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Lilith W 07-01-2010 04:15 AM

Memory Game & Knife Throw (Memory Game- over, Knife Game- over)

Hello dear friends. It is so great to see you. You might remember me from last year at the Circus event. I was the wonderful knife throw instructor. ^^
Well I have brought all of that fun back to you. This year I would like to introduce silverwingedshadows and her memory game. She is my beautiful assistant so treat her kindly.
It was decided that we should have a memory game to help with the knife throwing. It seems that many of the people who played last year couldn't remember where the target was and instead hit me.

We welcome you to our thread and we hope you have lots of fun.

Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 09:06 PM

General rules in the thread.
Follow the normal rules of Menewsha, be nice, listen to myself, Silverwingedshadows and Lilith W, please no complaining, picking fights with anyone, and don't make us mad.

If all can follow these simple things we will all have a lovely time. Please and thank you! *huggles*

Lilith W 07-01-2010 09:13 PM

Memory Game Prizes
+ 3 peices of art by briannamal
+ 3 peices of art by Elegant Feather Duster

Prizes taken
-1 art by Elegant Feather Duster
-2 ar by briannamal

Knife Throw Prizes
1st place:
2nd place:
3rd place:
4th place: +1k

Page Prizes
3rd poster on page 100 gets 1k fireprincess
8th post on page 50 gets 500g Fulkth
4th post on page 132 gets 100g from Silver alonzo
5th post on page 150 gets 500g Cloudwalker
7th post on page 150 gets 500g blueblackrose
6th post on page 215 gets 100g from Silver
3rd post page 246 gets 100g from Silver
5th post on page 1000 gets 5k from Silver
3rd post on page 1000 gets 3k

Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 09:33 PM

Hello All!! I am Silverwingedshadows! You can call me Silver-chan for short! I am Lilith W's sexy, yet silly assissant. I am in charge of the Memory Game but am around to help Lith-chan.

This is information on the Memory Game. The game where you try to find 2 cards that match.


Round 5 starts at 7am central time.

Pick a letter from A-T and a number from 1-20.
Memory Round 5
The form:
(just copy and paste)

After you have done this please wait for me to say what you have turned over. Also after your turn please wait ONE HOUR before until you choose again. It doesn't mater if others have made a memory guess or not. You will have to keep track of the time for yourself. If its to soon you will be ignored. I will post whom has made correct matches and after all have been found we will have a winner.

Wild guesses for the last round (how sad). You can make two wild in the dark have no clue if they will work, wild guesses for memeory match game round 5. You can make one or both at a time. You only get two guesses, that is it. If you make 2 at 11pm and then 2 at 4am only the 2 at 4am will be used. All your doing is making extra work for me. At 6:45ish am central time I will start getting them togther so please try to not wait until the last minute. Results to be posted right after 7am. Please use the form below. If you do NOT, I will ignore it.

Can start guessing at 7pm to 7am central time.
Wild Guess Form For Round 5:
(just copy and paste)

As Lilith W is going to be doing this for me (she has a key) while I am at school/work just put the time on there. If not I will not accept it.
Just so everyone has a heads up. If you ignore the rules, don't play nice or don't use the forms you will be ignored. Completly.

And if you are wondering what the prize for first will be, a least 2 CI's will be a part it. Good Luck!

Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 09:46 PM

Game Matches

Game 1
First game goes to sadrain! Whom had the most matches. Second was fulkth. Third was Jaded_Angel. Fourth was tied between Feyona Saibre and loneata. Lilim and alonzo:) tied for Fifith. I would like to say thank you to everyone that played. I hope all had fun. Thank you as well for letting me be a little slow.

Game 2
D&1- sadrain armor of chaos
E&2- Jade_Angel bee slippers
K&3- Jade_Angel yumeh ears and tail
B&4- sadrain blood lotus
J&5- LizzyCollinDeArc peacock scythe
L&6- Jade_Angel chilly the polar bear
G&7- LizzyCollinDeArc rainbows of isis
P&8- Lunanuova bunny hat
C&9- sadrain robes of healing
Q&10-Jade_Angel yin yang
I&11- Fulkth dark crystal
N&12- FeyonaSaibre overlord's wrath
S&13- Fulkth pingu
R&14- sadrain scarf of chaos
F&15- Fulkth return to nature
T&16- LizzyCollinDeArc armor of order
A&17- LizzyCollinDeArc pher meh
O&18- sadrain harpy
H&19- LizzyCollinDeArc okakemono
M&20- Fulkth scarf of order

In this second game we have a tie for first between sadrain and LizzyCollinDeArc. Second place tie between Fulkth and Jade_Angel. And a tie for third place between FeyonaSaibre and Lunanuova. I would like to say thank you to all that played, since I had to keep leaving to deal with visiting cows. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

In the third game sadrain came in first. alonzo:) came in second. Wolfblood in third. A 3 way tie for 4th with FeyonaSaibre, Cloudwalker, and Fulkth.

