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Immy 10-05-2016 02:05 PM

A Leaf Is Never Alone
"A Leaf Is Never Alone"

A Leaf is never alone is a new storyline where we are remaking our old roleplay from however long ago. In short: Kakashi and his apprentice (teacher in training) Ahna, instruct team 7 that they are going on a special mission. Along the way things happen and become revealed. Sakura hides a deep dark secret from everyone. Naruto is...well just being Naruto and was instructed to stay behind (no one told him about the mission). Silver is on her own path to find what is most needed in life and Ahna? Well Ahna hasn't yet told a certain sensei how she feels about him. She may not be a child, but love isn't something that comes easy to her.

Ahna Kalia BioX

Physical Information
Name: Ahna Kalia
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Birthday: 10/31
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 5"6
Weight: 104lb
Appearance: Long, really light blonde hair (not white, but close) past her waist. Can be in some sort of Braid Style, ponytail style, or just down (No headbands) and her eyes are a very light almost icy blue (seeing as she is blind). She sometimes wears (while on missions) a cloth over her eyes (making people think its for training). She is 5"6 weighing 104 lbs (possible yes, this is my current IRL weight) and as far as her hair goes. It is very soft and taken care of very well, has volume, and lightweight. Light skin, not pale and not tan; skinny figure (High Metabolism) Ears are pierced (3 on her right ear - one at top and two at the bottom. Left ear has two peircings only at the bottom)

Outfit Styles:
-Everyday: Autumn-Autumn 2-Summer-Spring
-Mission Wear: Normal
-Training Wear: Train
Hopeful Wedding Day:
Casual Date, Formal Date, Winter Sleepwear, Summer/Spring sleepwear: Group

Through Out The Years:
Photo As A Child: Before 8 yrs old
Photo As A Teenager: Teens
Photo As An Adult: -Current-

Ninja Information
Registration ID: 001031
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Jounin
Occupation: Teacher Assistant (Under K. Hatake)

Advancement Data
Academy Grad Age: (Old Village) 6
Chuunin Exam Age: (Old Village) 7
Jounin Age: 14
Jutsu/s: Energy Based (Can take energy from others or give them so much they can't handle it), Can use the energy from her own body to heal others and take the pain onto herself, and the basic jutsus, but better at her own. Shadow Clone Jutsu (Can only do 6 max).

Missions Completed
D-Rank: 191
C-Rank: 175
B-Rank: 412
A-Rank: 276
S-Rank: 39

Extra Information:
Personality: Kind, sweet, caring, smart, and sneaky. Can be mischievous as well as innocent when the time calls for it. She is a witty girl with an attitude and sarcastic at times. Watch out for her bad side.

Bio: Ahna grew up without her family, she doesn't speak about them, and she doesn't ever wish to. The day she lost her family and left the life she used to have, was the day she lost her eyes. She doesn't trust anyone since the person she gave all her trust to when she was little went crazy and killed innocents. She herself was the sole survivor for one reason. Now she lives in the Leaf village teaching as a teacher's assistant under Kakashi Hatake, she has been at the village since she was 12 (12 years), and advanced rather quickly in school. She is blind to where she only sees or hears vibrations yet, not many people to know about her eyes. Kakashi doesn't even know just yet, in fact the only one who does know is the Hokage, and they are sworn to secrecy. However, she isn't to be taken likely, and can prove her worth just as everyone else. She kept herself as the quiet outsider on purpose not liking to get close to anyone, even with her crush on Kakashi, though no one except her would know this. She enjoys being a teacher's assistant under Kakashi's teaching and has made friends with the other sensei's from time to time. She also enjoys children as well as teaching them many new things they should focus on.

Strength: Being Sneaky (very good at this, hardly noticed), friends, and being near others.
Skills (outside of being a ninja): Cooking, dancing, meditation, acting, writing books, and gardening (herbs & teas)

Weakness: Being alone, feeling helpless, and her depression which kicks in from time to time making her get very quiet.

Ninja Nickname: Silent Shadow

___It was a bright morning with no clouds in the sky, Ahna was grateful for this as she wasn't fond of being out in storms, and being on missions at the same time. They would have to stay out in the open with nature and she wasn't skilled in energy control with lighting just yet. Standing outside in a tree above the training grounds she was called out to by her Teacher, Kakashi Hatake, she waited knowing he would probably be late. Though she never came late herself, she would rather be early, and out of the house without any issues to run into. She had taken notice on others training with their sensei's feeling their energy levels moving and going up or down. Rock Lee was training with Might Gai as Neji Hyuga (cousin to Hinata Hyuga on another team) was talking to TenTen. There was negativity between the two of them though she already knew why.

