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salvete 10-07-2017 02:47 AM

Staff/Admin Appreciation - Suggestion for Future URE?
Hi everyone,

I had this idea just now that we should do a Staff/Admin Appreciation thing. I was thinking maybe whoever runs the User-Run event this year could somehow incorporate it into their event theme?

The staff do so much for us on this site! Literally everything from pixeling the contribution items, event items, and/or event common recolors to answering all of our questions and feedback to planning multiple events a year with themes, backgrounds, storylines, games, prizes, playing the Menewshan NPCs, moderating threads, dealing with rule-breakers, incorporating our suggestions, taking the initiative to do nice things for us like Channah's auctions, and overall making Menewsha an amazing place for everyone...and all on their own time.

I know we often express our gratitude in larger numbers for them after big events and such, but I'm not sure if we have done a bigger community-wide Staff/Admin appreciation event yet.

I only have a few ideas so far. For example, a Wishing Tree dedicated to the staff/admin here. Or art contests where we all draw the staff/admins so they get some nice artwork for free and funsies :D

I don't know, what do you all think?

The Wandering Poet 10-07-2017 02:23 PM

Can we just throw panties at yan for an hour? That should suffice for him.

onsenmark 10-07-2017 02:49 PM

...aaaaaaaaaaaaand now I have this image in my head of yan cosplaying as Happosai now. Thanks for that. [gonk]

The Wandering Poet 10-07-2017 02:53 PM

I'd say Yan might be worse. Yan runs around half-naked too [lol]

Maria-Minamino 10-07-2017 03:04 PM

Yan spies on me in my sleep....

The Wandering Poet 10-07-2017 03:05 PM

-refeshes 5 times- There we go... that's the image context I needed... [lol]

He also steals panties in the Dev Style.

onsenmark 10-07-2017 03:05 PM

...aaaaaaaaaaaaand now I have this image in my head of yan cosplaying as Happosai now. Thanks for that. [gonk]

salvete 10-07-2017 06:39 PM

I mean there could be a game thread where we all send different panties to yan lol

each person sends him a different panty and we try to get as many different users to send one? I don't know...or maybe if we have a lot of new users who can't afford panties, we could just have a form that says "Send A Panty To Yan" they can post, and then we'd have URE gold set aside to donate for more panties

The Wandering Poet 10-07-2017 07:38 PM

Salvete that sounds like a wonderful idea.

Roachi 10-09-2017 09:35 PM

Theres only 1 staff member that stands out to me - and she's fucking leaving because the whole lot of us are unappreciative bastards. I'm seriously starting to hate this place! :(

The Wandering Poet 10-09-2017 10:24 PM

Wait who is leaving?

Hard to appreciate things when you have no idea what's going on because mene wants to continue this "we've got plans" charade...
So I log on every day waiting to see results.

Shadami 10-11-2017 04:13 PM

Nephila is leaving for an undetermined length hiatus.

The Wandering Poet 10-11-2017 04:16 PM

So we lost the person who was doing recolors for the next event. Did she finish?

Shadami 10-11-2017 06:19 PM

Right now just keep an eye out for the email coming about a week before the event. That's all I can reveal at the moment.

Roachi 10-11-2017 07:17 PM

A whole bunch of stuff happened Poet. Stuff I didn't see, and some stuff I did.
But yeah, she's gone on hiatus :(

The Wandering Poet 10-11-2017 10:25 PM

Roachi - I see. I haven't really seen what happened so I'm just hearing about hiatus here quit there from some people and a little concerned.

Shadami - Hopefully it's not at the end of the month... or I'm gonna miss it.

Roachi 10-12-2017 07:28 PM

Hmm I wonder if it's no items for Halloween? lol

@Poet - I think it was a number of things to be honest. And she just broke/had enough :(

The Wandering Poet 10-12-2017 08:45 PM

Well we might get items. The next event according to what I read would be no items.
Though I suppose they could move some old holiday items into the shop for the discount.

Were we not appreciating the staff enough?

Roachi 10-12-2017 10:20 PM


Yeah that much I got.

The Wandering Poet 10-13-2017 05:11 AM

So... perhaps they should have said something.
We can't fix a problem that they keep a secret from us.

Roachi 10-16-2017 12:31 AM


Activity has become worse also.

Shadami 10-17-2017 04:44 PM

The pixel faeries are working hard. :D never fear!... uhh Menewsha is here. Why did that have to come out as a cheer in my head. oy vey.

Roachi 10-18-2017 08:59 PM

Trying to be positive I guess sha :) ^^

Shadami 10-18-2017 11:33 PM

i'm always trying to be positive, but I've never been a cheerleader so I don't know why I always go that route o.O It is very confusing to me.

The Wandering Poet 10-18-2017 11:40 PM

You must be taking Salvete's "How to be super positive all the time" class :D

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