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Andraus 06-25-2014 02:59 AM

All that Remains (Open and Accepting)
On October 22nd, 2019, We entered a War we knew existed, but still denied at the same time: The War between Heaven and hell had finally come to us. We thought, with a foolish hope, we would be able to fight back the tides of hell, and keep our people safe.

We were wrong.

The Demons Burned our Cities, and destroyed any resistance they came across, killing billions in their Genocidal Campaign. Heaven's Warriors stood defiant to the end, but eventually, they were forced to pull back. Except for a Few Remaining Stragglers, and relics taken from the dead, there is no sign that the Forces of heaven were even there.Earth Fell under The rule of the Demons.

What had seemed like a Decisive, and Quick victory, turned into 15 years of literal Hell.

While resistance is in no way, shape, or form anything compared to the Vast Armies of the Pre-war world, there is still strength in them. All have lost something to the Demons, and wish nothing more then to Reek vengeance upon them. Their anger is their strength, their vow to send the demons back to hell is their bond. To do whatever is necessary to win is their Code.

There are also traitors in the Demon Ranks, those that had escaped the oppressive rule from hell, to seek life on the surface, creating mischief on their own accord. Though they fought for the Hell-lords, taking Earth away from the Humans, The Demons were on earth long before the Hell-lords themselves, and They've tasted the freedom away from them. With The Hell-Lords taking control of earth, returning the clans to their oppressive rule, The Murmurs of discontent grow ever stronger. Each Clan was created, in order to serve a purpose.

Stonekrusher- Miners of the Highest degree, meant to scour the earth for resources unreachable by humans. Their Armor and Weapons are of the Highest possible caliber.

Hellfire- Hunters and Lumberers, they were meant to scour the woodlands, gathering Surface resources, and gathering food. Their sharp eyes, sense of smell, and knowledge of trapping make them excellent hunters, as well as excellent assassins.

Plaguespitter- Farmers and Alchemists without equal, their mission was to settle in the Marsh-lands, and learn to use the natural elements as either cures, or poisons, in their vast arsenal of weapons. a single touch from a Warriors blade could kill a man.

Storm-bringers- Mages and Enchanters, they were meant to harness the Elements to their grasp, and use it to power their weapons. Fire, Ice, Wind, lightning- all bend to the will of the Storm-bringer clan. Their knowledge of the arcane is their strength

Nighthorde- Craftsmen, Traders, and Tacticians, the Nighthorde were meant to scour the ancient battles fields, taking what technology they could, and using it to advance themselves. In their life, they live by one code: Learn, Survive, and Thrive. Their adaptability has given them not only great numbers, but great skill in turning a bad situation, into a good one. They are renown Tacticians and Craftsmen.

Dear reader, how shall you proceed? Will you be the Remnants of the last Legion of Angels to step foot in this world? Will you be the Humans willing to risk everything, and stop at nothing, to retake your home? Or will you be with the Demons, continuing your ruthless conquest, and Wipe the last pathetic resistance left on this planet, off the map?

For your sake, I hope you make the Right choices.

Here are the Rules

1. No god moding, or power moding.
2. When you write Your profile, put 'Fallen Legion' if you're a part of the Angelic Remnants Army. Put 'Fire of Vengeance' if you are The human Resistance. Place 'Self preservation' if you are in League with the Demon Clans Defecting to the Resistance, and Finally, put 'Ruthless Conquest' if you're a part of the Hell-Lords Armies.
3. Just to Make sure you paid attention to the Rules, put at [banhammer] in the Profile somewhere, just so I know you read them.
4. If you have questions, direct them to me. If you have ideas, or ways to improve the story, I'm more then willing to listen
5. Please, if you're going to be gone for longer then a few days, or if you're having personal troubles, please inform me, so I know. I hate it when people post a few times, then stop. Good roleplays die that way.
6. Have fun.

here are the Profile Skeletons

Remnant Angel Army
Weapons: (3 only)
Powers: (3 Only)
Rank: (From Highest to Lowest: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Rulers, Virtues, Powers, Princes, Archangels, Guardians.)
Pic: (Angel and Human form)

Human Resistance
Weapon: (2 only)
Powers: (1 only)
Rank: (Highest to Lowest: Jarl, Commander, Housecarl, Legionnaire, Hunter, Vindicator, Private.)
Pic: (if you're going to have an Armor, include in as well.)

Demon Traitor Clans
Name: (Last name will be your clan-name.)
Weapon: (up to 4)
Powers: (up to 3)
Clan: (Stone-Krusher, Hellfire, Stormbringer, Plaguespitter, and Nighthorde
Rank: (Highest To lowest: Clan Elder, Pit Bosses, Gatherers, Warriors, Workmen)
Pic: (both Demon and Human)

Demon Hordes
Weapons: (up to 4)
Powers: (up to 4)
Rank: (Dark Ones, The Chosen, The Absolute, Primal Emanations, Duke, Lords, Vessels, Tempters)
Pic: (Both Demon and Human

Human Resistance


Originally Posted by Andraus
[CENTER]Name: Andrew Pimms
age: 29
Weapon: A Sickle, Short-handle, and a 9mm, Titanium plated Pistol, with Pearl Grip.
Powers: Telekinesis
Rank: Jarl
Bio: Andrew was still in his Teens when the world literally went to hell. He remembers scrapping for food in the Demon infested cities, and watching every last member of his family die at the hands of the Hordes. At age 18, he joined the Resistance as a Private. Within 7 years, he Rose to the Rank of Commander. After 2 more years, he reached Jarl. Not that it mattered.

His men were killed outside of the Ruined city of New York. He's now on a Prison cart, being taken to one of the Demon P.O.W. Prisons, that goes by the name of Par Vollen. He seems to not care about where he's going, even though the reputation of the Prison is far from pleasant.

Demon Traitors


Originally Posted by happydeath
Shiro Stormbringer
Looks to be around the age of 20 or 21; actual age is known only to Lilith and Lucifer.
Judgement and Punishment
These twin pistols represent both the power of light and darkness. The white one obviously represents light while the black and red presents the darkness that resides inside of Shiro's heart. Both weapons work perfectly just fine against any race but if used correctly; which he does know how to do so now..he can cause alot more damage towards demons of higher ranking or angels of high ranks with the opposite gun towards their body.

Bow of Sorrow
At first glance this bow would look like any ordniary bow and arrow that humans used. However, those who look closer towards it would notice that the bow has no string to it. This is due to Shiro using both his positive energy but as well as his demonic energy to shot his arrows rather than using actual normal arrows.

Phantom's Shadows
Just like Judgement and Punishment; Phantom's Shadows are a pair of twin swords that each control either Darkness or Light. These swords are normally seen as Shiro's main weapons since it allows him to hide his true identity much more easily compared to when he uses his other weapons to reveal how much power he holds inside him.
Pure darkness manipulation, Pure Light manipulation, and Soul absorption.
Pit Boss.
Shiro was born and originally raised as the child of Lucifer and Lilith. Being raised as their child and living his time within Hell, he had grown to learn to protect himself from all those who ever thought of killing him and taking his place as the heir to the throne if anything were to happen to the current rulers of Hell and the demon army. At his young age, this was obviously a difficult task since he never had the chance to learn from either his mother nor father on how to use his power that was brought down upon him with his birth. However, this did not mean that when he was in dire trouble and the risk of his life was at steak; his power would end up sky-rocketing and he would accidentally butcher the enemy who had tried to kill him.
Although he was raised by Lucifer and Lilith, Shiro wasn't exactly one to care as much as his mother and father were about taking over the Earth or let alone Heaven. Shiro was much more carefree and preferred to just learn about things rather than destroying or torturing others. When he had learned about the human race along with the angels; it was only a matter of time that he went into his father's study to begin reading up on the history that his father had about humans along with angels. That was where he had ended up finding information about how his father was actually once an angel as well before he was considered to be the first fallen angel to fall from grace only to have him become what he was to this day.
Learning about his father's history, this made Shiro curious about his own power as he spent night and day away from his parents to learn to control or at the very least reveal his true power that he held deep inside him thanks to the power that his mother and father held. By the time he had finally learned to master each of his powers, finding that Hell had actually taken over the Earth not too long after his new-found power; Shiro was a bit upset that his mother and father had finally achieved their goal. So much for getting to learn more about the humans and angels.
When Shiro had found out that his mother and father were killing off humans but as well as the remaining angels who remained on Earth. He became a bit troubled at the thought and decided that he wasn't going to just stand around and join his mother and father on their rampage. Escaping from their sights when he had the chance, Shiro did his best to disguise his power and form by using the power over darkness and light and combining them together. It was only a matter of time that he was found by the Stormbringer clan of traitor demons that they had recognized his power and decided to take him in to join their battle against the Hell lords. To this day, he refuses to show his true power to these demons or let alone his true form in case they would try to capture him and use him as bait against his mother and father just to kill them and finally him in the end.
Disguised Demon Form~

[True Demon Form]


Originally Posted by Andraus
Name: Shekina Nighthorde
Age: Appears to be 27
Weapon: A Single-Edged Half-Sword, A Dual Pronged Hay-hook, and Sawed-off Pump-action shotgun.
Powers: Dermal Armor and Pyric Emission,
Clan: Nighthorde
Rank: Pit-Boss
Bio: Shekina is, bar none, The Craziest women you'll find. She knows how to be pleasant, mind you, but she has a tendency to be a bit.....over-board, especially in combat. She's constantly trying to find ways to prolong her opponents suffering, or create new ways to kill them. To her, every time some dies, her chances of survival go up. She's loyal only to her clan, and she sees every alliance with anyone else as 'Temporary'.


Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~

Name: Pandora Stormbringer
Age: 17
Weapon: A katana, twin daggers in her boots and a bow and arrows made with a mix of magic and technology.
Powers: Pyrokinesis, darkness manipulation and very limited mind control.
Clan: Stormbringer
Rank: Warrior
Bio: Pandora was named after the infamous Greek legend of a girl who unleashed all the evil in the universe, and for good reason. She was the first last child ever born of the forbidden union between a demon and an angel. Raised by her father in the Stormbringer clan, Pandora is, for them, the symbol of the last thing that ever left Pandora's Box: hope. Born into the war and raised during the time when Hell ruled all, Pandora has never known anything but suffering and pain.

Remnant Angelic Armies


Originally Posted by happydeath

Ryosuke Hatoru
Appears to be around the age of 22 or 23.
He uses a huge arsenal of black chains that are invisible to the eyes of any demon or angel other than those who had imprisoned him or if he wishes to make them visible. They cover his body from his chest area down to his arms and around his ankles but never get in the way of his movements or are ever heard until he uses them in combat. The chains themselves are unable to be broken unless those who had banished him from grace remove them themselves.
Blade Of Sorrow
Death's sight
Fallen's Curse
Ryosuke was once already able to control lightning as it was already but due to his fall from grace; his power over light had become limited to the point that his own power had become corrupted almost as though he were a demon. His power over lightning is still powerful but now it's color has changed from it's once white color to a now pitch black. It's power has increased since then due to him practicing day in and and day out on controlling this power that he holds.

Demon's arm
Another power he possess due to his fall from grace was something more over due to his rejection to believe that he would fall to the point of becoming a demon. This is also the reason as to why he is still a fallen rather than turning into a full fledged demon as his right arm is always bandaged up and kept underneath his long sleeved shirt to remain hidden. When the demonic arm is released from it's bandaged seal, his power tends to sky-rocket to the point of being able to gain the physical strength of a demon lord. However, when this happens; it is very unlikely that he will still be able to tell who is foe and friend anymore.

Heaven's Mercy
Just like most other angels and even when Ryosuke was once an angel himself. He is able to manipulate the power of light to an extent but is unable to use it to it's full power due to the fact that he is still a fallen to begin with. He is still able to heal wounds of others and his own even if it may take a lot out of him along with being able to use his power to create minor things out of it; however he is still very limited to making any items.
Former Seraphim
Being born in Heaven along with many other angels who were pushed aside from the higher ups, Ryosuke was always the type to go forward moreover towards trying to get things solved without the help of violence being used. This didn't mean that he never used it to protect himself when things came down to whether or not he would allow himself to die or get mugged. However, whenever he could try to help out someone by using his words to get his point out to another person and show them that violence was unneeded, he would take that chance immediately. Ryosuke had even tried to convince the archangels that fighting against the demons wasn't the answer; this however only ended up getting him hurt severely but not killed by the archangels. Due to this, the war between Heaven and Hell was never fully avoided and Ryosuke's attempts went unnoticed as many angels died within the war.

It was only a matter of time that with the losses of all the angels Heaven was losing because of the war between the two sides; many other angels were forcibly if not volunteered to join the war to help out against the threat that came against Heaven but as well as Earth itself. Ryosuke had decided that if he wasn't going to be able to convince the angels or even God to stop the war and try to fix everything with speaking to one another; he would join the war himself and help out in anyway he could. Rather than going up to the front lines to fight, he stayed back and took care of any and all injured angels with his power over light at the time being. Everytime he would heal one of the angels, he would try to convince them that fighting wasn't going to get them anywhere and see if he could get any of them to join his cause. Just as the archangels did, they had all rejected him and continued to do battle with the demons.

Soon enough, with how much help Ryosuke was doing with healing all the other angels. Ryosuke was soon put into the front lines to help out to the best of his ability to heal angels while they battled so that they wouldn't need to lose as many companions as they already were. Sadly enough though, no matter how hard he tried; it seemed like he was doing no good for any of his allies as angels as well as archangels died left and right like it was nothing more than a slaughter fest. After several centuries had gone by, it was finally over that Hell had taken over Earth and Heaven decided to stop responding to the war. Ryosuke and a few other angels were all that remained on Earth to fight back against the demons but this didn't stop Ryosuke's intentions of ending all this merciless killing. Although, he did not speak his words any further; this allowed Ryosuke to be able to grow further in the ranks till he had finally reached the rank of being a Seraphim. Many angels and archangels at this point had now been under his command as helped them into battle from time to time to try and push the demons back as much as they could before retreating to gain back their energy.

With his highest possible reached rank, Ryosuke had only taken a matter of time before he ended up trying to convince his superiors once more but as well as his subordinates about the idea of stopping this war without so much violence. When one of his superiors had overheard about this, they had finally gotten annoyed with the continuous attempts that Ryosuke was trying to push onto all the other angels as his superiors soon gathered together to banish Ryosuke from being an angel any further; in other words he was thrown to become a fallen angel and it was only a matter of time that he would become a demon as well. However, as time as now went by and Ryosuke kept getting closer to his demonic half; he continues to fight the pain of changing completely and losing his sanity as he has gained new power and abilities since then to try and help out the angels in any possible way he can even if he was no longer accepted by them.


Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime
Ariel Mirabella Christ
Unknown, looks 20
Siren's Wraith
Angelic Hope
First Virtures
Heavenly Tech
Angelic Spark
Ariel Mirabella Christ is the Daughter of God. She had been trained to hunt the demons that she was supposed to protect the humans from.However, due to her passive nature, she didn't like to fight. She often snuck out of Heaven and would go to earth and mingle with the humans or swim in the oceans in her mermaid form. This continued for a number of years, going to earth to visit the humans and the wildlife until that all changed with the war. Heaven versus hell for Earth. Ariel was dragged into the war against her will and had to fight the demons. However, she had a feeling something bad was about to happen. Heaven had lost the war and Hell took over without a problem.

However, this was just the beginning. Ariel had fallen unconscious after the war and she was declared M.I.A. to anyone. Demons often reported seeing the young princess laying in a barren field of dead trees, but once search teams were sent, there was no trace of her. There are still reports and other sightings of Heaven's young princess, but no results yet. No one would have guessed that the young girl had been swimming about in nearby lakes and staying in the sewage system, away from humans and demons.
Clothes she wears in human form




Originally Posted by Andraus
Name: Oliver Rosewood
Age: 128 (actual)
Weapons: A Sword-headed pike, A Steel Mace, a Templar Shield, and a Submachine gun

~Holy Shield~
Oliver Can Erect a Shield of Divine light, protecting him and a Small Area, for a Small time, from weapons and magic.

~Divine Judgement~
Using Holy Might as a Strength, he can Put Forth all of his might into a Single, Powerful Attack, that can kill most Medium-level Demons, and severely wound Higher level Demons. This does, however, require alot of stamina, leaving him tired most of the time

Using Holy light, he can heal himself, and people, within the area of effect of this. The Draw-back, however, is that it cannot be used to heal demons: It hurts them.
Rank: Throne
Bio: Oliver Served as a Proud Warrior in the Angelic army, happy for his dedication towards his brothers. However, when it became apparent that they would, and he saw how Heaven began hiding away, He began to question his loyalty's, but still tried to keep to the Positives.. His Loyalty was Repayed by being abandon, along with a Regiment of Princes, Archangels, and Guardians: Only a Few hundred men.

He began his own Private army, taking the name of one of the few some-what noble groups from the Crusades: The Templar's. He knew open-warfare was impossible, so he resorted to Guerilla tactics: Hit and Run operations, key strikes, and Supply Disruption. He Will liberate Earth, and Make the Cowards in heaven pay for their crimes.