Round 4
1&G- udon - FeyonaSaibre
2&C- hana - FeyonaSaibre
3&B- kampai - sadrain
4&M- mochi - sadrain
5&H- hakama - FeyonaSaibre
6&J- nippon - sadrain
7&P- pagoda - Fulkth
8&A- aoi - Jaded_Angel
9&F- aoru - Jaded_Angel
10&Q- kimono - LizzyCollinsDeArc
11&N- neko - FeyonaSaibre
12&D- dango - FeyonaSaibre
13&- anime - LizzyCollinsDeArc
14&T- tabi - blueblackrose
15&S- sake - X--AznCo0ki3
16&O- koi - FeyonaSaibre
17&K- kitsune - blueblackrose
18&L - ume- FeyonaSaibre
19&I-inu - FeyonaSaibre
20&E- sushi - Fulkth

Fourth round winner is FeyonaSaibre. Second went to sadrain. Four way tie for third Fulkth, LizzyCollinsDeArc, Jaded_Angel, and blueblackrose. Fourth was X--AznCo0ki3.

Round 5
D1) butterfly sadrain
G2) pink slipper Jaded_Angel
J3) parchment iDiabolical
L4) silver knife sadrain
B5) silly people Fulkth
Q6) tarot card Cloudwalker
R7) white tiger blueblackrose
S8) dragon sword diabolical
K9) quill fulkth
E10) purple jester hat fulkth
N11) red balloon iDiabolical
O12) wooden staff Jaded_Angel
H13) green feather boa Jaded_Angel
C14) black cape sadrain
T15) oranges iDiabolical
M16) mona lisa Azncookie
F17) blue ribbon iDiabolical
P18) golden flute Jaded_Angel
I19) turkey leg Fulkth
A20) yellow bow Fulkth

Mini Games tie for first- sadrain and Fulkth.

Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 09:58 PM

Round 1 - sadrain
1st Mini Game - Falkth
Round 2- sadrain and LizzyCollinDeArc
2nd Mini Game - Falkth and sadrain
Round 3- sadrain
Round 4 - FeyonaSaibre
Round 5 - Fulkth and iDiabolical
Congrats to all winning peoples. And if you want to know whom won the other mini games, go look for me. CAn't find the paper I had. But since peoples get their prizes right after the game I doubt its a big deal to them.

Lilith W 07-01-2010 10:26 PM

This is the knife throw game. You all will be playing for amazing prizes which are above.
In this game you will be playing for points. There are three prizes for this game so the people with the top three scores by the end wins. The points are 1-9.
The Knife Throw Game will end on July 15th at 6:30pm Central time.

1. Follow the normal rules
2. Don't throw knives at people.
3. You can only play once per dummy (the picture will change) or once per day. Which ever comes first.
4. You get your prizes at the end of the event.
5. No complaining.
6. Use the form.
7. Either read through the thread or don't complain if your square has already been picked and I haven't updated yet.


Lilith W 07-01-2010 10:26 PM

(If you ask for a number and it is clearly marked as taken you get one more chance after that you just don't get to pick for the day)

(This round you get to pick three numbers as there will be no bonus round.)
Picked: B, C, D, E, J, K, L, P, M, N, O, U, V, Z
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27