___Hinata was relaxed while talking to Kiba and Shino on her team about her training methods as Akamaru (the small white puppy/dog) was sleeping in her lap as they sat on the ground. Hearing steps below her she took an extra notice in knowing it was a Uchiha and since Itachi Uchiha was banned from the village, it had to be Sasuke. The other young ninja on Kakashi's team along with Naruto Uzamaki and Sakura Haruno. Sakura had been swooning over Sasuke for some time now and it was rather annoying to more than just Sasuke. Ino tried to get Sakura to take interest in others, but Sakura accused the blonde ninja of trying to steal away Sasuke.

___"Well aren't you up early, at least tell me you got some sleep in." Ahna spoke to Sasuke yet didn't look at him not needing to when he spoke leaning against the tree she was in. "Yea, yea I got some sleep. More than I did the night before." Sasuke spoke as Ahna smiled with ease "See I told you dream catchers and crystals come in handy for more than just looking pretty." she also gave him some lavender oil in a jar to keep in his home to help him relax, but she didn't bother adding that in. Ahna was quite big on the fact that she loved herbs, oils, and anything dealing with nature or healing. She always wanted to become a doctor or nurse...better yet more like a healer. Sakura and Naruto eventually appeared walking up to them to wait for their teacher to arrive. Ahna waited for the rest of the team to appear before them so they could figure out what Kakashi wanted to speak to them about the day before.


Nova_Alchemist 11-03-2016 10:17 PM

Immy: finally got some time to post >.< will work on a reply as well ^^'


Silver Hatake Bio
*~Physical Information~*
Age: 12
Sex: F
Birthday: June 27th
Bloodtype: A-
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 80LB
Bloodline: A+

*~Outfit Styles~*
Everyday casual-1
Casual Date, Formal Date (update)
Winter, Summer, Spring sleepwear
Dream Wedding Dress

*~Throughout the years~*
+Full Timeline+ (update)

*~Ninja Information~*
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Current: Medical-Nin
Team: Kakashi, Saskue, Sakura, Naruto

*~Advanced Data~*
Academy Grad Age: 11
Jutsu: Chakra enhanced Strength
Chakra Scalpel (Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog)
Cherry Blossom Impact
Genjutsu: Rinnegan
Hidden Shadow Snake Hands (Snake → Tiger)
Kenjutsu: Instant
Mind Body Switch Technique
Mystical Palm Technique (Modified Ox → Tiger)
Transformation Technique (dog → boar → ram)

*~Missions Completed~*
S: 2
A: 5
B: 17
C: 25
D: 27

Perso: (hard to explain x.x)
Bio: Though she may act like she was born and raised in the Hidden Leaf village, she wasn't. Silver appeared in the Hidden Leaf when she was nine years old. She didn't have the slightest idea on who she was or where she came from, she remembered who she was a year later, when she actually began to involve herself with the village. She originated from the Destiny Islands with Riku as her older brother, Sora and Kairi. She later finds out that she was brought to the Islands as a baby and raised there by her adopted mother, father and Riku by a very dear friend of her mother, Kinamaru because the woman thought she would be happier with a family that would actually look after her. Even if it was in another world.

Silver graduated from the academy a year after she enrolled herself (11yrs), then went back through the courses just so she wouldn't be ahead of her classmates- to try and make some friends. She did not take the chunin examine though, due to not having a squad to joinat the time. After the examines, she joined team 7 (a little while after Kakashi adopted her.) until she found out that Kakashi was unknowingly her birth father, Kinamaru had lied to him when they were an item. And she is still very advanced compared to the rest of her newly fond teammates. This kunoichi had a very deadly secret though, she was following Orochimaru from the moment she got to the Forest of Death. The snake demon promised her protection, and she, being an easily persuaded child, believed him over everyone else that tried to warn her about him.

