Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   -   [OVER! Winners Eroy and Alex please post your requests] Behind the Paper Screen // Feather - 2.3k(Alex) // Finch - 1.6k(Eroy) (

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:27 AM

[OVER! Winners Eroy and Alex please post your requests] Behind the Paper Screen // Feather - 2.3k(Alex) // Finch - 1.6k(Eroy)
Welcome to Behind the Paper Screen

This is a joint auction between the wonderful wonderfinch and myself, Elegant Feather Duster. Please stick around and chat with us whether or not you bid! We won't bite! (Unless we love you lots.)

Start Date: July 20th
End Date: August 15th at 11pm EST [9pm MST, 8pm WST]

Feather's intro and bidding ladder
Finch's intro and bidding ladder
Feather's samples
Finch's samples
Past bids

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:43 AM

~Elegant Feather Duster~

Intro: Hiya everyone! Nice to meet you. I'm an artist at heart, and it's really the main love of my life. Thanks for coming, and I hope I can meet as many of you as want to stick around and help us keep this place alive! Maybe we can sell some great art too. :3

Bid Ladder:
Start Bid: 100g
1-5k: One half body piece
5-10k: One full body piece with minimal props (ex. a chair, window, etc)
Anything above 10k: I'll decide if the bid gets this high. You will certainly receive proportionally more art then listed above.
Autobuy: 30k (yes it's meant to be high)

If you offer me any of the following, you will automatically get two full body images, OR a couple fullbody. My portion of auction will NOT end, but you are guaranteed art of your very own with no strings attached.
pudao of time
oriental fan
any other v-day 07 item (I am willing to negotiate for multiple art pieces for these)

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:48 AM


Intro: Um, hi, this is finch :3 Even though I'm studying chemistry and philosophy, I love art-- so hopefully you'll stick around long enough to see me make something pretty :3 Or at least long enough to help keep me amused.
<insert bird calls here>

Bid Ladder: The autobuy is a tad obscene, admittedly, but I think that would be the general idea of an autobuy.
Starting Bid: 100g
Autobuy: V-Day 2007 Boa, Sash, or Hairpin
100g-10k: Waist-up Portrait
10k-20k: Fullbody Portrait
20k-50k: Couple Waist-up Portrait/Fullbody Portrait w/Background
50k-AB: Fullbody Couple Portrait (or 2 Fullbody Portraits) w/Background (s)
AB: Fullbody 3-Character Portrait (or 3 Fullbody Portraits, or 6 Waist-up Portraits) w/Background (s)

The following items will automatically get you a full body portrait with a background n_n Or maybe more. And if any of these are offered, my portion of the auction will continue, as well-- I'll just have a few more pieces to draw, is all :3

Oriental Fan
King's Crown
Pudao of Time
Scarf of Order/Sash of Chaos set
Any St. Patrick's Day 2007 item
Any Valentine's Day 2007 item that can't be used as an AB

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:54 AM

~Feather's Samples~

(newest -> oldest)
click the thumbnails for the full versions

More Samples: DeviantART

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:58 AM

~Finch's Examples~

click thumbnails for the full versions

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 05:00 AM

~Past Bids~

Alexander Linden - 2300g
Intoxicate - 2100g
Hina - 2000g
Alexander Linden - Two July Sets (1400g total value)
Shinigami2 - 1200g
Alexander Linden - 1000g
Shinigami2 - 600g
Alexander Linden - 500g
Shinigami2 - 300g
Alexander Linden - 200g
xlightwingx - 100g

Hina - 1500g (in items)
Eroy - 1400g
Divine Tempest - 1300g
Hina - 1100g
Noir Kalenthiel - 1000g
Hina - 650g
RoyelF E C K - 600g
Drache-Lehre - 500g
xlightwingsx - 400g
Shinigami2 - 300g
Alexander Linden - 200g
xlightwingx - 100g

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 05:00 AM


Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 06:50 AM

We are now open. :3 Come on come all!

xlightwingx 07-20-2008 07:33 AM

I know you 0w0! (i think. from gaia. ...)

well, i'll start you both off with 100g =)

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 07:40 AM

Hmm your name sounds familiar... both of our usernames are the same on gaia. xD <3

Thank you very much!

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 09:11 AM

thanks lightwing <3
(lol, i fell asleep at my computer, like always >.<)

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 04:44 PM

Haha good morning. ^^

Intoxicate 07-20-2008 05:19 PM

Go Dusty :'D

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 05:22 PM

Hi toxi! <3

Intoxicate 07-20-2008 06:06 PM

<3 chu~

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 06:07 PM


What's up hun?

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 08:46 PM

'morning <3

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 08:51 PM

Well afternoon now for me. But hi finichie! <3

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 08:53 PM

o, that it is! i never can tell morning from the afternoon >.<
how've you been?

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 09:02 PM

*laughs* :'D Nice. Your schedule has no association with time it seems.

Ive been good thanks. You?

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 09:07 PM

it certainly does not! i wake up after i've slept for six hours, and time everything from there.

that's good n_n
i've been fine, though i had to cut my flying time short today-- i slept poorly last night, and so i kept dozing off while i was trying to pilot. didn't work too well.

and for the banner, do you want the .psd file of that picture so it can have a.... o, wait, i drew that one on "multiply" layers dX nevermind....

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 09:14 PM

:'D Haha I seeeeee.

Aww >: I slept well last night. I ALWAYS sleep well. D: I have to tell myself when to get u or I'll sleep waaaay too much.

Hmm? Oh I just trimmed around the edges for the signature banner. I dont think I'll be making any other ones unless the need arises later.

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 09:17 PM

aw, i'm jealous. i'm kind of an insomniac, so getting 6 hours is a good night, and 2-4 is pretty normal :/

oh, and i was just going to say i could have sent you the transparent-bg version, but unfortunately one doesn't exist, since i made it with oC 1.1

Elegant Feather Duster 07-20-2008 09:20 PM

>o< Hahaha I would DIE. I get 5-6 for school and I soooo tired. xD;; For me about 9 is a good nights sleep.

No worries! *nods* <33

wonderfinch 07-20-2008 09:21 PM

: O
how can you sleep so much?
i have to go three or four nights without sleep before i can even stay asleep for seven hours dX nine is, like, a week and a half of no sleep!

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