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Applekisses 05-22-2010 12:38 PM

Purpose?(diamondt & Applekisses)
Name: Lirael
Age: Is 18 years old, but seems physically 15.
Personality & bio: She is someone that is quite aware of her surroundings at times, but when danger is not around can be quite aloof. She isn't exactly what any one would call sweet, as she has been 'mean' to those in need. She isn't one of those girls that swims around in thoughts of finding a mate or being a princess, she surprises many people when she decides to speak her mind on things. Little is really known of her character since is usually going off to missions to save villagers. What is known of her was that she was born into the organization, unlike many that have joined. Her parents were kidnapped after some major issues when she was 3 and has never seen or heard of them again.
Race: Human with some demon ancestry.
Occupation: Assassin.
Weapons: Magic, bows & arrows.


diamondt 05-23-2010 03:50 PM
Name: Lyron Saeldur Galaésiel (lyron)
Age: 156 (looks 18)
Personality and Bio: Lyron is a Royal guard of the Celedilindre family, as the whole Galaesiel family always has been. Not because of debt, but because they fill each other in well. A family of spell sword wielders and a family of elemental based voluoses. Lyron can stop serving or refuse an order at any given time, if it's against his will. So one day he will probably split from his young mistress, but untill he thinks she can handle her own, he'll stay with her. And of course when she allows him too...
Lyron is rather silent, maybe cold towards others. He says what he wants and how he thinks it is. What he thinks and says are mostly right, so there's no way you can bring him to other ideas unless you prove it. Lyron too is rather impatient, and sometimes blunt. He doesn't think things straight when people are involved with danger. These are times it looks like Myrr is watching him, making up a plan which in the end sounds way better than just barging in and beat the crap out of the enemy.
When Myrr likes you though, he'll give you a chance. That doesn't mean you can't screw up. Lyron too notices it when you try to have Myrr like you so you can get to him, for this he won't fall. When Myrr fell blind and people wanted to take disadvantage he grew quite hatefull towards dishonest people, so lying and hidden agenda's aren't recommended. Lyron likes children, animals and peace. Peace and children? Yes he knows, not quite two things who go well together but with children he doesn't mind.
Lyron came to the organisation after Myrr wanted to, she persuaded him of course with the thought he could help innocent in need... Something he was born to do. He himself never asked what Myrr wanted to do at that place, but it's probably around the same motive as his.
Race: Elf
Occupation: Royal Guard and Spell Warrior for the organisation
Weapons: His spell sword, a heavy sword with incantations, the hilt is blue and mainly kept in it's cap at his belt. A dagger in his boot.
Name: Myrrlyndiëlle Eriaiiel Celedilindre
Age: 50 years old, looks 14
Personality & Bio: Myrr was a daughter of the Celedilindre family, which is equal to impossible expectations, yet she made the impossible possible. And she needed to be great in two fields: Voluose magic (magic through sound, an instrument, she isn't able to use dark magic though. She is greatly able to heal) and Elemental Bending. She strained herself terribly, searching for perfection and an accepting or approving nod from her parents. She didn't need many, just acception and a bit of pride for her parents.
When she practiced magic that was actually a bit too high for her, she went blind from the accident. The girl never told anyone about this except her personal guard and great friend Lyron. This of course grew their bond, and he helped her in learning how to 'see'. Of course in the beginning people noticed she acted odd, but they shrugged it off. So did her parents, who knew but kept theirselves silent. They wanted to see how she would take it, and of course in that too she succeeded.
Myrr went to the organisation to find strong people for Lyron... She wants to couple him up with someone who is strong and not meek like many female elves... He deserves better right? And helping innocent people while you're at it, Yes, this place was great for Myrr her motives.
Myrr is kind, rather naive and very honest. She says what she wants, and does what she wants. She knows how to persuade people, and knows how to listen. Myrr is rather hyper, but she is patient when needed. Very well with strategies. When the situation involves danger, she is easily scared but determined too. She'll make a plan so she has control over the situation, which gives her a bit of a safe feeling. The girl doesn't want to lose another thing due to not thinking things through.
Race: High elf
Occupation: Battle magician ready to save people in need for the organisation!
Weapons: A violin and a flute, of which both Myrr can summon at will. Her body for she can bend the elements with it.