Hell-lords Armies


Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime

Unknown name; Goes by Hollow


ξЖЗ Demonic Chainsaw
ξЖЗ Sword Whip
ξЖЗ InSaNiTy

ξЖЗ Reality of the Insane - Her level of Warping is Advance. Due to her sanity, this power can destroy it. The only way she can use this power is through her words. If her mouth is covered or she has a sore throat, she can't use the power at all.
ξЖЗ Demonic Charge
ξЖЗ Appearance of the Demon
ξЖЗ Shifter

The Chosen

A lot about Hollow is a mystery. Very few know about her past, most but her. Hollow doesn't remember anything about her past, except for one thing. She was found by Satan and Lucifer. Once they found her, they couldn't believe the power she wielded within her tiny, fragile and thin body. This is where Hollow's Hell kicked in. Satan and Lucifer as well as their demons minions experimented, tormented, killed and striped her. She could only scream and beg for all this to happen to Hollow, this repeated for countless times throughout her life.

Unfortunately, this caused her sanity to go to the breaking point. Her powers were soon warped and relied on the one thing she couldn't lose, her sanity. This unfortunately, caused her to have only a slimmer of sanity to remain. Lucifer and the other princes soon made her the guardian of something that was very important. Hollow took the offer and has been the guardian ever since. She believed this would save her from the constant pain and torment given to her by the masters. However, this only made it worse, the experimenting only got worse. Causing her powers and insanity to grow greatly.

Hollow has still remained the guardian of the Weynon Stones. Even after the war, she remained the guardian. Often going from Hell and Earth as she pleases with no regards of the consequences. However, there is a reason why most demons and the masters of Hell want to keep her where she needs to be. She knows the reasons why Heaven hasn't come to Earth yet.

Human Female
Half Insane Girl

Human Male
Half Insane Male



Originally Posted by ~Wild Spirit Wolf~

Name: Lillith
Age: Unknown, as old as humanity
Weapons: A gun named Cerberus, and a double bladed scythe.
Powers: Hypnosis, soul extraction, seduction and the ability to create demons from her tears.
Rank: Dark One
Bio: Lillith is a Succubus, and the first woman created by God, who spurned Adam because she didn't want to obey him. She was cast out of Eden and became the first demon. God made her barren, so she couldn't bear children, but it was said that when her tears hit the ground, new demons were born. For this reason, Lillith became known as the mother of demons.


Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime
Jackal and Jekyll
Both around 5,000 years old, but Jekyll is older.
Devil's Scorn
Willow's Rage

Vampire's Claw
Demon's fang(sword gun)
Sacrifice(name of sword in the demon picture)
The Second Sight
Demon Mind
Demonic Shield

Corrupted Earth
Corrupted Wind

Jackal and Jekyll
Primal Emanations
Jackal and Jekyll have been working with Lilith as her guardians for most of their life. Before they were in her charge, Jackal and Jekyll were just lowly demons who had no one to take care of them, their mother and father were killed in a war long ago, so this left them with no family. Their father being an incubus, this allowed the twin boys to mature faster and use their powers to get what they wanted in older to survive. Killing was one of the few things they knew, especially Jekyll since he was always protecting Jackal from larger and stronger demons. It wasn't until Jackal and Jekyll fought a pair of demons who seem to be attacking someone of a high ranking.

When the war came about, Jackal and Jekyll were recommended to join and fight against Heaven. At first they thought they were going to lose but it was interesting how Hell actually won and took control of the earth. Jackal and Jekyll were commended for their service and excellence in battle, because of this, they were given the position of protecting Lilith. To this day, they still protect her, using their unique way of fighting to keep her safe.
Top to bottom - Jekyll and Jackal



Andraus 06-30-2014 04:25 AM

(~Wild Spirit Wolf~: ) (happydeath: )

'To my dearest Sister Isabelle.....'

Andrew began mentally writing the letter, as it would be pointless to write it on paper. He knew that his sister could hear his thoughts, wherever her spirit may reside. Maybe it was pointless this way as well, but it's the one way he helped keep his calm demeanor. Calm was what you needed, when people depended on you.

'...We are nearing the Prison of Par Vollen. What awaits us there, in that hell hole? A host of Angry Dark-ones, I would assume.......-sigh- I set off to make this world a better place. I believe, in a way, I have. I've destroyed many of their numbers, and saved many of ours, but it would seem pointless now......'

Andrew looked up, and saw men and women of the Resistance, hanging from the scaffolding of the prisons. Each one was dead, hung from what appeared to be a noose. Andrew couldn't help, but wonder if the same fate awaited him. He, however, pushed this thought aside, and looked forward, hoping to catch a glance at the Dark One running the show.

*sigh* I grow weary of this Fight, Isabelle...not because I'm tired, but because our fight seems to be moving in one direction: Towards Destruction. That's why I gave myself up: To find more that are willing to fight like me, and re-flame my purpose. I want to find others, who are capable of showing me what this fight means, and what we have to protect....

He watched the Truck stop, and the Prisoners being unloaded. He looked around, seeing the Forever red sky, and the Ruins of the City of New York. The Prison, Par Vollen, was built out of the Twisted metal of it's remnants. What they would find inside was a mystery, but many feared the worse.

If I should fail, or I should become what I fight against, do not seek Retribution, or Vengeance in my memory........Instead, keep searching for the truth......Our Story, sister, is just one of many......everyone will benefit, if the truth is found.....but no-one shall suffer, if my story ends So soon.......Your brother, Andrew Pimms.

Pimms finished the message in his head, and continued walking into the prison, keeping his head held high. He may have been captured, but it was out of pure luck: only cowards attacked in the dead of night.

Oliver stepped out of a Truck adjacent to the one that Andrew stepped out of. He Held his head high, though he had been badly beaten, and his wings bound to his back. He wore the Red Cross on his chest with Pride, displaying it for all too see. For the Resistance, and anyone willing to fight against the invaders, it was a symbol of Hope. For the Demons, It was a symbol of Defiance.

Olivers eyes wandered to the sky. Not to stare at the Corpses, but the Heavens above. He wrathfully cursed them in his mind, swearing Vengeance of the cowards who would abandon these people too their fates. IT was their sworn duty to protect them until Armageddon and yet, like cowards, they abandoned earth. When he returned, there would be hell to pay. But first, he had to kick these Demonic Bitches and Bastards back to the holes they crawled out of.

Shekina stepped out of the Middle Truck, the Mark of the Nighthorde apparent on her armor. Many Humans and Angels saw it as a shock that the Demon Clans were turning their backs on the Hell-Lords, but they welcomed anyone willing to fight against them. The Time for Discrimination and Mistrust was pass, for much of Humanity had nothing left to Forfeit.

Shekina did feel the preying eyes of many of the Demons here. Most would jump at the chance of having a Female prisoner as a Pawn, but She could care less. Her Clan needed her back home....she just needed to wait for the right moment. It would present itself soon enough.

Shikabane Hime 07-04-2014 02:24 AM

Within the streets of former New York City. It was crawling with demons and there were a few screams here and there. Within all the commotion, there was a figure walking through. Her long black hair with white and pink streaks swung lightly at her sides of the white hooded cloak she wore. It was dragging on the ground behind her as she walked, the hood covering her eyes as well as the upper half of her face. She had been walking for a while as she heard some of the demons question why she was wearing a white hood in the first place. They tried to even figure out what she looked like under the hood, but there was no hope. However, she did have an objective. Get to Par Vollen.

The young woman continued walking, her shoes clacking on the ground as she got closer to the large twisted building, seeing the truck that seem to be dropping off prisoners becoming more visible in view. 'Maybe, I can save them.' She thought to herself, looking at the large building, trying to find a way to sneak in or at least maybe walk through the front. She wanted to feel useful and maybe bring the humans peace once again, even if it was for a little while, she wanted to help them. A faint sigh escaped her lips, climbing the side of the building as she stayed out of view from the demons.

[I will post for Jackal and Jekyll when wolfy posts]

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-07-2014 03:40 AM

Pandora Stormbringer stepped carefully out of the truck, ignoring the watching prisoners and guards. Some of her own clan members were there, but they knew better than to make a big deal out of her presence. Looking around, she saw an impressive group of prisoners. There was a Templar- who she was pretty sure was the leader of that faction- a demoness of the Nighthorde clan who looked like she''d seen plenty of bloodshed in her time, and a battle-worn human who seemed almost dead in the eyes. Was she the only one with hope? It didn't matter, though. She wouldn't be there long.