Lilith W 07-01-2010 10:27 PM

Trishariana Yazuru- 4 points (round 1), 8 points (2)
Lilim- 4 points (round 1), 2 points (2)
sadrain- 1 point (round 1), 7 points (bonus 1), 5 points (2), 9 points (page bonus 1), 8 points (bonus ideas 1), 11 points (bonus 2), 1 point (3), 3 points (bonus ?), 3 points (4), 2 points (bonus 3), 9 points (bonus 4), 6 (5), 9 (bonus 5), 3 (bonus?s), 7 (6), 5 (bonus 6), 18 (7)
alonzo:) - 9 points (round 1), 6 points (bonus 1), 6 points (2), 8 points (bonus 2), 9 points (3), 4 points (4), 13 points (bonus 3), 10 (bonus 4), 7 (5), 4 (bonus 5), 21 (7)
FeyonaSaibre- 1 point (1), 2 points (2), 11 points (bonus 2), 1 (3), 3 points (4), 6 points (bonus 3), 6 (5), 15 (bonuse 5), 6 (6), 15 (bonus 6)
Cora Lorington- 9 points (1)
HappyStarr- 3 points (1), 8 points (bonus 1), 2 points (pic bonus 1), 4 (2), 13 (bonus 2), 5 points (3), 7 points (bonus ?), 3 (5), 8 (bonus 5), 2 (6), 11 (bonus 6)
Wynna- 5 points (1), 7 points (bonus 1), 7 points (pic bonus 1), 1 point (2), 9 (bonus 2)
Fulkth- 7 points (1), 3 points (bonus 1), 1 point (2), 9 points (bonus ideas 1), 7 points (bonus 2), 5 points (3), 7 points (4), 6 points (bonus 3), 8 points (bonus 4), 3 points (bonus ?), 2 (5), 7 (bonus 5), 1 point (bonus ?s), 9 (6), 11 (bonus 6), 17 (7)
Syraannabelle- 3 points (1), 4 points (2)
Mehimaru- 2 points (1)
X---AznCo0ki3- 2 points (1), 3 points (3), 5 points (4), 4 points (bonus 3), 5 (bonus 4), 1 (5), 16 (bonus 5), 1 (bonus ?s), 6 (6), 10 (bonus 6), 15 (bonus ?), 7 (7)
lunanuova- 1 point (1), 4 points (bonus 1), 7 points (2)
LizzyCollinsDeArc- 3 points (1), 6 points (2), 8 points (bonus 2), 8 points (3), 2 points (4), 10 (bonus 3), 8 points (bonus 4), 6 (5), 9 (bonus 5), 4 (6), 10 (bonus 6), 23 (7)
Jaded_Angel- 1 point (1), 4 points (bonus 1), 9 points (2), 8 points (bonus 2), 2 points (3), 1 point (4), 16 (bonus 3), 15 (bonus 4), 4 (5), 15 (bonus 5), 2 (bonus ?), 2 (6), 7 (bonus 6), 2 (bonus ?), 18 (7)
Poke'bro- 8 points (1)
Loneata- 2 points (1), 2 points (bonus 1), 4 points (2), 6 points (3), 7 points (bonus 3), 7 (5), 5 (bonus 5), 9 (6), 14 (bonus 6), 14 (7)
Mad_as_a_Hatter- 4 points (1)
Alaunt- 1 point (1), 4 points (bonus 1), 3 points (2), 7 points (bonus 2), 8 points (3), 2 points (4), 13 (bonus 3), 6 (bonus 5), 1 (5), 15 points (bonus ?s), 2 (6), 13 (bonus 6), 4 (7)
BellyButton- 4 points (1), 6 points (bonus 1), 1 point (2), 2 points (3), 7 points (4), 7 point (bonus 3)
Insert_Witty_Username- 7 points (1), 11 (bonus 1)
Omnomnom- 5 points (1), 16 points (bonus round 1)
kattsyn- 7 points (1), 1 point (2), 5 points (4), 6 points (bonus 3)
fireprincess- 9 points (1), 4 points (bonus 1), 1 point (2), 9 points (bonus 2), 4 points (3), 4 points (4), 12 points (bonus 3), 7 (6), 8 (bonus 6)
Arcadai- 3 points (1), 8 points (bonus 1), 7 points (bonus 2), 3 points (3), 8 (6), 9 (bonus 6)
Emma Corrin- 5 points (1), 3 points (2), 12 points (bonus 2), 3 points (3), 5 points (4), 12 (bonus 3), 6 (bonus 4), 8 (5), 12 (bonus 5), 8 (5), 4 (bonus 5), 2 (bonus?), 15 (7)
KageShio- 4 points (1)
Cloudwalker- 3 points (1), 3 points (2), 3 points (3), 3 (4), 13 (bonus 4), 4 (5), 17 (bonus 5), 1 (6), 13 (bonus 6), 18 (7)
TutsTalkin- 2 points (1), 5 points (3), 3 (5), 10 (bonus 5), 5 (6), 10 (bonus 6)
fairywaif- 3 points (1), 2 points (2), 3 points (3), 4 (5), 11 (bonus 5)
Anglie- 4 points (2), 11 points (bonus 2), 4 points (3)
KageShio- 1 point (2)
TutsTalkin.. - 5 points (2)
stealthpanther- 1 point (2), 2 points (3), 7 (4)
Wolfblood- 5 points (3)
blueblackrose- 6 points (3), 7 points (4), 13 (bonus 3), 13 (bonus 4), 3 (5), 9 (bonus 5), 2 (6), 18 (bonus 6), 2 (bonus?), 23 (7)
LaVida- 3 points (3), 3 points (4), 4 points (bonus 3), 5 points (bonus 4), 4 (5), 14 (bonus 5), 7 (6), 4 (bonus 6), 4 (7)
JapaneseCherryBlossom- 5 points (4), 16 (bonus 3), 7 (bonus 4), 2 (5), 7 (bonus 5)
momochan- 6 (6), 5 (bonus 6)
takaratenshi- 5 (6)

