Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   A Bootifully Late Halloween (
-   -   Haunted Halloween with Belly and Howdy - Final day's results are up in the CD. - See First Post. (

BellyButton 10-23-2011 06:29 AM

Haunted Halloween with Belly and Howdy - Final day's results are up in the CD. - See First Post.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

Howdy and I have something a little different planned for you this event. It's a treasure hunt within a ghost story that takes place in a spooky old house on the edge of the island. Will you make choices that lead you to riches, or find yourself fleeing in fright?

We hope you'll come and join us as we explore the haunted halls of Marcheford Manor!


ALSO NOTE:The Final Day's results are up and can be found here in the Community Discussion Forum. :3

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 06:37 AM
(Click here for mood music.)
Tucked away in the furthest corner of Menewsha sits a piece of land that today few of its citizens dare to explore. It is an ominous and dark place. But once upon a time this land and the now overgrown mansion that idles upon it were jewels of the island.

Long ago, the mansion was home to a brilliant and wealthy man of science named Alexander Marcheford.
Alexander Marcheford

Marcheford had been an adventurer in his earlier days, who traveled the world exploring exotic locations and searching out lost treasures. Previously unmarried, he eventually became a solitary soul, more concerned with his theorems and experiments than with affairs of the heart. That was until he met the young Eloise.
Eloise Marcheford

Eloise Marcheford was a beautiful creature whose heart, they say, shined with unequaled virtue. Twenty years his junior, the two seemed an odd pairing. He, a severe and stoic intellectual. She, a gentle and lighthearted spirit. But despite the differences, their love was true.

Having two children, Amelia and her younger brother, Sedrick, the couple lived happily for many years.

But a dark cloud would too soon settle on Marcheford Manor. The goodly Eloise, once filled with the vigor of life, took ill one winter, and within the season succumbed. Heartbroken, Alexander became a shell of his former self. Retreating once more into his old ways, Alexander secluded himself in his laboratory and cut he, his children and servants and the whole of Marcheford Manor from the rest of the world.

Menewshans would say that the manor was cursed the day Eloise died, for soon those associated with the house would perish as well in a series of unfortunate and mysterious accidents, including Marcheford’s two young children.

Was it cruel fate? Merely a coincidental string of tragic events? Or something much more sinister, as some would whisper? It was said, in hushed tones, that Alexander Marcheford would not allow death to come between he and his beloved and that he was willing to sacrifice anything to get her back. What this entails the truth may never be known, for on one Halloween night Alexander disappeared. The entire island was searched, but no trace of him was ever found.

For more than a century now, the mansion has sat desolate and alone, decaying with each passing year. The older folks spin strange and terrifying tales of the house. And they warn, to all those who would seek out Marcheford’s treasures, that the curse of Marcheford Manor still resides within its darkened walls and that death waits for them as well.

BellyButton 10-23-2011 06:42 AM

The objective of this game is to make your way through haunted halls and gardens to find the hidden treasures of Marcheford Manor. Each day we will present a new map of a portion of the estate, and you will choose which room or area in that map you want to concentrate your searching efforts on. Each map will be up for 24 hours, at which time we will advance the story and tell you who among you has found treasure and who has been found by ghosts!

Here's a step-by-step:
  1. Look at Today's Map ( here ).
  2. Choose a location from the list that you would like to search in.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with name of your chosen location added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 9PM Pacific for the results of Today's Map. We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here.

    PLEASE NOTE: The current round will close when the Event Forum itself closes, which is scheduled to be tonight around 6PM Pacific -- click here to see what time it is now.

    ALSO NOTE: The results for the final round, as well as the final points tally
    and any "extra" prizes we decide to add, will be announced in a thread
    in the Community Discussion forum sometime after the event ends.

  5. Return to Post #4 for the new map. Rinse, and repeat! :yes:

Q & A

Q. What happens if I win something?
A. Howdy or I will send item prizes to you directly via trade, while gold will magically appear in your pocket. You don't need to do anything but wait patiently. And accept the trade. ;D

Q. What happens if I'm found by a ghost?
A. If a ghost finds you, you won't win any prizes for that map. Instead, you will accrue a "ghost point" -- those with the most ghost points at the end of the event will receive a gold prize to acknowledge their closeness with the great beyond.

Q. What if I don't find treasure OR ghosts?
A. Any day you make it through (even a treasure-finding day) without a ghost encounter will net you one "survivor point" -- as above, those with the most survivor points at the end of the event will win a gold prize for their mad ghost-repelling skillz.

Q. A ghost got me, can I still play? ;~;
A. Of course. If a ghost finds you in a round, you're still free to play in the next and all subsequent rounds. :)
We decided not to do extra rules for this thread. Menewsha already has a lot of rules (which you should follow, of course, ahem) and we want people to feel that it's okay to bumble right in and play with us. Two things though:
  • This game was designed under the assumption that each person is only going to be playing with one account. If you use more than that you're going to have an unfair advantage, so please don't do it. <3
  • If you are sent an item in trade from us but don't accept the trade in a reasonable amount of time (say, within a month or so), we might cancel the trade and give your item to an active charity instead. We pass lots and lots of prizes through our own inventories each event and this can really clutter up our trades pages if we aren't careful, which makes things messy and confusing later.

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 06:43 AM
You follow the mysterious note from the artist's studio back down to the manor grounds. The sun has risen, so you're able to survey the cemetery properly. You hold the heart-shaped key in your hand and wonder where it could fit... until. Is that...? Yes, there seems to be a keyhole-shaped indentation in the gravestone of Eloise Marcheford.

You insert the key in and turn. Suddenly, the ground opens to reveal a set of stairs leading into the earth. You descend.
You’ve found me. I had wondered if anyone ever would. That means you have successfully navigated my home.

Who am I? I am Alexander Marcheford, the lord of Marcheford Manor. At least I was a century ago. I am now nothing more than a pitiful, lost soul. If you’re curious as to what this place is, it is the tomb of my most beloved, Eloise. In life I traveled this world, seeking out its treasures. But there is nothing I have ever treasured more than her.

When we met, I was resigned to my solitary life. But Eloise was a beacon within a sea of darkness. And when she consented to marry me, she filled my existence with light. But it was a light that would burn out far too quickly.

The day my precious Eloise died, it felt as if I had died with her. But mine was a waking death, where every second was an eternity of sorrow. And I knew I could not rest until I had her back.

In my explorations I learned many things. I delved into the histories of lost civilizations and studied their archaic practices. I was taught the rituals of hidden lands by wizened, old men, whose knowledge was rooted in time. This, I thought, coupled with my understanding of science, would be enough to return my love to me.

In my campaign to resurrect Eloise, I took the life of everyone around me. Servants, guests, family members. And most regrettably, that of my children. I hoped to harness their life energies, so that I may rekindle the spark in hers.

But it was for not. I was a fool, to think I could defy god and nature. I was a fool, because by trying to bring her back, by trying to soothe the loneliness in my heart, I had solidified that loneliness. The mansion was empty and I was alone.

There was nothing left. My last act was to seal myself with Eloise in her tomb and wait for the inevitable.

The repercussions of my actions are myriad. Those I have killed have become angry ghosts, and they in turn have stolen the lives of others. For this I hold not but the deepest remorse.

But you, you have braved the mansion. You have stood up to the terrors that reside within its walls and you have found the heart of my home. And by finding me, you cut my tether to this place. Myself and all the lost souls of Marcheford Manor. We are free to go now.

What waits for me, for us, I cannot say. But we are free and for that I thank you.

BellyButton 10-23-2011 06:55 AM
It has been quite the evening. Moving past the children's dining room and up the narrow staircase, you and your friends reach Marcheford's last floor. The manor has revealed a wealth of treasure, but also a wealth of terror. A haunting hedge maze. A ghoulish garage. A killer kennel. A bone-chilling ballroom. A devious dungeon. A frightening fainting room. A nightmarish nursery.

Each part of the estate has had its horrors, but also its safe havens. The attic is another story. It is brimming with ghostly malevolence and there is but one room that offers sanctuary, that offers your last chance for riches.

Choose wisely.


After more than a century, the tales of Marcheford's tragedies seem to be the only ones that survive. Very few remember the happiness that lived in these walls. Unbeknownst to you and your fellow explorers, Eloise Marcheford was once renowned for her love of art and her artistic skill. After they married, she asked Alexander for her own studio in the attic, to which he happily complied.

Eloise would spend hours in the Artist's Studio, painting and sculpting. When the children came along, she gave to them her appreciation for art, as well as poetry, literature and drama. Amelia and Sedrick would put on plays in the studio and everyone would attend. Their mother, the staff, even their father, Alexander. And all would have a joyous time. To Eloise, this room was the heart of the house. And that is why no angry spirit dare cross its threshold... for in it remains strongest the energy of her love.

Tucked away behind a row of old, broken easels, the children's costume trunk is found. And opening it reveals Marcheford's greatest treasure.
A set of glistening, magical wings.
Choose one. ;)

A regal collection of peacock adornments.

And 1000g :gold:!

As well, everyone inside receives 2 Survivor Points! :)


You've done what others said couldn't be done. You've the searched the whole of Marcheford Manor and survived. The night is over and the sun is rising. A ray of light catches something you hadn't noticed at the bottom of the trunk. It's a key.
With it is a note. It reads:
"You've found the heart of my home and the key to my heart. Search for me in the cemetery."

What could this mean? You have to find out. You've come this far. Time to return to the cemetery.

(See Post #4)

The Terrace gives a breathtaking view of the woods and the sea. You might say it's a view to die for.
~The Story of Thom Wallace~
Thom Wallace was a kindly old man with a talent for gardening. Due to an accident in his boyhood, he'd lost his hearing long ago. He hadn't been able to speak well since then, so for the most part he just didn't speak at all. Much of his life, people mistook his silence for dimwittedness, and he was treated rather poorly as a result.

Thom found an unlikely friend in young Amelia Marcheford. Little Amelia adored roses, as did Thom. He'd made a habit of picking a small bouquet for her each day, which he'd give to her when she inevitably "hid" from her brother in the rose garden during one of their games of hide and seek. The bouquets were always received with giggles of delight, and their brief meetings were something Thom quite looked forward to.

When Amelia and Sedrick disappeared, Thom sank into a deep depression. Rather than tend his roses down on the manor grounds, he spent his time on the terrace, pacing back and forth uttering incoherencies and staring off towards the Woods.

Thom was found out on the terrace, having suffered a heart attack. He lay on his side with his face turned toward the Woods, cheeks moist with tears and a small bouquet of white roses clutched in his hand.

I foresee the future for those who enter the Attic Storage. And it is very grim, indeed.
~The Story of Sorcha Leven~
Sorcha Leven billed herself a "World Class Psychic." With people dropping like flies in the Manor, a desperate housekeeping staff pooled their apron change and hired her to divine the source of the trouble in hopes that they'd finally be able to put whatever-it-was to rest.

Upon arrival at the Manor, Sorcha pulled a long polished bone from a velvet pouch and began waving it around theatrically, chanting aloud in a strange tongue. She was "pulled" this way and that in her colorful skirts as her divination dragged her around the house. Zig-zagging upward with a handful of curious housekeepers in tow, she arrived finally at the door to the Attic Storage room. Shoving open the door with one chubby hand, she boldly proclaimed, "THIS is where we shall hold the seance!"

She whipped out a swatch of purple fabric and lay it atop a pile of boxes, kicking up an awful cloud of dust. The coughing fit that ensued was even more dramatic than her earlier performance, and though she passed rather quickly from an asthma attack, it took the butler poking her good and hard with his cane for the staff to believe she was really dead.

After all these years, the Sauna no longer heats up. But there is still reason to sweat.
~The Story of Milicent Lollyworth~
Millicent Lollyworth, a distant relative of Eloise Marcheford, only wanted to enjoy her tea in quiet solitude. With the recent passing of her cousin twice-removed, however, the house was a flurry of activity and her usual perch in the Fainting Room was occupied by a mourning aunt. Growing impatient, she shuffled from hallway to hallway until she came upon the Sauna, where she was relieved to discover that not a soul was present.

Perhaps it was the heat of the room, the stress of the day's events, or simply a corset fastened a bit too tightly.. But Millicent began to feel the tingle in her spine, and then the tiny twinkling lights in her peripheral vision appeared -- those familiar, telltale signs that she was about to faint. As her unconscious body collapsed, her tea splashed to the ground and her head hit the sauna bench at just the right angle to snap her neck, killing her instantly.

Don't fret if you can't see in the Dark Room, pretty soon you'll be able to follow the light.
~The Story of Hunter Puget~
Hunter Puget holds the unfortunate distinction of being Marcheford's most recent victim. Time tends to temper the weight of fear. The 21st century had dawned, and to the neighboring town's younger generation the stories of the manor had become less cautionary tale and more urban legend. Kids still feared the mansion, but there was an edge of fun to that fear.

Hunter was was your average teen. He loved music and enjoyed hanging out with his friends. One day, he and his pals got to talking about Marcheford. "I wouldn't go up there for a million gold," said his friend Todd. "You're sad. It's all just talk" Hunter replied. "If you're so brave, why don't you spend the night there?" Friend Richie added.

Now no young man wants to be seen as a coward in the eyes of his friend, so he agreed. The last Todd and Richie saw of him, he pulled on his headphones, climbed the rusted gate and disappeared from view. When Hunter didn't reappear the next day, authorities were sent to search the property. The house was checked from the bottom up, and at the very top, in the Dark Room, Hunter was found... dead. The coroner attributed the teen's demise to sudden cardiac arrest. But others say he died of fright.
As one can imagine, being a ghost doomed to wander the earth for all time can get a little boring. That's why the studious, Sally Dupree leaves her place in the Library every so often to survey the boundless sky in the Observatory. Lamentably, it's a cloudy, moonless night tonight and Sally needs something else for distraction. Maybe you can help her out.
Being dead is no excuse for letting yourself go. That's why when he feels the need for a little toning, our spectral friend, Rufus, floats up to the Gym. He's got a hell of a workout routine planned. Are you ready to exercise 'til you drop?
In life, Amelia Marcheford's favorite hobby was doll collecting. An entire wall in the Hobby Room was dedicated to these finely crafted figures, made of porcelain and china. Perhaps you would like to see her collection. Perhaps you would like to become part of it.
During his short time at the manor, one of Jarvis' duties was to make sure the house was properly dusted. Now, in death, he sees to it that each room is thoroughly covered. And he doesn't appreciate it when some 'flesh head' comes along to disturb the dust. And I'm afraid that's what you seem to be doing in the Map Room.

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:04 AM

Aemilia - Ghost Points: 1
Aerinn - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 4
Amice - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 3
Anglie - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 3
Arechi - Ghost Points: 7
Artsydaze - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
Ascadellia - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
blueblackrose - Ghost Points: 7 - Survivor Points: 2
blueblob2 - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 1
Car'a'Carn - Survivor Points: 1
Cardinal Biggles - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 4
Chikuma - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 5
Codette - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 3
Computosaurus - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 4
Cora Lorington - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 6
crazymuch - Ghost Points: 6
CrimsonShadow - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
d2hiriyuu - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 3
DariaMorgendorfer - Ghost Points: 7 - Survivor Points: 5
Death_to_the_reaper - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 4
Dystopia - Survivor Points: 1
EirianHikari - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Elirona - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 1
fairywaif - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 7
fireprincess - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 1
Fauxreal - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 3
Ferra - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 5
GangsterGlam - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 2
Gummi - Ghost Points: 1
GwenaHikari - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 1
Hadsvich - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
HIM_ROCK - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 3
*Hime* - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 5
HoneyButterbaby - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 3
hummy - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Iroase Delschatten - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 6
Itachi's Bride - Survivor Points: 1
Izumi - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
jecynecy - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 6
Jesmond - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Jezriel - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 3
Kay - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 5
Kent - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 4
KH4Life - Ghost Points: 2 - Survivor Points: 8
KidK Mirai - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
`Kitami - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 6
KittyLuhv - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 3
Knerd - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 7
Kya Katsumi - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 4
laniparis - Survivor Points: 1
LaVida - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 2
Ling - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 4
Liztress - Ghost Points: 7 - Survivor Points: 2
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 6
LogicallyDoomed - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 3
~LONGCAT~ - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
lunanuova - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 5
Mageling - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 2
maidenroseheart - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 3
Maria-Minamino - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 4
Naisou - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Nami - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 1
neller - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Neora - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 4
NeuzaKC - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 1
N I G H T - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 1
nike13 - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 3
Nonsensical - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 3
PapillonCameo - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 5
Paprika - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 5
Popcorn Gun - Ghost Points: 5
Projectwolfie - Survivor Points: 1
Rabid Rainbow - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 4
Razak - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
Rinetteable - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
Rochiel Silverfire - Ghost Points: 5
Roxxxy - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
Rozalyne - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 1
Ryubahamut - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 4
sadrain - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 1
Sakubo - Survivor Points: 1
Sally Sinema - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 6
salvete - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 2
Saravi Boo - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 3
Seito - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 2
Seridano - Survivor Points: 7
SesshysMiko - Ghost Points: 8
Shadami - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 5
ShadowDemon101 - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 5
Shishunki - Ghost Points: 4 - Survivor Points: 4
Sidhe - Survivor Points: 1
stephstar101 - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 6
Suzhi Mix - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 2
ToriKat - Ghost Points: 1 - Survivor Points: 2
vgracebutterfly - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 5
Vickyll3 - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 3
whisper.dust - Ghost Points: 1
woofie267 - Survivor Points: 1
Wulfwynn - Ghost Points: 7 - Survivor Points: 1
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX - Ghost Points: 6 - Survivor Points: 3
Yumeh - Survivor Points: 5
Ze_Mole - Survivor Points: 1
zigbigadorlube - Ghost Points: 5 - Survivor Points: 5
Zweres - Ghost Points: 3 - Survivor Points: 5

BellyButton 10-23-2011 07:13 AM

You and your friends have decided to eschew the warnings given by the elder Menewshans, and explore Marcheford Manor in search of its treasure. You are all either very bold or very stupid. Well you have chosen quite the night. For it is All Hallow's Eve, the anniversary of Alexander Marcheford's disappearance. Take care, for the spirits do not welcome intrusion.