(Yuuki was created by Diamondt on Page 48
Ash was created by Applekisses on Page 72
Yasuhiro was created by Applekisses on Page 86
Ryusukai was created by Diamondt on Page 87
Cireminaiel was created by Diamondt on Page 88
Luna was created by Diamondt on Page 94
Amanda & Miranda were created by Applekisses on page 96)

Personality & Bio:
Weapons: )

diamondt 05-28-2010 02:22 PM

A little girl wearing a hat that was maybe too big for her was nibbling on a cookie, a glass of milk next to her treat. She shone with childish happiness, obviously enjoying the treat like only a child can. The man at the other side of the table though seemed a little bit less innocent, he looked over to the girl and then again at the crowd, nervously ticking his fingers against the table they sat on. The young male sighed impatiently, looking over to the girl who paid no heed, and back to the crowd again. It went like this untill she finally finished gulping down her milk, a trail of milk leaving on her face. Myrr stood up, stretching herself, dusting of her skirt looking straight at lyron, who followed her every move. Myrr pouted childishly, staring back at him.
''Ready...?'' Lyron growled impatiently under his breath, knowing they were late... Myrr nodded happily, throwing a fist in the with a happy 'auhn' sound, getting grabbed by lyron the next second. The girl shrieked as the elven male sprinted forward fastly, Myrr under his arm obviously not happy by the fact he can drag her around like she is nothing.... And actually does it too! ''We're late thanks to you, and we are going to be teamed up, so the person must have been waiting.'' He said annoyed as he went another turn. She sighed defeated as lyron made a pretty obvious point, going another turn,. sprinting for another 5 minutes before entering a building, myrr still under his arm
''Lyron and Myrrlyndiëlle have arrived~!'' Myrr chanted happily from under his arm, before wiggling free out of his grasp, fixing herself before standing straight next to him. Lyron felt like laughing as she stood as straight as she could, but still could by far not reach his length.

Applekisses 05-29-2010 12:24 PM

A human looking lady was sitting in a room that looked pretty much like a waiting room from the northern lands. The lady didn’t seem to blink at all as many men and women in armor passed her, clearly they wanted to know what was on her mind, but they knew who she was. An assassin…not the one of the ones who came here at a young age, but one that was actually born here. Those were the worst kind, since they knew everything about, anything. Lirael was no acceptation even if she was only 18 years old, the age any girl would be married now here in the south. She was not interested in anyone since her job was the only thing she had, and there were times she hated being an assassin and having to be paired up with other groups.

Just like now. There was no sign of the so called Myrr or Lyron. Who ever those to were, they would 100% annoy her. She had arrived just in time...30 minutes ago and yet still they had not arrived, she hoped they had been attacked or something, just to get them out of trouble with her. She had only known about this assignment when she was woken up at 5 A.M. by an assigner, and that only gave her an hour to prepare herself with her armor and weapons. She was told not to wear the usual armor that she had to and instead was given some sort of long dress that usually elves wore at battle and a new bow&arrow set.

"Hm....So it's in one of the elve's town?," she spoke to her self softly. The call of the young her made her almost suffer a heart-atack as she quickly jumped up. "Oh...It's the two of you....,"she muttered, clearly not hiding her annoyance.