---------- Post added 11-03-2016 at 06:59 PM ----------

Silver Hatake, a member of team seven and adopted daughter of the team leader, Kakashi Hatake, was currently aimlessly running around the small house as she tried to get Kakashi out of bed while getting her own things together. They were already late, and Silver couldn't believe that her alarm hadn't woken her up. Today was a big day! Only she knew the details of the mission because she is Kakashi's adopted daughter and she was with him with he received the details from the Hokage. Also, none of the other teammates really knew that their team leader had adopted the strange silver haired child. None of them even knew where she stayed.

"Kakashi, come on! Just because I live with you doesn't mean I have to be late with you!" The silver haired kunoichi called from across the house. She was dressed in her usual training attire; a white sleeveless undershirt with a pale lavender long-sleeved hoodie, matching shorts and her tan sandals with ribbon-laces, and she wore her long silver hair in pigtails. She could hear Kakashi chuckling from the kitchen, so that's where she went next. Shocked to see breakfast on the table, she blinked a few times and looked at him with surprised aquamarine eyes. "This is..why you didn't wake me?" She asked. He smiled. "I've already eaten." He said.

Silver shook her head with a smirk and began munching before grabbing his arm and taking off out the door. "Ahna and the others are probably already there!" She said as they hurried to the designated meeting spot. When Ahna and her teammates came into view, Silver waved and called out. "Hey~ We're here!" With Kakashi casually following behind her with his little book in his face.

(i changed my post a little :p)

Immy 11-05-2016 07:29 PM

Ahna wasn't sure really how to get Naruto to stay and if she asked Lee to help out then he would just annoy Sakura. So the question was how were they going to get things situated for the mission. She didn't tell anyone but she had an idea already on what that mission was seeing as she was good at getting information or acting the part of not listening. She would of course keep this information to herself until the time came and was asked about it or so.

"Hey Silv, Kashi. Good Morning. Did you guys sleep well?" Ahna was big about sleep and dreams even if she was contradicting about that part herself. Sleep wasn't something that came easy to her but then again she worked mostly during the day and was a night owl. So she cared less for sleep and more for staying up enjoying the silence of everyone else sleeping. She found her own way to keep her energy up and wasn't about to tell it either.


Sasuke just watched the other two walk over noticing Sakura was rather quiet, more than usual. Naruto was being loud complaining about how the two of them were late and wanted to know about the mission. Ahna sighed then remembered something "Oh that's right Naruto, don't you have a meeting with the hokage and some check ups today? You went on your last mission to recklessly that you got injured quickly and badly. You're not fully recovered and I know they want you there. Come on, let's go. Kashi why don't you tell them about the mission and you can explain it later to me, I'll take Naruto back. If you are ready and I'm not back yet, then just go on ahead and I will catch up." Ahna spoke knowing she didn't want to but would have to do so anyways.

They couldn't take Naruto with them, it wasn't that easy to do. Naruto complained trying to talk Ahna out of it knowing Ahna could make him go to sleep for awhile without his consent. "Sensei come on, I wanna go with you all" Ahna shook her head with a look in her eyes that made Naruto get quiet. Sulking as they walked, they dashed off so Ahna could try to make it back in time.


"Hey Silver"
Sasuke wasn't as moody or quiet as he was before Silver joined up the team with them. It made it easier to have two girls on a team of four than one girl and two boys. Less of a fangirl like Sakura to have to listen to half the time. Sakura just smiled slightly to Silver, the two got along mostly because they were on the same team as each other. Not that Ahna or Kashi would deal the two of them arguing half the time if they got mad at each other. Mostly Sasuke noticed Sakura would look to the trees or skies and smile warmly. The question wasn't why was she smiling, but for who?

Nova_Alchemist 11-13-2016 03:27 AM

Silver smiled gingerly at Ahna and nodded happily. "Yes ma'am!" She replied cheerfully. Seeing Ahna always made her cheerful, that and Kakashi made her breakfast. Kakashi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sensei stayed up all night, I can tell by how slow he is today." Silver added, teasing Kakashi since no one really knew that she was living with him. The silver haired kunoichi knew most people, especially her teammates, had their suspicions but no one could clarify. She giggled as she watched Ahna and Naruto. Naruto was being as loud and obnoxious as always. Didn't he care if he graduated? Kakashi held up his arms when the blonde tried pulling him into it, and he shook his head. "Sorry Naruto, my hands are tied on this one." He said simply, watching as him and Ahna leave the scene. He sighed a little and glanced at the three of his students, he'd wait a few minutes before bringing up the details of the mission.

