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For-Chan Cookie 09-01-2015 09:45 PM

❀ The Wallflower Maze ❀ A Haven for Shy Adventurers ❀

Welcome shy adventurers. I see that rather than venture forth into a noisy overcrowded tavern you have chosen our humble establishment. Feel free to pull up a stool, drink from our ever-flowing fountain of nectar and enjoy the sweet sounds of magical harp. Don't look for a exit though. You can keep your hand to the right all you want, but we are like the hotel California. Once you enter, you may never leave. Bwa ha ha ha! [twisted]

Or, you know, you could just hit the back button, but where's the fun in that?

hummy 09-01-2015 10:32 PM

*glomps the cookie*]

For-Chan Cookie 09-01-2015 10:37 PM

*snuggles hummy* Hello hello hummy bummy :D

How are your threads going?

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-02-2015 12:45 PM

*peeks in and waves*

Amane 09-02-2015 02:05 PM

And I thought I missed a bunch of stuff.

hummy 09-02-2015 05:57 PM

*shares pumpkin seeds*

Apocalyptic 09-02-2015 07:04 PM

May I join you?

hummy 09-02-2015 07:09 PM

cookie isn't online at the moment
but she welcome you to join in =3

hiya again

Apocalyptic 09-02-2015 07:10 PM

Hello again, Hummy. :)

hummy 09-02-2015 07:12 PM

cookie is wonderful,
you'll like her
and she will make you feel welcome

Apocalyptic 09-02-2015 07:16 PM

That's good to hear, I can't wait!

hummy 09-02-2015 07:37 PM

cookie comes around during events
so events make it a doubley happy time =3

For-Chan Cookie 09-02-2015 08:37 PM

Aww, hummy is making me blush! [blush]

Anyway, hello all! Glad to see we got a little life going in the thread. Just got back from a long day of work. Time to settle in and shake what my momma gave me. My fingers. At a keyboard. And type. [insane]

hummy 09-02-2015 08:41 PM

i was the stand-in cookie =3

For-Chan Cookie 09-02-2015 08:43 PM

Thank you hummy. :D You're the best hummy a Cookie can have!

hummy 09-02-2015 08:52 PM

aw, shucks

For-Chan Cookie 09-02-2015 08:53 PM

*gives you a cookie* :D Sometimes I wonder if hummy even sleeps. She's everywhere all the time! Omniscient hummy!

hummy 09-02-2015 09:46 PM

i just don't like anyone to feel left out

Kory 09-02-2015 09:59 PM

Cookie! I haven't seen you around in a while. :O
I need to hurry up and get with it with this event! I don't even half half the XP to get the items I want! [cry]

hummy 09-02-2015 10:03 PM

hiya, Ava

Kory 09-02-2015 11:31 PM

Hi hummy!!! :)

Oh, Hi everyone else in the thread that I didn't say hi too! Dx
I need to get better at being friendly!

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-02-2015 11:34 PM

*pelts the thread with edible glitter*

Kory 09-02-2015 11:36 PM

Ick! I hate glitter bombs!

Kirin Rosenbaum 09-02-2015 11:36 PM

But these you can eat. They are sugar.

For-Chan Cookie 09-02-2015 11:38 PM

Hi guys! Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth. I was trying to be on Mene between events and then I jut couldn't do it! [gonk]

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