Climbing the long rusted gate, you and your compatriots traverse the darkened driveway. You have only flashlights to illuminate the moonless night. Reaching Marcheford's front door, you find it locked. Thus you are left to search the manor grounds.

Where is everyone?
  • The Apple Orchard - Apples - ALL SENT
    PapillonCameo . CrimsonShadow . neller . Ling . stephstar101 . KH4Life
  • The Archery Range - Nothin'
    Ascadellia . Anglie . Projectwolfie . jecynecy . fairywaif . Codette . Nonsensical . nike13 . DariaMorgendorfer
  • The Cider House - Nada
    Knerd . woofie267 . Sally Sinema . Rabid Rainbow . Zweres . Ze_Mole . HIM_ROCK . lunanuova . Amice . ~LONGCAT~
  • The Fountain - Rain Boots - ALL SENT
    Hadsvich . Iroase Delshatten . Cora Lorington . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . vgracebutterfly . Fauxreal
  • The Gazebo - 500g - ALL PAID
    Aerinn . Seridano . hummy . Saravi Boo . Paprika . Ferra . Artsydaze .
  • The Guard House - Shotgun - ALL SENT
    Roxxxy . LizzyCollinsDeArc . d2hiriyuu .
  • The Hedge Maze - GHOST! D:
    Liztress . Elirona . LogicallyDoomed . Jesmond . Wulfwynn . Aemilia . Kya Katsumi . Kent . Arechi
  • The Koi Pond - Nothin'
    Seito . Izumi . Computosaurus . Dystopia . zigbigadorlube . Shadami . Car'a'Carn . LaVida . ShadowDemon101 . Yumeh
  • The Rose Garden - Nothin'
    Maria-Minamino . Sidhe . EirianHikari . Kay . Vickyll3 . Rinetteable . `Kitami . blueblob2 (?) . Shishunki . Death_to_the_reaper . HoneyButterbaby . blueblackrose


You've explored the darkened foregrounds of Marcheford Manor. Some of you walk away empty-handed. Others walk away with your pockets a little fuller. While some of you will never walk again.

The overgrown Rose Garden offered nothing but thorns.
Those in the Archery Range swore they may have heard the 'THWACK' of an arrow, but not much else.
The smell of fermented cider hung thick in the Cider House, that's it.
The only reward found in the Koi Pond were the skeletons of long dead koi.

It seemed as if the dilapidated Gazebo would offer up no prize. But a clever explorer suggested pulling up the floorboards. And there beneath the rotting wood lay a cache of gold.
Enough to divvy up 500g :gold: to each person!

Those exploring the Apple Orchard were surprised to find it flourishing, and accepted its sweet bounty as their reward.

One would have expected the Fountain to be dried up and rusted, but clear water still spills forth from its spouts. Curiously, you find a set of rainboots in the fountain. Have others been here recently? Regardless, they are nice boots, so you take one pair.

You wouldn't think there would be much in the Guard House, but laying on a shelf is an antique shotgun. It isn't loaded, but it is in pristine condition and may be worth a pretty penny.

And woe to those who wandered into the Hedge Maze, for they were given a chilly reception by Marcheford's long departed scullery maid.
~The Story of Julia O'Dowd~
Sweet Julia O'Dowd was the scullery maid of Marcheford Manor. A wide-eyed girl with a fondness for tales of romance. Mr. Marcheford forbade the servants from bringing strangers to the mansion, but Julia was in love with a young man from town. On Christmas Eve, she received a mysterious letter asking her to secretly meet him in the hedge maze. Slipping away from her kitchen duties, Julia waited and waited for her suitor. But alas, he never came. And when poor Julia was found on Christmas Day, she had frozen to death.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770016739)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770016827)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here:
The Koi Pond


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770016880)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Koi Pond


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770016916)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770016944)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Cider House


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770016978)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Koi Pond


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770017010)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Apple Orchard


Originally Posted by Sidhe (Post 1770017080)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770017107)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770017112)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770017153)
We're in the Front Grounds today. I want to search here: The Guard House!


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770017247)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: GAZEBO


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1770017298)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770017415)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770017423)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Fountain


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770017513)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Gazebo


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770017530)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: the gazbo!


Originally Posted by Dystopia (Post 1770017606)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: the koi pond


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770017672)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Fountain


Originally Posted by LogicallyDoomed (Post 1770017754)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770017963)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Koi Pond


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770018040)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Gazebo


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770018066)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Guard House


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770018110)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Woofie267 (Post 1770018133)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Cider House


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770018487)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770019100)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Archery Range!!


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770019300)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Apple Orchard


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770019383)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Cider House


Originally Posted by blueblob2 (Post 1770019709)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Orchard


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770019804)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Cider House


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770020085)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Hedge Maze



Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770020495)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Apple Orchard



Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770020573)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: koi pond

I would very much like to search everywhere, but the Koi Pond jumped out first. So i choose there! ^-^


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770021138)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Cider House!


Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn (Post 1770021156)
Ooo This looks like fun!

Also I want to thank you Captian Howdy for scaring the pants off me with your sig pic :)

We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Koi Pond


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770021403)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Hedge Maze

Afrodonkey tree was just weird...cuz it had butt cheeks. :XD


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770021698)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Fountain


Originally Posted by Ze_Mole (Post 1770021951)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Cider House


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770022058)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Apple Orchard


LOL did you not recognize his shiny buttness? :XD


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770022221)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Gazebo



Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770022331)
We're in the Front Grounds today. I want to search here: The Archery Range


Originally Posted by Aemilia (Post 1770022357)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: (Hedge Maze)


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770022381)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Koi Pond


Originally Posted by Projectwolfie (Post 1770022409)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Archery Range


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770022468)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Fountain

He, he, he


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770022485)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Cider House


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770022546)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Apple Orchard


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770022616)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Archery Range!

So cool, I can't wait!


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770022958)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: THE GAZEBO!


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770022976)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Archery Range

Ooh, spooky. I'm not a bad shot though, so I'll choose the archery range.


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770023030)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Fountain

Whoo! Water! Splashhh!


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770023128)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Archery Range


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770023307)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Guard House

this event sounds really fun, thank you


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770023963)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Cider Hourse


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770024131)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Koi Ponds

I've never seen a real koi pond before xD


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770024501)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Gazebo


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770025342)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Cider house


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770025439)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770025446)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The ROSE GARDEN


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770025517)
Feeling adventurous and parched...

We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Cider House

... The sweet smell and sticky floor are driving me mad.


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770026047)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The apple orchard


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770027038)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Fountain!

*splish splash* I was taking a bath!
*spit slash* I was hacking with wrath...


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770027357)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Archery Range


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770028255)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Rose Garden


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770028992)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770029163)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Hedge Maze


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770029996)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Archery Range


Originally Posted by HoneyButterbaby (Post 1770031738)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: the Rose garden


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770031822)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The archery range


Originally Posted by Yumeh (Post 1770031880)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: *Wanders around the Koi pond searching for haunts, mischief, and fish*


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770031932)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Rose Garden

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:14 AM

The front of the manor grounds have been fully explored, yet you and your friends are no closer to finding entrance to the mansion itself. Following the cobblestone drive away from the main property, you find yourselves at the carriage house - and it is unlocked. What waits inside? Treasure? Clues to opening Marcheford's doors? Or something more sinister?

Your Choices Are:
  • The Garage
  • The Grain Storage
  • The Smithy
  • The Stablemaster's Bedroom
  • The Stablemaster's Living Quarters
  • The Stables
  • The Tack Room
  • The Tool Shed
  • The Workshop

Where is everyone?
  • The Garage - GHOST!
    Anglie . Death_to_the_reaper . Razak . ~LONGCAT~ . ShadowDemon101 . Roxxxy .
  • The Grain Storage - Nada.
    Rabid Rainbow . Ryubahamut . Ling . Iroase Delshatten . Seridano . nike13 . Yumeh
  • The Smithy - Nada.
    Sally Sinema . Ascadellia . Saravi Boo . zigbigadorlube . Fauxreal . laniparis . Ferra . vgracebutterfly . Codette . - Nami - . `Kitami . Maria-Minamino . jecynecy . *Hime* .
  • The Stablemaster's Bedroom - Nada.
    Rinetteable . Shishunki . Computosaurus . Naisou . Cora Lorington . HIM_ROCK . PapillonCameo . Nonsensical . HoneyButterbaby . stephstar101 .
  • The Stablemaster's Living Quarters - Sash of Light. - ALL SENT
    Zweres . Hadsvich . Neora . EirianHikari
  • The Stables - GHOST!
    Kay . Wulfwynn . CrimsonShadow . Izumi . blueblackrose . Arechi . Rochiel Silverfire . hummy . Seito . LogicallyDoomed . KidK Mirai . Artsydaze . SesshysMiko . neller .
  • The Tack Room - The Bitter Hag. - ALL SENT
    Jesmond . Chikuma . Elirona . Aerinn . Amice . Knerd . KH4Life . lunanuova . fairywaif . Cardinal Biggles
  • The Tool Shed - 600g! - ALL SENT
    DariaMorgendorfer . d2hiriryuu . sadrain . Paprika . Suzhi Mix . Vickyll3 . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX
  • The Workshop - Belle Poulle Hat. - ALL SENT
    Shadami . Liztress . maidenroseheart . LizzyCollinsDeArc . Kent . Kya Katsumi .


You've ventured into the old, creaking carriage house. Some of you leave a little richer. Some of you never leave again.

In the Stable Master's Bedroom a crusty pair of long johns are discovered, but I wouldn't call that much of a prize.
Everything of potential value in the Smithy has long since corroded and is of no use.
The Grain Storage lays vacant, its content eaten by rats decades ago.

Those searching the Tool Shed find a a large tool chest. The lock on it disintegrates to the touch. Surprisingly, inside is a wealth of gold.
Enough to offer each person 600g! :gold:

In the Workshop you find an exquisitely crafted model ship, a little dusty but in otherwise perfect condition. Inspecting it closer, you see that it is actually a hat. Now why would something like that be here?

There's nothing you wouldn't expect in the Stable Master's Living Quarters. A table, some chairs, a small desk, etc. But in a drawer, you find something seemingly out of place. A delicately made sash. It's embroidered with the letter 'M' and smells vaguely of perfume.

The contents of the Tack Room are really of no use to you, as you have no horse. :P But when you're about to leave, you see something peeking out of one of the saddles. It is an old, faded letter in crude script. It begins, 'I know you will never read this...' but then crumbles in your hand. All that is left is a bitter heart.

Pity those unfortunate few who dared to search the Garage, for you never know who or what is hanging about.
~The Story of Jarvis Fitzpatrick~
Jarvis Fitzpatrick, the butler, holds the record for the least amount of time alive at Marcheford Manor, no more than a week. The previous butler fled, without notice, under the cover of dark. He was unsettled by all the unusual deaths at the house, and harbored a growing distrust for his ex-employer. Alexander Marcheford was furious at the departure. He advertised for a new butler, but by then the house's reputation was well known in town and no one would apply. So the pay was increased to three times the normal amount, but still no man stepped forward... save for one.

It was an uncharacteristic move on Jarvis Fitzpatrick's part, and as time would tell, also an unwise one. Jarvis was a fidgety man, who jumped at shadows. He knew of the strange occurrences at the manor and honestly feared the place. But he also had dreams of opening his own millinery, and starting a business requires money. So pushing aside his better judgement, he accepted the position.

Jarvis, from the very start, didn't fit in well. He moved through the house tentatively. On his second day of the job he wrote a letter to his father, stating that, in his words, 'The mansion is pregnant with dread. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and my heart beats like a frightened rabbit.' ... Jarvis would be found, only days later, hanging in the garage. Some would speculate that it was his nerves that finally did him in. While others wonder if perhaps there wasn't a more sinister hand involved.

Horseshoes may be lucky, but the Stables have proven itself to be unlucky.
~The Story of Horace Bickwell~
Horace Bickwell was humorless man, set with a permanent scowl on his face. But a hard worker nonetheless. He was the manor's stable master and had been for many, many years. Before him, Horace's father was also the stable master. To this fact, he and Alexander Marcheford were the same age and had, as children, been friends. But time and the divide between social classes eventually ended the friendship.

Marcheford regarded his old chum with a certain coldness, and Horace resented him. But if there was anyone capable of melting the stable master's icy demeanor, it was the beautiful Eloise. Some speculate he may have had an unspoken love for her. When she died, he spoke few words and showed little emotion, but his heart was broken. He mourned, but did not know that soon he would follow his mistress. One fateful afternoon, Horace accidentally stumbled from the stable hay loft and impaled himself on a pitchfork, dying a terrible death.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770032026)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Living Quarters


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770032031)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770032041)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The stables


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770032070)
You're right, Sally. That must be it!

We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Tack Room

Edit: Oh, I see. XD I am happy with my choice then.


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770032071)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Grain Storage


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770032106)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Bedroom

That was super puny Sally XD I like it!


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770032124)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stables


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770032131)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The smithy


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770032139)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Grain Storage


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770032147)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy

Yay! I found some treasure in the gazebo! Now I'll check out the smithy and hope to find a weapon with which to defend my newfound wealth.


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770032167)
We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: Tool Shed


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770032181)
had it already been posted on the front page? I hadn't noticed that prizes and such were up already. xD

Also.. i knew i'd be swimming with the fishes. xD

We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The workshop!


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770032218)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770032241)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stables


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770032253)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables (write your choice here!)

Perhaps horse brains will taste good? :drool:


Originally Posted by Elirona (Post 1770032267)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room. Mmm horse glue, mmm.


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770032305)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The STABLEMASTER's Bedroom

I'd rather wait in a bed room all day than a rose garden X3


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770032363)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Workshop


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770032405)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stable-Master's Bedroom

amg, I loved reading the results from yesterday, this is so much fun! I simply could not resist a romp in the bedroom today. ;)


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770032456)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770032817)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Bedroom


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770032944)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770032989)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770033022)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Smithy


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770033117)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: workshop


Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire (Post 1770033187)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770033339)

this is as much fun as the wheel of fate.
i was kind of disappointed it wasn't your game again,
but you won me over!
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the stables please!


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770033495)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Grain Storage


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770033510)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the tool shed


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770033566)
Thank you, Howdy! :boogie:

We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Grain Storage


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770033728)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stable~


Originally Posted by sadrain (Post 1770033966)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tool Shed

Good luck to all!


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770034039)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Bedroom


Originally Posted by laniparis (Post 1770034338)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770034438)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Bedroom

HIM's in your bedroom rumaging though your knickers


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770034583)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Tack Room.


Originally Posted by LogicallyDoomed (Post 1770034608)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stables


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770034645)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stable Master's Bedroom

Just because we can actually go there!