diamondt 05-29-2010 12:50 PM

Myrr immediately moved over to the human girl, to Lyron his annoyance, and broadly smiled ignoring her annoyance completely. ''It's a pleasure to meet you... Uhmmm... Lirael isn't it?'' The girl said tapping her chin, happy she found the answer. ''You know~ An hour ago we were called, and I was like still sleeping! I got to hear from Lyron we had to leave, but I was sooooooo Hungry! So lyron let me eat a cookie and some milk, which is why we are so late... I'm sorry, please take care of us...'' The girl broadly explained, her voice going from a low pitch to a higher one back and forth the whole time, explaining why they were late. At the end she gracefully curtsied as only an elf can, Lyron nodding in acceptance.
''Pleasure to meet you, I'm Myrr and this is Lyron~'' the girl said, not even making a move to shake hands. It was not to be done between elves, which is why. Lyron eyed the clothing the human aolescent wore, a rather low 'hmm' coming from him.
''That's not the usual armor isn't it? If you want to you could change, a gown isn't really usefull when unused to.'' Lyron said, feeling that the organisation probably told her to, instead of Lirael doing that on her own. Myrr looked up at him, a smile playing her face in acceptance. A sort of 'well done' in their everyday life.

Applekisses 05-29-2010 01:11 PM

"The townspeople wouldn't like to see an assassin coming to save them. They are too traumatized for that. After all I was told that I had to act like I wasn't from the organization so they could actually accept our help," she replied softly to the lad. She wasn't someone who was really hyper and happy in the morning, like Myrr was. She only smiled at the girl, holding back her anger for why they were late. She stretched and yawned covering her mouth. "Is there anything the two of you would like to take before we head off? We need to get out of this city before the market opens up...We can't have too many people on our path." She frowned, crossing her arms. "You two do know what we are facing right?"

diamondt 05-29-2010 05:35 PM

Myrr shook her head in 'no', but Lyron nodded ever so slightly ''As I said, I was asleep~'' Myrr yawned, convering her mouth, a small giggle afterwards.
''Looks like the yawn spread'' she smiled, 'looking' at lyron for any signs or being tired... Nope, he was 'normal' Lyron though 'looked' over to the human, eyeing her intrigued.
''Could I ask what forms of combat you use?'' The elven male asked, looking at her in more of a 'looks' way than a sufficient teammate. The gown suited her no less, it was made for 'natural' wearers. Not fake ones looking like a doll or something. Many elves are more interested in natural people than dollish made up ones anyway. Myrr too eyed the human for her aura, waiting for her answer looking at Lyron's back and forth. ''I'm a voluose, and he is a spell sword wielder. That is like a warrior but more magic-based. As in a self enhanced sword~'' The girl smiled, lyron looking at her like she is an idiot. ''It's more polite to tell Lirael our skills when we ask her right? Else we seem like the offensive side don't we?'' Myrr said against Lyron, a rather correcting tone in her voice, 'looking' at him intensely before turning to Lirael again. ''Don't you think?'' The girl broadly smiled

Applekisses 05-29-2010 09:05 PM

"Um...I suppose."Lirael felt uncomfortable at them staring, she was not use to this at all. Pouting, she thought of how to answer the question Lyron had asked. She could pretty much tell them what she does, or everything. She decided on the former, finding it that she knew very little of the two to decided the latter. Lirael clearly didn’t wish to seem at all as if she were trying to find admiration or friends. This was all for the job, she thought to herself. “I am an archer, I’ve had 8 years in training. I suppose I am much like a spell sword wielder, except I enchant my arrows. Some of my arrows aren’t even real,” she admitted. “As for my other specialty, I am well rounded in the magic compartment. Is that all you two wish to know of me? I really do want to get going." The girl was quite an attention seeker...and the boy...pushy much.

diamondt 05-29-2010 09:34 PM

Lyron nodded, looking at how Myrr observed things. He waited for her to say something, but she 'looked' at him knowing he wanted to comment on her small list.
''Then the gown actually does suit you. It gives you space to move, though if you were a warrior it would more or less restrain you. Humans are more sword based, so I assumed you were battling with the latter.'' Lyron said, silencing the last part though. She wasn't a whole human, not a half blood... Even less. Lyron would ask Myrr about it later, she was better at a person his or her aura anyway. Myrr lowered her ever lasting gaze to the ground. The girl was still rather tired.
''We should get going, though now I still don't know what we are about to battle. Or accomplish in doing so.'' Myrr whispered, for some reason she hadn't slept well last night, and she was feeling the consequences.
''But lets go, I'll notice when we are at it right?'' She said, beaming once again, though pulled her hat in a way Lyron or Lirael wouldn't be able to look at her. Lyron eyed Myrr curiously, hoping to sense something in her aura that was off. Too late, she sealed herself.