Point Tallies


sadrain- 107
Jaded_Angel- 106
Fulkth- 103
LizzyCollinsDeArc- 97 +
alonzo:)- 97
blueblackrose- 96
Emma Corrin- 95
Alaunt- 79
Cloudwalker- 78
X---AznCo0ki3- 75
Loneata- 70
FeyonaSaibre- 66
fireprincess- 58
HappyStarr- 53
HappyStarr- 48
LaVida- 48
Arcadai- 38
JapaneseCherryBlossom- 37
TutsTalkin- 35
Wynna- 29
BellyButton- 27
fairywaif- 23
Omnomnom- 21
Anglie- 19
kattsyn- 19
Insert_Witty_Username- 18
lunanuova- 12
Trishariana Yazuru- 12
momochan- 11
stealthpanther- 10
Cora Lorington- 9
Poke'bro- 8
Syraannabelle- 7
Lilim- 6
Wolfblood- 5
TutsTalkin..- 5
takaratenshi- 5
KageShio- 4
Mad_as_a_Hatter- 4
Mehimaru- 2
KageShio- 1

1st: sadrain
2nd: Jaded_Angel
3rd: Fulkth
4th: LizzyCollinsDeArc (because there was a tie there was a dice roll and she won it)

Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 10:47 PM


Lilith W 07-01-2010 10:51 PM


Silverwingedshadows 07-01-2010 10:52 PM

We are now open!


Trishariana Yazuru 07-09-2010 02:21 PM

Knife throwing

Name:Trishariana Yazuru
Pick: square number 1

Lilim 07-09-2010 02:25 PM

Um... Can we play both *looks at the knives really wanting to hold one of them* Mmm soo pretty and gold

Silverwingedshadows 07-09-2010 02:26 PM

Congrats on being out first poster for the knife throwing!

Yes, you can play for both in the same post. Just put a bit of room between them please.

Lilith W 07-09-2010 02:27 PM

Trishariana Yazuru got four points for hitting the mark.
Thanks for being the first one. ^^
I'll go add your points now.

@Lilim- like Silver said you can play both just don't stack the forms together so we can tell them apart

Silverwingedshadows 07-09-2010 02:28 PM

Also Trishariana Yazuru got a 100 gold for being the first! (for playing knife throwing)

Lilith W 07-09-2010 02:29 PM

wow, nice little bonus I knew nothing about ^_-

And while I'm think of it.
I might not be on much today so everyone listen to my beautiful helper Silver-chan. ^^

Silverwingedshadows 07-09-2010 02:31 PM

(bows)I will do my best.

Lilim 07-09-2010 02:32 PM

The form: Memory game
Name- Lilim
Letter- L
Number- 7

*slips knife in shoe cause its sooo pretty*
Um I need another knife I lost mine....
Name: Lilim
Pick: p

Take care Lilith ^^ Thread looks awesome so does your avi

Silverwingedshadows 07-09-2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lilim (Post 1767773898)
The form: Memory game
Name- Lilim
Letter- L
Number- 7

You have found L- blue ribbon 7-wooden staff
Sorry not a match.

Lilith W 07-09-2010 02:35 PM

Thanks Lilim ^^
I'm suprised people like this outfit since I finally just gave up on it and started flinging stuff on and said "done"

And you get 4 points too.

And hey, don't go stealing my knifes their expensive ^_-

Lilim 07-09-2010 02:36 PM

But but... their so pretty *sighs and puts it back on the table*
^_^ Yay for points and boo for no matches

The best avis are the ones when they look like you've fallen out of the closet with and just happen to have all the colours matching

Silverwingedshadows 07-09-2010 02:36 PM

Thank you for being our first player in memery. I think you should be getting your 100 gold right about now.

I like it Lith-chan!

sadrain 07-09-2010 02:37 PM

Knife throw
Name: Sadrain
Pick: n, please

Memory Game

Name- Sadraim
Letter- i
Number- 9

YAY! Thank you. <3


Aw, I missed being the first. ;w; Silly offline stuff. D:

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