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770034731)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Workshop

Thank you for the shotgun! :) Now I don't have to quest it. ^_^;


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770034749)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Smithy!

Thanks so much for the gold! <3


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770034790)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Bedroom


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770034819)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Tool Shed


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770034866)
We're in the Carriage House today. I want to search here:Garage


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770034895)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables

Maybe there's a ghost horsie in here. 83


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770034924)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the workshop


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770034994)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Living Quarters


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770035057)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy

Nothing beats the heat of the forge.


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770035124)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the Smithy


Originally Posted by - Nami - (Post 1770035183)
This looks like an adventure bound for fun! *grins wide*

We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Smithy


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770035234)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770035247)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Living Quarters


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770035279)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770035333)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770035749)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stables


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770035855)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Grain Storage


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770036232)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Workshop


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770036299)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room



Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770036430)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770036439)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770036914)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Garage


Originally Posted by Suzhi Mix (Post 1770037026)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Tool shed


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770037377)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Stables


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770037378)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Stablemaster's Living Quarters


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770037510)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tool Shed


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770037609)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the stables


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770037881)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Smithy (write your choice here!)


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770038139)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Garage


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770038309)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Garage


Originally Posted by HoneyButterbaby (Post 1770038710)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: the stable master bedroom


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770038791)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: Tool Shed


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770038928)
We're in the Carriage House today. I want to search here: The Smithy!


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770039136)
We're in the Carriage House today.I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770039909)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Tack Room


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770040123)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The StableMaster's Bedroom


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770040822)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Grain Storage


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770040970)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Garage


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770041650)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: The Garage


Originally Posted by Yumeh (Post 1770042930)
We're in the Carriage House today.
I want to search here: *Wanders through grain storage looking for ghosties and mice*

BellyButton 10-23-2011 07:15 AM

The Carriage House was dusty and musty and filled with hay and sawdust, but little else. With no other option, you and your friends decide to return to the cold night and search the manor's back yard.

Where is everyone?
  • The Aviary -- Gold Sent!
    KittyLuhv . Kay . Cardinal Biggles . Maria-Minamino . Aerinn . KH4Life . Ferra . Ling . LaVida . stephstar101 . Amice . `Kitami . Mageling . fairywaif . Seridano . Yumeh .

  • The Boat House - GHOST
    zigbigadorlube . Jesmond . Nonsensical . - Nami - . Knerd . Shadami . CrimsonShadow .

  • The Cemetery - Nothin'.
    XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . Shishunki . Saravi Boo . Arechi . hummy . HIM_ROCK . Codette .

  • The Chapel -- ALL SENT!
    Artsydaze . Liztress . Iroase Delschatten . Chikuma . Wulfwynn . Rabid Rainbow . LizzyCollinsDeArc . PapillonCameo . Anglie . HoneyButterbaby . Vickyll3 .

  • The Greenhouse -- ALL SENT!
    Sally Sinema . Rinetteable . d2hiriyuu . nike13 . Cora Lorington . EirianHikari . ~LONGCAT~ . Kya Katsumi . Jezriel . GangsterGlam . jecynecy . salvete .

  • The Kennel - GHOST
    Izumi . Computosaurus . Sadrain . KidK Mirai . Fauxreal . Kent . Suzhi Mix . Zweres .

  • The Swimming Pool - Nada.
    Ascadellia . ShadowDemon101 . Death_to_the_reaper . vgracebutterfly .

  • The Tennis Court - Fan of Light
    Ryubahhamut . Seito . Sakubo . Paprika . Razak .

  • The Woods - GHOST
    blueblackrose . LogicallyDoomed . Naisou . SesshysMiko . Neora . Neller . lunanuova . Hadsvich . DariaMorgendorfer .


None of you are too excited about wading through the thick, viscous sludge that rests at the bottom of the Swimming Pool, so you leave it be.
Those of you brave enough to explore the Cemetery prepared for the worst, but, except for the hooting of a distant owl, all was quiet.

The Aviary is eerie at night, with its metal frame and large domed ceiling. Stumbling about in the dark, one of you trips over an old sack of bird seed, only to find that it's actually gold!
Enough gold for 700g :gold: each!

The Greenhouse has seen better days. Rusted and many of its panes broken, you wonder if anything could ever grow here again. But sure enough, nature has found a way. You find a wall of beautiful roses and decide to take one for yourself.

Those of you venturing into the Chapel expect it to be a safe haven from the dark forces that permeate the estate. So imagine the shock when there, on the altar, you find a pair of demonic looking masks. What went on here? Best take one, perhaps the dark forces will see you as kin and pass you by.

Checking the old Tennis Court, you're not sure what you think you'll discover. It's much too dark to play if you find a ball and racket. But beneath the spectator stands, a glint of gold catches your flashlight beam. It's an ornate fan. One a cultured lady may have fanned herself with during a match.

Whispers can be heard coming from The Woods. Listen closely. 'Come play with us. Come play... forever.'
~The Story of Amelia and Sedrick Marcheford~
For a brother and sister, Amelia and Sedrick Marcheford got along well. In fact, the two delighted in each other's company and were seldom seen apart.

To pass the hours, the children loved to play hide and seek. While their mother Eloise was alive, she saw to it that their games were confined to the 3rd floor of the manor so that they would be safe and wouldn't disturb their father Alexander's studies. Their father had seemed distant to the children before, but he became completely out of reach after their mother died. The manor staff tried to compensate for Eloise's absence, but many were consumed with grief themselves and some found Amelia especially a painful reminder of what had been lost. In this climate it was very easy for the children to slip away and they were free to roam the full length and breadth of the estate.

Amelia and Sedrick vanished one sunny afternoon during a game of hide and seek. Although the estate was searched from top to bottom and the grounds thoroughly combed, no remains were ever found.

It is now believed that some ill fate befell the children in the woods, as Amelia's hairbow was discovered many years later, weathered but neatly tied around the branch of a tree.

The sea may be calm, but in the Boat House the waters are as restless as the soul that haunts it.
~The Story of Rufus Tibideaux~
Marcheford Manor had already long established itself as the place "not to be" when Rufus Tibideaux moved to the island. Rufus was a handsome playboy whose two focuses in life were women and motorcars. But he was also an arrogant young man and a terrible showoff. Hearing the stories of Marcheford, he regarded the tales as uneducated nonsense and ridiculed those who believed.

"I'll show you all." He was noted to say. "I'll spend the night there."

It would be a decision he wouldn't live to regret. When Tibideaux failed to return from the mansion, a reluctant group was put together to find him. In the grounds behind the manor, his clothing was found near the shore, as if he had removed them to go for a swim. But as for the man himself, there was no trace. It was decided to reopen the nearby boat house, which had been chained and locked for years. And to their horror, there on the dock lay the lifeless body of Rufus Tibideaux, still wet with sea water.

Mercy be with those who enter the Kennel, for the Hound Master is no doggy treat.
~The Story of Travis Eberhardt~
Eloise, being a gentle soul, loved all animals. But none meant more to her than her dogs. Four Irish wolfhounds she brought to the manor after marrying Alexander. He built the kennel for her, so that her pets would be properly housed. And Travis Eberhardt was hired to be their caretaker. Travis was a big man. A rough and rugged individual, whose frame was in equal proportion to the size of his heart. A kinder fellow you would be hard pressed to find.

After Eloise died, the children would continue to play with the dogs. But when Amelia and Sedrick disappeared, only Travis was left to love them. He approached Mr. Marcheford and asked for their ownership. He would be taking them off the property and leaving as well. Marcheford agreed, but only after being allowed to examine them one last time. For their health, he said. Eberhardt was unsure, but had little alternative.

The wolfhounds were returned and Travis prepared to leave. That night, just before sundown, a great commotion was heard from the kennel. Locked inside the small building, the canines had broken free of their cages and, with uncharacteristic viciousness, fatally mauled their only friend, Travis.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770043667)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770043670)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Boat House


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770043675)
We're in the Mansion Grounds today.
I want to search here: Tennis Court


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770043676)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Greenhouse


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770043685)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Aviary


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770043686)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Cemetery

I'm going to go illegally remove bodies from the cemetery, who wants to join? :D


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770043687)
Oh~ my very first ghostly encounter xD! Nice ghost stories, by the way!

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770043696)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The swimming pool.


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770043701)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The aviary


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770043713)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kennel


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770043730)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770043746)
Two ghosties this time. >.>

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Boat House


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770043753)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Cemetery

I have to join Wishful Insanity's endeavors ~! XD


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770043793)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary.

Shame it has such a miserable past, it's a charming house with charming features.


Originally Posted by LogicallyDoomed (Post 1770043880)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770043902)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Chapel


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770043924)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770043950)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770043957)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Cemetery

Because what ghost would want to hang out there. ;) lol


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770043989)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770044218)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770044230)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: the greenhouse

hopefully no ghost in here


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770044285)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kennel

I did consider going grave robbing but that would violate my parole, so I'm just gonna go gnaw on some bones in the Kennel instead!


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770044538)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Cemetery


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770044721)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Aviary


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770044843)
Darn, a ghost again. >.>

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel.


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770045022)
Just remembered to check the results, and aw man I got nothing again. Well, at least I got a survivor point!

Third time's the charm, eh?

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770045263)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Swimming Pool

Wow my first ghost and he was the alive for the least amount of time XD;;;


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770045298)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods

Ooh creepy woods


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770045440)
Ty cap'n :)

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The aviary


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770045600)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Boat House


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770045889)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: the cemetary!


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770045950)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Aviary!

Caw! Caw!


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770045958)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770046020)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Tennis Courts!


Originally Posted by sadrain (Post 1770046066)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kannel

Thank you and good luck to all. C:


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770046136)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel

Hm... I think I'll look there. I hope I don't find a ghost. :S


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770046175)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Greenhouse


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770046209)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770046237)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770046270)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Cemetery


Originally Posted by - Nami - (Post 1770046292)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Boat House


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770046344)
We're in the Back Yard today. I want to search here: The Chapel!


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770046351)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kennel!

Yesterday I looked for ghost horsies and found a ghost stable master. Today, I am in search of ghost puppies. 8D


Originally Posted by HoneyButterbaby (Post 1770046386)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: the chapel


Originally Posted by Sakubo (Post 1770046407)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Tennis Court


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770046438)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: THE WOODS!!!!


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770046459)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse.


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770046464)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Chapel


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770046728)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770046772)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Boathouse

I wanna row a boat!


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770046828)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770046829)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Swimming Pool


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770046833)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770046944)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Cemetary

I hope I actually pick somewhere good this time ^.^'


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770047050)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Tennis Court


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770047107)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770047229)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770047530)
A ghost! Terrified I turn tail and run out of the Garage and straight into ...
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse

... Broken glass and browning, wilted plants surround me. Even the honest smell of earth is somehow tainted in this haunted place.


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770047532)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770047633)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kennel


I want to be with the ghost puppies.


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770047772)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary

Maybe the birds know some secrets?


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770047792)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770047853)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods

I hope I don't regret this decision - is it best to go for first instincts orr...?


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770047992)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: boat house



Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770048307)
I could totally go for a swim. I don't care what temperature the water is. If it's too cold I'll just do laps until I'm feeling warm, but I do hope that it has a heater...

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Swimming Pool!


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770048364)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Boat House



Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770048895)
Awww, I can't believe I didn't see this thread earlier!! It looks like so much fun, and I've missed things already. :(

Well, let's see what trouble I can get into today anyway.
We're in the Back Yard today. I want to search here: the Greenhouse!


Originally Posted by GangsterGlam (Post 1770049205)
Yeah, I think I will!

We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770049818)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: the kennel


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770049835)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Woods


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770050167)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Aviary


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770050289)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Greenhouse


Originally Posted by Suzhi Mix (Post 1770050659)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: the kennel!


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770050917)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Tennis Court


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770052676)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The woods


Originally Posted by Yumeh (Post 1770053037)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: *Chases the birds around in the aviary*


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770054202)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: Kennel


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1770054618)
We're in the Back Yard today.
I want to search here: The Greenhouse

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:16 AM
Colds winds howled in the back yard, chilling you and your friends to the bone. And just as you were uncertain if you could further face the dark night, where you imagine hidden eyes all around you, a member in your party finds a mysterious key in the Chapel. Fitting the key into the mansion's back entrance, you're delighted to see that it fits.

Marcheford Manor awaits. What will you find inside?

Where is everyone?
  • The Ballroom - GHOST!
    Rabid Rainbow . CrimsonShadow . maidenroseheart . Computosaurus . Seito . Nonsensical . Razak . HIM_ROCK . NeuzaKC . jecynecy . Kya Katsumi . salvete . Liztress . EirianHikari . zigbigadorlube . Vickyll3 . crazymuch . LaVida . Zweres .
  • The Billiard Room - GHOST!
    Ascadellia . Sally Sinema . Wulfwynn . lunanuova . stephstar101 . Fauxreal .
  • The Conservatory - Nada.
    Shadami . blueblackrose . Maria-Minamino . Aerinn . hummy . Izumi . Suzhi Mix . fairywaif . Seridano . `Kitami .
  • The Dining Room - GHOST!
    Iroase Delschatten . Ling . Anglie . Popcorn Gun . ~LONGCAT~ .
  • The Hall - EGA Coat - ALL SENT
    Ferra . Jesmond . Hadsvich .
  • The Kitchen - Nutcracker Sword - ALL SENT
    Chikuma . Neora . Ryubahamut . KittyLuhv .
  • The Library - GHOST
    Kay . Artsydaze . Death_to_the_reaper . nike13 . Rinetteable . Saravi Boo . SesshysMiko . blueblob2 . Shishunki . d2hiriyuu . Jezriel . DariaMorgendorfer . GangsterGlam . HoneyButterbaby . Amice . Cora Lorington . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . Roxxxy . KidK Mirai . PapillonCameo . LizzyCollinsDeArc .
  • The Lounge - 800g - ALL PAID
    KH4Life . *Hime* . Paprika .
  • The Study - Pudao of Fortune - ALL SENT
    ShadowDemon101 . Cardinal Biggles . vgracebutterfly . Naisou . Knerd . Mageling . Kent . Rozalyne .


Though festooned with cobwebs and blanketed in a layer of dust, Marcheford's opulence is proudly on display. As impressed as you and your companions may be, there is still an overwhelming sense of ominousness to the mansion's first floor.

Each of you chooses a room. Do riches reside behind the door? Or something more perilous?

The Conservatory offers nothing but broken pots and rotted, wicker furniture. You feel along the walls looking for a possible secret passage, but no luck.

Some old painting hang high up, far out of reach on the walls in the Lounge. Beside this, there doesn't seem to be much of value. One of you wearily plops down on the sofa and find that it's rather firm. Splitting the cushion's seams, gold is discovered inside!
Enough for 800g :gold: each!

The cupboards and drawers in the Kitchen are thoroughly searched. While you do find some rather nice copper pots, the bottoms have all corroded through. By the icebox you see a large sack labeled 'walnuts'. Curious as to what they may look like after a century, you peek inside... and find a sword? Was it used to crack the nuts open? The chef must have been mad.

Wanting to play it safe, you stayed out in the Hall. The others taunted you for your decision, but the choice turned out to be quite favorable. In the hall closet you discovered a finely, tailored coat. So take that non-Hall searchers!

Entering the Study, it is quite apparent that someone of great intelligence resided here. Charts and books and models, all much too confusing to a layman. An impressive looking weapon is displayed on the wall, just behind the desk. The plaque reads, 'Pudao of Good Fortune'. Well it's certainly fortunate for you.

Shhhh, don't make too much noise in the Library. It's resident ghost is likely to hear you. ... Whoops, too late.
~The Story of Sally Dupree~
Sally Dupree was Amelia and Sedrick's tutor. While perusing the shelves of the Library in search of material to supplement her lessons one afternoon, she came across a curious-looking tome high upon one of the shelves. Leather-bound and aged, it bore the initials "A.M." and had strange symbols on its binding. She had a sudden pang of conscience that she shouldn't be snooping, but her curiosity got the best of her and she stretched, tippy-toed, to reach the mysterious book.

She managed to wriggle the top edge free from the tightly-packed shelf, and as she tipped it to pull it down she heard a sharp "Clink!" Something small and silver had fallen from the book and hit the floor. Then another sound -- footsteps! Shoving the book back up into its spot, she panicked and fumbled for the item that she'd caused to drop. Groping madly, her fingers finally connected with the object. "What is it?" she wondered, turning it in her hand. "An idol of some sort? A key?"