Par Vollen, a P.O.W. camp of great infamy, located in what was once New York City. The dark haired seductress smiled as she walked down a dark hallway of the prison, her two bodyguards behind her. Lillith, known as the mother of demons, was a special guest at Par Vollen for a week or so. The warden had wanted her to stop by and inspire a little fear for the prisoners, which she was more than happy to do. Right then, she was on her way to greet the newest batch, which had just been brought in. She stepped into the light and found herself on a second floor balcony, looking down on the drop-off where the prisoners were brought in. It angered her to see demons, her own children, among the captured, but she hid it. "Greetings, new prisoners, and welcome to Par Vollen. I am Lillith, and I will be keeping an eye on you all for a while. Please know that you are here because you attempted to go against the superior race. Your futile attempts to overthrow, wound, or otherwise irritate my people have landed you in a place where your spirit will be broken, along with your body. And I will be happy to do the breaking. I wait anxiously for the moment when you all beg me to take your souls. Now, with that thought, I send you all to your new home."

happydeath 07-07-2014 12:45 PM

Sitting high above what looked to be the remains of a large skyscraper was a single male who had one leg crossed over the other as he stared down at the demon prison known as Par Vollen. He watched carefully as he scanned one truck after the next with how each truck unloaded a new batch of prisoners. A quiet sigh escaped his lips as he bit down onto his lower lip to see that all different kinds of people were being brought to the prison; demons, humans and other angels were captured. The fact that there were demons within these group of prisoners wasn't much of a surprise to him. Ever since his banishment, he had been lurking in any spot he could that wouldn't have to have either the angels nor the demons see him; this allowed him to witness things that he never thought had been happening on the sidelines of this whole apocalypse. The fact that there were demon clans on the side that saw this whole thing wasn't going in their favor and deciding to fight back against the hell lords was quite a shocker when he had first found out about it. However, now with the time on his own to be able to think things through; he had somewhat realized that these other demons and their clans were fighting to help the Earth in their own way as well. Although the violence was still a unnecessary thing in this male's eyes, he wouldn't blame them for what they decided was true anymore.

As he sat there, his black and white wings had slowly began to cloak around himself as he continued to watch the events blow unfold before him. Indeed, his wings were not angelic with their bright white color nor were they demonic looking as though they were somewhat bat-like but rather they were feathered just like angels wings however the top half of his wings were black and the bottom was white. His name was Ryosuke Hatoru; he was one of very few that angels had considered; Fallens. However, many of those angels that had 'fell' from grace had become demons within a week's time; although Ryosuke was a different story, he refused to allow his soul to become corrupted after he had fallen and decided that he would continue to fight back against the demon's calling that was deep within his soul.

Slowly as he stood up from the tip of the skyscraper; he took a single step forward as he fell at a tremendous speed towards the ground as though he were going to crash into the floor. Right as he neared the ground though, he quickly slowed his descend by opening his wings only slightly; he had still landed with a large thud with the cement around his feet cracking apart from his impact. As he began to stand straight back up; his form was now changed and his wings vanishing in an instant. He now was within his human form; the only difference was that his right arm was still bandaged since it was still a hassle for him to try to disguise his demonic arm. The closest he was able to get to hiding it was to make it look like he had some sort of horrible skin condition underneath his bandages. Slicking his dark violet hair back a bit, he began to make his way over towards the prison until he came into contact with one of the demon guards. He slowly raised his hands into the air to show that he was unarmed and wasn't planning for a fight against them; Ryosuke's sword and gun remained at his hideout at the remains of the skyscraper since he still had his chains which remained unseen. "I give up...don't hurt me. J-just take me in.." he called out as the guards stared at him with confused looks before they approached him and began putting chains and cuffs around him just like the other prisoners.

This was obviously just a lie for him to be able to get into the prison and be able to help those who were captured. If possible; he would try to help the others without the need for bloodshed obviously. As he stood there with the group of other prisoners, he watched as how a demon woman who many knew as Lilith step out and begin to greet them all to the prison. He gave a blank stare at the woman as she walked with her bodyguards twins behind her. 'This might be...a bit more difficult than I thought..' he mentally told himself as he scanned the building from what he was able to see from the outside for any possible weak points in the building itself.

Andraus 07-09-2014 03:41 AM

( ~Wild Spirit Wolf~: Just let this happen, please.)

"Ma'am! "A Tempter walked up to the Dark one. "As per orders of Hell-lord Lucifer, all High ranking members of the Resistance are to be executed. "he said, and pointed at Andrew. "That man there is a Jarl. He will serve as a reminder of what happens to those who attempt to cross us. By Orders of the Warden, he's too be hung, like the others."he said, bowing before her.

Andrew stepped forward, as Guards came, and carried him off. He seemed to be going away, without a fight....what was going on?

"Ha!"The voice of the Demonness rang from the crowd. "Tell me, something, 'Lilith'. How can you break something that's already broken? Also, do you still know how? I doubt being Satan's pet left you much free time. "she said, obviously trying to agitate her.

"Weak fucking Dirt Crawlers! Instead of having us bound and herded like animals, trying fighting someone that fights back! Fucking cowards. "The Angel Yelled, pushing away from the demon. near him. He stayed with the crowd, but obviously dared someone to try and hit him.

Shikabane Hime 07-11-2014 07:38 AM

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ariel Mirabella Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

The young woman continued climbing, looking back every once in a while making sure that she wasn't seen. She knew she should have switched her cloak to the back part so no one would notice. Luckily, no one noticed her, even though she was one of the brightest things on the side of a distorted building. Once she had climbed into the building through a window, she quickly switched her cloak from the side to the black side. "Who's there?" A voice asked as a demon suddenly appeared. The young woman took her cloak and wrapped it around her body, lowering herself into a dark corner. As the demon guard entered the room and left after a few minutes, the young woman stood up and quickly walked out of the room. She made her way to the upper levels of the observation room, where the prisoners were seen as well as the Demoness herself, Lilith.

The young woman watched the events happen in front of her, looking about as she took note of the guards, Lilith and the entrance; as well as the way in and out. Her head tilted lightly once she heard one of the members of the Resistance was to be hung soon. Her eyes narrowed lightly, she knew she had to act now, but she had to find a way to do something and protect the other prisoners. The choker around her neck made a faint clacking sound as she pressed her hand against the railing. 'Hm?' She watched worried, she hoped that maybe it will free those from this oppression.

ξЖЗ Jackal and Jekyll ξЖЗ

As the Dark One spoke, standing to her left and right were twin boys. They looked exactly alike, from the hair on their head to the clothes they wore. The young looking men wouldn't be considered a challenge to fight since they appeared to be young. However, that was just a mirage so no one would know the truth. The young men just stares at the beings in front of them, their eyes appearing soulless and void of emotion. The only ones who were able to tell the difference between the two were the higher up and yet sometimes it was impossible until they actually spoke and their personalities came out. The young mens' names were Jackal and Jekyll, the guardians of the Dark one Lilith. They had been by her side since the end of the war and they take their job seriously. In a way, they kinda consider her their second mother.

Jackal and Jekyll remained in shadows for a while until they stepped out slightly, letting the light hit their chains on their clothing. 'Brother, these prisoners...I sense a lot of...distress within.' Jackal said telepathically towards Jekyll. Jekyll looked towards his younger brother, a brow arching slightly, 'Be careful, not to strain yourself. You might collapse again like you did in training.' Jekyll warned as he closed his golden yellow eyes. Jackal looked away and nodded lightly 'Yes, brother.' He hadn't been feeling well, but he had put his service to protecting Lilith a main priority and just let his older brother help him get better, slowly but surely.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-12-2014 04:30 AM

Lillith smiled serenely, unruffled by the comments from the prisoners. "A public hanging, is it? How lovely, paying homage to the good old days. Have it done." She said, then turned to the crowd. "Young demoness, I have indeed had plenty of time on my hands. Time to plan and plot, time to imagine every possible measure of torture I could give. Time to practice, since I certainly wasn't left for dead during my exile. If you knew your history, girl, you would know that I am no one's lap dog. That's why I was banished int he first place. And you, angel." She spoke to the other who had yelled out. "We did fight one on one with you. We fought you on an even battleground, and we won. That is why you're here now, because you continue to fight a war that you have already lost. Now...I think perhaps you two will make an excellent addition to our little show. Guards, take the feisty demoness and the loudmouthed angel to the gallows. And, to make it even...that one there, as well. The redhead." She ordered.

Pandora paled significantly. She wasn't even a high ranking person! There was no way Lillith knew about what she represented to her clan, so why pick her? Was it really just to add another female to the mix? "Cowards, all of you!" She shouted defiantly, figuring that if she was going down, she might as well go down with a bang. "Your version of history is a lie, Lillith! You claim that the battle between Heaven and Hell was fought on an even ground, but it wasn't! Hell fought dirty, and many of the once noble demon clans sullied their reputations by dishonoring themselves in battle! Well, there are those of us who will never put aside out honor, and my family, the Storbringer clan, will fight until we have restored the dignity of our race! You may kill us, but all that accomplishes is making us martyrs for a noble cause!"

happydeath 07-12-2014 01:16 PM

Standing in the center of the crowd of prisoners in silence, Ryosuke had listened and watched the events play out before him within the large demonic prison. From what it had sounded like, an angel, demon, and even a human had been talking back against the powerful demon named Lilith. Not to mention that a suggestion was brought up about hanging these certain ones to show just what kind of punishment awaited those who tried to fight back against the demon army. As he listened to how the last one to speak up in the end was a red-haired demon female about her judgement on how the demon army had fought in the war using dirty tricks and lies. Ryosuke had only returned his gaze back to Lilith to listen as to how she was going to respond to this. Luckily, with the commotion going on around him with this constant arguing the guards had been mostly paying their attention towards the certain groups of people who spoke up against Lilith. This gave Ryosuke the perfect opportunity to use whatever hand movement he had left from underneath the cuffs to slowly loosen the grip they had on his wrists. As he stood there, he lowered his head down to keep his face from being seen so it wouldn't look suspicious on what he was doing but in a matter of moments; small sparks of black electricity began to spark around the cuffs that surrounded his wrists. Light shattering noises were heard but luckily the guards hadn't paid enough attention to notice the sounds.

