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Kat Dakuu 11-27-2017 01:11 AM

Soul Searching

The guitar notes thrum through the recording studio, coaxed by the pale, skilled fingers of Trey Kingsley. With his fluffy blonde hair pushed back by a headband across his forehead, he played in a deep concentration. The young musician didn't look like much. At age twenty-four, he still wore he appearance of a teenager, or at least someone not old enough to drink. Perhaps it was a boon from his in-human heritage, though his parents never mentioned youth or beauty as a standard. He didn't care to ask now, but maybe it made sense. Nøkken lured humans to their death, after all. Why not with their face and their music?

As Trey finished the bass track for his newest song, the haunting melody that entranced the sound technicians finally faded. Like they woke from a spell, the two older men roused on the other side of the glass.

"That sounded perfect Tre," one of the technicians called over the room's speakers. "I think we can go ahead with that unless you want to give it another try. Not sure you can play any better than that though." The man chuckled, already knowing as well as any other that the rock star known as Tre never needed second takes. Even his singing which paled in comparison to his guitar still dazzled every audience.

"No." Trey's single word served as response enough. It was true that Trey excelled in music all too easily. It allowed him to debut on the rock scene at only twenty-one, quickly gaining notoriety through his first year. Of course the company's head knew of his Nøkken heritage, but Trey kept it a secret from most simply because his kind was rare even in a mixed world of magical beings and humans. Placing his bass guitar in its case, Trey stood from the stool that was was small for his small frame. "I'm done. Good day."

Those last words said, he strode from the room and down the studio's halls with a straight-forward purpose. It was strange perhaps, considering his face, but Trey's reputation within the company was that of a cold idol who rarely interacted with anyone. And honestly, he was okay with that.

Ava The Vampire:

Kory 11-27-2017 03:36 AM

It had been a couple of days since Adam last recorded a song... He'd been scribbling away at lyrics for a while, still unsure about what he wanted to say. It had become his modus operandi to write funeral music. After a couple of weeks of non-stop inspiration, Adam found himself stuck in a creative rut. The words didn't flow as well as he'd liked them to and the notes didn't sound that well meshed together. Adam growled as he scratched out the newly written lyrics on his sheet music.

Adam tugged at his long, black locks; frustrated at the difficulty he was having with writing new songs. Adam glanced over his workspace to see his drum set sitting in the shadowed, isolated corner. He let out a sigh and stood up from where he was seated at his desk. He walked over to his drum set and started to play. Without music, Adam felt lost. Without his long life span as a vampire, he probably would have never gotten the chance to learn as much about music as he had...

Adam felt alive when he played music. The music swept him away as he played his drums, letting inspiration flow through him, hoping to find the lyrics to the song he'd been trying to write for ages now. As Adam played, he heard something coming from another room in his home. Adam continued to play at first, still lost in the music, until the noise he'd heard grew louder and more consistent. "Fuck." Adam growled and he stopped drumming...

It was his phone.

He put down the drumsticks and made his way over to the next room. "Hello?"

"Adam!" Came a cheery voice. Adam groaned. It one of the producers from the record label. "How's the new song coming along? We've already started production on your previous song. Would you like to hear it?"

Adam felt bombarded by questions. He remained silent on the line, waiting for any more incoming questions. "Adam?"

"I trust that the song sounds good." Adam said, ignoring the first question. Adam listened for a little longer as the producer went on and on about how Adam really should hear the song in order to give them feedback. Adam hated that about making music; having to deal with other people, other personalities. Adam started to miss the old days, where music was created by a single person, there was no middle man and there was no fuss. It was created and given to the world without questions or hassle.

After a good ten minutes of being on the line with the producer, Adam broke and said, "Fine. I'll be at the studio... Around 2am."

"Great, Adam, see you then!"

Kat Dakuu 11-27-2017 05:44 PM

It was already late evening when Trey left the studio. Although dark outside, the afterglow of daylight still lightened the far horizon. The general population still wandered about as well, not yet willing to give it over to the nocturnal creatures. Trey avoided them as he headed for the a back street that traveled around the studio building and after a few turns, turned into a grouping of cheap apartment buildings fighting for space to breathe. Even the high fence around their backside only seemed to hold them in like they might collapse without the fence's help rather than appearing to keep strangers out.

Trey entered one of those apartments and headed straight for his bathroom. The single bedroom unit didn't have much else to offer anyway. Where the rest of his furniture looked shoddy or forgotten, the plumbing fixtures were new and the tub more than large enough to fully submerge himself. Trey opened the bathroom window so that he could feel the night air on his skin, then drew the bath.

