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Pistachio_Moustache 04-13-2014 03:51 AM

Psoriasis: My Life With Flaky Skin
I have Psoriasis.
It's an auto-immune disease.
It sounds terrible, but it's not that bad.
My skin keep reproducing, when it's not necessary, so I get patches of dead skin.

Psoriasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you are up for some light reading. (Read: It's not so light. xD)

I don't know if that's the cause for me always getting sick, but I live.

It flares up in the winter, and I get really bad patches on my hands and scalp..
I use a special shampoo, T-Gel, for my head and lotion for my hands.

I've had it on my //cough, after I had my son.
Oddest place yet.

Anybody else have this problem?
How do you treat yours?

ISOS Duke 04-14-2014 02:58 PM

Have you seen a doctor about it at all? I would recommend a dermatologist.

I had come down with an allergic reaction to cleaning solutions and the reaction was similar to psoriasis. I was given steroids and that cleared it up, but it was just a reaction.

I actually have a skin condition known as aquagenic keratoderma which is where the palms of my hands swell up when they get wet. It doesn't hurt usually, though my palms can swell to the point that they cause tension on the skin. It never goes over the folds of my hands though. I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me some ointment thing to put on every night; it has the key ingredient for deodorant in it so it's there just to dry out my palms. It works though, the swelling has gone down quite a bit since I started taking it! I may have to take it forever though...

That's part of the reason I say check with a dermatologist. I had seen my physician about it first and she didn't know, she just put me on 2 different strong steroids and gave me a steroid shot. I went to the dermatologist and she knew what to do and told me I may have it forever, which was the sad part.

Pistachio_Moustache 04-14-2014 06:55 PM

It's hereditary; it's on my mother's side.

I know what it is, I've seen a doctor, lol.

Right now I don't have insurance, so I can't see a dermatologist, but when I do, I will go.

Oh man, that must bother you though, not being able to get water on your hands.

One year, my scalp had flaked up really bad, and it itched terribly.
So I would sit and scratch and pull off flakes, and end up bleeding.
I have a weird OCD about imperfections on my skin.
I pick at scabs and moles, scratch bug bites until I bleed.
I don't know why I do it.

ISOS Duke 04-14-2014 07:37 PM

It wasn't completely bothersome, at least not last year. I worked retail so I was never able to go out on weekends to enjoy my summer and my days off fell on days my boyfriend worked so I didn't want to go out alone. I didn't really get to enjoy much of anything for a summer and even at that, it developed later on, a little closer to fall.

I had worried about this summer as I don't know how bad it can get. Before I got the stuff from the dermatologist, it would swell to the point of hurting while I showered or even washed the dog or dishes. It was more irritating than anything and luckily, it doesn't do anything to strike up OCD tendencies. When it's dried out however, that's different. I put the stuff on last night so my palms are dry and the spots that swell up look and feel dry. It's not as bad today (as I've been bad and forgot to put the stuff on for a while) but the skin can flake off as well and of course I have to pick that off. It's like it's set in my mind that if I can pick it all off my hands won't do it anymore.

I know what you mean with that, at least picking at things. That sounds slightly painful though >.>

Mine is hereditary as well, though from my father's side. I wasn't even aware that there was a history of skin issues in my family until this. Just on his side though. When I told my mom about what I had she had no idea where it could have come from.

Pistachio_Moustache 04-15-2014 05:59 PM

Yeeeah, it is painful.
Only because I shouldn't have been picking at it, and I did.

Decided to google why I pick my scabs and imperfections and found this:
Frequently Asked Questions | What Is Skin Picking? | About Hair Pulling & Skin Picking | Trichotillomania Learning Center

salvete 12-01-2014 05:08 AM

May I ask what part of the world you are in? I know someone who may be able to help with your psoriasis. ^_^

Pistachio_Moustache 08-03-2015 02:06 PM

I reply almost a year later. I forgot about some of my threads.
salvete: I live in southeastern United States.

salvete 12-29-2015 09:07 PM

Ah, we're not in the same area then D: hopefully you have a dermatologist who helps you with this!

The Wandering Poet 03-10-2016 05:18 PM

Interesting that I never noticed this thread sooner. I mostly have it on my scalp (eternal dandruff yay!) but I have been using Tea Tree Oil Shampoo to try and combat that. I also try to get a bit more sun (just a bit) when it's nice out.

I find it strange that other people with it get sick more often... but I pretty much never get sick.

salvete 03-11-2016 05:07 AM

Well there is a wide spectrum of severities. I've met people who had gigantic psoriasis plaques all over their bodies and also joint involvement

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