With a small smirk coming across his lips, it was only a matter of time that some of the guards decided that they would begin taking a few of the prisoners that weren't on the list of names that Lilith decided to use for her public hanging. As Ryosuke was escorted away to move towards his cell with the other prisoners, he followed in silence until he was finally moved into a separate hallway with only two guards as his escort. They hadn't bothered to give him four unlike with some of the other angels and demons that were captured since they had suspected he was an ordinary human. However, as he reached the cell entrance; one of the guards had pushed him forward lightly to get into the cell. "Get in there you filthy human!! Mistress Lilith will decide your faith soon enough..along with the rest of your pathetic kind!!" One of the two demons spoke with a laugh as Ryosuke hadn't moved a single inch from being pushed and kept his head down the entire time. "Mistress Lilith you say...I'm guessing you two are grunts of her I would assume..?...demons who listen to her every whim, so if she told you to bend over and take it in the ass..I'm guessing you'd have to listen." Ryosuke finally spoke up just loud enough for the two demons to hear him as he chuckled silently to his own words.

Hearing what Ryosuke had said, this angered the two demons as they unsheathed their large blades before placing the tip at the back of his head. "How fucking dare you!! I'm sure the Mistress won't mind losing just one of you filthy human scum!" He spoke up in rage as he raised his sword to the air before slashing downwards to attempt and kill Ryosuke in one slash. However, right back it would make contact; the sounds of chains rattling loudly down the entire hallway echoed as it quickly wrapped around the two blades and soon enough wrapped around the body and finally around the mouth of the two demons. The chains however, were completely unseen to the eyes of anyone other than himself. As the two guards muffled their screams, the echoes of the chains rattling in the hallway continued to echo through the building only to reach towards the room where the other group members were arguing with Lilith. "You're being too silent." Were his last words before the only sound left heard throughout the building were bones snapping before the entire sound of rattling had gone completely back to silence yet again.


Standing in center of what remained of Main Street in New York was a young male who wore a large black cloak as he stared down the street towards the giant demon prison; Par Vollen. The demon prison of which his mother and father; Lilith and Lucifer now owned where all the prisoners of war were kept. He stood there knowing that a fresh batch of new prisoners were just brought in and that meant his mother would be greeting them with her presence as usual. This young male's name was Shiro Stormbringer; one of the respected pit bosses known within the Stormbringer clan of demons as well as being the son of the powerful demon lords Lilith and Lucifer. Clenching his fists as he thought of what his mother and father must've been doing to the prisoners at this very moment, he chewed on his inner cheek as he went off into his own little world of what he was doing and how he couldn't even fight back against his parents at the time since he knew he wasn't powerful enough just yet. Many other thoughts also went through his mind at the time being such as what he could do to help those prisoners and what would happen if anyone ever found out his true identity within the clan.

As he was thinking to himself, the last thing he had expected was one of the other clan members; a warrior had stepped up behind Shiro before placing a hand onto his shoulder and looking towards the prison as well. "Hey, Shiro..are you okay?" the male warrior spoke up as this caused Shiro to gasp sharply before looking back at the fellow clan member before nodding with a relief sigh from his lips. "Y-yeah..I'm okay..just thinking too much." He spoke in response as he turned his gaze towards the prison as well. "Don't worry too much Shiro....Even though Pandora was captured. We'll get her back, just as we do with the rest of our clan each time." The male had tried to comfort Shiro with the idea that the clan wouldn't allow anyone to die even know Shiro knew all too well that there were plenty of other demons from other clans as well as the Stormbringer clan that they were unable to save before. However, he didn't speak up those words but rather just nodded his head to agree with him. "Yeah...I guess your right. C'mon..lets get going." Those were his final words before blue-haired male had began to make his way forward towards the prison along with a few of the other Stormbringer clan members.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-13-2014 02:27 AM

((happydeath: Never mind, Wolfie found a loophole.))

Andraus 07-15-2014 03:46 AM

Andrew was brought up onto the Gallows first, high above the rest. They were left down below, to watch. As the Noose was tied around his neck, Andrew took a deep breath. Suddenly, a hawk flew over, and let out a loud call, causing Andrew's eye's to open wide. He reached behind him, and socked the Demon right in the face. The Demon tried to hit Andrew with his Sickle, but only served to Sever the binding's on his wrists. Taking the Sickle, he wrapped his rope around the demons neck, and jumped off, cutting off his noose at the last second, and effectively snapping the demons neck.

Andrew rushed forward to the Rest, as demons came to try and stop him. Severing the Binding's of First the Demonness of the Nighthorde and The Templar, He used his Sickle to Pull a Demon forward, Steal the pistol from his belt, and effectively shoot the Demon square in the head.

Breaking free from the Binding's, Shekina grabbed the first Demon she could get hear hands on, and snapped his neck. She then picked up the only weapon he had: A hay hook. Getting creative, she had a Demon attack her with his sword, using the Hay hook to catch it, and take the blade. She then used her new blade to run another guard through, taking the shotgun from his now dead hands. "Oh boy, I'm going to have fun....."she thought to herself.

A Duke would start to run towards Pandora, who Andrew had not yet unbound. This would be stopped by The Angel picking up a Spear, and running the Creature into the ground. "I'll send you all back to hell if I have too." he said, then looked at Pandora. Picking up the Mace and Machine gun from the dead demon, he walked towards her. "I don't trust your kind, young one, but I know better then to turn down a helping hand. "he said, raising the spear, and cutting her free. "Let's go."

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-15-2014 06:28 AM

Pandora could hardly believe what was happening. Sure, she planned to escape, but she had never expected it to happen so soon. She was just looking around for a way to free herself when the angel came along and knocked away the Duke who was coming at her. She stared up at the angel with wide eyes, fearing the worst, but to her surprise he freed her. "I-I thank you, sir. If ever I can return this favor, do not hesitate to call on me." She said, truly grateful, as she followed him through the chaos.

Lillith watched from the balcony as all hell broke loose. Her eyes narrowed, but she did nothing to stop it from happening. "What a treat, to see the chaos of battle here. Go, little prisoners, go and savor your freedom, because it will be only temporary. And taking it back from you will make your despair just that much sweeter. Enjoy whatever victory you have this day, for it will be one of the last happy memories you have." She muttered. Oh, how the struggles of these lesser beings amused her. She did not worry, though, as her lover Lucifer would get them all in the end.

Shikabane Hime 07-15-2014 10:28 AM

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ariel Mirabella Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

The young woman arched a brow, her shimmering white eyes focused on the events that were happening. A gentle chuckle escaped her lips as she stood up straight and walked towards a window and jumped out. Her long hair swayed at her sides, as she started running around the gates of the courtyard, coming to a halt as she just stood there, watching as the young prisoners tried to escape on their own. "Hm, this is going to be interesting. I shall just observe for now, I would not want to disrupt them just yet, I really need to fix my curious levels." The young girl said softly to herself, the black cloak around her swayed left and right, however, she kept it close so no one would notice her...or at least know who she is. The shadow of her hood casted over her eyes, she then opened her eyes as her right eye started to shift about strangely. To most people, they would go see a doctor but this was normal.

The young woman's name was Ariel, Ariel Mirabella and she was a powerful being. Once her eye stopped fidgeting, its true form came back. Large glowing cycles spun in her eye lightly. Her arms crossed under her cloak as she slowly lifted her left leg and started walking around the gates, watching the fighting as she hummed softly to herself.

ξЖЗ Jackal and Jekyll ξЖЗ

Jackal and Jekyll watched as their mistress spoke towards the prisoners, telling the guards to take a human towards the gallows. The twin brothers grinned evilly, they were happy to see their mistress being herself. It wasn't until Jackal gasped softly as his eyes widen, walking closer to Lilith as he watched the fighting in the courtyard. Jekyll walked forward as well, he looked around then looked over towards Lilith with a concern. "My lady, what are we to do?" Jekyll asked, Jackal groaned softly as he coughed lightly. His illness was getting to him, but he couldn't allow himself to be seen as week. He turned his head slightly, seeing someone standing on the courtyard gates. "H-Huh? M-Mistress, I-I sense someone standing there...someone o-of great str-strength." Jackal said, creating a sort of barrier around the three of them.