Warm water spilled into the porcelain tub, making him shiver at the droplets that splashed onto him. Nøkken belonged to the water. Without it, he felt weak and powerless. He could make the waterfalls sing if he wanted to, but without water, he couldn't even make his own throat sing. Finally, he slid down into the water's depths, pulling his head under for several minutes. Strength flowed into his limbs, leaving them tingling all the way to the roots of his hair. When he pulled himself out from the water again, his eyes glowed a vivid cyan light the lure lights from under the lake. Yes, he was a Nøkk, siren of the Norwegian lakes. If he wanted, he could sing men to their deaths, but right now, he just wanted to sing for the joy of it.

His window still open to drag his voice out into the night air, Trey started to sing. The words didn't mean anything as he slipped into his ancient tongue. Melody falling over melody, he just let his voice carry on with no meaning at all. He wanted to be left alone. He wanted to be heard. He just wanted to sing.

Kory 11-28-2017 12:37 AM

Adam sighed. The harder he tried to force music from his brain, the harder his brain fought against him. Adam crumpled another page of sheet music. It just was not happening tonight... Adam grew tired of the constant battle he was having with his muse. He decided that since the sun had gone down, perhaps he could take a walk before heading over to the studio. Adam threw on his jacket and made his way out of his messy apartment.

Outside, the crisp, cool air bit Adam's face as he walked. He didn't realize how hungry he'd gotten since it'd been a few days since he'd last fed. Adam knew better than to attack humans. It just wasn't the way it was done anymore... Humans knew about magical creatures now. And some were no longer afraid. Adam didn't need to waste his time nursing a vendetta that was out of date. Still, Adam loved watching the way the life drained from the human's eyes as he sucked out their life liquid. Just thinking about it gave Adam shivers and made his stomach growl.

Adam quickly shuffled passed dog parks and bus stops. He licked his chapped lips, while watching some of the human night stalkers walking around. He debated with himself on whether or not he should just drink a stranger... No one had to know. But his conscience knew better than to drink some poor mortal and suffer the consequences. He started to chew his lips as he kept walking.

"Hey!" Came a voice from the distance. Adam turned around and was greeted by the face of an avid "fan". Adam wanted to either bite into the young man's neck and drink his blood... or walk away and not say so much as two words to this fan. He was pleasantly surprised and relieved when the sound of singing rang through the air. It was quiet at first, but eventually Adam was able to tune out all of the other noise and focus on just the voice. Even the "fan" he was talking to seemed to be affected by the lovely sound. It put Adam in a better mood and he was able to politely tell the "fan" that he was in a hurry and didn't have time to talk.

Adam wandered by himself in the dark for a couple of hours before making his way back home to get into his car to drive to the studio.

. . . .

"Adam! Welcome!"

"Let's get this over with..." Adam mumbled. With the rest of the creative team, Adam heard the new music and approved it. It sounded gorgeous, just the way he'd expected it would. The song reminded him of Evelyn and that put him in another bad mood. "It sounds nice."

"So... you like it, Adam? Is there anything you'd like to change about it?"


Adam left the studio as quickly as he could. It was only 3:30am but the sun would be up before he knew it. Adam drove back to his apartment in silence. When he arrived back home to his apartment, he immediately went to his bedroom, turning on his turntable and playing some classic rock music. He loved listening to old music that reminded him of the past. Adam laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. The sun would be up soon and he'd have to sleep...

Kat Dakuu 11-28-2017 06:32 PM

Trey sang for hours perhaps. He didn't watch the time and in fact, he didn't care about time at all when he sang. It just felt so natural and perfect when he sang or played an instrument. At all other times, he felt out of place, but submerged in water as he created music, he felt perfectly at home.

Finally, the night deepened so much that even Trey couldn't resist the pull of sleep. He considered getting up and using the small bed pushed against the wall, mostly for show. In the end though, he just closed his eyes where he lay. He wouldn't turn pruney from the water and it felt comfortable there. So, his melody going silent, he settled into the water as if it were a pile of pillows. Sleep came easily and he didn't wake again until the sun sat high in the sky. His phone blinked with a half dozen messages that he ignored. Trey didn't care to listen because he knew what they would say. He recorded the guitar tracks yesterday, but today he would sing his new song. He just planned to do it on his own schedule.

After dressing in a dark blue shirt with sleeves that ate his hands and a low neck line that showed off the soft curve of his neck, he headed once again to the studio. Rather than the guitar case, he just carried a small stuffed white cat stuffed into the pocket of his dark jeans. It made him stand out, but Trey didn't even notice the strangeness. He was ready to spend an entire day in the recording and practice rooms as he built all his music. Maybe that melody from last night? He could use the base of it and build up...maybe.

