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My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 07:25 PM

Chai's Hangout--Free Cake!--Make Chai Artsuu?! D;
Yep, have to have my own thread for every event. xD So why not stay around a bit and have some cake? *offers slice*

Time to party! *blows noise maker*

Arts made for me during the event:

twizted child eve 01-18-2008 07:32 PM

Woohoo! *parties* Happy Birthday, Mene! ^_^

Hi there. ^^

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 07:58 PM

Hiya! ^_^ Sorry for the late reply. I'm working my Yumeh art contest entry. : D

Happy Birthday Menewsha indeed!

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 08:15 PM

Yay, Chai has another thread here on the Anniversary forum.

Didn't we just do this on New Year's, what, a couple of weeks ago? XD

Still, it's nice. How's the Yumeh art coming along?

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 08:17 PM

It's coming along interesting. xD I'm just sorta doing it...not really planning it at all, and I think it's coming out pretty well. ^_^

How are you today?

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 08:18 PM

I'm pretty good, actually. Got out early from school because the seniors got to leave for "Senior Lunch." I've been to Arby's to get some curly fries and now I'm chilling out on Menewsha and talking to you. Not much of an eventful day, but still, it's not been hectic.

Uneventful beats hectic any day. ^^;

What about you, things going okay?

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 08:22 PM

Still not feeling top-shape, but I think I'm getting closer. x.x I've been sleeping and watching Harry Potter most of the day. xD

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 08:24 PM

Ooo, sounds lovely. I'm glad you're getting better, though. I'm finally starting to get over mine. No antibiotics, and it lasted about two and a half weeks. . . not a smart thing to do on my part.

What Harry Potter movie did you watch?

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 08:29 PM

I have Order of the Phoenix playing in the other room. xD I've kept it running so that I can catch different parts as I walk through the front room, and also so I can just listen to it in my bedroom. >.< lol

I'm so odd sometimes. : )

Facade 01-18-2008 08:34 PM

Hey Chai!~
xD I'm nakey right now, so yeah, ignore the freebie request. I'd feel excruciatingly indecent. o 3o;
-runs away-
x3 I've got plans for tonight, so... yeah. xD I won't be around for the majority of the event's first night. ._.;
See, at school, we've got a Dance-A-Thon, to fundraise for the band/choir department, as well as a side-job of fundraising for Multiple Sclerosis. o 3o;
We dance from 7 PM - 7 AM; it's gonna be some kickass fun! n.n

AvengedxxAngel 01-18-2008 08:38 PM

Hey, there, Chaii!
^^ How are ya?

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 08:41 PM

I got Order of the Phoenix for Christmas and watched it non-stop over the break. XD I do the same things sometimes, though -- leave a movie playing so I sort of have an idea what's going on, but I don't have to be intently watching it so I'm allowed to do other stuff.

I would die, Brandon. e_e Have fun at your dance thingie. . . I hate all-nighter events. . . XD

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 08:56 PM

X.X Ahh, Brandon-kun put some more clothes on. DX

lol That dance thing sounds like fun. I wish they would have something like that here...not that I really dance, but whatever. xD

Hi Angel! *glomps*

AvengedxxAngel 01-18-2008 09:00 PM

I just got home from school not too horribly long ago :3
Finally the weekend!!! <3

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 09:09 PM

Learn anything exciting? xD

Gah, this Yumeh drawing is taking me longer than I thought it would. >.<;;

AvengedxxAngel 01-18-2008 09:17 PM

Err..not really xD

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 09:24 PM

xD That's about how my classes are going. Not learning squat. Which is both irritating and frustrating. : S

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 09:27 PM

Eek, sorry about my temporary leave of absence or whatever. It's positively freezing here, even indoors, so I had to retire to the bathtub really quickly to get clean and warm.

Both were successful. XD

I'm with you on the being home for the weekend, though, Avenged. And for three days! Tuesday's kind of a holiday for me as well -- our government class is going to take a trip to see Huckabee speak at the Capitol.

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 09:42 PM

Gah, I might just trash this Yumeh pic after all. >.< It's just coming out as planned... *sighs* Oh well, not that I'd win anything anyways. xD

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 09:55 PM

Nonono! Keep at it -- don't give up, Chai. I'm sure it'll look wonderful once you're finished with it. The progress is always supposed to look odd, but it's the finished result that counts. ^^;

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 10:06 PM

I'm trying a new style of coloring and it's not working very well. x.x;;;

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 10:07 PM

Other than your normal style of cel-shading? :o I'd love to know what it is. I wish I could cel-shade. I can't for the life of me, though. I'm only good at the "realistic" type of shading. I'm such a perfectionist that one block of a darker color on something makes it look completely askew and not natural. Then I have to remind myself that it's cel-shaded and is SUPPOSED to look like that. Cel-shading doesn't work well with my mind. T_T

My Cup Of Chai 01-18-2008 10:26 PM

This one is kind of I'll show you it to you in just a sec....

Facade 01-18-2008 10:29 PM

For the record, I don't dance either. e.e
I just... move to the groove? Haha.
I dunno what I'll do that'll pass as dancing; they're also gonna have Twister there, and some other dance games, which count as dancing. n.n
It's a competition blah blah blah. <333

Wendy Darling 01-18-2008 10:39 PM

Okie dokie -- I'd love to see it! I'm sure it looks lovely -- and there's no rush for it, right? It's due before the event ends, I'm sure.

I suck at Twister -- like I lose every time cause my body has next to NO flexibility. It's a curse, I tell you. e_e;

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