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Yumehayla 03-15-2007 07:17 PM

St.Patrick's day event thread!
NEW EDIT: Starting from page 218, everybody that won an item in the clover posting, can't win a second item in said clover posting. This is to keep things more fair to everyone^^

EDIT: Rule change, since I go to sleep soon. Please re-read them^^
Note to self: last item was sent on page 690.

EDIT2: For now on, for contests 1 & 3, if you won't include in the post/messege the item you want, I'll be giving out random items!


Originally Posted by Yumehayla can we make people get more items.....

first person to post a CLOVER IMAGE on every PAGE DIVIDABLE BY TEN (10, 20, 30....) gets an EVENT ITEM OF THEIR CHOICE!!!!

But remember, NO SPAM ALLOWED. just chat.

ANY clover image. each one has to be different. 3 or 4 leaved, but has to be GREEN!!! xDDDDDD

Also, don't worry if I won't anwser immediately. The first person who posts the clover, just pm me what item you want, and i'll be sending out few at once^^

2. You draw? Go here, each participant gets a free item!!!

3. In this thread, one of our moderators, Mike, will be giving hints about hidden clover images! The clover will look like this:
(Due to people using the last image, Mike has created his own)
and they will be hidden in some of the old threads! First person to pm Mike, with a link to the post with the hidden clover, wins a free item!!!
Edit by Mike: All my clues that I have posted for this event can all be found on the third post.

4. Menewsha trivia! For more info, go here: [x]

And because of that, we'll be releasing some special items! Currently there is new stuff in Clothes Palace and Jewel's Dream, but that's not the end of surprises!

Also, a new store appeared, that will store some items ONLY FOR THIS EVENT!!! So get ready and buy them^^!
Even more new items^^!

M e k o 03-15-2007 07:19 PM

Edit by Yumehayla:
I'll be kidnapping this post since I need more space xDDD

List of the 'post a clover' contest winners so far:
Miss Charlaine
Liverpool Glasgow
Seiki Nova
M e k o
two bell silence
Wood Sorrel
Mondai Kodomo
C h i c a
Floral Tempest

Original post:
Aww, those are quite cute. >3< ♥

tanarif984 03-15-2007 07:25 PM by Mike:
I kidnap this post for my clues.

Clue #1:

Ohh, gimme your goldz, shall you, as I look for my green book of spells.
Shall I transform you, or shall I grant you with a wish.
The choice is yours.

Clue #2:

I do assure you, that I have some feedback.
Tis' shall be in search of my gold pieces.
If you step in the wrong thread, you shall fear my laughs.
Or shall you make me rich, by finding me goldz.

Clue #3:

Muahhahaha, don't you like me quests for me goldz?!
Did I mention that I love to eat meat?
Ofcourse, me is the leprechaun that loves to eat meat from the hum..deers.
Shall you request to find me clover for me, tis' will require you a chance to receive one of me itemz.
On the 7th day of the moon, you shall fall a pond my pot full with goldz.

Clue #3-2:

Aaaaah..., you humans shall never find me pot of goldz!

Clue #4:

I want to know where I can get information at.
Shall you help me? Your reward shall be goldz, muahahahha.
I shall want to know, if this rock shall rollback on my house.
Can you get it? If not, fear my laughs, and I shall cast a spell on you!

Clue #5:

You filthy little humans are smarter then I thought.
Now, to overcome me angriness, I shall scrabble on over to The Menewsha Nation.
You know, I've always had a thing for the ocean.

Clue #5-2:

Did I mention, I also have a thing for even, big numbers.

Clue #6:

You know, I have a dying desire for Word Games.
However, shall you come across my clover, you shall revel my laughers of horror.
I shall like the word, clover.
Hm, shall you guess which game I like the most?!
If not, muahahahahah.. you lose.

Clue #6-2:

Still looking for me clovers, eh? I just adore word games.
The Alphabet or letters just isn't my thing.
Jack be nibble, jack be quick.. jack just hopped over and stole my clover patch.
Those humans, thy' shall I come.