A third sound. The ominous creaking of the large standing shelf behind her, as it tipped towards her slight figure. With no time to get out of the way, Sally met her end as the weight of old wood and a hundred books crushed her frame.

Welcome! The Ballroom's ghostly occupant is throwing a party. And you are cordially invited.
~The Story of Lawrence Paulson~
As others breathe air, Lawrence Paulson breathed sophistication. He was a shrewd businessman who had made millions and enjoyed spending it on the finer things in life. Rare wines. Expensive pieces of art. Vacation houses on exotic islands. See where this is goin'? ... Lawrence and his young wife Ruby came to Menewsha hoping to find their perfect getaway. And they found that perfect home in the Marcheford Manor.

Oh the locals warned Lawrence and his flashy, little bride about Marcheford's history, but Paulson wouldn't be persuaded. "Progress can't be built on a foundation of superstition," he was famous for saying. And with that he demanded to be shown the manor.

No one in the nearby town would set foot on the property, so Lawrence and his wife were left to their own devices. Superstition may hinder progress, but sometimes it can save you life. When the Paulsons didn't return to their hotel, townsfolks feared the worst. Fears that weren't unfounded. In the ballroom they discovered Lawrence dead, his face contorted into a grinning mask of madness.

Marcheford's serving girl waits for you in the Dining Room. And what she's serving... is death.
~The Story of Cara Ellison~
The months following the death of Eloise Marcheford were difficult for everyone, and the kitchen staff was no exception. They say each person processes grief differently; for Cara Ellison, it was pouring herself into her work that enabled her some semblance of relief from the deep sorrow she felt. Creating new recipes for the remaining household became something of a personal crusade for her, and she began to seek rarer and stranger ingredients with which to ply her craft. With each successful creation she felt a little more whole, and so she couldn't help but continue.

It was with a slight hint of madness that Cara envisioned her final masterpiece: a complex stew, made with the finest meats, imported spices, and vegetables from near and far. For her final ingredient, Cara disobeyed a longstanding house rule and trespassed into Mr. Marcheford's private garden to collect from unfamiliar herbs to add to the stew. As it brewed and bubbled, a curiously bitter aroma wafted into the air and Cara felt that she was at the threshhold of closure. A quick taste confirmed that she had created something truly unique. All that remained was to serve this glorious dish to the household, and then she would finally be at peace.

Unfortunately, that unfamiliar herb proved to be the deadly poison that would end Cara's life, forever binding her spirit in unrest as she attempts in vain to serve her final meal to souls long departed.
The Billiard Room is normally all fun and good times. Unfortunately, you've found Sedrick Marcheford while playing a game of hide and seek with his sister. And he decides to make a game of you.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770055033)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The library

Me being me, I have to go with the library. Books have a wealth all their own. You never know what you may find.


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770055036)
Whoo hoo, a demonic mask! And also d'aww, those poor little ghostie children. D:

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom

And HAHA, I totally called that no ghosts were in the graveyard!


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770055040)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770055047)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom

I love this game!!!


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770055051)
-screams with excitement- i got my frist ghost. -kicks the playboy in the peanuts-


I claim ms. peacock in the ballroom with the candlestick


-shifty eyes- I don't trust any of these rooms.....

I'm gonna have to go with


We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: the conservatory.


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770055073)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory

I knew there would be ghosts in the woods. Well I've found three ghosts so far.


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770055107)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770055228)
Woohoo this is fun :)

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The library


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770055232)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The billiard room.


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770055267)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Dining Room


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770055278)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770055303)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library (write your choice here!)


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770055310)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Hall

This looks like a job for... THE HALL MONITOR!!

(Thanks for the gold, btw! ;D)


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770055311)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Billiard Room


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770055312)
Oh yay I actually won something!

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770055315)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library

I can't resist the smell of old books.... ^_^


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770055319)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Dining Room


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770055326)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library

I r be a ghost magnet D;


Originally Posted by blueblob2 (Post 1770055329)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770055337)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770055350)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library

Antique books = Shi's reward~:heart:


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770055355)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Conservatory


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770055364)

Captian Howdy and Bellybutton ~~ i've done poorly but i am loving♥y'alls game!

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: the conservatory!


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770055374)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: the library

this is a awesome game, hopefully no ghosts


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770055402)
We're on the First Floor today. I want to search here:The lounge


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770055413)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Kitchen


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770055463)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory


Wow I ran into another ghost. O_o Pretty cool!


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770055612)
Woohoo! I got to meet a smexy ghost! :squee:

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom

I've got mah dancing shoes ready!


I'm so surprised that no one searched the swimming pool yesterday. :O


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770055620)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770055662)
We're on the First Floor today. I want to search here: the Library!

Although the Conservatory was tempting, the thought of all those fascinating books won out. I might not even notice if there's a ghost if I have my nose in a crumbling book. XD


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770055678)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770055759)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library. Because if nothing else, I have the books :)


Originally Posted by GangsterGlam (Post 1770055984)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library


Originally Posted by HoneyButterbaby (Post 1770056111)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: the library


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770056130)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Billiard Room

If nothing else, maybe I can play a round of billiards with a ghost. :XD


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770056162)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770056202)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom!


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770056602)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Kitchen


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770056817)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study

This one was agony, they all have been. Everything about this place is to my taste. Shame about the curse and what not. I was supremely tempted to try the library. In fact, I was going to, but at the last minute was seized with a desire to see the study. Though I have a sneaking suspicion it will turn up nothing. Ah well, at least it's adjacent to the library.


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770056924)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Kitchen


Originally Posted by Suzhi Mix (Post 1770056998)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: conservatory!



Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770057001)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom

HIM's sister chose today's hunting location


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770057024)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Lounge



Originally Posted by NeuzaKC (Post 1770057077)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770057152)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770057159)
Cora's doing good with finding no ghosts \o/

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770057166)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Lounge


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770057341)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library

Gonna got learn, so I can get smart :D I'm surprised I haven't found a ghost yet :D


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770057418)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Kitchen

I have the impression to play Clue right now! loll

The guilty is me, in the kitchen eating all the chicken!! :D


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770057426)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Billiard Room


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770057488)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1770057501)
Good morning, everyone! :)

We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770057513)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Billiard Room


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770057913)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory!

This is totally a clue set up, isn't it! Now I really want to play...


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770057998)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770058037)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770058055)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Lie berry! Err... Library.


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770058329)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770058377)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Billiard Room

Though I don't play on strangling Yvette.


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770058391)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770058688)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Library!

Love the layout here, must've been popular among the aristocratic, if y'know what I mean. ^.~


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770059448)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ballroom


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770059502)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ball Room


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770059550)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770059582)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770059594)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library!


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770059618)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Conservatory


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770059700)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770059709)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Library


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770060485)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Hall


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770060935)
We're on the First Floor today. I want to search here: Dining Room


Originally Posted by crazymuch (Post 1770061685)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770061946)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Hall


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770062023)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: the study


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770062662)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The ballroom


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 1770062894)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Dining Room


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770063116)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Dining room


Originally Posted by Rozalyne (Post 1770063452)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Study


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770063636)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: Ballroom

BellyButton 10-23-2011 07:20 AM
Behind the kitchen sits a small room with two sets of stairs. One leading up. The other leading down. You and your friends decide to explore the latter, and descend into the dank depths of the basement.

Where is everyone?
  • The Basement Storage - Plush Bunnies -- ALL SENT!
    Kay . Jesmond . Jezriel . PapillonCameo . Cora Lorington . KittyLuhv . NeuzaKC . LizzyCollinsDeArc . Hadsvich . LogicallyDoomed . Cardinal Biggles .
  • The Boiler Room - GHOST!
    Kent . Sally Sinema . Rinetteable . ~LONGCAT~ .
  • The Dungeon - GHOST!
    Izumi . Liztress . hummy . Shishunki . blueblackrose . Shadami . Ascadellia . Amice . Arechi . HIM_ROCK . Knerd . nike13 .
  • The Freezer - GHOST!
    d2hiriyuu . Wulfwynn . Maria-Minamino . Computosaurus . Seito . *Hime* .
  • The Laboratory - Gold! -- ALL SENT!
    CrimsonShadow . maidenroseheart . stephstar101 . Anglie . Fauxreal . salvete . GangsterGlam . jecynecy . Nonsensical .
  • The Laundry Room - GHOST!
    KH4Life . Aerinn . Neora . Artsydaze . EirianHikari . fireprincess . Vickyll3 .
  • The Maintenance Room - Headphones -- ALL SENT!
    Iroase Delschatten . Ferra . vgracebutterfly . neller .
  • The Pantry - Chokers -- ALL SENT!
    Zweres . Chikuma . Ling . Paprika . Roxxxy . lunanuova . fairywaif . Naisou . GwenaHikari . Death_to_the_reaper .
  • The Wine Cellar - GHOSTS!
    ShadowDemon101 . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . LaVida . Rozalyne . DariaMorgendorfer . Rabid Rainbow . Saravi Boo . Popcorn Gun . Mageling . Codette . `Kitami . Razak . crazymuch . blueblob2 . zigbigadorlube . SesshysMiko . Ryubahamut .


The windowless basement felt more like a cavern to you and your friends. The air stale. The atmosphere uninviting. You all decide to get the searching done quickly and choose a room.

Lady Fortune is fickle. Who will she favor? And who will she abandon?

The large, vault-like doors leading to the basement's secret rooms once kept intruders out. But a century of disuse has caused them to fall off their hinges and lay to the side. The Laboratory looks like something straight out of an old, b-movie. Vials and jars filled with putrid liquids and odd machinery. On a nearby gurney, a disturbing looking shape rests beneath a yellowed sheet. One of you bravely steps forward and pulls off the sheet, only to find gold!
Enough for 900g :gold: each!

The Basement Storage offers a variety of items. Unfortunately, most of it is of little value to you. Old heavy furniture. Moth eaten clothing. A suit of armor you swear is staring at you. You come upon a tightly sealed box reading 'Amelia and Sedrick'. Inside you discover a perfectly preserved pair of plush rabbits. They're obviously antiques and may be worth something... though you do feel like a bit of heel taking the stuffed animals of dead children. :ninja:

I hope you didn't come to the Pantry hungry, cause there is certainly nothing edible left. Though everything perishable has long since... perished, the pong of decaying food still hangs thick. There isn't too much to search, but in a tarnished canister of flour you make a curious find. A finely made pair of chokers. Was someone trying to hide them?

Many wouldn't expect to find anything salvageable in a Maintenance Room, but you have decided to roll the dice. And your gambles pays off, though not in the way you imagined. The maintenance room is a small space with tools, a work bench and not much else. But in the middle of the floor you find an expensive pair of headphones, and they're not too old. Was someone here recently? And if that someone left them behind, where are they now?

You entered the Wine Cellar seeking libation and found instead a gruesome pair of drinking buddies.
~The Story Cordelia Hunt and BFF Becky~
Tired of being dismissed by her peers as a "spoiled rich girl," Cordelia Hunt called on her best friend Becky (who was always up for anything) and set out to prove them wrong by spending the night in the haunted Manor. After an uneventful exploration of the first floor, the two made their way down to the Wine Cellar and sat on a bench to rest their feet.

Cordelia sighed, bored. Stretching her arms and yawning, Becky leaned back against a cask and heard the liquid splosh inside. "Ooh!!" she squealed, "Do you think it's still good?" Noticing two wooden cups conveniently placed on a table beside the cask, Cordelia shrugged to her friend. "Let's find out!"

Somewhere around the fourth or seventh cup, Cordelia turned to her BFF and said, "Omigosh Becky, this wine is nasty! It tastes like salt, and -- and copper pennies!"

The coroner's report would list "alcohol poisoning" as the cause of death, but Cordelia and Becky's antics have become something of an urban legend. The word among the youth is that the official report is a cover-up, and that the girls had actually died from drinking gallons of human blood.

(Note: Everyone in the Wine Cellar receives 2 ghost points. ;D)

You really should have known better. For history tells us, those who enter a Dungeon often never come out.
~The Story of Spencer Whitehill~
There were few, if any, who could claim to the know the inner-workings of Alexander Marcheford's mind. One wonders if even his most beloved, Eloise, knew. He kept most people at arm's length and allowed near no one into his world. One exception was Spencer Whitehill, Marcheford's footman. He was the servant with whom Alexander interacted the most and even assisted inside the basement laboratory, which was off limits to everyone else.

Various dealings with his employer aside, Spencer was a loner. He was regarded as a snob by the rest of the staff, considering himself above them. In the months following Eloise's death, Whitehill found himself spending more and more time with Marcheford in the hidden basement rooms. But soon his demeanor began to change. He was troubled and seemed to be losing his usual confidence. ... Whitehill's last day came abruptly. Marcheford claimed he found the man dead, having accidentally ingested some chemicals being used on the experimental rats. This occurred in the 'Subject Room', as Alexander referred to it. Others would call it.. the dungeon.

Marcheford's maintenance man waits in the Boiler Room, and he has a burning desire to meet you.
~The Story of Jacob Balliwick~
Calling Jacob Balliwick the maintenance man slow-witted would be a kindness. Truth was he didn't have the mental faculties that god gave a rabid woodchuck. But what he lacked in smarts he made up with an almost savant-like ability to repair anything that needed fixing.

In the weeks following Eloise's death, the weather on the island was chillier than usual. On one particularly nippy night, the boiler, for some odd reason, suddenly gave out. Mr. Marcheford summoned his maintenance man and demanded that it be fixed immediately. Usually not easy for someone without two thoughts to rub together, but for Jacob a simple task. No one can be too sure what happened next. The other servants heard a blood-curdling shout and rushed down to the basement. Throwing open the boiler room door, they found Jacob, flailing about, engulfed in flames. He was promptly put out, but did not live long after. In the aftermath, Alexander Marcheford lamented he would need to buy a new boiler.

In some ways it's lucky you find the maid in the Laundry Room. She can wash the blood out when she's through with you.
~The Story of Henriette Garvin~
When Eloise became the lady of Marcheford Manor, she brought along her most trusted maid, Henriette Garvin. The relationship between the two women surpassed that of servant and employer. Eloise considered Henriette to be her best friend and most trusted confidante.

When Eloise died, it was a devastating blow to Henriette. But as a strong and self-assured woman, she resolved to stay on at Marcheford and serve the family her departed friend loved so much. The only downside, it seemed, was having to deal with Boris, the Chef.

Boris was madly infatuated with the pretty, blonde maid. But his boorish nature and wild temper repelled her. On the day of her unfortunate demise, Cara Ellison, the serving girl, overheard Boris rambling to himself about Henriette finally confessing her love. Cara confronted her about this, which Henriette strongly denied. "I'll have to set him straight, once and for all." She was remarked to say.

It would be the last thing she'd ever do. That nights, the household was awoken by screams coming from the basement. Searching the laundry room, they found poor Henriette dead, a stab wound through her heart.
Even when trying to warm herself, poor Julia O'Dowd ends up in the Freezer, the coldest room of the house. She invites you to find a meat hook and hang around.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770066080)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: the freezer

no the library had a ghost :(


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770066087)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laboratory


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770066090)
Awwww drats nothing waiting for me where I was hiding.

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Dungeon
Today's was a hard choice. I was torn between the dungeon and the freezer. :XD


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770066093)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Freezer

Why the frick did he have a dungeon? o.O


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770066113)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: the dungeon

Because whips and chains excite... *looks up* What? I can't sing along to Rhianna's song? :oops:


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770066118)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: the basement storage


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770066162)
I can't help but be bloody curious about that silver thing that Sally found. Or the book! Grrr. :x

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Basement Storage


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770066237)
AHA! YES I GOT AN ITEM! -happy dance-


We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770066364)
We're in the Basement today. I want to search here:The laundry room e


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770066394)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770066424)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: dungeon!
who doesn't love a good dungeon?????

ah, another day of nothing!
better than ghosties.

or death!
*assassins are everywhere*


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770066452)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Pantry


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770066465)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Maintenance Room


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770066521)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Dungeon

Shi is gonna throw a party and make it a FUNGEON~! :D


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770066552)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laundry Room


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770066647)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Dungeon


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770066687)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Dungeon (-coughanddragons-)


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770066719)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Dungeon

>.> There better not be ghosties!!


