Menewsha Avatar Community

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Gory Little Horror 08-04-2008 07:08 PM

♣ Dedicated To Events ♣ Most Active During Events [ Gory Is Offline ^^ ]
♣ Dedicated To Events ♣

This thread is for all those who become more active during events, post more (during events), spend more time on Mene (during events) and all of that.

So let's hear you post for star parts. Mumble about clues you don't understand. Wish for items. Count down until your next token. And fall asleep after many hours of Menewsha.

Enjoy ^_^!

Gory Little Horror 08-04-2008 07:09 PM

♣ Those Dedicated To Events ♣

Just fill out this short form and I'll add you to the list for all to see!


I'm Dedicated!
Why I'm So Dedicated:
Reasons Why I Should Be On The List:

Name: Apocrypha
Why I'm So Dedicated: I have a regular thread every event, and I usually lurk when there are no events. XD
Reasons Why I Should Be On The List: Because I'm dedicated? XD

Name: [L]ove[H]ate
Why I'm So Dedicated: I always make thread in the event and I join in on many contests and chat with others in their threads to keep them alive and going.
Reasons Why I Should Be On The List: I'm dedicated with events and on regular time as well. I own a charity and I give out all the time. =]

Name: Manseutus
Why I'm So Dedicated: I lurk whenever I can and am an avid rper. Also during events I try to be around more often
Reasons Why I Should Be On The List: uhmm Cus im nice?

Gory Little Horror 08-04-2008 07:10 PM

♣ High Scorer! ♣

Just fill out this short form and I'll add you to the list for all to see!


High Score!
Tokens / Stars:
Screenshot (As Prove):

Gory Little Horror 08-04-2008 07:10 PM

♣ The Dreamers ♣

Just fill out this short form and I'll add you to the list for all to see!


I'm A Dreamer!
What I Want:

Gory Little Horror 08-04-2008 07:57 PM

Now open!

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 09:39 AM


Zombie Cheesecake 08-05-2008 09:42 AM

::dances about your new thread::
Well hello there =D

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 09:46 AM

o.O Pretty avatar ...

Hi n_n
So what do you taste like if you're a zombie cheesecake?

Zombie Cheesecake 08-05-2008 09:47 AM

Skittles, apparently xD That is the conclusion me and my friends have come to xP

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 09:50 AM

Wow, that seems a somewhat strange conclusion, yet at the same time a rather tasty one ;3

So how are you this morning?

Zombie Cheesecake 08-05-2008 09:51 AM

Lol, I'm currently at work, so quite bored xP
I'll be right back actually, have to grab some paperwork xD

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 09:53 AM

Oh I see,
What is work?
And that sounds fun, yay for paperwork?

Apocrypha 08-05-2008 09:54 AM

I'm Dedicated!
Name: Apocrypha
Why I'm So Dedicated: I have a regular thread every event, and I usually lurk when there are no events. XD
Reasons Why I Should Be On The List: Because I'm dedicated? XD


Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 09:55 AM

Hiya, how are you?

Apocrypha 08-05-2008 09:59 AM

I'm fine, thanks. <3 How about you?

Zombie Cheesecake 08-05-2008 09:59 AM

Lol, work is boring
more specifically it's a boring desk job xP
And paper work just makes it even more boring xD

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 10:02 AM

@ Apocrypha : I'm good =]

@ Zombie Cheesecake (who tastes like Skittles apparently) : Oh I see ... Which is why you have Menewsha? To try and make it less boring?

Apocrypha 08-05-2008 10:05 AM

That's good. :]

I have noticed something. XD Me, you, and Zombie Cheesecake are dressed in a red+black attire. X3

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 10:07 AM

<_< *hadn't noticed*

It's because ... We're just that awesome?

Apocrypha 08-05-2008 10:11 AM

Yeah. XD

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 10:13 AM


So what are you up to?

Apocrypha 08-05-2008 10:24 AM

Watching some alien flicks. XD you?

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 10:26 AM

Mmm, talking on menewsha and maybe watching a movie or two in a while.

Oh the joys of summer holidays.

Hatake Ayumi 08-05-2008 11:45 AM

Mewr, Hi!

Gory Little Horror 08-05-2008 07:56 PM

Hello again

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