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Lise 11-03-2009 05:28 AM

Lise's Caravan (Fortune Telling)
Hello, Menewshans... You may have already seen me around recently, but I have returned to the island of Menewsha for the Hallowe'en celebrations. It was my plan to merely stalk about the island and observe the festivities, but I could truly use some practice on my fortune telling, and you all have always been such willing subjects. *smiles darkly*
So I have decided to set up a small fortune telling booth. You may request to get your fortune told, or you may simply "chat." Though I cannot promise that I will always be in a sociable mood...

If you would like your fortune told, please use the following form so that I am sure not to miss you. If there is a particular event in your life that you would like to seek guidance on, or if you have a question, please include it in the relevant area. If you do not, I will simply tell you whatever the spirits have to say to me about you...

HTML Code:

[size=5][b][color=maroon]I want Lise to tell my fortune![/color][/b][/size]
[b]Do you have a question for the spirits?[/b]

A few notes:
If you do not use the form I have provided, I will not consult the spirits regarding your question.
Please be patient and do not expect an immediate answer. This requires much of my time and my mental energy, so I will only be posting fortunes a few times a day. If you display impatience I may choose to simply skip you.
Please do not ask another question until I have answered your first. The spirits tire of hearing of the same person over and over again.
The spirits do not know every detail of your lives, so if your question is too vague (such as "should I say yes?") they will not be able to provide an answer. A story is not needed, a very small amount of additional detail is (such as "should I say yes to the internship offer?").
You will not receive a cut-and-dry answer such as "yes" or "no."
If you do not understand your answer, take some time to think about it. If you still do not understand you may ask for my help interpreting it or you may submit your question again.

Pietro 11-03-2009 05:29 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Yes, ARe there Menewshan Fortunes in my near future?

Hey Lise!

Ferra 11-03-2009 05:30 AM

Hey, Lise! DO ME DO ME!!

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will I do well on my test this week?

Cexa 11-03-2009 05:30 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Would I be With my true love forever as I am now

Pietro 11-03-2009 05:31 AM

I just want to know my future.

Silver Crusnik 11-03-2009 05:31 AM

Well I'll probably ask for a fortune later. But as for now, hello Lise and everyone. :)

Cexa 11-03-2009 05:33 AM

Oh Could I ask another question as well xD if you could tell me ;) is it possible you and me could grab a cup of coffee later Lise :lol:

Siri 11-03-2009 05:34 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits?
Will my parents let my sister adopt another cat from the animal shelter?

Pietro 11-03-2009 05:37 AM

Now I want one just of the future, but do both please:
I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Not this time.
Just say my future.

GangsterGlam 11-03-2009 05:38 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will I be able to overcome my fears so that I may be happy with myself?

Goblin Maiden 11-03-2009 05:39 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will I be able to accomplish my goals and discover my dreams?

Swordtear 11-03-2009 05:40 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will my bad luck end soon?

Lise 11-03-2009 05:44 AM

The spirits have spoken.

Paths are dark, but not impossible to change.

Please wait until I have answered your first to ask another. I would hate for the spirits to get tired of hearing from me.

Fate will take you where you need to be, so long as you do not hinder the process.

Those who seek flight often find it with both feet planted on the ground.

Yes, you may ask another question as I've provided the answer to your first.

When a life is at stake, it is easy to lose sight of practicality.

True change can never be made on the outside, but must come from within.

Goblin Maiden:
Only through action can one expect a reaction.

Moments to enjoy one's being may be all that a person needs.

Cexa 11-03-2009 05:46 AM

So that means I would not be able to fly with like my dreams

Second Question I will end it for today as I would not want the spirit to be mad at me
I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Would I be With my true love forever as I am now

Wendy Darling 11-03-2009 05:47 AM

Omg, Lise. <3 You're totally awesome for doing this. LOVE fortune telling.

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will I be accepted into my initial (and direly wanted and needed) major of choice after the end of the semester or will I fall short ?

Swordtear 11-03-2009 05:47 AM

Ooh..thank you Lise! <33

Siri 11-03-2009 05:48 AM

Thank you, Lise!
I have no idea what that means though... ;____;

We'll just have to wait and see what happens~

Pietro 11-03-2009 05:49 AM

OOPH! I am gonna be poor unless I fix it. D:

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Will I grow as a Menewshan?

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 11-03-2009 05:49 AM

Ahh... Fortune telling, my Achilles heel. Seems you've already read my mind, dear Lise. XD :heart:

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Yes. <3 Does the future look hopeful for my upcoming wedding? ^^ <3

Kole_Locke 11-03-2009 05:54 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? How does my big move in my life look?

blueblackrose 11-03-2009 05:57 AM

I want Lise to tell my fortune!
Do you have a question for the spirits? Is the guy I've been dreaming of my true love?

Lise 11-03-2009 06:04 AM

I do not believe that is what the spirits were trying to convey. Perhaps you should take some time to meditate on your answer.
As for your latest question, the spirits had this to say:
Nothing, over time, remains static, however much remains similar.

Wendy Darling:
Some answers have been long decided as a result of your own actions.

Perhaps you should meditate on your answer in relation to your situation for a while... Clarity may yet come.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda:
Perfection does not exist in this world, but happiness does.

If change ever becomes a negative thing, I am consulting the wrong universe.

Infatuation comes and goes and comes again with the seasons, a bond of the souls holds it all together.

These will be my last fortunes for the evening. I thank you all for allowing me to practice, but my mind and the voices of the spirits grow hazy... I require my rest. Post your requests and I'll attend to them once I am able to.
If you do not understand the answer the spirits have given you, try sleeping on it and perhaps it will become clear. If it does not, you may ask another question.

Cexa 11-03-2009 06:05 AM

Thanks Lise, I am guessing its sound good for now ^^

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 11-03-2009 06:05 AM

Thank you very much for the opportunity, Lise. :heart: Very insightful. I hope you rest well.

Lise 11-03-2009 06:06 AM

You are both welcome. I hope the spirits have provided some clarity for your situations.

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