Can you change your mind later? >.>


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770066774)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Dungeon


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770066824)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Freezer

Woohoo! I have four survivor points :)


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770066898)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Dungeon


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770066958)
We're in the Basement today. I want to search here: Basement Storage
You never know what might have gotten shoved into the Supplies Closet. XD


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770067039)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Rozalyne (Post 1770067040)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770067099)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: the boiler room

There are so many interesting rooms in this mansion! XD


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770067199)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The wine cellar.


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770067209)
Ooh, I met a ghostie today! Let's see if I'll get lucky again!

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770067843)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar

Having just found my first ghost, checking around for some liquid courage seems like a good plan. lol Hopefully... O_o'


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770067891)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: laboratory!


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 1770068056)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar

:' 3


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770068382)
This game is too much fun! :D

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Freezer


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770068507)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laundry Room


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770068525)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Freezer


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770068528)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Pantry


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770068617)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Pantry

Doh! Got my first ghost point from yesterday's round.


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770068641)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Boiler Room

A little Shining nod XD


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770068695)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Boiler Room


I found my first ghost O.O She was kind of a neat ghost though :)


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770068720)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770068759)
Because it is so warm in here...
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Freezer


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770068828)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Dungeon


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770068869)
Ha ha! You all laughed at my decision to take the Hall. 8D

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Maintenance Room


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770068873)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laboratory


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770068925)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Basement Storage

Damn Ifound a ghost T.T


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770069067)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Pantry


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770069114)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Dungeon!


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770069199)
We're in the Basement today. I want to search here: Laboratory


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770069209)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar

Cool, so I managed to get a little lucky on yesterday's map... Or at least I wasn't unlucky. I'll take what I can get.


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770069575)
Oh jeez, I'm scurred of the basement!

We're in the Basement today. I want to search here: The pantry!!


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770069595)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Thanks Howdy for the sword <3


Originally Posted by NeuzaKC (Post 1770069743)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770070109)
Being offered a plate of ghostly food was NOT what I planned for! Running into a group of friends we descend into the even creepier basement, lights flickering I get separated from the group and wander into ...
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Boiler room

... the clinking and creaking are terrifying, and the size of the spiderwebs has my imagination running wild.


Originally Posted by Yumeh (Post 1770070120)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: *Looks for mice in the basement*


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770070169)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Pantry


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770070195)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laundry Room


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770070215)
We're in the Basement today. I want to search here: wine cellar


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770070435)
I muster all my courage and choose*dun dun dun* the dungeon.

We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Dungeon


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770070981)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar



Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770071076)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar

Because, let's be honest, it's wine and I've seen two ghosts at this point. :P


Originally Posted by crazymuch (Post 1770071144)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770071471)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laboratory! (pronounced liked Dexter's)


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770071509)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Pantry

Because I'm feeling peckish.


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770071674)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770071739)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Maintenance Room


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770071825)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770072444)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Pantry


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1770072799)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laboratory!


Originally Posted by blueblob2 (Post 1770073145)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by LogicallyDoomed (Post 1770073748)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Basement Storage


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770073950)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laundry Room


Originally Posted by GangsterGlam (Post 1770074187)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laboratory!


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770074663)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1770074712)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laundry Room


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1770075038)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Pantry


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770076010)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Laboratory


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770076587)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Pantry


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770076685)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770077569)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laboratory


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770077629)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: The Maintenance Room


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770078257)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Laundry room


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770078328)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Wine Cellar


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770078543)
We're in the Basement today.
I want to search here: Basement Storage.

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:22 AM
With the basement thoroughly scoured, you and your fellow explorers return to the main hall and ascend the creaky staircase to the second floor.

Where is everyone?
  • The 2nd Floor Hall
    Iroase Delschatten . Neora . Paprika .
  • The Fainting Room
    jecynecy . Izumi . Fauxreal . CrimsonShadow . Arechi . Cardinal Biggles . Amice .
  • The Gallery -- 1K GOLD - SENT!
    Hadsvich . Jezriel . DariaMorgendorfer . neller . Sally Sinema . PapillonCameo . N I G H T . Zweres .
  • The Guest Bedroom
    Chikuma . ~LONGCAT~ . vgracebutterfly
  • The Ladies Boudoir
    Rabid Rainbow . crazymuch . Liztress . Saravi Boo . ShadowDemon101 . `Kitami . Shishunki . d2hiriyuu . HIM_ROCK . KittyLuhv . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . Anglie . Artsydaze . Roxxxy . Codette . NeuzaKC .
  • The Master Bath
    Shadami . Computosaurus . Nonsensical . lunanuova . Ferra .
  • The Master Bedroom -- EGA Crown -- ALL SENT!
    Wulfwynn . maidenroseheart . Ryubahamut . Razak . zigbigadorlube . fireprincess .
  • The Music Room
    Maria-Minamino . Rochiel Silverfire . GwenaHikari . Ling . KidK Mirai . nike13 . blueblackrose . Seito . Rinetteable . Naisou . Mageling . Vickyll3 . Rozalyne .
  • The Sun Room -- Spirit of the Phoenix -- ALL SENT!
    Kay . Kent . hummy . KH4Life . Jesmond . EiranHikari . Yumeh . Ascadellia . *Hime* . Knerd . Stephstar101 . LizzyCollinsDeArc . Kya Katsumi .


It's fascinating to the see the sort of luxury that is afforded to the upper class, even if it's in the spooky confines of Marcheford Manor. After having to explore the dank basement, the second floor seems to be a relief. But things aren't always as they seem. Treasure hunting is a game of chance.

Will you win your fortune? Or lose your life?

You and the fellow art lovers among your group search the Gallery with hopes of finding the work of a master. Perhaps Cezanne? Van Gogh? Manet? But alas, what is found is but a few anonymous paintings, ripped beyond repair. Your hopes dashed, one of you steps forward to inspect a broken sculpture and discover within its confines gold!
Enough to divvy up 1000g :gold: each!

The Master Bedroom is a massive space with a bed the size of most people's bedroom. You pull open drawers, rifle through dressers, but only come up with moth-eaten trousers and mouse-chewed socks. But in the back of the wardrobe sits a mysterious, black crown. Did this belong to Alexander Marcheford? He was the king of his castle after all.

Positioned on the eastern side of the house, one can imagine how the Sun Room illuminates in the morning. But save for a few lounge chairs, there doesn't seem to be much to the room. You are about to abandon the search when the beam of your flashlight catches something. There on the wall is a scroll, illustrated with an exquisitely, drawn phoenix. Why it almost seems alive.
* Being a refuge of sorts, the Sun Room is worth 2 survivor points!

What is that sweet sound coming from the Music Room? Is it a lullaby? No, it is a requiem.
~The Story of Charlotte Avery~
After Eloise Marcheford had fallen ill and all manner of traditional medicines had failed to help her, her husband turned to other means of healing. He commissioned a talented young harpist named Charlotte Avery to come to the Manor and play for Eloise, hoping that a turn in her spirits might enable her to get well.

Charlotte played for Eloise for countless hours in the days leading up to her death. She remained by her bedside long into the night, playing her harp until her blistered fingers could pull the strings no more. On the morning of Eloise's death, servants gone to rouse Charlotte would find that she too had passed away mysteriously in her sleep. They say the haunting melodies that were played on that final night can still be heard in the hallways of the Manor to this day.

The Fainting Room is the perfect place for you, for you're sure to pass out when you see who's inside.
~The Story of Ruby Paulson~
On her thirteenth birthday, Ruby Paulson's mother offered up a piece of advice that would stick with the girl for the rest of her life. "Marry for money, baby. Love can move mountains, but it can't make diamonds." And that's what she did.

Ruby was as sharp as a pillowcase, but an impossibly, beautiful young woman, who was just cunning enough to know how to bend men to her will. And she found the perfect payout in Lawrence Paulson, a man who demanded the best. And there was no better trophy wife than Ruby.

Now no one can say for sure what happened at Marcheford that day. Authorities found Mr. Paulson deceased in the ballroom, his visage twisted with insanity. As for Ruby, she was discovered upstairs in the fainting room. She lay on her stomach, a bottle of smelling salts not too far away. Turning her over, police were horrified to find the same expression of madness on her face.
Every so often, Horace the Stable Master likes to float up to the Ladies Boudoir and sit amongst the residual energy that Eloise Marcheford left behind. Unfortunate for you, he doesn't enjoy being disturbed.
You were perplexed as to why areas of the 2nd Floor Hall were wet. Well it seems that Rufus Tibideaux has come inside searching for a towel. But instead he's found you.
Henriette the maid welcomes you to the Guest Bedroom. She hopes you enjoy your stay. You'll be here for a very long time.
During his life, one of the footman's jobs was to fill the tub for his employer in the Master Bath. But Mr. Marcheford is long gone, so Spencer will gladly run a bath for you. Let's see how long you can hold your breath.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770078802)
We're on the First Floor today.
I want to search here: The Music Room

MUSIC! My favorite thing!


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770078842)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies' Boudoir


Originally Posted by crazymuch (Post 1770078848)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir

haha! drinking blood! stupid girls! serves them right drinking weird stuff from a barrel in a wine cellar of a haunted house!!


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770078850)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The sun room


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770078867)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Gallery


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770078873)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Fainting Room.

Just because I think it's hilarious that there is a Room For Fainting.


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770078882)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: the Sun Room


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770078890)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Master Bedroom

Oooo...3 way tie for ghost points. :XD


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770078897)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: the sun room!

thank you Captain Howdy and BellyButton for all the fun!


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770078912)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Fainting Room

Husband picked this one for me, so it better be good. :XP


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770078922)
We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: The Sun Room


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770078930)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: master bath


Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire (Post 1770078975)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Music Room


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770078979)
We're on the Second Floor
I want to search here: The Sun Room


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770079025)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: masterbedroom


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770079035)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: the Gallery

Just Because. >.>;


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770079064)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: 2nd Floor Hall


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770079067)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies Boudoir


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770079090)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sun Room


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1770079138)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here:The Music Room


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770079142)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770079163)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Gallery!


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770079187)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir

Ghosts two days in a row. How unlucky. O_o'


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770079197)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies Boudoir

ACK! Double the ghosts! XD;;


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770079200)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Music Room!

Being a musician myself, it would be my favorite place to explore. u.u


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770079207)
Since I play the violin...

We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770079211)
Shadami:: A fainting room is a room that is used for ladies to rest in if they feel faint. Its a Victorian thing.

We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies Boudoir


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770079220)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bedroom


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770079241)
Looks like I found another ghost. Boy the ghosts seem to like me.

We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770079322)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Music Room!


Originally Posted by Yumeh (Post 1770079371)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: *Chases bugs in the sun room*


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770079412)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Fainting Room


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770079419)
I love Galleries!

We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Gallery


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770079454)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Fainting room


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770079541)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies Boudoir

*Shi says this with thickest aristocratic accent she can muster*


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770079597)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Sun room


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770079625)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Gallery

*hangs my paintings on the walls* :ninja:


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770079796)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The 2nd Floor Hall


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770079993)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770080001)
Found my second ghost! O.O

We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770080053)
Woohoo, double hunt time! :twisted:

We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bath


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770080085)
We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: the sun room!


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770080132)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bedroom


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770080138)
We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770080165)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir

And HIM shall be rummaging though clothings again


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770080242)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Fainting Room


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770080387)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: (The Guest Bedroom


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770080483)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Gallery


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770080809)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir

Thanks Belly for the bunnies ^^


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770080827)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: lady's boudoir


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770080829)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Fainting Room.

I might have to pop in the gallery after I scope out my choice. Assuming I don't meet my end.


Originally Posted by N I G H T (Post 1770080873)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Gallery


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770080902)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Music Room


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770080950)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bath


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770080987)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Sun Room


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770080989)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Second floor hall


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770081043)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bath


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770081047)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Music Room


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770081087)
We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770081213)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Master Bedroom


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770081252)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Master Bath

I hope I don't see a ghost. They should know better than to peak while the bathroom is occupied, right? Rather they didn't scare the crap out of me...


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770081255)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir.


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770081309)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Sun Room



Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770081338)
How far are you behide GMT ?


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770081352)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The fainting room.


Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1770081385)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The master bedroom


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770081418)
Good morning!

We're on the Second Floor today. I want to search here: Ladies' Boudoir :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770081450)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Ladies' Boudoir


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770081451)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: Gallery!


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770081508)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sun Room

Ah... The Sun Room, I wonder if it is the Florida sun. :D!


Originally Posted by NeuzaKC (Post 1770081522)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Ladies Boudoir


Originally Posted by Rozalyne (Post 1770081538)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Music Room


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770081587)
Ghost fires erupting but giving off no heat, I book it out from the basement. I continue up the stairs to the second level and I find my way to...
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: the guest bedroom


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770081643)
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sunroom


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770081674)
Oh wow, I'm glad I got on early!
We're on the Second Floor today.
I want to search here: The guest bedroom

BellyButton 10-23-2011 07:24 AM
With the previous floor checked, you and your compatriots venture upward to the third floor.

Where is everyone?
  • The 3rd Floor Hall - GHOST
    Kya Katsumi . Cardinal Biggles . PapillonCameo . vgracebutterfly . LizzyCollinsDeArc . Razak . maidenroseheart . Popcorn Gun .
  • The Butler's Quarters - GHOST
    Ryubahamut . Iroase Delschatten . Hadsvich . Jezriel . Sally Sinema . Aerinn . ToriKat . Ascadellia .
  • The Children's Dining Room - Fairy Wings - ALL GOLD & WINGS SENT
    Rabid Rainbow . *Hime* . Death_to_the_reaper . Chikuma . Shishunki . Zweres . Seridano .
  • The Maid's Quarters - GHOST
    LaVida . d2hiriyuu . Wulfwynn . ~LONGCAT~
  • The Nanny's Quarters - Storybook & Harp -- ALL SENT
    Knerd . lunanuova . jecynecy . Neora . KH4Life . Computosaurus . Naisou .
  • The Nursery - GHOST
    Maria-Minamino . Arechi . Rozalyne . Shadami . hummy . fairywaif . Saravi Boo . `Kitami . Anglie .
  • The Playroom - GHOST
    NeuzaKC . Liztress . KidK Mirai . GangsterGlam . fireprincess . N I G H T . Nonsensical . Rochiel Silverfire . Roxxxy . Vickyll3 . Kent . DariaMorgendorfer . Salvete .
  • The Sewing Room - GHOST
    Kay . Artsydaze . nike13 . Rinetteable . Crazymuch . blueblackrose . GwenaHikari . Mageling . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . neller . Paprika . stephstar101 . Fauxreal . ShadowDemon101 . Cora Lorington . EiranHikari . zigbigadorlube . SesshysMiko .
  • The Sick Room - GHOST
    Izumi . HIM_ROCK . Jesmond . Seito . whisper.dust . CrimsonShadow . KittyLuhv .


Marcheford's third floor was dedicated to the children and the servants. Exploring it highlights the sharp contrast between the haves and have-nots. You and your friends know the night's end draws near. The higher you ascend, the greater the stakes.

Will the spoils be yours? Or horrors untold?

Those of you who step into the Children's Dining Room comment on the oddness of such a room. Why shouldn't the younger occupants of the house be allowed to eat with the adults? But, it was a different time. Five child-size chairs sit situated around a small dining table. On the back of the chairs you find five pairs of delicate fairy wings. You each choose a pair. It's nice to see something so sweet in a place so grim.
In the center of the table is a silver, serving platter. With fairy wings jauntily strapped to your backs, one of your casually lifts the dome as you're leaving the Children's Dining Room and out spills gold!
Enough for 1100g :gold: each!

Spiderwebs may now decorate the dilapidated Nanny's Living Quarters, but there is still something comforting about the room. You imagine that it belonged to someone who in life had a lot of love to give. A dusty hope chest rests at the end of the bed. Opening it, you find a gilded storybook and a harp, still in perfect tune. As you picture little ones being read a bedtime story and then sung a lullaby, you get all warm and squishy inside.
(Note: Those searching the Nanny's Living Quarters receive 2 survivor points. :3)

It's rather drafty in the 3rd Floor Hall. You wouldn't want to get sick. But don't worry, the good doctor's here. And he says it's time to take your medicine.
~The Story of Dr. Morris Fossen~
To call Dr. Morris Fossen "clumsy" would be an understatement; the man was responsible for no less than 42 broken bones over the course of his medical career -- 7 of them his own. Not the greatest of credentials, but in times of crisis one could hardly afford to be selective.