Applekisses 05-30-2010 06:37 PM

"Alright...If you two don't mind me asking, how old are the both of you?" When they headed out of the building, shops began to open, and many owners stared as the three of them past by. It was unusual for any commoner to see any one from the organization head out on a mission, though many live near the base of the organization the commoners only new the faces and/or names of those who worked there.

Lirael sighed wondering what was wrong with Myrr, but did not ask. She probably is still tired...or had a bad night, she thought. Another thing on her mind was how Lyron still looked at her, that made her frown. She never liked it when people stared. She wondered, did he know that she wasn't a full human?

diamondt 05-30-2010 06:52 PM

((Lyron doesn't stare, he looks. Myrr is staring cause she can't look :P))
Myrr once again yawned, sighing in a way that told Lyron to answer the question.
''Myrrlyndiëll is just 50, I'm 158. Elves get a lot older than humans, as you might just know.'' Lyron answered, keeping his gaze at Myrr her hat: She was small so when she wore her hat like that, he couldn't look at his mistress at all. It made him owrry what was wrong, she wasn't herself. Myrr felt his gaze at her, rather annoyed, poofing her cheeks. The girl wanted to sleep, when she had less than 8 hours of sleep, she'd turn short and cranky in less than half an hour. In the beginning she'd try to be herself, but it couldn't last long. The girl sighed again, yet more tired this time.
''So how informed are we? Will it take long to get there? How are we going? Where are we going? Is the criminal in a closed or open place? Are innocent people involved?'' Myrr asked walking ahead of them, trying to get this going somewhere, their ages weren't really interesting now are they? And she just wanted to know. The girl was rather restless under the gazes of the store keepers she couldn't return. Lyron noted this, looking at the face that was now visible. ''I heard it was a raging demon, 5 people killed, nothing more. Miss Lirael, what have you heard?'' Lyron asked, looking at the human girl from the corner of his eye.

Applekisses 05-31-2010 02:20 PM

(>< oh ok.)

It took Lirael a couple of minutes to answer Lyron's question as they approached the exit of the village. She looked at Myrr hat for a bit before answering. "The man that came to inform the organization about the demonic attack came 3 days after it had happened. The man said those five people were killed in one night." She sighed and looked up at the sky. "From my knowledge of demons, I think more people have been killed than that. Normal demons that are going about alone wouldn't kill that many people in one night....Unless, of course. We are dealing with a gang of them. It'll take us about maybe 3 days, just like the human or maybe just 2, by river. Demons don't kill radomly...Unless..." She whispered the last part thinking to herself again.

diamondt 05-31-2010 04:05 PM

((just saying for the fun of being dorky, I noticed I had swiftly forgotten about her blindness too xD))
''A raging demon, do they still have a conscience? These are humans, creatures without an ability to defense, it wouldn't surprise me if one demon took them all to him or herself. Especially when raging, a fit spoken of as a wirlwind of negative emotions. Would that be a more or less continueing part of your last sentence?'' The elven male asked, after once again having stared a couple of seconds at myrr who once again gave him the 'you talk' look. Even though she was blind, the girl never lost her ability to speak orders with her eyes. They have never been dull or unmoved so far. Lyron brushed a hand through his hair, looking at the human, a relaxed and calm smile playing on his face as the wind smoothly wooshed
''Which way do you want to go? I and Myrr don't really care to be honest. Though it would be understandable that you wouldn't be able to go through the forest and the river walking through it with an elven gown.'' Lyron said, looking at her again, making sure it would last long enough to count for genuine interest yet no staring. Myrr kept on walking ahead of them, not really choosing a direction, with her hands at her back, lifting up her legs to a 90 degree acting as if she was a marching soldier. The ankhs at the end of her two front locks playfully tingled, and the girl couldn't help but notice how nice it smelled here considering they were nearing the forest.