Andraus 07-19-2014 04:04 AM

Joseph watched as Demon's started to swarm them. He then saw prisoner's on the edge of their cells, and how the weapon's of the fallen had been scattered on the ground. Joseph closed his eye's, and held his arms out. Everyone would hear a cry of metal, then suddenly 'riiip', the metal on the cell locks ripped off, freeing the prisoners. "Humanity, Angel's, and Clan Demon's! Every Journey, begins with a single step!" He yelled, grabbing a Demon, and snapping his neck. "This, is step ONE! Now, we take Par vollen!"He yelled out, and grinned as everyone yelled in response, taking the weapons from the dead, and fighting back the demons.

Staring up at the Balcony, and changed into her demon form. She flew up, and landed right in front of Lilith. "I saw how you looked at me......with anger, because I side with the Humans. Do you want to know why, Blue-blood?"She asked, turning her back to her. "In all my years on this planet, I've watched these humans. Some are un-redeemable, but these humans, in this age......I've watched them fight, and die, in the name of Freedom. "She said, then turned back to Lilith. "You Blue-bloods speak of Liberty, and Justice......but for who, exactly?"she asked.

"Look at these human's now, Lilith? Even in the face of impossible odds, and with death everything but a certainty, they still march, their heads held high, the fire in their hearts burning as always. I may die, and so may the rest of my clan, but we do this for those that were already lost. "She said. "We fight, to make this world the best we can, because we know there are many, that won't get to see it. "She said.

"My clan left hell for one thing, to escape your hand. Here we've learned, we've thrived, and we've survived. But now, here you are again, destroying what took eon's to build.....You Old Demon's are a Cancer, and need to be cut out. "she said, holding up her sword.

Oliver stormed the prison, with other angel's marching behind him. He then saw something: a Fallen Seraphim. Even If this man was a Fallen, he was still the highest ranking angel left. Cleaving his way through Demon's, Oliver knelt to the Angel. "My lord! I am Throne Oliver. These are my men. We will follow you, sir!" he said, standing up again.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-20-2014 04:10 AM

Lillith smiled at the girl. "Anger? Oh no, dear girl. You are clearly inexperienced at reading emotions. No,I have no anger towards you or your little friends down there. I have only ever found amusement in your exploits. Did you know," She said, he smile growing, "That I was not even part of the war the led us here? No, I was sealed away in a realm known as Edom, waiting to be freed. It was only after the war that Lucifer managed to free me, and I got to see the chaos caused by my children." She seemed completely unthreatened by the sword pointed at her. "You see, all demons are my children. I was the first demon God ever created, though I doubt he meant to make me as such. I have been damned longer even than the princes of hell, for Lucifer and his supporters fell long after I was banished. I created the very first demons with my tears, and my blood. And all demons thereafter came from me. I will tell you a secret, little one." Lillith moved forward, avoiding the blade, until she was face to face with the young demoness. "I really don't care either way who has control of this world. If Heaven had won, I would have been fine. I am too old to care anymore. I only wish to sit by and watch the drama. The only thing I have ever wanted more than to watch, is to bear a child of my own body. And we all know that will never happen, so I watch the lives of the children of my tears. And I am proud of every one of you...even the one holding a sword to me right now." Either the woman was insane, or telling the truth. It was difficult to tell. "Jackal, you are hurting. Forget about whoever you sense over there. Jekyll, help me get him to safety." Apparently she did care about her guards at least, because she proceeded to help them away from the danger.

happydeath 07-21-2014 07:30 AM

Wandering through the prison halls as he avoided all sights that may had been on him by the other demons guards. Ryosuke had listened to the shouting of multiple other demons that were fighting far in the courtyard, it seemed as though a riot of some sorts was going on throughout the prison. So much for the need of him helping out the prisoners escape from the building, they seemed to have the whole situation under control from what it sounded like. Continuing down the halls, the last thing the fallen had heard going on was the sound of a few more demons being struck down as he noticed a group of angels led by one male angel had approached him before kneeling down and introducing himself to him. Raising a brow to the angel who had kneeled before him, Ryosuke stared at the angel for a moment or so in silence. It was true even though Ryosuke had fallen from grace long ago, he was still technically a Seraphim and one of the few highest ranking angels out there. When the male angel spoke that he and his men would follow him, Ryosuke had simply stared at the male in silence for another moment before patting his shoulder and walking pass him and his men. "If you truly are of the Throne Rank...lead your men and women to victory; Oliver." Were his only words to the angel as he continued on his way throughout the prison.

Following the sounds of battle to the closest window, Ryosuke stared down at the large courtyard where all the battling was being done. It had seemed as though all the prisoners were getting free from the cell's and the human male that was supposed to be executed was calling out to take over the prison as their own. Raising a brow as he crossed his arms and watched the battle going on below him, his gaze soon met over at a female demon speaking with Lilith as he raised a brow towards what they were speaking about with one another.

It was only seconds later that after seeing the demoness and Lilith standing there that the sudden pain in his right arm shot through his entire body causing him to bite down onto his lower lip. Squeezing the demon arm that was hidden underneath his sleeve, he gritted his teeth not to end up losing control of whatever sanity he had left inside him. "I have to get out of here..." He whispered to himself silently as he turned his gaze away from the battle before proceeding to make his way down the hall to find his way out of the prison without getting caught. The whole time, Ryosuke kept a single hand clenching his right arm so that he wouldn't have to bare the pain completely on his own. All the demon guards that were once standing around or patrolling the halls were now all headed towards the courtyard to subdue the prisoners, so trying to sneak out of the building wasn't fully as hard as it should've been.


Continuing to rush towards the large prison building, Shiro had led a large group of demons that were also part of the Stormbringer clan that he was within. As he approached the building, he had unsheathed his purplish-light blade from his right sheath. Many of the other demons that also followed him began to unsheathe their weapons as well as taking their ranged weapons out, they had all known that they were headed into battle against the very demons that once stood beside them but now they were rebelling against their own kind. Clenching his fists tightly, Shiro could feel the dangerous amount of energy that came from both Lilith and Lucifer from how close he came towards them. Taking in a deep breath for a moment, as the group of demons neared the prison; the sound of battle could easily be heard from afar. So a fight had already started, this made things a bit easier for Shiro to invade the whole place and help out Pandora and any other demons that were captured there at the prison.

In a matter of moments, Shiro and the group of demons had finally arrived at the entrance into the large courtyard as they all watched the chaos form around the entire area. "Lets help these guys out..charge!" He called out finally as the demons of the stormbringer clan had finally ended up attacking the demon guards that filled the courtyard, all while they were in search for Pandora along with the many other prisoners who might've been captured at the moment. Shiro on the other hand, had been mostly in search for either Lilith or Lucifer; just to be able to see their face once more before he left the prison this time. All the while he was in search for them, he made sure to cut down every single demon guard that had even given a thought to get in his way.

Shikabane Hime 07-23-2014 10:55 AM

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ariel Mirabella Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Ariel continued watching the events happen, it wasn't until she noticed The rioters going into the building and Lilith didn't seem to stop them at all. A brow arched as she looked over towards the Demon Mistress, only to see one of the rioter demons talking to her, the demon appeared to be female. A faint chuckle escaped Ariel's lips as she started walking off the courtyard gates, plummeting to the ground, landing with a loud thud. She sensed something was coming and it was something to take heed of. "This shall be interesting." She said with a giggle and started walking into the building. The bodies of the demons were scattered around the courtyard, and of course, some of the stragglers could help but notice the hood being walking about.

Some of the demons attacked her, swinging their swords as Ariel dodged to the best of her ability. Unfortunately, the cloak was rendering her movements, however, that didn't stop her from using her powers. Moving the cloak enough to reveal her hands, Ariel electrified the demons who approached her. A faint chuckle escaped her lips as she entered the prison, standing far enough to just watch the action. 'This is interesting.' She thought to herself, humming softly, electricity surrounded her body, going after any demon who dare tried to attack her.

ξЖЗ Jackal and Jekyll ξЖЗ

Jackal and Jekyll glared towards Shekina, grabbing the hilts of their weapons. They were ready to kill the she-demon in front of them. However, Lilith never gave the order nor did she tell them to defend her. Once the demon was gone, Jackal panted heavily, the barrier he created weakened as he and Jekyll looked back towards their mistress. Jackal chuckled as he stood up straight, turning to Lilith as a smile appeared on his face. "Do not worry yourself milady, I am your guardian and my health comes last when you are in my presence." Jackal said, bowing his head, placing a hand over his chest.

Jekyll chuckled softly, placing his hand on his chest. "However milady, we must get you out of here. We cannot have you, a power demoness with filth who are not worthy to be in your presence." Jekyll stated. The young twin boys looked towards their mistress with piercing gold eyes and devilish smiles on their faces.