Silver blinked and glanced at Saskue, a little surprised that he even talked to her. Sure they talked, but usually only when they were training. So, usually, the only words they shared were things of 'friendly advise' or smug-talking when one or both of them were feelings cocky. "Morning." She greeted casually, then looked up at their team leader with a light smirk. Kakashi nodded lightly and stood upright. "Alright guys listen up, we've been given a high ranking mission from a very important client to the Hidden Leaf Village. We'll be meeting him in the Hidden Mist Village, but- the Hokage is trusting us to protect a valuable scroll. We will most likely be attacked between now and getting to our destination." He spoke clearly and boldly, like he usually did when their team received any kind of mission. Of course, Silver already knew this, but the other two didn't and they really needed to know how dangerous this mission was going to be. Hell, she really didn't realize it herself.

late x.x sorry Immy </3
will try to post more consecutively


Immy 01-21-2017 07:05 PM

Nova_Alchemist: (Sorry its taking so long, been busy, writer's block and artist's block, and so much more and its up to you if you want to reply, I'll be on more often now.)

Sasuke clearly wasn't awake yet, he actually tended to get a lot of sleep in without nightmares, and it wasn't thanks to anyone else. He just started...well he started drinking tea more often at night as someone suggested it was a good idea to relax before going to bed. So anything he said or did for the next twenty minutes or so would be...well floating around his head, but not going through. Sasuke nodded not caring about the dangers of the mission, but more importantly to him, to get it done. Sure he knew it was dangerous, why else would they have a mission, but then again Naruto was not going to be in on this mission. Probably because he was more headstrong about missions and always getting them in trouble or caught.

Sakura was in a bit of a daze though smiled and responded with what she knew the sensei's would want to hear now. She had her own thoughts to tend to and was rather quiet, she didn't even bother Sasuke like she normally did which was unusual for her since she had a crush on him since awhile back. She rarely knew much about him until a few months ago when her attitude was changing, it was almost as if she was maturing with the knowledge she was given.

Ahna returned popping up behind Kakashi resting her arms on the back of his shoulders with her head next to his. She was rather good by sneaking up on people and took the term 'ninja' literally when she could hide her chakra and quiet her movements. "So are they briefed? Because if so we should leave sooner than later, I don't think it's a good idea to stand in the spot now that everyone knows." Ahna stated waiting for Kakashi's reaction to her sudden appearance. "Everyone have what they need?" Ahna asked watching Sakura nod and Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Sheesh I could give you guys more caffeine more often. It's going to be quiet now that Naruto isn't here with us on this one."

Nova_Alchemist 01-30-2017 12:17 AM

Silver glanced at Saskue curiously, noticing how much more rested he looked but he also wasn't all there yet. It made her smirk a little. Sakura was acting different as well.. Though- at least she wasn't bothering her about possibly liking the dark haired boy. She turned her attention back to the man who had taken her in, as he spoke, then blinked when Ahna suddenly 'poofed' back in. "S-sensei.." She murmured quietly. Kakashi didn't really react when Ahna popped in behind him, he only glanced at her and smirked. "They've been briefed, simply." He said to her casually.

Kakashi sighed and looked over his team, nodding lightly. "We should leave immediately. Go home and pack enough for at least three days, we'll meet just outside the village, understood?" He said to all of his team members. Silver smirked lightly. She already had everything she needed, she just needed to go get it.

Immy: finally~
also, no worries <3

Immy 01-30-2017 10:40 PM

Nova_Alchemist: Time for me to post for you.

Ahna mentally pouted, one of these days she would catch him off guard, and spook him. Just not in battle, that would be the worst time to do so. "Right, let's go then."Ahna said letting go of Kakashi watching Sasuke walk off towards his apartment "Try to be back within an hour. Shouldn't be too hard for you guys to do and pack light." Ahna added to what Kakashi said.

Sakura nodded happy to go along with the mission as she bounced with energy to get ready, she didn't expect any of this to happen so she still have things together, but for her it would be simple. She was prepared early to have a bag to the side without clothes so she would just have to pack the clothes and a book or two. Sakura was lost in thought even while she raced off all cheerful like passing up Sasuke waving then disappearing. Sasuke just shook his head hoping he wouldn't have her all over him during the mission, clinging on him and being annoying.

Ahna titled her head at Kashi "So Kashi, have you packed yet?" She asked after the children left their view, she sort of wanted to talk to him, and she was already packed. She just had to go get her stuff then that would be it. She wondered if it would even take an hour for everyone to get things ready or sooner.