Trey stepped into the building, let out a small sigh, then set to work. He missed the lakes though. He missed a lot of things he might never get back.

Kory 11-29-2017 03:06 AM

Adam overslept. He woke up the next night in the late evening. Adam rolled off his bed lazily and made his way over to his closet. Throwing on a black shirt, jacket and pants, Adam quickly slipped out of his apartment and made his way towards his car. When Adam reached his car, he sighed. It was another day of recording and Adam wasn't looking forward to it at all.

. . .

Upon arrival at the studio, Adam rushed in, brushing past a few people in the process, however, he did not stop to apologize for it. Due to the stress of having to rush, Adam's bloodlust was at an all time high. He started to worry that if he didn't feed soon, he'd accidentally attack someone. The possibility of that happening was awfully high, as he already hated half the people in the studio.

"Sorry." Adam said. The producers shrugged it off, noticing that Adam seemed "off". They started to crowd Adam, asking him questions, throwing headphones on Adam's head, shoving him into the recording booth, barking out demands... "Can you sing a little louder, Adam?" "Can you add more emotion?" "Can you tone down the inflections, Adam?" "Can you, Adam?" "Can you?" "Can you"?!....

Adam hated how commercial music had become. Everything had to sound pitch perfect to the producers otherwise they disregarded it. Adam found that his bloodlust was starting to impair his judgement. He started to growl a little into the microphone. "Adam...?!" But by now, Adam was much too far gone.

He tore the headphones off his ears and his fangs lengthened. He roared as his frenzied hunger made him start to attack the producers. His speed and strength made it possible for him to wound multiple people at once. Those who were on the other side of the glass were not safe either... He wounded quite a couple of people, leaving the rest to flee the room. He started to drink from the engineer, not really caring anymore. The engineer's blood was surprisingly sweet and filling. He didn't mean to kill the man, but he drank much more than he should have. The engineer fell to the floor, lifeless.

Adam felt embarrassed. It'd been such a long time since he'd experienced such a hunger that he'd actually killed for it. He wiped at the blood on his face, letting out an anger roar. He was certainly fucked now.

Kat Dakuu 11-29-2017 07:39 PM

The morning passed by in a quick blur, passing into afternoon, then evening for Trey. Although it only took a couple hours record his vocal tracks, he needed plenty of time to work on the rest of his music, practicing, honing, writing. As lost in his own music as he was, he only noticed the large passage of time when evening struck. His stomach growled, ending a session he'd been having alone in a practice room.

The studio housed a cafeteria on the first floor which stayed open until eight, although the food choices left much to be desired. Trey didn't mind it as he bough a salad which he finished while avoiding the collection of staff members who did try to talk to him. The rest whispered like he couldn't hear them. He couldn't, but, not saying anything, Trey just walked past. He knew that people considered him cold, but he just didn't know what to say. Even when he tried to sound polite, the words just came out too clipped and forced. He just got so awkward that they turned out that way though.

Night already started to close in when Trey left the cafeteria again, a box of apple juice in hand. He knew that most reasonable people would go home at this hour, especially after working all day, but he lived for music and nothing else. So, heading for the practice rooms again, he considered putting in another few hours.

However, a commotion stopped his steps. A number of technicians and others ran down the hall, crying out as the smell of blood blossomed. Stopping in the middle of the hall, the men ran past him in apparent terror. Trey took a sip of his apple juice, only shifting in order not to get touched as they passed. It was strange. He knew he should turn around as well, but he found his feet continuing in the direction that the men ran from instead. He didn't like to get involved in other people's business and yet he found himself stopping in front of a studio door.

The sound proofing was made useless by the fact that the last person who exited didn't let the door swing shut all the way. Nostril's flaring, Trey could tell in an instant that the smell of blood came from this room. However, he didn't hear sounds of pain, just an agry roar. Trey pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Someone he didn't know crouched on the floor with a dead body at his feet. Blood covered the floor as well as the stranger's lips. Trey's face twitched slightly, the normal calm turning sad for a second, but not judgemental. He looked at the man from whom the blood flowed. "You killed Mr. Engineer," he hummed. "Why?"

Kory 11-30-2017 01:24 AM

Adam's eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights when he heard a voice. The entire moment of killing the engineer seemed to move in slow motion... Until that voice rang through his ears and Adam looked up to find the source of the voice. He wasn't surprised to see a young man, carrying a juice box, seemingly unfazed by the sight of a dead body. In fact, he was rather welcomed by the idea that someone else in the studio may not be as scared as he'd thought.

