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Cardinal Biggles 10-23-2014 05:22 AM

Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe: A Photography Contest

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:10 AM

*door jingles*

I thought I told you kids.... Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else. Welcome to Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe: "We have what you were looking for when you didn't need you were looking for it." Hm? What's that? You have something you think would interest me? Well, I am always looking for intriging new finds. I will warn you though, I have very specific tastes. Only the best will do for my clientele. However, if it really is a fine specimen, I'll make it worth your while...

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:15 AM

Do you have a talent for capturing the unusual? This is the place to share it then. I'm looking for photographs that would fit into two categories: Weird and Wild.

For the Weird I want to see anything out-of-the ordinary or spooky that you managed to encounter and photograph. Does your grandmother have a tchotchke that gives you nightmares? Is there a rock formation in your town that looks like Elvis when viewed from a certain angle? Lay it on me.

For Wild, I need you to supply me with a seasonal nature photograph - Fall is my favourite time of year and I can't get enough of it. Is there a pastoral landscape that captures the colors of the season perfectly on your way home? Or a farm nearby offering to the public all the charms of the autumn? Get snapping and send it my way.

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:16 AM


*Use your imagination and trust your gut. If you feel it fits into these categories, it probably does! Don't hold back.

*While it's the content of these photographs that is the key here, I do consider photography an art form. A good composition will make deep impression on me every time. Take your time staging the photograph, if you can. Consider light and angles.

Potentially of use: Philip Guo - Tips for Casual Digital Photography

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:33 AM


Please follow the TOS and Site rules

*I need you to submit 2 photos: Both the photograph that is your entry, and a photograph that proves the work is your own. This proof photograph should have the subject of your entry photograph and your username in it. The best way to do this is to hold a slip of paper with your username on it in front of the subject.
To do this, please copy and paste the appropriate form from those in post #7.

*you may use filters and do minor editing to your photos -such as adjusting the white balance or altering the focus- but it cannot be extreme. If you use a filter, please include the name of the filter with your entry form.

*Make sure you have a reliable way of hosting your photo. If your image or link is broken at the time of the contest's end, it will not be counted.

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:37 AM


First prize winner in each category will receive :
An Instant Memories CI



The Runner-up in each category will receive:


Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:44 AM


[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SandyBrown"][FONT="Impact"]That's Weird[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SandyBrown"][FONT="Impact"]That's Wild[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:52 AM




Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1773000452)
That's Weird
Username: Elirona
Notes: 15% increase in saturation; The overbrook asylum in Essex County, NJ.

I hope this is proof enough for you! I could show you the other shots I took. :x


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1773012318)
That's Weird
Notes:Some filter called "Charlie"
NEAT INFO!!! From left to right these are: Black drum grinding plate (bottom, half of top), Sheepshead jaw, Striped burrfish. All fish. In my proof photo the big one in the back is the Bottlenosed Dolphin skull.


Originally Posted by Xogizmoox (Post 1773017248)

That's Weird

Proof photo the pointy roof building in background bottom(also in picture number two) ENTRY PICTURES OF TORNADO/ HAILBALLS ~ Look at the sky it a tornado picture taken on my apt balcony


Originally Posted by GummyBearKisses (Post 1773017856)
That's Weird
Proof: Same as entry
Notes: Now im not too sure I can enter but THIS SURE WAS WEIRD TO ME BEING HALLOWEEN AND ALL , Halloween night while cooking dinner my oven CAUGHT FIRE , now in no way was it my fault it's my apartments 1960-s ? (Really old) stove and the heating fillement or the heat thing caught fire BUT that's not the weird part I turned off the stove KNOB SET TO OFF and after dinner I notice its still hot I open it up and the INSIDE IS GLOWING hence still ON and the power lights ON too (knob off , power on) I had to unplug it to get it to stop ? Halloween possessed oven? Sure scaired me I already think my apartment is haunted but now oooooh weird huh


Originally Posted by Xogizmoox (Post 1773018625)
That's WeirdUsername: XoGIZMOoXEntry:Proof:Notes: Hey hey Gizzie sees a halo above her apartments ^.^


Originally Posted by dragoness129 (Post 1773025309)
That's Weird
Username: dragoness129
Proof: [Here]
Notes: The vines look very cool to me and seem to say "Keep Out" with the way they wrap around the gate.


Originally Posted by sjacklene (Post 1773026682)
Cardinal, are you from Charlotte? You know, I just find it strange you mentioning something that sounds like "Elvis Head" in your weird description. lol

That's Weird
Username: sjacklene
Notes: This is what they call Elvis head. It is in my uncles neighborhood in Charlotte and it just makes me day when I see it... Everytime we drive by this house I HAVE to look just to see it. :D



Originally Posted by APBCole (Post 1772979715)
Well I already did the Tumblr thing. So...there's that but i'll do two forms of proof just so we can get this out of the way.

That's Wild
Proof:Tumblr Proofs
Notes:Lightroom Filters: Aged Photo, Vignette 1


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1773001016)
That's Wild
Notes:the road to nowhere~ sorry about the proof thing. But, on the road and all ;;


Originally Posted by Whisper Invictus (Post 1773009133)
That's Wild
Username: Whisper Invictus
Entry: Click on thumbnail for full view
Proof: Me and my camera and my username~
Notes: This isn't as much wild, as it is secluded. We go fishing here once in a while. The scenery around this lake is breathtaking, but there was something about the bench that made it feel wild.