Applekisses 05-31-2010 06:34 PM

(hehe^.^ It didn't seem like you forgot of her blindness.)

"Exactly that..." Lirael pursed her lips to the side thinking of something to lightened up the mood. She wasn't really someone to work with others when it had to deal with a mission, but she wasn't entirely anti-social. Though when it had to deal with demons on the loose, she felt sort of lost in time. She was part demonic, just one-fourth, and it killed her inside knowing she was killing demons who probably didn't have any parents around, just like her. She looked at Lyron with a shrug. "I can still wear a dress and walk through the forest sir...When we arrive at the river, they'll be a boat there, so there's no need to worry about me maneuvering around in this dress." With him she thought she might not be able to work well with. Just something about his character had her off, he wasn't horrible she thought but he didn't seem at all pleasant to her. IT wasn't that he had a bad nature or anything the guy was fine...but he was just so...She couldn't put a word to it.

diamondt 05-31-2010 06:49 PM

((she can't look at someone, just see right through them or look at their aura. XD But I did make her look at someone, so I say I forgot, luckily it wasn't noticed ^^))
Myrr sighed, Lyron was being such a fuss over the human girl or woman... The little girl pouted, walking over to Lyron, kicking him against his knee. ''Give me some attention too you big Idiot!'' The girl said, a pout with filled cheeks, staring at his aura. Lyron barely noticed anything, Myrr was physically not even able to break a twig, but he did notice her frustration. ''Gosh, how many did you sleep?'' He asked, lifting Myrr like she was a simple stone or anything, her legs dangling in the air. ''I don't know, 3 hours? The owl just stopped his song and went for a mouse, which was hiding in a bush under the tree 54 Deer steps left from our sleeping place.'' Myrr said pouting the other way, not happy. Lyron quirked his eyebrow up, not happy with the information. That was terribly short! The owl stopped owling 2 hours ago. Maybe she hoped he hadn't heard or something. It too went for a mouse not long ago, he heard the final squeeking with his ears. Maybe Myrr had a nightmare. Ugh, probably a girl thing. ''Make yourself comfortable then little magician, for I will carry you on my back.'' He smiled, lifting her over his head, Myrr obediently placing her legs over his back. The girl sighed in his scent, it was so familiar, so home. ''I hope you don't mind if I go for a nap Lirael?'' Myrr said, a smile playing her face as she snuggled up to the familiar feeling. She could hear Lyron scoff, but couldn't pay more heed to it.

Applekisses 05-31-2010 07:14 PM

(lol myrr is adorable though)

Lirael watched the two curiously and nodded to Myrr. "I don't mind at all Myrr. It's a good thing you have Lyron to carry you." She smiled and looked away from the two after a while and looked at their surrounding. The forest was beautiful and any tree branch would be a good place to sleep at the moment. She had only slept 5 hours, but that was enough for her. She wished for the moment she could have the luxury of someone to carry her so she would be allowed some sleep, but that was just because she didn't really have any rest the whole entire week. Being an assassin was much more tiring than being a guard or warrior since you pretty much had to work all night and day, plus the cleaning up.

diamondt 05-31-2010 07:23 PM

((she's meant to bring out lyron his caring side... For this she needs to be adorable. >P))
'' Myrr thanks you for it, and will make use of the kindness when sleep takes over. Back to my dear carrier~ Lyron is veeeery kind when you get to know him, he's just not very observant.'' Myrr smiled, feeling Lyron wasn't pleased by that. ''Be nice you're not a meany, it's not like I said anything bad right? And guys just aren't very observant, you're not the only one... '' Myrr said, wiggling a finger, as if stating a fact. The girl placed her hat a bit more backwards for Lyron, and laid her head in his right shoulder, closing her eyes contendly. ''Lyron is very kind to Myrr, which is a very good characteristic. He asks you a lot to find out whether or not he can trust you with me, even though I can handle my own of course. Lyron does this by normal questions, just to see how you react and in what way. So when he's checking out new people for Myrr, he sometimes forgets Myrr herself a bit. Myrr doesn't mind, but she does need her 8 hours a day. Else she turns veeery annoyed.'' The small elven girl said, if talking about someone else, instead of herself in 3rd person.
''Just how annoying you are.'' Lyron scoffed, taking a deep breath. ''You love me for it.'' Myrr smiled, falling asleep a few seconds later.