This man smelled different than the usual people he surrounded himself with. Adam could tell from the smell alone that this man was not human. It gave him comfort to know that perhaps he was not as alone as he'd thought. Humans had slowly started to accept the existence of magical, otherworldly creatures... But Adam wasn't ready to adjust to the new world just yet. Adam wiped blood from the corner of his mouth, at first, he thought he'd ignore the young man...

Adam stood up and looked down at the body at his feet. He could tell this strange, young man was saddened by the death. Adam felt the least he could do was respond. Even if it was not the response this young man was looking for... "I didn't mean to." Adam whispered. Adam stepped over the body and made his way out of the studio, brushing passed the young man with the juice box. "I'm sorry..." Adam said before he left.

Adam felt awful. The engineer's blood was delicious, but not worth the terror and the sad looks he was given. Adam was concerned that he'd never be able to show his face again in the studio. Adam sauntered to his car with his head hung low; embarrassed. He didn't unlock the door right away... Instead, Adam stared at the car with a blank expression on his face. Turning his back to the car, Adam leaned against it and looked up at the sky. He'd hear about this incident soon, he knew. Perhaps the police would be at his door, or perhaps the studio would pay to keep everyone quiet. After all, Adam was an asset to the team. Still, Adam felt terrible for what he'd done, which, was a new feeling after all...

Kat Dakuu 11-30-2017 01:52 AM

Trey continued to stare at the body even as the other man stepped around it, apologizing. He didn't sound sad though. Perhaps not without remorse, but not exactly sad either. It confused Trey so that he hesitated to respond, not wanting to say the wrong words. "Oh." He turned to follow the other man with his gaze as he exited the door. That was it? A word of apology and then he planned to leave the body there on the floor? It wasn't that Trey cared an exceptional lot. The other guy probably misunderstood that Trey felt saddened by the engineer's death in particular. He didn't know the guy's name though. He didn't know anyone's. It was just the right thing to do right? He felt something because someone died.

So, because the guy who did it seemed not to feel that, Trey turned to follow him out of the studio room. The guy didn't stop and walked all the way out the front door to a car which he leaned against, not seeming to notice the smaller person following him. Trey stopped a few feet away, his unnaturally blue eyes shrewd on the other man.

"You left him there." He dropped his gaze to stare at his juice box, but didn't take a drink. It was probably empty anyway, but he didn't even try to sip out the last bit, instead returning his gaze to the other man. "You'll get in trouble if you walk away. Other people will be sad." Probably. He thought that was the way that death and people worked after all. Even he felt that there should not be a dead body on the studio floor. It was just...sad.

Kory 11-30-2017 04:35 PM

Adam didn't give a shit that the smaller man followed him. But he was starting to get a little annoyed that he suggested that he'd get into trouble for killing a man; a stranger, almost, at that. Adam growled in response, then pulled out a box of cigarettes from his pocket. He slowly pulled out a cigarette, but didn't light it... He just fumbled with it in his hand for a couple of minutes.

Then the young man kept talking, Adam rolled his eyes, still annoyed. "Look, kid..." Adam started. "What exactly do you want from me?" Adam shoved the cigarette in his pocket and turned away from the young man. "I'm sorry if I killed one of your little friends... It wasn't my fault, though..." Adam opened his car door, but did not go inside.

Adam felt bad. He was very remorseful for what had happened, yet, he really didn't feel as though it was as big of a deal as this kid was making it seem. Surely, they'd have some police or someone go to the studio and clean up, then they'd start looking for Adam, probably to question him or to arrest him. Adam wasn't scared of the police...

The more Adam thought about it, the more Adam started to feel guilty for what he'd done. Before he slipped into this car, he turned his head to look at the young man and he sighed and apologized again. "I'm sorry..."

Kat Dakuu 11-30-2017 05:44 PM

There it was again, the miscommunication that the guy who died was Trey's friend in some way. Trey didn't have friends and he wasn't a kid either. He clenched his first around the juice box, flattening it just the slightest bit. He felt annoyed himself even if it didn't show strongly on his face. People always thought the wrong things about him, like he was a child, or he was cold, or he needed coddling of some kind. None of that was true though. He wanted to be left alone, but he didn't want to be ignored either.

"I don't want anything. Sorry doesn't change facts so I don't care to hear it." The other man got into his car, though he still didn't completely close himself away, leaving the door open. Trey's features softened as he gave up his annoyance. It wouldn't do any good either since he himself didn't know why he followed the other man out here. Did he plan to help or condemn.

Sighing, Trey hummed a senseless melody for a half second before deciding. "I won't tell the cops it was you if you want." Maybe it was the strange ease that he found himself able to talk with because of how they met, but he figured he could be on the other man's side instead of against it.