Dr. Fossen came to the Manor to assist during an outbreak of a highly infectious unknown illness that plagued the house staff two years after Eloise Marcheford passed away. When the cough and fever had progressed such that it seemed a patient was beyond all hope of recovery, Dr. Fossen and his nurse would carry them by stretcher from the 3rd floor Sick Room all the way down to the Basement Laboratory. The more optimistic staff would believe that this was done to spare the recovering from witnessing death, but others were sure they heard the sound of large objects tumbling down the stairs and screams of torture from the floors below them late at night.

Dr. Morris' cause of death is unknown, but his ghost is said to wander along that same path, carrying "parts" of his unfortunate patients from the 3rd floor to the basement.

Those in the Nursery must do as Nanny says. And Nanny says time to put your toys away and sleep. Sleep forever.
~The Story of Eulaila Greene~
Eulaila Greene was nanny to the two Marcheford children. Though in some respects still only a girl herself, Eulaila was a kind-hearted and intelligent young woman. She loved Amelia and Sedrick, and helped them through their mother's illness and eventual death. After Mrs. Marcheford died, she recognized that the children needed their father more than anything and told him so. But Mr. Marcheford was preoccupied with his own grief, stowed away in his laboratory.

When her two young charges disappeared, it was a devastating blow to Eulaila. With them gone, there was nothing left for her at the manor and she prepared to leave. She was known to have trouble sleeping and would, from time to time, take a little laudanum before bed. On the morning of her departure, after attempts to rouse her were met with no response, she was found missing from her room. The adjacent door stood open, and in the Nursery, on Sedrick's bed, Eulaila lay dead, the empty bottle of laudanum at her side.

They say 'a stitch in time saves nine'. But in the Sewing Room, nothing can save you.
~The Story of Georgetta Amos~
Georgetta Amos was an ambitious, if unscrupulous, fashion designer who sought above all else to make a name for herself. When Alexander Marcheford put out the call for a one-of-a-kind tailored burial gown for his beloved and recently-departed wife Eloise, Georgetta jumped at the chance to make herself known.

Those who sought the contract were to meet at the Sewing Room of the Manor, to show their designs to Mr. Marcheford's assistant for approval. Georgetta had been working all night at getting her dress just right - even studying a portrait of Eloise to be sure she captured the feel and colors of her wedding gown - but she still felt it needed "oomph." She held the dress up to her chest and looked in the mirror, and it hit her in a flash: Georgetta looked a lot like Eloise. Same hair, same complexion.. In fact, if it weren't for the eyes, she'd almost be a spitting image.

So it was that Georgetta showed up to the Manor wearing the dress she had fashioned for a dead woman. Despite sharp looks from the staff, she was feeling pretty pleased with herself, and as she stood at the foot of the 3rd floor staircase, she remembered to don the silk blindfold she had fashioned for maximum impact. Though she could hardly see a thing, she confidently marched up the stairway to show off her design. At the top step, she heard a sharp whistle beside her and startled a moment, turning her head towards the noise. Something jerked hard on the back of her blindfold then, and she toppled backward down the stairwell, breaking her spine in a mad tangle of skirts and hair and limbs.

Every risk taker knows you have to be prepared to take the good with the bad. You took the risk by entering the Maid's Quarters and now there's a lot of badness coming your way.
~The Story of Boris Marinova~
Of all the staff of Marcheford Manor, the one that was not to be crossed was Boris Marinova, the chef. Originally from Bulgaria, Boris honed his skills at the finest culinary institutions throughout Europe. He was a genius at what he did, but also, everyone agreed, a bit unhinged. Prone to temper tantrums, the kitchen help knew to do as they were told and stay out of his way.

When Alexander Marcheford married Eloise, she brought along her maid, Henriette. Boris was immediately smitten with the woman and attempted to woo her. But Henriette, put off by his temper and brash manner, spurned his advances. Each 'no', though, only served to fuel the flames of his desire.

All this came to a head one day when in town Boris boasted that he had finally received a declaration of Henriette's love. That night, the household was awakened by screams. They rushed to the laundry room, where they discovered poor Henriette dead, stabbed to death. Knowing that Boris had been pursuing the pretty blonde maid, they searched the house for him. He was found in Henriette's bedroom, clutching her picture, his kitchen knife plunged in his heart.
Every so often, Amelia and Sedrick leave their resting place in the woods to return to their old Playroom. Sadly though, most of their toys have succumbed to the passing of time. They'll need a new plaything. Ah, you'll do nicely.

(Note: Everyone in the Playroom will be receiving 2 Ghost Points. ;D)
Every time Cordelia Hunt sees Jarvis the Butler haunting the grounds, she thinks he's 'bitchin' rad' and 'totally hawt'. So every so often she leaves the confines of the basement to wait in the Butler's Quarters, hoping to meet him. Unfortunate for you, you're not who she wanted to meet and she's not happy. Bogus!
Poor BFF Becky. Even in death she can't wash away the sickening taste of blood and is forever cursed with a case a nausea. She occasionally floats up to the Sick Room hoping for a cure for what ails her, forgetting she no longer has a physical body to cure. She sees that you're healthy and thinks that's 'totally unfair'.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770081919)
I believe the results are posted already guys on the front page. :)

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sick Room


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770081928)
Aw I found another ghost! D: XD

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The nursery


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770081932)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sewing room


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770081943)
I knew I should have gone with the Sun Room ;_;...

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room.


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770081963)
*gasp* a ghost! There looks to be a lot more ghosts the further in we go, AWESOME!

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sewing Room


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770081966)
I found another ghost!! At least she seemed like a nice ghost :)

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770081969)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Maid's Quarters


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770081971)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Butler's Quarters


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770081976)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nursery


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770081979)
Woohoo! I've been hitting it lucky lately, but I have the feeling that you guys are just setting me up for disaster soon. :lol:

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nanny's Quarters


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770081997)
I know! I think I'm going to have to choose the hall this time!

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The 3rd Floor Hall


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770081999)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nanny's Quarters


Originally Posted by Rozalyne (Post 1770082002)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nursery


Originally Posted by crazymuch (Post 1770082018)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


that's easy to understand Jez. they are all such good places!!


Originally Posted by NeuzaKC (Post 1770082029)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Play Room


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770082033)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770082045)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: nursery

hmm i be pregnant. i'll take that room. xD (seriously... the entire room. xD)


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1770082047)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770082072)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nanny's Quarters


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770082080)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: 'wearing a hello kitty mask', the nursery!

aw, man i am sick and i don't wanna give my germies to the babies.
but.....i really wanna be in the nursery and smell new baby smell.

but wait i have too much snot to even smell a stinkie diaper.
well that is a good thing!
hope i don't scare the babies.


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770082082)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sick Room

HIM wants to find a gangreneous ghost.


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770082094)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nursery

Do Vernors if you can. It's the best ginger Ale.


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770082100)
Drat, got a ghost again. :c

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770082120)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770082208)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770082220)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nanny's Quarters


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770082221)
We're on the 3rd Floor today. I want to search here: Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770082225)
We're on the 3rd Floor toda I want to search here: Sick Room


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770082235)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom!

I've been meeting so many lovely ghosts during this event. XD


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770082247)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Buttler's Quarters


*forever rebelling against popular venues*


Originally Posted by GangsterGlam (Post 1770082284)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Playroom.


Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1770082312)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770082315)
We're on the 3rd Floor today. I want to search here: Sick Room. 8D


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770082317)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by whisper.dust (Post 1770082359)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: sick room


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770082373)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770082415)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Third Floor Hall.

Hm. Trapped in a room with a dim ghost. Not my favourite way to spend an evening.


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770082420)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The sewing room


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770082645)
Thank you for the gold! :D

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room!


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770082662)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Third Floor Hall

Seems like an alright choice, and it won't be crowded there for sure!


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770082716)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Butler's Quarters


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770082737)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The 3rd Floor Hall


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770082746)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sick Room


Originally Posted by N I G H T (Post 1770082749)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770082822)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sewing room


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770082841)
All right, I've got to make a choice before I go to work, because I won't get off until after the next round starts. (I think?)

Other choice was Sewing room, but as soon as I post I realize I wanted the least crowded of my two choices, lol.

We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Butler's Room


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770082844)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The 3rd Floor Hall

Hm... I wonder what I'll find here. :D

Thank you for my prize. :D!


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770082852)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sewing Room

Thank you for making such a lovely event! ^.^


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770082864)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nursery


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770083028)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Children's dining room


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770083057)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Third Floor Hall


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770083082)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Butler's quarters


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770083181)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Sewing Room!

I'd either be there are the sick room - so here I go!


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770083269)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770083351)
We're on the 3rd Floor today. I want to search here:Nannys Quarters


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770083482)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: 3rd Floor Hall


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770083502)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room!


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770083598)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nanny's Quarters

I'm going to the Nanny's Quarters because I want to hook up with Jude Law. :oops:


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770083612)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770083956)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nursery


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770084002)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 1770084107)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Third Floor Hall


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770084182)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Butler's Quarters

Argh, I missed a day... :cry:


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770084295)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770084453)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770084781)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sewing Room

Wewt. :3


Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire (Post 1770085026)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom


Originally Posted by ToriKat (Post 1770085062)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Butler's Quarters

*snickers* I just want to live in here...Sebastian anyone? ;D



Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770085324)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The maid's quarters

yeah, second part today


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770085357)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Nursery


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770085460)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Children's Dining Room


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770085616)
I always get ghosts :gonk:

We're on the 3rd Floor today. I want to search here: Playroom :squee:


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770085814)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Sick Room


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770086168)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Play Room


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770086313)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: the Playroom


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770086359)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Butler's Quarters


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770087125)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Playroom! Because I don't wanna grow up!


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1770087492)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Playroom


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770087529)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Maid's Quarters


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770087778)
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: The Nanny's Quarters


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770087899)
Another ghost? This place really is haunted! I run up a third flight of stairs into a rather small room...
We're on the 3rd Floor today.
I want to search here: Maid's Quarters

... I hope I don't die of fright!

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:29 AM
It's been a long night, but you've finally reached the top of Marcheford Manor. The hairs on your arms stand straight, as you can feel ghostly energy swarming around. You fear this may be the most dangerous floor yet.

Where is everyone?
  • The Attic Storage
    Kya Katsumi . Kay . Ryubahamut . maidenroseheart . Izumi . Popcorn Gun . PapillonCameo . XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX . lunanuova . Anglie . EirianHikari .
  • The Artist's Studio
    Shadami . DariaMorgendorfer . Sally Sinema . Rinetteable . ToriKat . LogicallyDoomed . Iroase Delschatten . ShadowDemon101 . zigbigadorlube . KidK Mirai . neller . fairywaif . Seridano . Cora Lorington . `Kitami
  • The Dark Room
    CrimsonShadow . N I G H T . Razak . Seito . Arechi . HIM_ROCK . Amice . vgracebutterfly . Cardinal Biggles
  • The Gym
    Vickyll3 . KittyLuhv . d2hiriyuu . Elirona
  • The Hobby Room
    Ascadellia . blueblob2 . NeuzaKC . Shishunki . LizzyCollinsDeArc . salvete . jecynecy .
  • The Map Room
    Zweres . Jezriel . GwenaHikari . Ferra . Chikuma . Hadsvich . Itachi's Bride . ~LONGCAT~ . Naisou .
  • The Observatory
    Rabid Rainbow . Wulfwynn . Rochiel Silverfire . nike13 . Saravi Boo . blueblackrose . SesshysMiko . Neora . hummy . GangsterGlam . stephstar101 . Ling . Nonsensical . LaVida . Kent . Codette . Mageling . Fauxreal . Death_to_the_reaper . Artsydaze .
  • The Sauna
    Computosaurus . gummi . Jezmond . Crazymuch
  • The Terrace
    Liztress . KH4Life . *Hime* . Paprika . fireprincess . Roxxxy . Maria-Minamino . Knerd . Aerinn .

It has been quite the evening. Moving past the children's dining room and up the narrow staircase, you and your friends reach Marcheford's last floor. The manor has revealed a wealth of treasure, but also a wealth of terror. A haunting hedge maze. A ghoulish garage. A killer kennel. A bone-chilling ballroom. A devious dungeon. A frightening fainting room. A nightmarish nursery.

Each part of the estate has had its horrors, but also its safe havens. The attic is another story. It is brimming with ghostly malevolence and there is but one room that offers sanctuary, that offers your last chance for riches.

Choose wisely.


After more than a century, the tales of Marcheford's tragedies seem to be the only ones that survive. Very few remember the happiness that lived in these walls. Unbeknownst to you and your fellow explorers, Eloise Marcheford was once renowned for her love of art and her artistic skill. After they married, she asked Alexander for her own studio in the attic, to which he happily complied.

Eloise would spend hours in the Artist's Studio, painting and sculpting. When the children came along, she gave to them her appreciation for art, as well as poetry, literature and drama. Amelia and Sedrick would put on plays in the studio and everyone would attend. Their mother, the staff, even their father, Alexander. And all would have a joyous time. To Eloise, this room was the heart of the house. And that is why no angry spirit dare cross its threshold... for in it remains strongest the energy of her love.

Tucked away behind a row of old, broken easels, the children's costume trunk is found. And opening it reveals Marcheford's greatest treasure.
A set of glistening, magical wings.
Choose one. ;)

A regal collection of peacock adornments.

And 1000g :gold:!

As well, everyone inside receives 2 Survivor Points! :)


You've done what others said couldn't be done. You've the searched the whole of Marcheford Manor and survived. The night is over and the sun is rising. A ray of light catches something you hadn't noticed at the bottom of the trunk. It's a key.
With it is a note. It reads:
"You've found the heart of my home and the key to my heart. Search for me in the cemetery."

What could this mean? You have to find out. You've come this far. Time to return to the cemetery.

(See Post #4)

The Terrace gives a breathtaking view of the woods and the sea. You might say it's a view to die for.
~The Story of Thom Wallace~
Thom Wallace was a kindly old man with a talent for gardening. Due to an accident in his boyhood, he'd lost his hearing long ago. He hadn't been able to speak well since then, so for the most part he just didn't speak at all. Much of his life, people mistook his silence for dimwittedness, and he was treated rather poorly as a result.

Thom found an unlikely friend in young Amelia Marcheford. Little Amelia adored roses, as did Thom. He'd made a habit of picking a small bouquet for her each day, which he'd give to her when she inevitably "hid" from her brother in the rose garden during one of their games of hide and seek. The bouquets were always received with giggles of delight, and their brief meetings were something Thom quite looked forward to.

When Amelia and Sedrick disappeared, Thom sank into a deep depression. Rather than tend his roses down on the manor grounds, he spent his time on the terrace, pacing back and forth uttering incoherencies and staring off towards the Woods.

Thom was found out on the terrace, having suffered a heart attack. He lay on his side with his face turned toward the Woods, cheeks moist with tears and a small bouquet of white roses clutched in his hand.

I foresee the future for those who enter the Attic Storage. And it is very grim, indeed.
~The Story of Sorcha Leven~
Sorcha Leven billed herself a "World Class Psychic." With people dropping like flies in the Manor, a desperate housekeeping staff pooled their apron change and hired her to divine the source of the trouble in hopes that they'd finally be able to put whatever-it-was to rest.

Upon arrival at the Manor, Sorcha pulled a long polished bone from a velvet pouch and began waving it around theatrically, chanting aloud in a strange tongue. She was "pulled" this way and that in her colorful skirts as her divination dragged her around the house. Zig-zagging upward with a handful of curious housekeepers in tow, she arrived finally at the door to the Attic Storage room. Shoving open the door with one chubby hand, she boldly proclaimed, "THIS is where we shall hold the seance!"

She whipped out a swatch of purple fabric and lay it atop a pile of boxes, kicking up an awful cloud of dust. The coughing fit that ensued was even more dramatic than her earlier performance, and though she passed rather quickly from an asthma attack, it took the butler poking her good and hard with his cane for the staff to believe she was really dead.

After all these years, the Sauna no longer heats up. But there is still reason to sweat.
~The Story of Milicent Lollyworth~
Millicent Lollyworth, a distant relative of Eloise Marcheford, only wanted to enjoy her tea in quiet solitude. With the recent passing of her cousin twice-removed, however, the house was a flurry of activity and her usual perch in the Fainting Room was occupied by a mourning aunt. Growing impatient, she shuffled from hallway to hallway until she came upon the Sauna, where she was relieved to discover that not a soul was present.

