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M i r o 11-01-2016 04:46 PM

[Mini Hangout] The Last Boo... (art goodies)

Welcome to the...
LAST B0000000!

Quick hangout for the ending of the event [ninja]
I'm going to be posting mini art thingies of the npcs (also stuff)

All art of npcs made here will be relocated to my mene frees thread.
Keep a look out!

Wanna be kind? Feel like drawing stuff?
Haddy is looking for art here:

Some Links
Halloween Goodies
Mene Frees (free stickers/etc)

(Late) Happy Belated Halloween!

M i r o 11-01-2016 04:48 PM

Boo-y Goods...

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* Image "hyperlink" will break once I delete the upload.
* Image may or may not disappear for good if you do not save it.

M i r o 11-01-2016 04:49 PM

HAVE A GRAVE DAY! [headdesk]

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 04:56 PM

'pounces on the thread'

Zephi 11-01-2016 05:05 PM

I trick or treat because I have to go out with my kids, does that count? xD

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 05:23 PM

I..wouldn't know haha..

M i r o 11-01-2016 07:02 PM

hihi starry ~

@ zephi; XD I would think so!
You're helping collect candy ~


First up: Lise!

Razak 11-01-2016 07:04 PM

I didn't get to trick or treat this year! :c But, I did get to go out with my brother and we had fun that way instead! I'm unfortunately a little old for candy getting and I have no small children to use as a vessel for it! Maybe my brothers will have kids soon and I'll be able to take them out!

M i r o 11-01-2016 07:16 PM

aww, that's awesome! At least you guys have gotten out ;;
I don't get to do Halloween - I'd love just to go to a Festival or something.

I don't think that can ever be true! There's adult version of "treats" now, if you wanna throw a party xD
They even still make new couple adult costumes too.

I wanted to dress up as female ezio from assassins creed or Judy Hopps.

lmao, leave subliminal messages for him to get some babies going [ninja]

---------- Post added 11-01-2016 at 05:26 PM ----------

Here is Edward (the auctioneer)


xuvrette 11-01-2016 09:33 PM

Awww, those are SO ADORABLE! <33
They are so cute... like asking for pinches~ <33

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 09:34 PM

ohhh 'saves'

M i r o 11-01-2016 09:34 PM

Xuuuxuxuu you liiivaaaah again! [illgetu] <3

Making no dot eyes are such a relief to making eye eyes for chibis XD

---------- Post added 11-01-2016 at 05:37 PM ----------

ahh but I kinda forgot to extend his eye patch strap above,, amg...

I need to edit eeet

---------- Post added 11-01-2016 at 05:42 PM ----------

okies, I fixed it.

xuvrette 11-01-2016 09:45 PM

I am going to work soon... *sighs*

M i r o 11-01-2016 09:47 PM

awh,, did you get enough rest to make it through the day?

xuvrette 11-01-2016 09:57 PM

Rest? During NaNo month?
added up with Halloween event too?
It immediately glide down in the priority list.

Hadsvich 11-01-2016 10:28 PM

Aww, these are so cute!~ Will you be drawing Demetri too? o:

& Aw, thanks for linking to my thread. ; w; <3

M i r o 11-01-2016 10:51 PM

demetri??? whose that? I tried the find tool but it didn't come up xDD
and np!

Here is Fatima:

---------- Post added 11-01-2016 at 06:54 PM ----------

Do you guys think I should move the happy halloween to side instead of moving it around the corner???
If yes, I will post those in my mene freebs thread later

Hadsvich 11-01-2016 11:17 PM

lol He's completely new, introduced this event I believe? x'D

& I think the placement of Happy Halloween would look fine either way. o:
I like it around the corner anyway.

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 11:21 PM

i rather like it coming down around the corner it makes it interesting and unique..

M i r o 11-01-2016 11:26 PM

@ haddy; Ohh... major face plant right there!
I ignore the sticky threads and just pop in whereever now, lol

Sure, I can do him next. He'll prolly be the last npc for me.
Ive been picking npcs I havent drawn yet :p

@ haddy/starry;
Fatimas hair just totally dominated that square [illgetu]

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 11:28 PM

I think it looks good dominating that square..'twitch' makes star want an avi pic like those little squares it'd be awesome haha.

Shadami 11-01-2016 11:32 PM

super adorbs as usual <3 sorry i'm getting in here late. i've had a weird last two days. xD

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 11:34 PM

of coruse i also like my current avi and dun wanna change it.. 'cough' though I'll probably get antoher idea and change it anyways haha

M i r o 11-01-2016 11:39 PM

Its all good, shasha,,
Dont worry about it - it was made last min [ninja]

I actually didnt realize Halloween was yesterday until late.
Im not good at keeping track of dates anymore.

Whats been weird for you??

@starry ; okies!
Some ppl like uniformity (I do usually), I just wanted to make sure xD

star2000shadow 11-01-2016 11:40 PM

true but it works 'nods'

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