Kory 12-01-2017 12:35 AM

Adam scoffed when the young man said that sorry didn't change what happened. Of course not! But it wasn't as though Adam had the words or even the feelings to explain to someone else why he did what he did. He ignored the young man, opting to not respond to that statement at all. He didn't need someone telling him he'd done wrong when he already knew what he'd done.

Adam started to close his car door, when the young man said something else. It made Adam laugh a little... "Gee, thanks, kid." He chuckled. "It's really nice of you to not tell the cops." Then Adam closed the car door completely. But not without rolling down the window so he could still talk a little, "Why are you even out here?" He asked. "Don't you have parents or someone looking for you?"

Adam knew that this young man wasn't a kid... But he liked to tease.

Kat Dakuu 12-01-2017 02:09 AM

Trey felt glad when the other man said thanks, not noticing the words as anything except sincere. Since he said that, Trey would do as he said and not tell the cops who he saw kill who. Maybe it wouldn't make a difference. He didn't think of the others who fled the recording room, but Trey was the only one who entered and conversed after the deed. So really, wasn't it a good thing if he pretended that never happened?

However, when the man rolled down his window and spoke again, Trey tensed. A kid? Parent's to look after him? "I'm a musician!" he huffed, even he soft curls of his his bristling at the other man's words. "I'm not lost, you know. I'm already twenty-four." It was a sore point. He disliked being thought of as cute or childish, but he didn't take the effort to change his appearance either. The producers like it. He was cute wasn't he, so maybe it was alright? Right now though, he couldn't help but take offense. "I'm going to leave now."

Kory 12-01-2017 02:45 AM

Adam couldn't help but laugh a little as he watched the young man get upset over his teasing. When the young man said that he was leaving, Adam nodded and rolled up his car window. He lit a cigarette and shoved it between his lips, then started his car. It was terribly funny to watch the younger man get upset. It made Adam feel a little less bad. He pulled out of the parking space and drove off.

As Adam drove off, he thought about the young man he'd seen... He wondered if he'd ever see him again. He wondered if the young man was being honest about not telling the police. Then he started to wonder if the police would look for him. He certainly couldn't deny that what he'd done was wrong. The only thing he could do now was return home and prepare himself to be woken up in the middle of the night by police officers looking to arrest him.

When Adam made it home, his cellphone started to ring... He picked it up after recognizing the number was from his producer. "Hello?" Adam said. Adam was shocked that the producer seemed to be aware of what had happened. It only happened not very long ago, how was he aware so quickly?

"Adam, I have the police here." Adam sighed. "I told them about your... condition." Adam frowned. He never told anyone in the studio that he was a vampire. How did his producer know? "They're going to talk to you, probably to slap you on the wrist and tell you not to do it again." Adam nodded.

"Are they going to arrest me?" Adam asked. The producer told him that he didn't know. Adam thought about it. If the police know that Adam is a vampire they are likely to place Adam on a registry of magical creatures. Adam didn't want that, but he'd rather have that than have his freedom taken away by being put in jail. Adam didn't know what he was thinking when he lost control and attacked everyone in the studio.

"Thanks." Adam said. He should be thankful that so far, the police seemed to be a little lenient now that they knew that Adam had done it on accident and that he wasn't human. But Adam hated to be pitied... He hung up the phone and went to his living room, where he flopped onto the couch. His entire apartment was covered in instruments that he'd spent his life collecting. He let out a long sigh.

. . . .

When the police arrived, Adam opened the door and looked at them with a blank expression. The police were kind and understanding... Either that, or they were afraid of Adam. He couldn't really tell, but they asked Adam a few questions. Then told Adam exactly what he did not want to hear... "We're going to have to put you in our registry." Adam understood.

He followed all of the directions that the police officers had for him. Including driving down to the station to get his picture taken and his fingerprints done. They even drew Adam's blood, for reasons Adam would never understand. He was officially on the police radar. This wasn't the first time he'd been outed as a vampire, but he'd hoped that this wouldn't effect his status as a musician. Adam wasn't as well known as many other musicians, after all, he didn't seek fame and fortune. But Adam liked being an anonymous musician. Now, if his fans knew that he were a vampire... Well... Adam didn't want to think about what would change then.

Kat Dakuu 12-01-2017 03:34 AM

Trey watched as the other man drove away, only then turning to leave as he'd said. People didn't usually get under his skin like this so he wondered why this one person had to do it so well? Finding himself alone in the dark, he stared another few minutes before returning to the studio. It was a mess. The men who witnessed the attack had got ahold of the producer and he arrived in time to watch over the police with hawk eyes. Apparently no one investigated anything on his property without some kind of resistance, which the primly dressed man gave with an almost glee.