Andraus 07-23-2014 10:52 PM

"If bearing young is what you wish, tell me: What exactly would you be willing to pay, for the chance to bear child?"she asked. This Girl belonged to the Nighthorde Clan. They'd managed to survive in a harsh, alien environment, without aid from the home-land. If anyone would have the capabilities to create a way to bear young, even if the women is barren, it would be the Nighthorde.

"My lord, please, let me help you. "He said, using Radiance. Since Ryosuke was only a fallen, not a demon yet, it would be able to work properly, without causing greater pain. "The Coward's in Heaven abandoned us. We need to look after eachother, My lord. "he said, trying to be friendly.

Every demon that came to the Courtyard was either killed, or wounded. The Prisoner's were taking over the prison. Though many were dying, they marched on, with reckless abandon. Considering the fact that there are only a few hold-outs of pure humanity left, many believed they had nothing left to forfeit.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-24-2014 03:38 AM

Pandora found herself lost and disoriented in the chaos of the riot. She knew she had to get out, to get back to her clan, but she couldn't find an exit. Starting to get desperate, she began calling out for any members of her clan who might be around. But if they were there, they couldn't hear her, because no one came to help. Finally, when she was just about to give up and sit down in the mud, she ran smack into someone. "Oh, sorry, I- Shiro!! How did you get here?!" She said, appalled. He hadn't been there before the riot, but he was there now.

Lillith paused. The girl was bluffing, she had to be. No one had been able to give her what she truly wanted. God himself had taken that from her- surely this one young demoness couldn't give it back. Glancing at Jackal and Jekyll, she held up one finger, a signal to wait a moment. "What have you to offer, child? Either make it quick or follow me, I cannot leave my guard in distress." She said, carefully, not wanting to get her hopes up. It was impossible for Lillith to bear a child in her own body.

happydeath 07-24-2014 01:10 PM

As Ryosuke continued to walk away from Oliver and his men; feeling the power of light overcome his body for a moment caused him to stop in his tracks as he turned his head over his shoulders. A slight burning sensation came over his body as it looked almost like his body was steaming from the light that overcame him from Oliver's power; although Ryosuke was not a demon yet, he was still a fallen; which meant he fell from Grace. The power of light to heal him like it had done in the past wouldn't fully work as it once did when he was an angel, but it would indeed be something that would catch his attention enough. The only type of pain that this caused the most of was his right arm; clenching his right fist tightly as he held the pain in, he felt like his entire right arm was on fire and he just wanted to rip it off to stop all the pain that was surging through it. "Help me..? Oliver, although those in Heaven had abandoned us...I am no longer part of the angels. You know just as well as the rest of your men that I am a fallen...your power and the power your men hold at the moment will only bring more harm to me than help." He stated as he shifted himself from his true form back into his humanoid form once more. The sight of his black wings and high power was only going to give him away much easier to the rest of the demons if he were to try and escape this prison.

"Show me, just how powerful you and your men are by freeing the rest of those imprisoned here in this forsaken building..then I shall consider returning to help you and the rest of the angels." Obviously enough, Ryosuke was planning on helping the angels from the beginning anyway since he had already been helping them out in secrecy before this entire event had happened. Although, if Oliver could show that the way the angels thoughts about him in the past have changed; he would possibility reconsider staying within the darkness and finally show himself to help them out on the front lines as he once did in the past.


While in search for Lilith or Lucifer throughout the huge mess of chaos of the different demons, humans, and angels around the courtyard; Shiro had cut down any of the demons that had gotten in his way that weren't part of any of the clans. His main target at the moment was to find the people who he had thought to consider as mother or father throughout this mess; he had known all too well that the Stormbringer clan was already in search for Pandora, so looking for her wasn't much of a concern to Shiro at the moment. It didn't mean he didn't care for her safety, but with the amount of warriors that were brought with him to help find her; he felt comfortable enough that his assistance wasn't going to be needed that much. After a while of stepping through the chaos and cutting down demon after demon that got in his way, he began to feel as though he was wandering in circles just to find one of two people at this prison. 'Where are they...where are--?!' As he thought to himself the sudden bump that came across him had caused Shiro to gasp sharply as he quickly turned around and prepared to swing his purplish black sword towards whoever had bumped into him. Coming to a quick halt as he noticed it was actually Pandora that had bumped into him, his dark ocean blue eyes widen up in shock.

Pulling off his black and blue hood, he stared at her in shock the entire time throughout the chaos as he lowered his blade. "P-Pandora!!.." He called out to her as he listened to her question of how he had gotten into the courtyard. Shaking his head quickly to her question, he pointed towards the direction of where the rest of many of the other Stormbringer clan was in search for her. "There isn't any time for explanations!...The rest of the clan is over there! They're searching for you!!...Go! Get out of here! The others are trying to free the prisoners!" He called out to her to move as he turned his gaze back towards the direction he was walking in; one of his tasks were done, now the next part was to find a certain two. Obviously enough, Shiro didn't say a word about what he was going to do; rather he just tried to convince Pandora to get to safety for the time being.

Andraus 07-25-2014 02:19 AM

"The Time for Prejudice is past. If we don't stop fighting eachother, they will destroy us all. "he said, breaking several of the locks. "Fallen, or not, it doesn't matter. We're all Soldiers: betrayed, Forgotten, or Abandoned. Down here, on earth, we are all brothers and sisters. "he said to him. He started escorting the prisoners.

"My my, now you listen......well, you See, Lilith, God did curse you from bearing child with your body......but not only are several of my Clansmen Curse-breakers, I doubt God could really care less about maintaining a single curse on you, considering he stopped caring about everything else on this planet. Also, there is another way for you to have a child of your own......However, why would I tell you this, or even introduce you to those capable of breaking it? What do you have to offer?" she asked, taunting her slightly.

Curse breakers, yes, and considering the fact of how little influence Heaven had left on the planet, whatever curse that was probably on Lilith was weakened to the point where her clan was more then capable of breaking it. However, she'd only help her if she had something to offer.

Andrew walked up to the two members of the Stormbringer clan. "We shall take this Prison! Let it be a message to those bastards in Hell: Humanity isn't dead, because we're still standing!" he said. "The time for us fighting is past......I'd welcome anyone willing to fight Hell. "he said, offering a hand to them.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~ 07-25-2014 03:43 AM

Pandora looked at Shiro quizzically, but didn't ask what he was really up to. She knew she wouldn't get an answer. "Okay, but be careful! Make sure I see you on the outside!" She yelled over the noise, then turned and ran in the direction he had pointed out.

Lillith's eyes narrowed. "Clever girl, trying to bait me. I do not have the time or patience for these games, so either tell me what you are looking for, or leave me be. As I said before, I refuse to leave my guard hurting while we banter back and forth." She said impatiently.

happydeath 07-25-2014 04:33 PM

"Brothers and sisters..huh." Were the only words that Ryosuke gave off to himself as he made his way down the halls. Listening as to how the fighting seemed to keep on going outside of the prison on the courtyard and while Oliver was escorting the prisoners out of the prison with his men. Ryosuke had continued to make his way around the prison to see if he could find another way out of this building without having to join the fight with the rest of the demons, angels and humans. It was only a matter of time that he had come off to find a large arch that was supposedly some kind of back entrance to the prison. "Finally.." He whispered silently to himself as he made his way through the arch only to find that a couple other demon guards were waiting for him on the opposite side of the arch. "Guessing you two are the big bad guard dogs of this back way?" He asked the two large demon guards who stared back at Ryosuke's human form with both of them placing their single large blade onto their shoulders. Each one of them giving a grin as they raised a brow towards Ryosuke as though he were crazy to even think that he was going to get pass the two demon guards.

"You ain't going no little shrimp. We've been kind of hungry, and since the mistress has told us to stay here and guard these back doors. You're not going anywhere at all!" The first demon guard spoke with a laugh as he patted his large stomach a couple of times. The other guard had simply laughed along with his fellow demon brethern only to point towards Ryosuke during his laugh. "We've been bored, we want to join that fight going on in the courtyard..but we were told to guard this back way in case any of you stupid mortals or any of those angels decided to go out this way!" The same demon guard spoke up as he reached underneath him to pull off an arm of a male angel corpse before tossing it in his mouth and chewing it to pieces.

Ryosuke the entire time had stayed silent as he began to walk forward towards the two demons in thoughts of just getting pass them without a battle. Of course, the two demons tried to stop him by swinging their blades down at him; but right before they had touched him. The sound of rattling chains was once more heard surrounding the twin demons as the invisible chains began to wrap themselves around the demons and beginning to squeeze the life out of them. Slowly enough as the two demons gagged for air, Ryosuke lifted his head up with a slight grin before the twin demons were ripped apart by the chains; leaving their bodies parts scattered on the floor and both their giant blades stuck in the ground. "What a shame..that they didn't provide any sport." He whispered to himself as he continued on his way back into the ruined city of New York.