Nova_Alchemist 02-04-2017 06:31 AM

Silver watched Ahna and Kakashi for a moment before walking off to join Saskue, since she had to go the same way anyhow, to get to Kakashi's house. "Saskue." She said to the dark haired boy with a light smirk. "This will be my first real mission as a part of this team, don't belittle me like when we're on the field." She said calmly, really just trying to make small talk. Silver was one of the few people that could rival Saskue in almost every way, that's why they trained together when told to pair up. But..he often held back, and she couldn't figure out why..

Kakashi nodded lightly to Ahna's question, though he was watching Silver wander off with Saskue, staring off even after he couldn't see the kids any more. He honestly kind of worried if she'd be alright.. Glancing at his apprentice, he tilted his head to the side. "I guess you're all set then, Ahna?" He asked curiously, it seemed like something she'd do.


Immy 02-04-2017 03:07 PM

Nova_Alchemist: just now saw this, will post.

"If you don't want to be belittled as you put it, then try harder. I won't acknowledge you if you're weaker than me." Sasuke said with a shrug, he would say the same thing to others, but he meant his words just as harsh as they sounded. "This is just another mission, nothing too big about, so don't just go running off or anything." Sasuke added then went back to being silent, he was wondering how she would do on her first mission.

"Yep, gotta always be prepared. Never know what's going to hit us." Ahna almost thought about talking to Kakashi about something she learned about Sakura, however she wasn't sure she should. She trusted him alot, but the question was did he trust her? "Hey Kashi, can I ask you something?" Ahna paused wasn't sure if he would respond or not, but after a short moment of asking she said "How much do you trust me?"

Nova_Alchemist 02-04-2017 06:20 PM

Silver blinked, and paused. 'Weaker?' She thought to herself, then shrugged and gave Saskue a light wave as she turned off to head down the street she lived on. The nerve! How could he say something like that? The two of them were basically matched.. Running her fingers through one of her long silver pigtails as she walked, she began to wonder if the dark haired boy had meant what he said. She shook her head when she reached her house and sighed. Silver went inside and walked into her room to get the hiking bag she had prepared for the mission.

Once she had it, and made sure she had everything she would need, she began to head back to the meeting area.

Yep, that was Ahna for for. Kakashi mentally chuckled at her response. He blinked at her next question, then took a moment when she suddenly fell quiet, then she asked how much he trusted her. Kakashi sighed and very lightly poked her forehead a few times like he did sometimes. "You're my apprentice, I trust you with everything I've got." He said to her, his voice getting serious. Kakashi wasn't lying either- Ahna hadn't given him a reason not to trust her as much as he did. If something were to happen to him on a mission, he'd trust her to take care of his team.

Immy: [boogie]

Immy 02-04-2017 09:44 PM

Nova_Alchemist: Just got back home :P

Ahna should have been happy with that response, well in a way she was happy, but at the same time she picked up on a few things along the way up until today. Now the question was, what to do about it. She knew how the other felt about the guy she liked but their standings...well she wasn't sure the pink haired ninja was old enough just yet to be leaving the village on her own in such a way. Keeping quiet about it she went to get her things not saying anything more to Kakashi about the matter and walked back with her stuff making sure to lock up securely.

Sasuke wondered if he was a bit harsh on Silver, but didn't want her to start doing less just because a good mission came aboard. He had done missions with everyone even Naruto and they turned out fine in the end. Although, Naruto was just as annoying and headstrong. Even though he considered Naruto a good partner, he considered Silver a better one and with more of a clear head than the blonde arrogant ninja. Grabbing his things he headed back to the meeting site in front of the gate.

Sakura had been quiet the whole time beating the others back to their spot from earlier waiting while reading a book. Her pink hair getting slightly longer than it was before as she had it in a braid. She was acting strange, changing her looks, and even reading more like Kakashi would (just not the same books).

Nova_Alchemist 02-13-2017 08:38 PM

Immy: [headdesk][zzz]

Kakashi tilted his head as Ahna took her leave, then shrugged his shoulders and also went to get his things. He made sure he had a few extra things in case the team needed them, and he tucked the ancient scroll that was to be delivered to the client, in a small locked box before putting it in his bag. Then he headed to the gate to meet his team.