Trey just closed himself in a practice room though, ignoring the rest of the world. Even when asked if he witnessed anything, Trey just kept ignoring the questions, brushing everyone away with his usual brusk nature. Eventually, the police left and all the curious people who came with a drama like this. When he couldn't stand to stay awake any longer, Trey finally went home, humming a melody under his breath as he walked.

The other man intrigued him. Maybe more than he should, but Trey couldn't stop his thoughts from wondering. Would he be okay after committing such a crime. He was a vampire? Somehow, it was just an interesting sounding thing next to his own species that no one even knew existed. Certainly outside of his home country, but he left for a reason and now here he was, interacting with a killer and wondering if he would be alright. Since it was like that, he should go to the studio tomorrow as well, even if he didn't need to, just to meet him again. They hadn't even traded names.

When Trey reached his apartment, he went straight to the tub and drew the warm water he'd been longing for a while now. His limbs felt tired, almost as if they were made of lead from such a long day outside of the water. As he sunk into the depths, he forewent singing and just settled in to sleep. Yes, tomorrow he would do his best to find that other man and learn his name. It was only fair since he kept a secret. He wanted something in return.

Kory 12-01-2017 06:23 PM

Adam hated to be in the magical creatures registry. This meant that Adam would always and forever be known as a vampire in the eye of the law. He spent the entire day moping around his house, as he couldn't sleep. The house was dark except for a few lights he'd turned on. He'd draw down the curtains as to block out the sun. Adam sighed... The stress of the situation caused him to get hungry once again. Adam was very much a stress eater...

He went to the fridge... It was always empty except for a flask of blood that he kept for emergencies. He pulled it out of the fridge and started to take small, short sips from the flask. He felt his bloodlust subside a little. It never felt good to have to drink from his emergency stash. Still, Adam couldn't feel bad over this. This was certainly an emergency.

Adam knew he needed to do what other vampires from his past had done... They'd all started to get blood from the hospital, or from donation trucks. What, with the rise in awareness of the vampire population, there'd since been many different alternatives to blood that were available for vampires. It was high time that he started living like a modern vampire. Adam groaned at the thought...

After a couple of hours, Adam would have to make his way back to the studio... To face all of the scared, judgmental faces of the people who were there when Adam attacked. It was a little nerve-wrecking and scary for Adam, but it needed to be done. Adam couldn't afford to lose his contract with the record label. They'd given him the chance to create beautiful music and the chance to share his music with the world. Adam didn't want that to be taken away.

After resting for a few minutes, Adam hopped into his car and drove back to the studio. He'd complain about the driving time if it weren't his career to be a musician. But, truthfully, Adam really didn't hate driving. When he approached the studio, he noticed that it was lit up, not surprising, but he was shocked that they didn't close after the death of the engineer. Adam parked his car and went inside.

"Adam!" His producer called. Adam just stared at him. "I'm glad the police didn't arrest you, Adam." He said. Adam rolled his eyes, not feeling glad at that remark. Adam went into the studio and started to do his work. He needed to record his guitar and drum tracks. He didn't sing, just wrote a lot of instrumental rock music. So when Adam recorded his music, he was able to get lost in it, listening to every note as if it were beats of his heart.

When Adam was done laying down his drum and guitar tracks, which only took about two hours, he made his way to the cafeteria where he got a drink of water and just sat at a table for a while, not doing anything specific, just checking out the area around him.

Kat Dakuu 12-01-2017 09:44 PM

Since Trey figured the other man was a vampire and didn't go to the studio during the day, he held off from going too early. It wouldn't help his curiosity any and the truth was, he didn't need to do much of anything at the studio. Tre was something of a star and therefore on something of a constant schedule, but Trey's lack of any other life meant he got his work done quickly. Rather, he had enough material to push out a whole other album if he wanted to.

The air outside smelled of car exhaust and dryness. Trey let his feet walk randomly across the city, his sweater pulled tight around his shoulders like he might keep his own moisture inside of him that way. It didn't help much, but he felt more at ease when snuggled up. Whatever people did approach him, he was able to turn aside, pretending he didn't hear them past his headphone and fluffy clothes. No matter how loud the music thrummed though, he could still hear the outside world. Yet another perk of being a Nøkken.