Perhaps it was the heat of the room, the stress of the day's events, or simply a corset fastened a bit too tightly.. But Millicent began to feel the tingle in her spine, and then the tiny twinkling lights in her peripheral vision appeared -- those familiar, telltale signs that she was about to faint. As her unconscious body collapsed, her tea splashed to the ground and her head hit the sauna bench at just the right angle to snap her neck, killing her instantly.

Don't fret if you can't see in the Dark Room, pretty soon you'll be able to follow the light.
~The Story of Hunter Puget~
Hunter Puget holds the unfortunate distinction of being Marcheford's most recent victim. Time tends to temper the weight of fear. The 21st century had dawned, and to the neighboring town's younger generation the stories of the manor had become less cautionary tale and more urban legend. Kids still feared the mansion, but there was an edge of fun to that fear.

Hunter was was your average teen. He loved music and enjoyed hanging out with his friends. One day, he and his pals got to talking about Marcheford. "I wouldn't go up there for a million gold," said his friend Todd. "You're sad. It's all just talk" Hunter replied. "If you're so brave, why don't you spend the night there?" Friend Richie added.

Now no young man wants to be seen as a coward in the eyes of his friend, so he agreed. The last Todd and Richie saw of him, he pulled on his headphones, climbed the rusted gate and disappeared from view. When Hunter didn't reappear the next day, authorities were sent to search the property. The house was checked from the bottom up, and at the very top, in the Dark Room, Hunter was found... dead. The coroner attributed the teen's demise to sudden cardiac arrest. But others say he died of fright.
As one can imagine, being a ghost doomed to wander the earth for all time can get a little boring. That's why the studious, Sally Dupree leaves her place in the Library every so often to survey the boundless sky in the Observatory. Lamentably, it's a cloudy, moonless night tonight and Sally needs something else for distraction. Maybe you can help her out.
Being dead is no excuse for letting yourself go. That's why when he feels the need for a little toning, our spectral friend, Rufus, floats up to the Gym. He's got a hell of a workout routine planned. Are you ready to exercise 'til you drop?
In life, Amelia Marcheford's favorite hobby was doll collecting. An entire wall in the Hobby Room was dedicated to these finely crafted figures, made of porcelain and china. Perhaps you would like to see her collection. Perhaps you would like to become part of it.
During his short time at the manor, one of Jarvis' duties was to make sure the house was properly dusted. Now, in death, he sees to it that each room is thoroughly covered. And he doesn't appreciate it when some 'flesh head' comes along to disturb the dust. And I'm afraid that's what you seem to be doing in the Map Room.

Raw Entries in Chronological OrderX


Originally Posted by Kya Katsumi (Post 1770088877)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by Kay (Post 1770088901)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic storage


Originally Posted by Zweres (Post 1770088902)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Map Room


Originally Posted by Rabid Rainbow (Post 1770088908)
Ooh, fairy wings and gold? Me gusta!

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory

I want to belieeeeeeeve!


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770088929)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Terrence


Originally Posted by Shadami (Post 1770088947)
Hisses at the Gym.. mmm photography would be creepy.. *mumbling to self* i want to go to the art studio.. but i'm fond of observatories.. and saunas... nah not the sauna. blech, but the terrace seems like such fun to.. but I'm afraid i'd be pushed off the ledge by an unfriendly ghost there.. hmmm
okay fine. i'll go and do the artist studio

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: artist's studio


Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770088964)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Hobby Room


Originally Posted by Wulfwynn (Post 1770088981)
Woot! Ghost point. :lol:

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory.
At least I can look at the stars before I die. :XD


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow (Post 1770089011)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Dark Room


Originally Posted by Rochiel Silverfire (Post 1770089018)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by nike13 (Post 1770089057)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by Saravi Boo (Post 1770089157)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory

I thought I had chosen the Nanny's quarters because I have been a nanny in the past and I got all excited, but apparently I changed my mind. Stupid me. >_<'

Last chance...Good luck everyone! It's been fun! Thanks Belly and Howdy!


Originally Posted by Jezriel (Post 1770089202)
Again, so many interesting rooms to explore! Hard to pick just one.... Well, might as well get this over with less agonizing than the last entry, lol.

We're in the Attic today. I want to search here: Map Room~!


Originally Posted by N I G H T (Post 1770089218)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark Room


Originally Posted by DariaMorgendorfer (Post 1770089333)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The artist's studio


Originally Posted by KH4Life (Post 1770089356)
We're in the Attic today. I want to search here:The Terrace


Originally Posted by Ryubahamut (Post 1770089372)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by Sally Sinema (Post 1770089395)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Artist's Studio


Originally Posted by Rinetteable (Post 1770089434)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Artist's Studio


Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770089472)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by blueblob2 (Post 1770089524)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Hobby Room


Originally Posted by SesshysMiko (Post 1770089546)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory

Need more ghosties!


Originally Posted by Razak (Post 1770089632)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Dark Room


Originally Posted by Neora (Post 1770089653)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1770089699)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here:The Map Room


Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770089712)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Dark Room 8D


Originally Posted by Arechi (Post 1770089732)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark Room


Originally Posted by ToriKat (Post 1770089808)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist Studio

*approves of this room* ;D


Originally Posted by *Hime* (Post 1770089854)
We're in the Attic today. I want to search here: terrace


Originally Posted by maidenroseheart (Post 1770089870)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: attic storage


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770090021)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: observatory!

thank you Captain Howdy and BellyButton!

another awesome game with wonderful prizes!


Originally Posted by Izumi (Post 1770090072)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by Popcorn Gun (Post 1770090080)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage

I'll stop by the terrace later. A healthy sense of adventure is in order.


Originally Posted by Ferra (Post 1770090118)
Ack! I can't believe I missed the last round. ;__; Curse you, work!

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map Room


Originally Posted by LogicallyDoomed (Post 1770090122)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist's Studio


Originally Posted by Computosaurus (Post 1770090146)
Whoa! Jackpot in the Nanny's Room! That was even better than a pervy celebrity!

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Sauna

I need to relax in the Sauna after this crazy journey! Thank you so much, Bellybutton and Captain Howdy. I had so much fun and I even get a keepsake to remember it by. :hug:


Originally Posted by GangsterGlam (Post 1770090331)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory!


Originally Posted by Paprika (Post 1770090686)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Terrace


Originally Posted by Chikuma (Post 1770090738)
IWe're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map Room


Originally Posted by Iroase Delschatten (Post 1770090762)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist Studio

How could I not enter the studio? >:[


Originally Posted by stephstar101 (Post 1770090781)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770090829)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark Room


Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770090846)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Gym


Originally Posted by NeuzaKC (Post 1770090856)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Hobby Room

I hope I wasn't the only one thinking I could dodge the ghosts for once because they were in the forest... Damn it, I feel stupid. XD


Originally Posted by KittyLuhv (Post 1770090881)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Gym


Originally Posted by Ling (Post 1770090888)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by ShadowDemon101 (Post 1770090902)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist Studio


Haaaa another ghost! So hard to avoid XD;;;


Originally Posted by Shishunki (Post 1770090980)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Hobby Room

Shi would like to search there!


Originally Posted by Nonsensical (Post 1770091040)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by LizzyCollinsDeArc (Post 1770091056)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Hobby Room

This game was fun. :D!


Originally Posted by salvete (Post 1770091057)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Hobby Room


Originally Posted by PapillonCameo (Post 1770091077)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Attic Storage

I'm so sad that this is the last day! T.T


Originally Posted by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX (Post 1770091085)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube (Post 1770091096)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist's Studio


Originally Posted by lunanuova (Post 1770091106)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by KidK Mirai (Post 1770091149)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artist Studio!

I hope I'm not too late for this!


Originally Posted by gummi (Post 1770091156)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: sauna


Originally Posted by jecynecy (Post 1770091163)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Hobby Room


Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1770091198)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The terrace


Originally Posted by LaVida (Post 1770091205)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The observatory


Originally Posted by Roxxxy (Post 1770091207)
Good morning :)

We're in the Attic today. I want to search here: The terrace


Originally Posted by Kent (Post 1770091224)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by Codette (Post 1770091304)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Observatory


Originally Posted by Mageling (Post 1770091328)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory


Originally Posted by Amice (Post 1770091372)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark room


Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino (Post 1770091423)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Terrace


Originally Posted by neller (Post 1770091429)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Artist's Studio


Originally Posted by vgracebutterfly (Post 1770091466)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark Room


Originally Posted by fairywaif (Post 1770091472)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Artists Studio

I like art?


Originally Posted by Hadsvich (Post 1770091548)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map Room


Originally Posted by Anglie (Post 1770091568)
We're in the Attic today. I want to search here: Attic Storage


Originally Posted by Fauxreal (Post 1770091589)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Observatory


Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770091834)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: Observatory


Originally Posted by EirianHikari (Post 1770091976)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Attic Storage


Originally Posted by Knerd (Post 1770091979)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Terrace!


Originally Posted by Artsydaze (Post 1770092027)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Observatory.


Originally Posted by Seridano (Post 1770092057)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Artist Studio


Originally Posted by Itachi's bride (Post 1770092159)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map Room


Originally Posted by ~LONGCAT~ (Post 1770092494)
This place is brimming with ghosts! But just one more floor to explore...
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map room

... At least there aren't too many sharp things in this room...


Originally Posted by Aerinn (Post 1770092694)
We're in the attic today.
I want to search here: the Terrace

Sorry if I messed up the writing, my phone can't copy paste text... :gonk:



Originally Posted by Jesmond (Post 1770093812)
I wish my attic looked like this one xP

We're in the Attic today. I want to search here: Sauna


Originally Posted by Naisou (Post 1770093830)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Map Room


Originally Posted by d2hiriyuu (Post 1770093924)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: the gym

and here is the last room of the event :(


Originally Posted by Cora Lorington (Post 1770095897)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here:Artists studio


Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles (Post 1770096816)
We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Dark Room.

Another series of tough choices.


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 1770097508)
This was wonderfully fun!

We're in the Attic today.
I want to search here: The Artists Studio


Crazymuch in the Sauna -

Elirona in the Gym -

BellyButton 10-23-2011 07:36 AM

~ Julia O'Dowd~

Sweet Julia O'Dowd was the scullery maid of Marcheford Manor. A wide-eyed girl with a fondness for tales of romance. Mr. Marcheford forbade the servants from bringing strangers to the mansion, but Julia was in love with a young man from town. On Christmas Eve, she received a mysterious letter asking her to secretly meet him in the hedge maze. Slipping away from her kitchen duties, Julia waited and waited for her suitor. But alas, he never came. And when poor Julia was found on Christmas Day, she had frozen to death.

~ Jarvis Fitzpatrick ~

Jarvis Fitzpatrick, the butler, holds the record for the least amount of time alive at Marcheford Manor, no more than a week. The previous butler fled, without notice, under the cover of dark. He was unsettled by all the unusual deaths at the house, and harbored a growing distrust for his ex-employer. Alexander Marcheford was furious at the departure. He advertised for a new butler, but by then the house's reputation was well known in town and no one would apply. So the pay was increased to three times the normal amount, but still no man stepped forward... save for one.

It was an uncharacteristic move on Jarvis Fitzpatrick's part, and as time would tell, also an unwise one. Jarvis was a fidgety man, who jumped at shadows. He knew of the strange occurrences at the manor and honestly feared the place. But he also had dreams of opening his own millinery, and starting a business requires money. So pushing aside his better judgement, he accepted the position.

Jarvis, from the very start, didn't fit in well. He moved through the house tentatively. On his second day of the job he wrote a letter to his father, stating that, in his words, 'The mansion is pregnant with dread. I am constantly looking over my shoulder and my heart beats like a frightened rabbit.' ... Jarvis would be found, only days later, hanging in the garage. Some would speculate that it was his nerves that finally did him in. While others wonder if perhaps there wasn't a more sinister hand involved.

~ Horace Bickwell ~

Horace Bickwell was humorless man, set with a permanent scowl on his face. But a hard worker nonetheless. He was the manor's stable master and had been for many, many years. Before him, Horace's father was also the stable master. To this fact, he and Alexander Marcheford were the same age and had, as children, been friends. But time and the divide between social classes eventually ended the friendship.

Marcheford regarded his old chum with a certain coldness, and Horace resented him. But if there was anyone capable of melting the stable master's icy demeanor, it was the beautiful Eloise. Some speculate he may have had an unspoken love for her. When she died, he spoke few words and showed little emotion, but his heart was broken. He mourned, but did not know that soon he would follow his mistress. One fateful afternoon, Horace accidentally stumbled from the stable hay loft and impaled himself on a pitchfork, dying a terrible death.

~ Amelia and Sedrick Marcheford ~

For a brother and sister, Amelia and Sedrick Marcheford got along well. In fact, the two delighted in each other's company and were seldom seen apart.

To pass the hours, the children loved to play hide and seek. While their mother Eloise was alive, she saw to it that their games were confined to the 3rd floor of the manor so that they would be safe and wouldn't disturb their father Alexander's studies. Their father had seemed distant to the children before, but he became completely out of reach after their mother died. The manor staff tried to compensate for Eloise's absence, but many were consumed with grief themselves and some found Amelia especially a painful reminder of what had been lost. In this climate it was very easy for the children to slip away and they were free to roam the full length and breadth of the estate.

Amelia and Sedrick vanished one sunny afternoon during a game of hide and seek. Although the estate was searched from top to bottom and the grounds thoroughly combed, no remains were ever found.

It is now believed that some ill fate befell the children in the woods, as Amelia's hairbow was discovered many years later, weathered but neatly tied around the branch of a tree.

~ Rufus Tibideaux ~

Marcheford Manor had already long established itself as the place "not to be" when Rufus Tibideaux moved to the island. Rufus was a handsome playboy whose two focuses in life were women and motorcars. But he was also an arrogant young man and a terrible showoff. Hearing the stories of Marcheford, he regarded the tales as uneducated nonsense and ridiculed those who believed.

"I'll show you all." He was noted to say. "I'll spend the night there."

It would be a decision he wouldn't live to regret. When Tibideaux failed to return from the mansion, a reluctant group was put together to find him. In the grounds behind the manor, his clothing was found near the shore, as if he had removed them to go for a swim. But as for the man himself, there was no trace. It was decided to reopen the nearby boat house, which had been chained and locked for years. And to their horror, there on the dock lay the lifeless body of Rufus Tibideaux, still wet with sea water.

~ Travis Eberhardt ~

Eloise, being a gentle soul, loved all animals. But none meant more to her than her dogs. Four Irish wolfhounds she brought to the manor after marrying Alexander. He built the kennel for her, so that her pets would be properly housed. And Travis Eberhardt was hired to be their caretaker. Travis was a big man. A rough and rugged individual, whose frame was in equal proportion to the size of his heart. A kinder fellow you would be hard pressed to find.

After Eloise died, the children would continue to play with the dogs. But when Amelia and Sedrick disappeared, only Travis was left to love them. He approached Mr. Marcheford and asked for their ownership. He would be taking them off the property and leaving as well. Marcheford agreed, but only after being allowed to examine them one last time. For their health, he said. Eberhardt was unsure, but had little alternative.

The wolfhounds were returned and Travis prepared to leave. That night, just before sundown, a great commotion was heard from the kennel. Locked inside the small building, the canines had broken free of their cages and, with uncharacteristic viciousness, fatally mauled their only friend, Travis.

~ Sally Dupree ~

Sally Dupree was Amelia and Sedrick's tutor. While perusing the shelves of the Library in search of material to supplement her lessons one afternoon, she came across a curious-looking tome high upon one of the shelves. Leather-bound and aged, it bore the initials "A.M." and had strange symbols on its binding. She had a sudden pang of conscience that she shouldn't be snooping, but her curiosity got the best of her and she stretched, tippy-toed, to reach the mysterious book.

She managed to wriggle the top edge free from the tightly-packed shelf, and as she tipped it to pull it down she heard a sharp "Clink!" Something small and silver had fallen from the book and hit the floor. Then another sound -- footsteps! Shoving the book back up into its spot, she panicked and fumbled for the item that she'd caused to drop. Groping madly, her fingers finally connected with the object. "What is it?" she wondered, turning it in her hand. "An idol of some sort? A key?"

A third sound. The ominous creaking of the large standing shelf behind her, as it tipped towards her slight figure. With no time to get out of the way, Sally met her end as the weight of old wood and a hundred books crushed her frame.