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1773017607)
That's Wild
Notes: I really liked how the sun was casting the shadows over this bridge. It was nearing sunset time and I really liked the lighting and the fallen leaves on the bridge.


Originally Posted by Vox (Post 1773018429)
That's Wild
Username: Vox
Entry: Autumn peaked just a few weeks ago up here in Northern Michigan.
Proof: I happened to still have the picture on my camera.
Notes: My only regret is that I couldn't capture the fog rolling over the hills the way I had wanted to. There is a little that you can see, but it mostly dissipated by the time I made it down to the water for the shot.


Originally Posted by dragoness129 (Post 1773025309)
That's Wild
Username: dragoness129
Proof: [Here]
Notes: A pretty Autumn Tree


Originally Posted by sjacklene (Post 1773026895)
That's Wild
Username: sjacklene
Notes: This was taken at my grandfathers plot at the cemetery. When I drove through the cemetery, it was just so pretty I couldn't help but take pictures. :D And actually, not that you can see it really good, but my photo and the nickname my grandfather called me is on the bench there in the photo.


Originally Posted by Xogizmoox (Post 1773028185)

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:54 AM


Wait, I can't get back to the location. What can I do about a proof photo?
Perhaps the best way to deal with this is to take a photo of your camera with the entry photo on display, and your username. Obviously you need two cameras for that, so it's not going to work for everyone. If you have an idea of a solution, let me know!

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 07:57 AM


Let's have a little extra fun! How about we create a playlist together to reflect the season and our tastes? Share what songs you think should be included in a post and I'll queue them up here!

Some of my picks, to get us started:

Inspired By

this classy youtube playlist

Pretty comprehensive... but, I'd say that list is lacking in that it doesn't contain either Verdi's Dies Irae or O Fortuna from Carmina Burana

Other possible contenders: U.N. Owen was her? remix (AKA Faerie's Aire and Death Waltz) and The Devil's Trill - both of which are *notoriously* difficult to play and have creepy names.

Cardinal Biggles 10-27-2014 08:04 AM


Inspiration for costume:
Thomas Cooper Gotch's Death the Bride

inspiration for thread:
Seattle's Ye Olde Curiosity Shop

APBCole 10-29-2014 08:57 PM

Well I was planning on entering but the restriction on proof of my photos is kind of dumb. I have one I would try and enter but I took it on an outing with my younger brother to check the place out.

Kind of hurts those of us who take spur of the moment photos and making it so we can't enter.

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 09:11 PM

These restrictions are not unusual. I've never seen one a photography contest without them, and I've never hosted one without them. It's all part of Mene's stance on plagiarism.

APBCole 10-29-2014 09:15 PM

I understand the plagiarism argument. Is there other possible alternatives we can use to prove we took the photos other than the listed method?

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 09:23 PM

Well, what do you have in mind? Do you have a photo of yourself at the location? If so you could submit that and a proof photo of you with your username along with the entry.

APBCole 10-29-2014 09:29 PM

No, I don't have a photo of myself at that location. The photo is up on a mountaintop and I did not take any single shot of myself as it was with a DSLR.

Is there any way I can actively prove it was my photo with my camera without having to drive out to the location again?

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 09:35 PM

I really don't know. Sometimes photos will have an ID number in theme that is unique to the camera - I sometimes see this as an an element of photo posts on tumblr. If you have a tumblr, you could try uploading it to there and see if has that embedded in it. It's usually accessible in the form of a little arrow that becomes visible if you run your cursor over the photo. Clicking on the arrow will get the info to display.
Or if you have two cameras, you could take a photo of the image on the display screen of the camera you took the entry photo with, with your username in that photo.

Mnemosyne 10-29-2014 09:50 PM

Can I stick my face in it for proof? I don't generally carry papers with my username around...but I always have my face!

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 09:53 PM

Sure, if you also submit a photo of you with your username as well. So like, 3 photos.

APBCole 10-29-2014 10:04 PM

Well I already did the Tumblr thing. So...there's that but i'll do two forms of proof just so we can get this out of the way.

That's Wild
Proof:Tumblr Proofs
Notes:Lightroom Filters: Aged Photo, Vignette 1

Cardinal Biggles 10-29-2014 10:05 PM

Thanks dude! I'm glad we were able to work something out :)

APBCole 10-29-2014 10:09 PM

Glad we could as well. Would hate to not be part of this.

And look. A photo of myself after not posting one for a long while and one of muh gaming collectibles(The Snow Chester from Don't Starve).

Mnemosyne 10-29-2014 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1772979659)
Sure, if you also submit a photo of you with your username as well. So like, 3 photos.

I'm sure that could be arranged!

sjacklene 10-29-2014 11:47 PM

Woohoo! I am so going to do this one! :D

Elirona 10-30-2014 01:44 AM

Oh, I think I have the perfect place to take a picture! [ninja]

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