightened on the railing slightly. He couldn't discuss things here, not out in the open. It was police business, he couldn't just say whatever out in the open. If he did he would be in serious trouble with the chief. He sighs once more, and turns away. "I have to look into something...we'll talk later kay." He passes his friend slipping out his phone. He would check with his partner to see if any new developments had come into the base yet.

Wavi 05-16-2012 07:55 PM

Zhark was running late. Not on purpose, but not on accident either. You see, his daughter picked today - today of all days - to learn how to poop on her own and, being married to the woman he was married to, he was forced to stay, watch, record, and publicly announce this news to the world. Facebook exploded with the news as did YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, and every other site he could think of. Heck, even deviantART and PhotoBucket had pictures of his baby girl wiggling her butt and wobbling across the frame with a gleeful smile on her face as she made her way toward the porcelain goddess.

When he had finally convinced his wife to let him run off or he would be late to work, the blue-haired male took off without even remembering his brown bag lunch. On the ride into work, Zhark realized this woe and decided to make a "quick" pitstop at the local corner store.

He needed his gold fishies. Needed. Not wanted. Needed.

Once the cheesy snacks were purchased, he got back into the car and continued his trek to work. Of course, he arrived late. But not super late. Just late enough that he lost his parking spot and late enough that he didn't have time to organize his files for the day. But, other than those two things, he was in good condition, especially since he had his fishies.

Striding past the students, Zhark went straight to his room, wasting no time whatsoever. Naturally, there were students already settled in their seats, awaiting their handsome teacher to arrive. Unloosening his tie some, Zhark gave a sheepish wave to the five women that always arrived too early.

"H-h-hi-hi, l-l-la-l-ladies."

Really. Just he just stammer? What was he, ten? Rolling his eyes, he marched to his desk and plopped his behind down on the wheeled chair. A sigh pursued his lips. He really needed to grow up. Or stop acting so... aloof. He was an agent after all.

His eyes glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Phew, almost didn't make it," Zhark panted just as the bell chimed.

Triquetra 05-16-2012 08:21 PM

The sight when Akan entered the kitchen must have set his off. I mean there was not only flour everywhere. But not that flour was wet, Brent was on the floor holding his hand while he screamed from a bacon grease burn. The toaster was on fire, the stove was on fire, and even the oven.. was on fire. How in the world had it gotten that far. Striking into action, Brent watched his brother perform. Putting out all the fires in one swift move.

It wasn't until the fire was put out, Brent stopped fussing on his hand. Something else ha got his attention. "My Orange juice!" He yelled opening the Oven and moving the white foam out of his way until he grasped a glass of orange juice. He nearly had tears in his eyes as Akan yelled at him. "But-but-but" He started to speak. Holding the glass out to Akan. The orange juice inside was black. Brent burned liquid.

He dropped to his knees. "I'msorryi'msorryi'msorryI'msorryi'msorryi'msorryI 'msorryi'msorryi'msorryI'msorryi'msorryi'msorry!!! !!" Brent apologized over and over. Crawling over to his brother's feet. Hugging both of his legs together while he continued to apologize. It probably did not help Akan's headache that he was practically screaming his apology.

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