~ Lawrence Paulson ~

As others breathe air, Lawrence Paulson breathed sophistication. He was a shrewd businessman who had made millions and enjoyed spending it on the finer things in life. Rare wines. Expensive pieces of art. Vacation houses on exotic islands. See where this is goin'? ... Lawrence and his young wife Ruby came to Menewsha hoping to find their perfect getaway. And they found that perfect home in the Marcheford Manor.

Oh the locals warned Lawrence and his flashy, little bride about Marcheford's history, but Paulson wouldn't be persuaded. "Progress can't be built on a foundation of superstition," he was famous for saying. And with that he demanded to be shown the manor.

No one in the nearby town would set foot on the property, so Lawrence and his wife were left to their own devices. Superstition may hinder progress, but sometimes it can save you life. When the Paulsons didn't return to their hotel, townsfolks feared the worst. Fears that weren't unfounded. In the ballroom they discovered Lawrence dead, his face contorted into a grinning mask of madness.

~ Cara Ellison ~

The months following the death of Eloise Marcheford were difficult for everyone, and the kitchen staff was no exception. They say each person processes grief differently; for Cara Ellison, it was pouring herself into her work that enabled her some semblance of relief from the deep sorrow she felt. Creating new recipes for the remaining household became something of a personal crusade for her, and she began to seek rarer and stranger ingredients with which to ply her craft. With each successful creation she felt a little more whole, and so she couldn't help but continue.

It was with a slight hint of madness that Cara envisioned her final masterpiece: a complex stew, made with the finest meats, imported spices, and vegetables from near and far. For her final ingredient, Cara disobeyed a longstanding house rule and trespassed into Mr. Marcheford's private garden to collect from unfamiliar herbs to add to the stew. As it brewed and bubbled, a curiously bitter aroma wafted into the air and Cara felt that she was at the threshhold of closure. A quick taste confirmed that she had created something truly unique. All that remained was to serve this glorious dish to the household, and then she would finally be at peace.

Unfortunately, that unfamiliar herb proved to be the deadly poison that would end Cara's life, forever binding her spirit in unrest as she attempts in vain to serve her final meal to souls long departed.

~ Cordelia Hunt and BFF Becky ~

Tired of being dismissed by her peers as a "spoiled rich girl," Cordelia Hunt called on her best friend Becky (who was always up for anything) and set out to prove them wrong by spending the night in the haunted Manor. After an uneventful exploration of the first floor, the two made their way down to the Wine Cellar and sat on a bench to rest their feet.

Cordelia sighed, bored. Stretching her arms and yawning, Becky leaned back against a cask and heard the liquid splosh inside. "Ooh!!" she squealed, "Do you think it's still good?" Noticing two wooden cups conveniently placed on a table beside the cask, Cordelia shrugged to her friend. "Let's find out!"

Somewhere around the fourth or seventh cup, Cordelia turned to her BFF and said, "Omigosh Becky, this wine is nasty! It tastes like salt, and -- and copper pennies!"

The coroner's report would list "alcohol poisoning" as the cause of death, but Cordelia and Becky's antics have become something of an urban legend. The word among the youth is that the official report is a cover-up, and that the girls had actually died from drinking gallons of human blood.

~ Spencer Whitehill ~

There were few, if any, who could claim to the know the inner-workings of Alexander Marcheford's mind. One wonders if even his most beloved, Eloise, knew. He kept most people at arm's length and allowed near no one into his world. One exception was Spencer Whitehill, Marcheford's footman. He was the servant with whom Alexander interacted the most and even assisted inside the basement laboratory, which was off limits to everyone else.

Various dealings with his employer aside, Spencer was a loner. He was regarded as a snob by the rest of the staff, considering himself above them. In the months following Eloise's death, Whitehill found himself spending more and more time with Marcheford in the hidden basement rooms. But soon his demeanor began to change. He was troubled and seemed to be losing his usual confidence. ... Whitehill's last day came abruptly. Marcheford claimed he found the man dead, having accidentally ingested some chemicals being used on the experimental rats. This occurred in the 'Subject Room', as Alexander referred to it. Others would call it.. the dungeon.

~ Jacob Balliwick ~

Calling Jacob Balliwick the maintenance man slow-witted would be a kindness. Truth was he didn't have the mental faculties that god gave a rabid woodchuck. But what he lacked in smarts he made up with an almost savant-like ability to repair anything that needed fixing.

In the weeks following Eloise's death, the weather on the island was chillier than usual. On one particularly nippy night, the boiler, for some odd reason, suddenly gave out. Mr. Marcheford summoned his maintenance man and demanded that it be fixed immediately. Usually not easy for someone without two thoughts to rub together, but for Jacob a simple task. No one can be too sure what happened next. The other servants heard a blood-curdling shout and rushed down to the basement. Throwing open the boiler room door, they found Jacob, flailing about, engulfed in flames. He was promptly put out, but did not live long after. In the aftermath, Alexander Marcheford lamented he would need to buy a new boiler.

~ Henriette Garvin ~

When Eloise became the lady of Marcheford Manor, she brought along her most trusted maid, Henriette Garvin. The relationship between the two women surpassed that of servant and employer. Eloise considered Henriette to be her best friend and most trusted confidante.

When Eloise died, it was a devastating blow to Henriette. But as a strong and self-assured woman, she resolved to stay on at Marcheford and serve the family her departed friend loved so much. The only downside, it seemed, was having to deal with Boris, the Chef.

Boris was madly infatuated with the pretty, blonde maid. But his boorish nature and wild temper repelled her. On the day of her unfortunate demise, Cara Ellison, the serving girl, overheard Boris rambling to himself about Henriette finally confessing her love. Cara confronted her about this, which Henriette strongly denied. "I'll have to set him straight, once and for all." She was remarked to say.

It would be the last thing she'd ever do. That nights, the household was awoken by screams coming from the basement. Searching the laundry room, they found poor Henriette dead, a stab wound through her heart.

~ Charlotte Avery ~

After Eloise Marcheford had fallen ill and all manner of traditional medicines had failed to help her, her husband turned to other means of healing. He commissioned a talented young harpist named Charlotte Avery to come to the Manor and play for Eloise, hoping that a turn in her spirits might enable her to get well.

Charlotte played for Eloise for countless hours in the days leading up to her death. She remained by her bedside long into the night, playing her harp until her blistered fingers could pull the strings no more. On the morning of Eloise's death, servants gone to rouse Charlotte would find that she too had passed away mysteriously in her sleep. They say the haunting melodies that were played on that final night can still be heard in the hallways of the Manor to this day.

~ Ruby Paulson ~

On her thirteenth birthday, Ruby Paulson's mother offered up a piece of advice that would stick with the girl for the rest of her life. "Marry for money, baby. Love can move mountains, but it can't make diamonds." And that's what she did.

Ruby was as sharp as a pillowcase, but an impossibly, beautiful young woman, who was just cunning enough to know how to bend men to her will. And she found the perfect payout in Lawrence Paulson, a man who demanded the best. And there was no better trophy wife than Ruby.

Now no one can say for sure what happened at Marcheford that day. Authorities found Mr. Paulson deceased in the ballroom, his visage twisted with insanity. As for Ruby, she was discovered upstairs in the fainting room. She lay on her stomach, a bottle of smelling salts not too far away. Turning her over, police were horrified to find the same expression of madness on her face.

~ Dr. Morris Fossen ~

To call Dr. Morris Fossen "clumsy" would be an understatement; the man was responsible for no less than 42 broken bones over the course of his medical career -- 7 of them his own. Not the greatest of credentials, but in times of crisis one could hardly afford to be selective.

Dr. Fossen came to the Manor to assist during an outbreak of a highly infectious unknown illness that plagued the house staff two years after Eloise Marcheford passed away. When the cough and fever had progressed such that it seemed a patient was beyond all hope of recovery, Dr. Fossen and his nurse would carry them by stretcher from the 3rd floor Sick Room all the way down to the Basement Laboratory. The more optimistic staff would believe that this was done to spare the recovering from witnessing death, but others were sure they heard the sound of large objects tumbling down the stairs and screams of torture from the floors below them late at night.

Dr. Morris' cause of death is unknown, but his ghost is said to wander along that same path, carrying "parts" of his unfortunate patients from the 3rd floor to the basement.

~ Eulaila Greene ~

Eulaila Greene was nanny to the two Marcheford children. Though in some respects still only a girl herself, Eulaila was a kind-hearted and intelligent young woman. She loved Amelia and Sedrick, and helped them through their mother's illness and eventual death. After Mrs. Marcheford died, she recognized that the children needed their father more than anything and told him so. But Mr. Marcheford was preoccupied with his own grief, stowed away in his laboratory.

When her two young charges disappeared, it was a devastating blow to Eulaila. With them gone, there was nothing left for her at the manor and she prepared to leave. She was known to have trouble sleeping and would, from time to time, take a little laudanum before bed. On the morning of her departure, after attempts to rouse her were met with no response, she was found missing from her room. The adjacent door stood open, and in the Nursery, on Sedrick's bed, Eulaila lay dead, the empty bottle of laudanum at her side.

~ Georgetta Amos ~

Georgetta Amos was an ambitious, if unscrupulous, fashion designer who sought above all else to make a name for herself. When Alexander Marcheford put out the call for a one-of-a-kind tailored burial gown for his beloved and recently-departed wife Eloise, Georgetta jumped at the chance to make herself known.

Those who sought the contract were to meet at the Sewing Room of the Manor, to show their designs to Mr. Marcheford's assistant for approval. Georgetta had been working all night at getting her dress just right - even studying a portrait of Eloise to be sure she captured the feel and colors of her wedding gown - but she still felt it needed "oomph." She held the dress up to her chest and looked in the mirror, and it hit her in a flash: Georgetta looked a lot like Eloise. Same hair, same complexion.. In fact, if it weren't for the eyes, she'd almost be a spitting image.

So it was that Georgetta showed up to the Manor wearing the dress she had fashioned for a dead woman. Despite sharp looks from the staff, she was feeling pretty pleased with herself, and as she stood at the foot of the 3rd floor staircase, she remembered to don the silk blindfold she had fashioned for maximum impact. Though she could hardly see a thing, she confidently marched up the stairway to show off her design. At the top step, she heard a sharp whistle beside her and startled a moment, turning her head towards the noise. Something jerked hard on the back of her blindfold then, and she toppled backward down the stairwell, breaking her spine in a mad tangle of skirts and hair and limbs.

~ Boris Marinova ~

Of all the staff of Marcheford Manor, the one that was not to be crossed was Boris Marinova, the chef. Originally from Bulgaria, Boris honed his skills at the finest culinary institutions throughout Europe. He was a genius at what he did, but also, everyone agreed, a bit unhinged. Prone to temper tantrums, the kitchen help knew to do as they were told and stay out of his way.

When Alexander Marcheford married Eloise, she brought along her maid, Henriette. Boris was immediately smitten with the woman and attempted to woo her. But Henriette, put off by his temper and brash manner, spurned his advances. Each 'no', though, only served to fuel the flames of his desire.

All this came to a head one day when in town Boris boasted that he had finally received a declaration of Henriette's love. That night, the household was awakened by screams. They rushed to the laundry room, where they discovered poor Henriette dead, stabbed to death. Knowing that Boris had been pursuing the pretty blonde maid, they searched the house for him. He was found in Henriette's bedroom, clutching her picture, his kitchen knife plunged in his heart.
~ Thom Wallace ~
Thom Wallace was a kindly old man with a talent for gardening. Due to an accident in his boyhood, he'd lost his hearing long ago. He hadn't been able to speak well since then, so for the most part he just didn't speak at all. Much of his life, people mistook his silence for dimwittedness, and he was treated rather poorly as a result.

Thom found an unlikely friend in young Amelia Marcheford. Little Amelia adored roses, as did Thom. He'd made a habit of picking a small bouquet for her each day, which he'd give to her when she inevitably "hid" from her brother in the rose garden during one of their games of hide and seek. The bouquets were always received with giggles of delight, and their brief meetings were something Thom quite looked forward to.

When Amelia and Sedrick disappeared, Thom sank into a deep depression. Rather than tend his roses down on the manor grounds, he spent his time on the terrace, pacing back and forth uttering incoherencies and staring off towards the Woods.

Thom was found out on the terrace, having suffered a heart attack. He lay on his side with his face turned toward the Woods, cheeks moist with tears and a small bouquet of white roses clutched in his hand.
~ Sorcha Leven ~
Sorcha Leven billed herself a "World Class Psychic." With people dropping like flies in the Manor, a desperate housekeeping staff pooled their apron change and hired her to divine the source of the trouble in hopes that they'd finally be able to put whatever-it-was to rest.

Upon arrival at the Manor, Sorcha pulled a long polished bone from a velvet pouch and began waving it around theatrically, chanting aloud in a strange tongue. She was "pulled" this way and that in her colorful skirts as her divination dragged her around the house. Zig-zagging upward with a handful of curious housekeepers in tow, she arrived finally at the door to the Attic Storage room. Shoving open the door with one chubby hand, she boldly proclaimed, "THIS is where we shall hold the seance!"

She whipped out a swatch of purple fabric and lay it atop a pile of boxes, kicking up an awful cloud of dust. The coughing fit that ensued was even more dramatic than her earlier performance, and though she passed rather quickly from an asthma attack, it took the butler poking her good and hard with his cane for the staff to believe she was really dead.
~ Millicent Lollyworth ~
Millicent Lollyworth, a distant relative of Eloise Marcheford, only wanted to enjoy her tea in quiet solitude. With the recent passing of her cousin twice-removed, however, the house was a flurry of activity and her usual perch in the Fainting Room was occupied by a mourning aunt. Growing impatient, she shuffled from hallway to hallway until she came upon the Sauna, where she was relieved to discover that not a soul was present.

Perhaps it was the heat of the room, the stress of the day's events, or simply a corset fastened a bit too tightly.. But Millicent began to feel the tingle in her spine, and then the tiny twinkling lights in her peripheral vision appeared -- those familiar, telltale signs that she was about to faint. As her unconscious body collapsed, her tea splashed to the ground and her head hit the sauna bench at just the right angle to snap her neck, killing her instantly.
~ Hunter Puget ~
Hunter Puget holds the unfortunate distinction of being Marcheford's most recent victim. Time tends to temper the weight of fear. The 21st century had dawned, and to the neighboring town's younger generation the stories of the manor had become less cautionary tale and more urban legend. Kids still feared the mansion, but there was an edge of fun to that fear.

Hunter was was your average teen. He loved music and enjoyed hanging out with his friends. One day, he and his pals got to talking about Marcheford. "I wouldn't go up there for a million gold," said his friend Todd. "You're sad. It's all just talk" Hunter replied. "If you're so brave, why don't you spend the night there?" Friend Richie added.

Now no young man wants to be seen as a coward in the eyes of his friend, so he agreed. The last Todd and Richie saw of him, he pulled on his headphones, climbed the rusted gate and disappeared from view. When Hunter didn't reappear the next day, authorities were sent to search the property. The house was checked from the bottom up, and at the very top, in the Dark Room, Hunter was found... dead. The coroner attributed the teen's demise to sudden cardiac arrest. But others say he died of fright.

Captain Howdy 10-23-2011 07:37 AM

Maria-Minamino 11-02-2011 12:32 AM

We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Rose Garden

Captain Howdy 11-02-2011 12:33 AM

Our first victim entrant.

Thank you kindly. ;D

Maria-Minamino 11-02-2011 12:35 AM

@Howdy - someone had to be first, I figured I would sacrifice myself and do it...for everyone else of course :P

Seito 11-02-2011 12:41 AM

We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here:
The Koi Pond

Izumi 11-02-2011 12:46 AM

We're in the Front Grounds today.
I want to search here: The Koi Pond

Hopefully I can pick something that's been already picked? I'm assuming so otherwise only so many people could play per day. ^_^;

Captain Howdy 11-02-2011 12:47 AM

Hey Zumi. ;D

You're allowed to pick any area/room you'd like. :)

edit: You and Sei can be Koi Pond friends. Awww... :3

Izumi 11-02-2011 12:48 AM

Cool beans! :)

Hey there Howdy! Are you suppose to be Jeeves?

Captain Howdy 11-02-2011 12:49 AM

Jeeves whose had a pretty traumatic night. :lol:

Izumi 11-02-2011 12:50 AM

Yah I'll say....He looks like he's been in a blood bath. O_o I'm surprised he isn't armed.

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