Nodding his head only once towards what Pandora had said as he watched her run off towards the direction he instructed where the other Stormbringer clans had waited for them. Shiro had turned his gaze back towards the chaos going on around them only to hear the voice of a male rush over and state that they were going to take over the prison as well as taking help from any of those he could gain it from. Turning his attention towards the male who tried to offer his hand, it seemed to be a human male that offered it as he stared at the hand that was offered to him for a moment or so before turning away from it. "My goal here is not to take over this prison...I have my own goal..and you have nothing to do with it, mortal. Take over the prison if you must...but I have something else I must find out." He stated before he began to make his way through the smoke of battle to find what he was in search for. Now that Pandora was found, he was more than sure enough that the rest of the Stormbringer clansmen that followed him into battle were going to try and escort her back to the rest of the clan; while a few others would stay to help.

While wandering throughout the chaos of battle, his eyes quickly shot open as he had been looking for one of the two demons that were what he considered his parents. Staring up at a large balcony that overlooked this chaos, he grinded his teeth to see that it was Lilith. She was speaking with another female demon as he stared at the two of them from down below. "There you are.." He whispered silently as he began to slowly shift into his disguised demonic form; in an instant, he slowly gathered energy into his feet below as he launched himself into the air as high as possible. Rushing pass the balcony where Lilith stood with the other female demon, he quickly found himself sitting on top of another large balcony that neared the top of the prison. Looking down at the two female demons speaking with one another, he clenched his fists onto the stone of the wall he sat on. He was meeting the one who he considered his mother after all this time, he wasn't even sure how to approach her now. What was he supposed to say, he wanted answers of who he was; yet he also wanted answers about what was going on. So many questions ran through his head yet he wasn't even sure how to word them. Was now even the right time to ask these questions yet.

Shikabane Hime 07-26-2014 02:24 AM

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ariel Mirabella Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

A faint giggle escaped Ariel's lips. She was enjoying the little events that were happening. The human male appeared to have had things handled on his own, as well as the sudden raid who turned out to be Stormbringer clan. A smile upon her lips, she turned around and started walking back out into the courtyard. More demons had come out to stop the sudden raid which meant more creatures were going to be in her way. A smile remained on her face as she started running through the crowd. Of course, there were demons who noticed her and attacked. Ariel sighed to herself, she didn't want to fight due to her passive nature, however she wanted to get out of this prison. Without a second thought, she pulled out her guns and aimed them towards the demons. Firing quickly as the bullets pierced through the demons, normal bullets would have no affect on a demon since they regenerate quickly. Luckily, Ariel's bullets were holy so the demons were able to stay down once shot. The young princess continued running, shoot the demons who dared get in her way, using the blades to cut through as well.

As she continued running, Ariel had soon ran into the young red haired female who was a prisoner. Due to where she was earlier, she never got her name. The hood of her cloak had lifted up enough to where Ariel's face was partly seen. Her eyes were shinning their normal white color, except her right eye. It still had the light green circles spinning about, her power still being activate. "My apologizes." Ariel said in a somewhat stiffened voice. She didn't expect to run into her, let alone for the prison riot actually go smoothly....Too smoothly. Before she continued to thing on the subject, she turned to the redheaded female. "This seems to be running as plan, you should be happy. However, I do not think you should get too comfortable. I believe something might happen." She said softly, taking off her black cloak. Her appearance was revealed now. Her black dress that stopped at her knees and thigh high heeled boots. the dress was odd itself, something you would never expect an angel to wear. Her long black, white and pink hair dangled at her side, covering most of her shoulders as she flipped her cloak from black to white.

Tying it on, Ariel smiled softly. Cloaking the cloak a little, the only thing that was pointing out was a silver rosary with a red gem in the middle. The rosary was connected to a black strap around Ariel's neck by two thin chain links and small rosary beads going around the strap. She pulled the hood up as she looked at the female and bowed her head. "Where are my manners, are you alright my dear?" Ariel asked with her gentle smile on her face.

ξЖЗ Jackal and Jekyll ξЖЗ

Jackal and Jekyll looked at Lilith and bowed their head low to the ground, they had no choice but to wait. Their mistress wished to speak with the lowly demon female. Jekyll clenched his fists, he didn't like have her here. Filling Lilith's head with lies. Having children was a sensitive topic and the twin boys knew that. They didn't wish for their mistress to become too distressed by the information. Before Jackal could intervene, he sensed something close, yet far. He looked around for a moment then looked up towards the courtyard, he couldn't make out what it was but the feelings he had gotten was uncertainty and confusion. The quickest they were there, they were long in a matter of seconds. Jackal made a slightly confused face, Jekyll was quick to notice. "What is it Jackal?" The older brother asked mentally with great concern. jackal looked over towards Jekyll for a moment then looked down. "I thought I sensed emotions not in the courtyard. It might have just been my illness getting to me. I will be fine." Jackal thought back, a smile spread on his face, a reassuring smile. Jackal had to put that smile on, he knew Jekyll would worry to no end. Most likely resorting to checking his temperature or whatnot.

]Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Hollow Ƹ̵̡ЖƷ

Within one of the cells on the Par Vollen Prison, there was a door of lead. There was a barred window and inside you could see nothing but darkness, of course that is what the room wants you to think. Inside the room, actually sat a figure in black pants with a dark green hoodie one. At first glance, many would think it is a human who was put in solitary, however after a few moments you start to realize about the person. First is the dried blood, it covered the figure, head to toe. It clung to the figure's clothes as was slouched against the dirty wall. Within the figure's mouth was a sort of gag, and a clean white object sitting on its face. With another glance and a longer stare, you notice the figure is actually a boy. A blood covered human like boy, he was still. Not moving an inch, until the boy's senses kicked in. He had been passed out for a few months, and it was time to figure out what is going on. The boy slowly stood up, his legs were still asleep and it didn't feel right walking, but they had to walk up soon, it was time to play. The young boy walked forward, placing a hand on the door as he just stared at it, lead...lead and metal. Suddenly, the boy's hand glowed a red color which then caused the door to glow as well. Within a few moments, the door blasted opened, the clanging noise echoed through the hall.

The boy walked out of the dark room, his hands and arms feeling like noodles as he walked through the halls. It wasn't into a few minutes later, the boy took off the ball gag around his mouth and dropped it, walking down the hall it took him a while but he finally reached the cell holders. There seem to be a riot going on. The boy continued walking, hearing a man's voice going into his ear, a faint giggle escaping his lips. This boy would be considered normal...if it weren't for the few things many demons For one, the boy wore a mask, a broken white mask with a jagged smile on it, a small hole where the eye would be able to see out of and glowing blue makers on both the face and mask. The last two things that would throw a person off is the tiny light blue colored eye, shifting around to observe the room and a cheshire grin which stretched almost from ear to ear. Once the human finished talking, another man spoke up saying that he had another goal to get to.

The young boy giggled again, speaking up loud enough for the human man to hear him. "So it was you who woke me from my slumber...pAtHeTiC hUmAn, YoU bEtTeR bE wOrTh ThE kIlL." The boy said in a strange voice. It sounded more darker than most demons and as if there were no sanity behind it. He cracked his neck lightly, looking outside into the courtyard, a his grin growling wider as an sinister giggle escaped his jagged white teeth, "YuMmY...MoRe FoOd..WhO eLsE wIlL bE lAmBs To ThE sLaUgHtEr?" He chuckled softly, swaying left and right a little. His hands twitched lightly, he couldn't help it. He wanted to end it and go back to sleep, his body was still in pain but there was nothing to do about that. So he just sighed lightly and faced the human male, waiting to see what he was going to do.

Andraus 07-28-2014 02:45 AM

Andrew turned to the Demon Boy (child?). Every cell in his body told him to run, but he walked right up to the Demon. "If you want Food to eat, and Enemies to fight, Join me. We'll send every last one of these bastards back to the dirt. I know you're kind: You hate them as much as I do. Lucifer.....Satan....all of them. They'd go so far as to trap you in this place. Fight with me, and I'll let you have your revenge. "he said.

"To put it simply? Surrender. "She said to her. "Surrender this place to us, and stop fighting. When this place is ours, and your 'allies' have been either executed, allowed to join us, or imprisoned, I will personally take you to my Clan Elder. He's the one that will know who should be able to break your curse. "she said to her. "Simple as that, really."

Oliver stopped him, grabbing his human Shoulder. "Please, Sir, stay with us. We need people to continue the fight. It doesn't matter anymore what you did, or who you were. We just need to do whatever it takes to restore the balance. When we win this war, we will be vindicated in the end, and you'll be welcome back. "he said.

All times are GMT. The time now is 07:35 AM.