Silver arrived at the meeting spot, slightly before Saskue, but after Sakura. Now all they had to do was wait on their sensei, and Ahna.. Ahe sat in the shade provided by the large tree near the gate and leaned back against the thick trunk of the tree, starring up at the leaves as they rustled in the light breeze.

Immy 02-15-2017 03:03 PM

@Nova_Alchemist: Tummy hurts, think I should have just taken one iron not two. Ugh.

Sasuke was quiet as usual, the loner ninja didn't prefer the company of others, but got along with more boys than girls. Girls were annoying being so...friendly, flirty, and wanting attention. Sakura normally was acting shy around him or calling him 'Sasuke-kun' which to him was annoying. Silver on the other hand didn't act so much like her, more different which in this case was good. This would be a silent mission if there was no conversation going on since Naruto wasn't coming. Maybe they could actually sneak up on the enemies they would encounter in the meantime.

Ahna appeared last at the meetup site "Are we ready or what?" she asked looking over at Kakashi then the kids watching Sakura put a book away that she was writing in. "Let's go then, we have our mission, our stuff." Ahna was being impatient a tad right now, but she was eager to get it started and over with at the same time.

(sorry tummy hurts from iron)

Nova_Alchemist 02-18-2017 10:37 PM

Immy: are you feeling better?
iron is something you have to be careful with-
too much can make you sick >.<

Silver stood as Ahna came to join them, and slipped her book into her bag, which she was picking up and putting over her shoulder. Kakashi glanced at Silver for a moment. "Silver, this is you're last chance to stay behind." He spoke casually, even though he was being serious and mindful of the girl he had come to adopt. Silver sighed and looked up at him. "..and miss out on the first high-ranking mission, since I've joined team 7? Get real, sensei." She said in response, smirking. The grey haired male nodded and glanced at the rest of his team. "Let's get going, then." He said to them as he started leading.

(short >.<)

Immy 03-01-2017 04:14 PM

Ahna stayed silent as Sakura came over near her, she was acting distant from the others but probably just wanted to be reassured. Sakura knew that Ahna-Sensei found out and was happy when she wouldn't say anything about it. Though Sakura had no idea the inner torment Ahna would struggle with between keeping the secret and telling Kakashi. She was just a child after all and right now wouldn't be the best time to just disappear. The hokage would ask questions and not just that, she would find a way to 'find out' for sure. "Ready?" Ahna asked placing her arm around Sakura's shoulders who smiled nodding "ready" she tried to beam but the energy was a bit off. Ahna followed with Sakura staying close to her but her arm was no longer around the young ninja's shoulder. Sasuke was being quiet since he knew about the mission and wasn't in the mood to say anything unless provoked.

Ahna's thoughts were jumbled I wonder what will happen on this mission? I don't think it's a good idea such a young girl with so much potential should just leave her home so soon. Sure I could handle it or even Kashi at that age, but... Ahna almost tripped over a tree branch as she stayed in the back of the group. This way the two of them could watch over the three kids and still she could be left alone to wonder. Re catching her balance she kept walking not caring it happened. I have to tell him, I want to tell him, but I promised to her. I wouldn't tell anyone without her knowledge...why does this have to... her thoughts stopped, if she didn't find a way to distract herself she would get emotional and her energy would flare out.

Even if she was emotionally only mentally, it would still be noticeable and give them away if bandits or others were near. She looked towards the grass seeing the pattern from the lines and the flowing energy which made her feel a bit more at ease. Can't show weakness, can't be anything but strong right now, gotta remember that. I can't be off on my own...not during the mission... Ahna had slowly stopped doing missions for it took a toll on her within her last mission. That mission was over 3 months ago from today and...she couldn't even think about it at a time like this.

Nova_Alchemist: I hope this makes up for a bit of it.

Nova_Alchemist 03-18-2017 10:16 PM

Immy: really sorry for the late reply >.< writer's block is a bitch and i've seen sick off and on all month x.x i should be on more though, if you're willing to keep going <3

Silver noticed quickly how odd Sakura was acting..but didn't really pay much mind to it. Sakura was always strange to her, but she was a girl after all. Kakashi grew curious as to how Ahna was acting, but he tried to focus on the mission at hand. Surely, they had to stay focused- he had a feeling they wouldn't make it the other village easily. Not while carrying the scroll.