Finally, when Trey felt at the edges of his own limits, he entered the studio building. It was late enough that the sun dipped from the sky some time ago, though Trey felt as if he hadn't walked for long. He didn't exactly operate on a nocturnal schedule, but he didn't exactly wake on a pure diurnal one either. Sleeping and waking without any real design, he found himself often being a creature of twilight more than anything else. He felt alive at this time of night, so the first thing he did was stalk to the cafeteria in order to get three bottles of water.

Trey's eyes lightened on a familiar face in the back corner. Taking his water, he went straight for the table and sat opposite of the other man, his eyes lighting up with something that might be happiness or just the energy that came from ingesting water. "Hello."

Kory 12-02-2017 12:26 AM

In the cafeteria, the last person Adam expected to see was the young man from the other night. Adam was a little embarrassed seeing him again, after all, the kid had just seen him murder someone. That was a pretty vulnerable place to be seen... At least, that's how Adam felt. Adam looked at the kid, not sure what to say. "Well..." Adam grinned, "If it isn't the kid from yesterday!" Adam knew it was a dick thing to say and do, but he was a dick, he couldn't help it.

"How've you been?" He asked. Adam was too proud to show that he'd been scared and sad lately. He did his best to hide his emotions, but Adam was failing. He took a sip of his water and turned away from the young man. Truthfully, Adam didn't want to be condemned for what he'd done... Whether or not the young man kept his promise to not tell the police was of no interest to Adam.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, then Adam remembered the night before... When the young man got offended and said, I'm a musician!. Right. So apparently they belonged to the same music label? That was not expected. "Nevermind... Don't answer that." Adam quickly added.

Kat Dakuu 12-02-2017 05:26 PM

Trey's eyes narrowed, a faint pout forming on his lips. He'd only just sat down and the other man accused him of being a kid again. How could he forget when Trey corrected him only the night before. It seemed terribly unfair and just a bit rude. Trey opened his mouth, about to correct the man again when he continued speaking. Shutting his mouth again, Trey didn't try to talk over him until he finished speaking.

"I've been fine," he answered, as polite as he could despite the lack of any warm emotion in his words. He never understood how someone was supposed to inject that kind of sound in when not singing so he assumed his words were pleasant. Though, maybe that wasn't what the other man looking for at all? "Why shouldn't I answer?" he continued. Twisting off the cap of one water bottle, he gulped down a third of it before screwing the cap back on again. "My stage name it Tre. I didn't really have any work to do since I finished my new song, so I came to get some water. I wanted to meet you if I could." The honest words rolled off his tongue. Any person who knew him would be surprised to hear so many, but it was because the other man asked that he answered.

Kory 12-03-2017 02:08 AM

Adam couldn't help but find the younger man to be kind of cute when he pouted. It was really fun teasing him. Adam studied the younger man... He was definitely cute. Adam leaned forward in genuine interest. Ah, so he was a musician here... Tre? Alright. Adam watched as Tre drank his water.

"Hm." Adam hummed as Tre told him that he'd wanted to meet him. But Adam kept wondering... "Why?" He asked. Adam was curious. Certainly, there had to be a reason.. If he wanted to meet Adam to ogle him, Adam would have to chew him out. Adam couldn't imagine the reason that anyone, let alone a small, seemingly well-meaning young man. Adam was trash.

"I'm Adam." He said after a while. He didn't want to interrupt Tre. He wasn't sure if he should further explain what he was doing in the studio. Tre was kind enough to be honest with him, but Adam wasn't sure if he should trust Tre. Adam put his shoulders on the table and glared into Tre's eyes, hoping to find some sign that he was trustworthy. Adam didn't see anything that would appear to be dangerous. "I'm a musician here too." He added.

Kat Dakuu 12-03-2017 04:38 PM

"Why?" Trey repeated, not sure that he understood. Why did he need a reason to meet a person again. He did it because he wanted to and he didn't understand it himself. He just wanted to do these things. "Adam is a musician? I thought so. But you're different and I got maybe you were lonely...?" Trey continued, the honest words continuing to spew out. He gulped down another large amount of his first water bottle and started untwisting the cap on the second on in preparation. It wasn't quite the same as bathing in water, but letting a little bit drip onto his hands and ingesting the rest, he still felt like he could last an entire day.

"Can I hear your music?" Trey asked, the turn in conversation sounding sharp after a couple second pause. "You can hear mine too." Most people seemed to know him already, but Trey stilled like the idea of sharing. Maybe Adam didn't know his name, Tre. It seemed so and actually, Trey quite liked that. Fans were too needy.

Kory 12-04-2017 12:00 AM

Adam thought about Trey's words... Yeah, he was lonely. Ever since his wife died, he'd been lonely. There weren't very many vampires out there anymore. Those he had met, he'd ended up losing to a grisly fate. He never realized it before, but Adam was definitely lonely. He'd kept himself at a distance from many people by being an asshole... Adam only huffed in response to being called "lonely".

