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Mr. Mayor 10-30-2010 02:17 PM

[Town Hall] Hall of Hellaciousness!

Many thanks to ToriKat and Ferra for the banner!

Mr. Mayor 10-30-2010 03:17 PM

Welcome everybody to a celebration of all that is goulish and ghastly, everything creepy, scary and possibly a little bit disgusting!

The town hall has of course been decked out suitably for the occasion! Our team of decorators have go all out this time around so I think you'll be in for a suprise! The entire ballroom has been encased in a stiffened gray fabric, artfully folded, molded and arranged and we appear to be inside a giant underground cavern! We have made very good use of some of my father's huge hoard of vintage carnival items also. Tucked away in a dusty room on the top floor of the family mansion we found some wonderful wrought iron lamps that he said came from an old haunted house that had been demolished. These are long diamond shapes with filigree sides and we suspended them on black chains from all over the "cavern" ceiling. Don't they look amazing?

The cavern walls have been decorated (if that's the right word!) with clusters of hanging skulls and chains, and in certain areas the walls sparkle in the light of the lanterns, like there may be gemstones or veins of precious metal within them.
On the walls are candle sconces with deep red glass shades which glow in a supremely creepy manner, and hanging from the ceiling are festoons of fake cobwebs. At least I sincerely hope they are fake as I do NOT want to be meeting the spider that span those!

As always we have buffet tables that are positively groaning with what I have been assured is food! Every single item on offer has been made to look like something gruesome, so if you fancy chowing down on some severed fingers, cooked brains,skewered mice or other delicacies, then this is the place to be! Liquid refreshment also looks more than a little scary this time around, we have glowing and bubbling cauldrons of shades of red, yellow and purple. Plus what looks like a mad scientist's set up of a maze of tubes and bottles, through which flows substances in a very virulent green, a rather pretty shade of blue and an orange that might possibly blind you in a brighter light, anyone brave enough to try these and discover what flavors they all are?

Around the room we have tables aplenty, all lit by flickering lanterns and dressed with some of the deepest purple roses that I have ever seen. Nalin refuses to tell when asked how he got them that color, or managed so many blooms at this time of the year. There are also padded booths against one wall, these too appear to be stone but are nice and squashy, I tested them myself!

Music is again provided by our ever talented band who have once again risen to the occasion with suitable costumes, this year they are all dressed as vampires so I hope none of them grow thirsty as time goes by!

The terrace is the place to be if you hunger for some freshly barbequed fare. We are back on the terrace after the barbeque chef dug fire pits in the lawn last Halloween, I hear a certain gardener was less than happy about that ! No creepy appearance to the grilled food so no wondering about what you're eating there.
There is ample seating out on the terrace if you fancy some air, picnic tables (with umbrellas if it rains) and lots of strings of lights so you wont miss your mouth with the food because it's too dark to see!

Hope you all have fun, because if you don't, the compost heap is just a short walk away ; )

Vanellope 10-31-2010 12:49 AM

Hellaciousness... not sure I understand that word lol ^.^

Seridano 10-31-2010 12:51 AM

Seri enters the ballroom, skirt rustling faintly as she moves. Spotting no one at all,she sighs and heads for the terrace to gaze out at the stars.

"Tonight is just not my night I suppose...but at least the stars haven't deserted me."

Gazing out at the grounds, all in full decoration, she smiles faintly. "Happy Halloween ghosties," she murmurs. The breeze carries her words off toward the garden.

Star Valo 10-31-2010 12:55 AM

~dances in~
Ooh the ballroom!
I didn't think it'd be open this event
I'm so glad I was wrong

Vanellope 10-31-2010 12:57 AM

The Ballroom is always the best place to be in each events ^.^

Star Valo 10-31-2010 12:58 AM

Oh, I very much agree with you there Lexicon!
It always has the fun bits of events

Thoth Star 10-31-2010 12:59 AM

I'm definitely in the mood to dance. 0 30

Star Valo 10-31-2010 01:00 AM

Would Thoth care to Dance with Star?

Vanellope 10-31-2010 01:04 AM

I am wondering if the ballroom will move as crazy as the other times.. lol

Star Valo 10-31-2010 01:05 AM

I think it might do when more of the Brits arrive
I know we tend to invade the ballroom, along with the Europeans

Especially if some Event Drama is created

Seridano 10-31-2010 01:06 AM

Is the ballroom generally crazy fast thread?

-has never been to the ballroom during an event before-

Vanellope 10-31-2010 01:07 AM

well this time Mr. Mayor didnt directly call it ballroom in the title, we might be lucky and talk slowly here lol... MAYBE!

Star Valo 10-31-2010 01:08 AM

it can often get fast
Ballroom tends to get the highest page number at the end of events.

Rabid Rainbow 10-31-2010 01:08 AM

Ooh, I'm excited!

Okay, what is everyone wearing for Halloween (either on Mene or irl)? My avvi is Christine Chapel from Star Trek (and I literally threw it together in about five minutes; pretty proud of that, ngl) and irl I'm dressing up as a flapper (and I have the most gorgeous dress omg even though it was super expensive).

So, I want to hear what everyone's dressing up as!

Vanellope 10-31-2010 01:08 AM

In real.. my pajamas, in Mene, Toothless cosplay ^.^

Star Valo 10-31-2010 01:09 AM

Star was too 'ill' to go out in her costume IRL
I was supposed to be Alice
from Alice in wonderland
Just darker

on Mene
I'm dressed as my Mene-boyfriend.

zeapear 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

-eyes the buffet table dubiously and, after some thought, decides that she is full. drifts towards a corner and pulls a pick-axe from under her skirt- I wonder if there are any diamonds in here... -starts hacking at the 'cavern wall'-

secretdae007 10-31-2010 01:12 AM

Dae was a witch when she dressed up yesterday night! But right now, Dae is just Halloween themed with her avi. ^_^

Seridano 10-31-2010 01:16 AM

For Mene I be a demoness...and IRL I'm going around as Megurine Luka in her dress from Sandplay of the Singing Dragon.

Kanji-kun 10-31-2010 01:19 AM

*licks thread*

zeapear 10-31-2010 01:20 AM

I don't celebrate Halloween, so in real life I'm wearing my pyjamas and on Menewsha I'm wearing some sort of fail greyscale get-up :ninja:

Naoto-chan22 10-31-2010 01:22 AM

It was good very grey Zea

Star Valo 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

I think I'm gonna head off to bed now, I'm getting sleepy

I'll hopefully see you guys around, if not, enjoy the event! <3

zeapear 10-31-2010 01:23 AM

It wasn't very Halloweeny though... D:

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