They made it to the foggy forest, pretty much telling the group they were nearing the Mist Village. Silver han't been here before, so the dense fog kind of took her by surprise and she couldn't relly see well. They had traveling for a while now, and Kakashi was wondering if they should take a break- but was this the place to rest? The fog would clear..but how long would the forest be shrouded before then.. They would be at a disadvantage if ambushed.

Immy 03-22-2017 02:02 PM

Nova_Alchemist: (watched the snow movie with naruto and sasuke has a bit more of character than the loner everyone thinks he is. He isn't a loner just someone who doesn't get along with others. It should be easier to play his character now and he's even less quiet in battle unless setting traps. We probably should make them plan out things when it comes to it. But that's only when they get attacked. So let's see what I can do and Sakura needs to be a bit more bubbly so let's do this...)

Ahna looked at Kakashi "Kakashi, why don't we rest for a bit. We may be used to enduring things, but they're still children and seeing as Sasuke isn't commenting back then I'm sure that means they're too tired that if we get into a fight. They won't be able to hold their own." Ahna stopped walking as she looked to the three of them "Are you guys tired? I'm sure we can rest for at least ten or fifteen minutes. That's not long." Ahna did want to stop but knew if she did getting going wouldn't be so easy. Though the children had to rest and get some food in them otherwise they'd have no energy.

Sakura nodded with a smile "Yea, I'm hungry too. Can we rest for a bit sensei?" Sakura asked Kakashi sweetly giving him a cute look sort of act waiting for his answer. Sasuke would never admit that he was too tired to go on and because of that he just stood next to Sakura and Anha to agree with them. "Silver, what about you?" Sakura asked the other silver hair ninja waiting to see if she would join them or not. "You and I can take turns watching Kakashi, but they do need rest as well." Ahna wasn't looking at Kakashi when speaking, she was looking past him as if looking at him.

Nova_Alchemist 03-22-2017 08:17 PM

Immy: (cool~ i loved that movie n.n i like all the naruto movies, but that one the best xD just remember, i'd like to have saskue act just a little different towards silver since they're so much alike and bleh ~<3 not much, just a little- 'til later >///<)

Kakashi glanced at Ahna as she spoke, and then looked over the children, feeling a bit guilty for pushing his students like this.. but he just didn't want anything to happen. Then Sakura spoke up, proving Ahna's point. Silver honestly looked like she was ready to fall out, even though she tried to hide it. She just nodded in agreement with the others. Kakashi sighed quietly and lightly put a hand on top of the pink haired ninja and smirked behind his mask. "Sure, we can rest."

He pulled his hand back and watched as Silver sat down on the grass with a short sigh of relief, then he glanced at Ahna. Nodding in agreement with her suggestion. Ahna had brought a big bag as well as her own bag, so she probably brought food. Which meant, they wouldn't have to leave the kids to go hunting, at least for now.

Immy 03-22-2017 08:48 PM

Nova_Alchemist: MY TURN!!! How DO you want him to act right now around her? Maybe moody around her until later then you can tell he LIKES her lol)

Ahna took her bag off her shoulders setting it down "I have mostly fruits, sorry no ramen, but sodium isn't very good for you anyways. Take a pick at what you want, I'll take the first watch. There should be some bread too, but don't go too light Sakura. You need your strength for the battles ahead." Ahna jumped off into a tree farther away from them getting a good view of the group itself and able to look around for enemies.

Sasuke on the other hand picked out an apple starting to eat it as he sat against a tree trunk watching Sakura not eat but falling asleep against another tree of her own. Sasuke didn't care for Sakura in a 'like like' way but he still worried about his team mates. He knew she needed to eat something, but sleep was just as important.

(Sorry short)

Nova_Alchemist 03-22-2017 09:02 PM

Immy: (haha! xD no like.. i dunno.. less anti-social? i doubt he's used to having an equal >3< especially a girl x3)

Kakashi sighed as his assistant took the initiative, and took the first watch. Glancing at Sakura from the corner of her eye, Silver couldn't help but shake her head as she slowly stood back up. A cat nap didn't sound like a bad idea.. She pondered to herself. Silver went and picked up a thing of grapes and a small piece of bread from the bag, then went back over to her spot and took a bite from the bread.

(also short ><)

Immy 03-22-2017 09:33 PM

Nova_Alchemist: Haha good so more like himself. The community out there thinks he's some freaking loner outcast who joins a group of bandits to do everything out of eager. How long you on for?