Adam folded his arms across his chest and stared at Trey. Even though Adam was trying to find something wrong with the young man, maybe a character flaw, or maybe something that should warn him of danger, Adam found nothing. When Trey asked to hear Adam's music... Well...

Adam should have said no. He thought about it for a while... Taking his time in responding to Trey. What did he have to lose? Adam chewed on his bottom lip as he thought. "Fine." Adam said. Adam was curious to know what kind of music Trey made. But he wasn't really into the newer pop music and pop culture of recent times. Adam preferred being under the radar. "I'll hear some of your music too." Adam added. He pushed himself away from the table and stood.

Adam reached out his hand to take Trey's, thinking that it was the polite thing to do. Trey had done nothing to deserve Adam's disrespect. So Adam decided that from then on, he'd at least be kind to the younger man. If or when he was slighted, he could always turn into an asshole again.

Kat Dakuu 12-08-2017 04:13 AM

A smile quirked over Trey's lips, faint, but very clearly there. When Adam stood, he followed the man with his eyes, not sure at first as to what sort of reaction he should make. Finally, his eyes landed on Adam's hand, staring for another second. It was strange, he thought. Most people wouldn't offer a hand like that after lunch in some company's cafeteria. They barely even met and nor was it the first time. Still, it was...nice?

Moving in a sudden spurt, Trey took Adam's hand as he pulled himself to his feet. Their height difference made him look like a child, but he didn't notice, nor did he notice the few eyes turning his way, surprised to see this duo interacting at all. "Okay. What sort of music do you play? I like rock, and folk pop. Music is so interesting..." Trey murmured, his voice becoming more quiet as he talked. Heading out of the cafeteria, he walked for the practice rooms before stopping, not sure where Adam would want to share his music.

He himself became popular for his quality music as well as the fusion of modern sounds and folk inspiration, often finding unique ways to play his bass. Tre pleased well, even if he didn't care for the fame at all. He was curious though as to what sort of musician Adam was since Trey didn't think he heard of him at all. Was he not a stage performer then? Anyone who loved music should be famous. That way made sense.

Kory 12-10-2017 05:42 PM

Adam did not respond at first when Trey had asked what kind of music he made. Adam didn't know how to describe his music, so he felt it would be best to just let Trey listen and figure it out for himself. Everyone who heard Adam's music described it as something different... Perhaps it was due to his usage of ancient and old instruments as well as his fusion of rock instruments? Regardless, Adam decided it would be best to let Trey decide for himself, what his music sounded like.

Adam walked passed the practice rooms and led Trey into the studio where he'd been in the process of recording a new song. The rest of the sound crew had all gone on break, so inside of the recording studio it was just Adam and Trey. Adam sat in the producer's chair and started to press some buttons. It seemed almost random, but Adam knew what he was doing... He then looked at Trey, saying,

"I can't really describe my music... But here it is." And Adam waited a moment for Trey to prepare himself, before he pressed the play button. Adam's music was loud and in this particular song he'd played the lute and used an old, vintage electronic guitar as a background instrument that whined and cried throughout the music like a newborn baby. Adam loved his music and he closed his eyes and listened for a moment, feeling lost in the sounds again...

After a few good minutes of melodic noise, Adam pressed the pause button and turned to look at Trey. "Well?" He asked. A little nervous, but excited to hear what Trey had to say about his music.

Kat Dakuu 12-13-2017 10:58 PM

Accepting the silence though he was curious, Trey followed Adam to the practice room. He understood that he himself did not answer all questions directed at him and besides, the silence suited him more than well. When they reached the recording space, Trey nodded his head once after perching on one of the many stools in the room. "Okay."

And then he listened. He listened and listened, even closing his eyes at one point in order to feel the music better. Adam's melody may have come to him through a technological device, but Trey still felt in inside his core. This was good music. Unique, strange perhaps, but beautiful without a doubt. Adam turned off the recording as the song finished and Trey let out the long sigh he'd been holding in. Full of bliss, he let the sound reverberate through the room as he opened his eyes once again. Within an instant, his eyes met Adam's once again.

"Beautiful," he murmured. For almost a solid minute, he let that serve as his only response as he continued to gaze at Adam. Trey vocabulary didn't hold long poetic words that might describe how music made him feel. He just didn't know how to express that. Beautiful should be enough, even though it was one word. But words meant nothing next to actions, so instead he said how touched he felt and how much he understood with his eyes before turning the conversation again. "Did you play a lute? I haven't met anyone who plays that until now."

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