Clue #7: Attack of the artists!

As I went browsing through the jungles of Menewsha, I tripped over a rock.
I dumped my pot of goldz all over the place.
As a artist who loves to enter contests and draw art for many Menewian's all over Menewsha, came by, as this artist helped me find all my goldz.
However, this artist ran away so fast that I couldn't get a good look at the artist and couldn't get the artist's name.
You shall find my 7th clover in the world of Menewsha.
You shall meet a artist by the name of Yumehayla.
She shall reward you for my clover being returned to me.
Perhaps she is the artist that I met in the jungles of Menewsha.
Find out for me, and you shall receive my thanks!
If not.. I shall eat you for desert.

Clue #8:

Yummy, yummy, in me leprechaun tummy.
We shall have a discussion about food.
Browse, browse, shall you find me 8th clover?
The Petal Paradise shopkeeper is looking quite fancy.

Clue #9:

I'm thinking I shall open up me a charity of gold.. muahahahaha.
If you may come across me clover, you shall be granted a wish.
A wish which can grant you a magical green event item.
Riddle, riddle, tis' is me, a green leprechaun, with desires to build a house full of gold.
While my journal through the magical jungle of Menewsha, I've met a human, by the name of Azeriel
I shall set my mission for my first to do list.

Clue #10:

Arg, me mattees.. set sail, full speed, sailing northeast..
Eh, Wrong script..

Tis' leprechaun has returned, with a new adventure for the humans.
You shall receive my tenth clover, before the evil wizard finds it!!
If tis' wizards finds it before you humans, tis' shall be a doomed world for Menewsha. I shall be looking to sell me gold..
Until tis' time, I shall work on my tan on the third of April.

Clue #11:

Meep.. Meep.. Meep..
Someone has stolen one of me clovers.
If you shall find me stolen clover, I shall reward you.
I've have been wanting to write a novel.
Tis' would be about leprechauns, of course.
I've been taking advise from Lilithia.
If you must encounter any troubles along the way, use tis' stick to bash these wizards on their heads.

Clue #12:

Hello my fellow human friends.
Tis' shall grant you a wish.
Tis' have another clover that I lost, while discussing about art.
After discussing with my fellow friends, I am now an official leprechaun art whore.
As my fellow artist friend, Yumehayla, is the leader of our clan.

Clue #13:

Tis' leprechaun has returned to the lands of Menewsha to give you humans another chance to find me lucky clovers.
As you come across the great forums of luck, you shall get access to find me clovers.
Tis' shall find me clovers, tis' shall be granted tis' lucky charm.
I was playing a role in our special musical, as tis' was a dwarf.
Could you imagine that?!

Clue #13-2:

Tis' role was played in the forest.

Clue #14:

You know, Tis' was on me way to deliver a letter to me buddy, over on Menewsha Valle', as a young man in a yellow shirt, with tis' black kitty face on it, stole one of me lucky clovers.
Retrieve it, and I shall reward you!
You may find this person over in the General Discussion.
Alert! Alert!
Tis' just got a message from the mayor of Menewsha:
"You may spot the intruder in a threaded house, where they're running special events at."

Clue #15:

Tis' is the green, tiny leprechaun again.
Azure has arrived back into the land of Menewsha, as he left earlier to visit his grandma, bringing her muffins.
You must find this person by the name of Azure!
He has taken me lucky clover!!
Tis' the latest I heard, he was trying to become famous like tis' lucky leprechaun.. errr... he would be trying to get on the television..

Clue #16:

Dum, diddy, dum. Dum, diddy, dum.
I walk along me greeny path today, hey hey.. la la la la..
Me greedy friends, shall want me coins, but me shall never give..

What the.. Keeyats!! Get back here with me lucky clover!!!!
Tis' human has hidden me clover somewhere.. find it for me, and you shall be rewarded.
My head hurts.

Clue #16-2:

I love to sing.