Applekisses 05-31-2010 07:35 PM

(*hugs Myrr* now i understand)

Lirael listened to Myrr's talking and nodded. She watched the girl fall asleep and smiled. "She's sweet...and very talkative. Is this how she really is," Lirael asked in a whisper hoping not to disturb the girl's sleep. She had never met anyone who could speak in third person like the girl. It was as if the girl was telling a story instead.

diamondt 05-31-2010 08:04 PM

((~Myrr huggles back, looking at the hidden camera, sticking out her tongue~ I'm adorable am I not?))

''Myrr is rather bipolar, it depends on everything around her. She needs to have control, enough sleep, and a sweet taste in her mouth. She hates bitter. Myrr knows when to keep silent, but everyone loves her straightforwardness so the atmosphere barely asks her to be silent. I guess this is how she really is though, she's more relaxed that way... And thinks less before she says something.''
Lyron smiled, whispering though.
''She's really sweet. Rather naïve, but that's why I'm here, I guess.''

Applekisses 05-31-2010 09:00 PM

(*pinches Myrr's cheeks*)

Lirael nodded, taking in the sweet smell of the forest and smiled. "That's good..." She bit her bottom as she looked through the trees and frowned. "I really hope we get there quickly. I don't want a failed mission that hasn't even started yet." That and she wanted to go solo for a bit...She wanted this mission top be over so she could be at home sleeping for hours.

diamondt 06-01-2010 05:50 AM

((~for some odd (probably anime) reason Myrr her cheeks act like they are made out of elastic, and give in very easily~ Weeugh >c *really weird face*))
''Considering we took the short road the chances that we fail by coming late is rather small.'' Lyron said, his eyes trying to speed off his surroundings. ''You said something about a boat, would you happen to know where it is?'' he asked, still looking around for something boat-like. Myrr, happily oblivious, started snoring on his back which made a weird low soun because it resonated through his shirt. Lyron couldn't help but laugh, considering Myrr was even a sort of laughable in sleep.

Applekisses 06-01-2010 08:14 PM


"Even if we do arrive quickly manly lives could be at stake. Demons are unpredictable." Lirael ignore his laughter as she searched for any sign of water. It took her several minutes to point the location to him. "Over there." With that she continued on walking ahead of him.

diamondt 06-02-2010 05:59 AM

''May he or she be full then...'' Lyron sighed, coughing to get his normal demeanor back. The 'packaged' elf followed the human easily, even though he had sleeping meat on his back, yet was very happy to find they had found the location for the boat.
''Ladies first?'' He asked, a rhetorical question. Somehow for him it was logical she would go first, the human's a woman right?

Applekisses 06-02-2010 11:45 AM

Lirael shook her had and stepped away so he could go on the boat first." No...You have Myrr on your back." She wasn't one to go first even if it was society's view of ladies going first, she made anything happen so it could go the way she wished it to..

diamondt 06-02-2010 07:55 PM

Lyron's eyebrows quirked up, but he remembered her way in myrr her acting. The small desire to be in charge, a small faint desire to clamp yourself onto. At least Myrr did in the years, the control she had over her servant, yet the morals of her servant to realise when her desires aren't meant to be. The elven male sighed, gifting her a handsome smile. ''If you say so Lirael.'' and so without going against her he stepped in the boat with ease, extending one hand (with balancing a bit he manages to hold Myrr at her place with one arm) for her to have faint support on when stepping in.

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