"Hey Kashi, got a minute?" Ahna asked in a low voice knowing he would have heard her since their hearing is better than the children's luckily. Ahna waited to see if he would come up top with them or not. Sakura on the other hand was off in dreamland seeming at ease with her dream. Sasuke closed his eyes as well figuring there was nothing else to do other than snack on some food and they could all use a little more rest.

Ahna had a lot on her mind, she knew she couldn't tell Kashi everything right off the bat, but there had to be some way of telling him something. She thought of convincing Sakura she was too young and to wait a few more years, maybe this way things would get better, but now that Tsunade was in command she wondered if everything she be brought out into the open. Then again she had no idea how it would all play out and all this over thinking was giving her a headache.

(should have brought naruto along lol)

Nova_Alchemist 03-22-2017 10:37 PM

Immy: (i got all day ^~^ unless something comes up ^^' -- hey, should something happen? O.o)

Kakashi blinked and looked up at Ahna when he heard her voice. He nodded to her and jumped up in the tree with her so they could talk, or whatever she needed his attention for. Silver really didn't know what to do, once she finished her snack. They couldn't go walking off, and she felt too out-of-place to really rest properly.. So, she just sat next to her bag and watched her surroundings.

Immy 03-22-2017 10:48 PM

Nova_Alchemist: Hell Yeah!!! Let's get to this. Something will happen soon, trust me I've got an idea I forgot to mention because I just created it in my head. What time do you go to bed and are you going to be online tomorrow?)

Sasuke sighed "Not able to rest knowing there could be danger any moment now. I guess Sakura's going to be the only one to get sleep out of all of us." Sasuke was talking out loud but to Silver as well, he didn't always direct his conversations towards anyone, but if they were going to sit there. They might as well talk a bit to fill the eerie silence.

"I have a question for you, but I believe I know what you'll say. Though I still prefer to ask, the question before this question is. Will you not tell anyone and keep it between us? I don't want the Hokage to know, but if you think twice about telling her. Then I won't ask it and we'll just finish this mission as quickly as possible." Ahna spoke glancing down towards the children at Sakura. She had taken a liking to training Sakura which meant she did feel as though she was like a younger sister in a way. Ahna also knew how Sakura felt about Sasuke and in the end what she came to terms with.

Nova_Alchemist 03-22-2017 11:17 PM

Immy: yay~ I've been so bored today! >< haha, i don't go to bed 'til like..after midnight xD and i dunno if i'll be on tomorrow yet ^^' i won't know 'til after lunch soo can i get back to you on that? o.o

Silver blinked and glanced over at the sleeping Sakura, then chuckled. Saskue was right. Whether or not he was really talking to her. "Well.. we'll be alright, I think." She spoke quietly, smirking at how easy it was for Sakura to sleep at a time like this. She shook her head lightly and fished her book out of her bag, opening where she had left off and began to read. She was still aware of her surroundings and was listening in case Saskue had anymore to talk. Having small talk with the dark haired boy was interesting, but not at all awkward.

Kakashi frowned a little beneath his mask and sighed quietly, then looked at Ahna with understanding. "If it involves you or my students, I won't breathe a word- you know that." Unless it was truly a worry he should bring up..but he didn't think he needed to mention that. This would stay between them. He said to her in a quiet voice, so that they could speak between each other, without the kids hearing them.

Immy 03-22-2017 11:25 PM

Nova_Alchemist: yes you can, im off tomorrow :) Let's stay up together then :)

"What are you reading? I doubt it's anything like Kakashi reads. Well I hope you have better tastes than that." Sasuke spoke glancing over at the book wondering what the cover revealed to give him a hint at what it would be. Though before she could answer he was next to her looking over her shoulder wondering about the context based on the cover itself. Not trying to do anything, just trying to read the words in the book. "So what's it about?"

"I know I can trust you, or so I believe I can. I just don't know how to go about this. It is about one of our students, she's been quiet lately and it's not that I don't know what it's about. It's the fact I do and she just seems too young for this." Ahna spoke sitting with her back against the upper base of the tree with how high they were and moved her knee closer up to her chest. She was contemplating telling him, but how? "Let's just say one of them took an interest in someone a bit older than them and I don't think they understand how difficult this could be." Ahna wasn't just looking at Sakura but the other two as well.

(I should make something happen within the next post or two, just a heads up)

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