Clue #16-3:

I love to dance to... [insert thread's name here]

Clue #17:

Oh joy, oh joy.
Tis' leprechaun shall get some free pictures.
Tis' jolly oh' boy, stolen me lucky clover, again!
Tis shall return me lucky clover tis' me!

Clue #18:

Tis' shall be the last, tis' shall be ye' first, tis' shall be the end.
Tis' shall be new, Tis' shall be old, tis' shall be smart.
Tis' shall be member, tis' shall be helper, tis' shall be worker.
You shall find me lucky clover.

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by tanarif984
Will there prices go up after a few days like the Lunar / V day store stuff?

yes, exept the simple white stockings^^

Arriana 03-15-2007 07:28 PM

How long will they be out?
*won't have a computer until Monday*

Pho 03-15-2007 07:29 PM

aw those are cute!! XDD

haha a mini mini Leprechaun hat would be funny :lol:

tanarif984 03-15-2007 07:40 PM

Even the stuffs in The Special event store?

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by tanarif984
Even the stuffs in The Special event store?

you beat me to announcing it xD.
The store was just added, and items from it will be buyable only during the event.

lonewolf 03-15-2007 07:46 PM

we need green beer!

tanarif984 03-15-2007 07:47 PM

Ah, that makes them an attraction to buy for many.
Wish i had the gold for them >.>

Zurie 03-15-2007 07:48 PM

  • Now, as far as the even goes, how long will that be? 'Cause all of my gold is trapped in the bank! D;

poet`s playground 03-15-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Zurie
  • Now, as far as the even goes, how long will that be? 'Cause all of my gold is trapped in the bank! D;

  • Yeah, me too :cry:.

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 07:54 PM

around 4 days :3

Zurie 03-15-2007 07:58 PM

  • Just 4 days? Is there any sort of statement you can make on if the banks'll be up and running?

poet`s playground 03-15-2007 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Yumehayla
around 4 days :3

  • >.<.
    Well, the banks had better be back up before I miss out. Don't want to be excluded just because I'm not rich enough!

Chunsa-chan 03-15-2007 08:01 PM

So the event last four days?

Do the prices rise before or after the event?

Does the store disapper on monday?

Sorry for sounding like a dunce, but I'd rather like to know before I make mistakes.

Edit- And my excuse is that this is my first Menewsha event. 83

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 08:02 PM

If the banks won't be up and runing by that time, we'll make the event last few days longer.

Mike 03-15-2007 08:06 PM

The Leprecon has entered!

crazymuch 03-15-2007 08:09 PM

Re: St. Patrick's day is near! //EDIT

Originally Posted by Yumehayla
And because of that, we'll be releasing some special items! Currently there is new stuff in Clothes Palace and Jewel's Dream, but that's not the end of surprises!

Also, a new store appeared, that will store some items ONLY FOR THIS EVENT!!! So get ready and buy them^^!

I want all the items!! *sobs* I HATE not being able to earn gold faster!!!!! :(

Jitsumi1221 03-15-2007 08:11 PM

awww these are all so adorable! im going to end up buying a couple of these babies just because they are so darn adorable!

Mike 03-15-2007 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221
awww these are all so adorable! im going to end up buying a couple of these babies just because they are so darn adorable!

Yes, our artists have some amazing skills, also in a cute and sweet way!

Congratulations on their work.

"Where iz me pot of goldz!!"

Drache-Lehre 03-15-2007 08:22 PM

Aww so nice and pretty. <3 I'd like to hope I have chance to get one of each but uh with bank keeping me from saved gold it might be a struggle. T.T

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 08:22 PM can we make people get more items.....

first person to post a CLOVER IMAGE on every PAGE DIVIDABLE BY FIVE (5, 10, 15....) gets an EVENT ITEM OF THEIR CHOICE!!!!

Dare 03-15-2007 08:23 PM


Items are awesome!

Can't wait to get them <3

Or stick around here.

Yumehayla 03-15-2007 08:24 PM

But remember, NO SPAM ALLOWED. just chat.

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