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GirLover4ever 08-25-2012 02:57 AM

Songbird High School(Accepting Profiles)(Need Teachers)
Song Bird High School
1821 Harpsichord Way
Headmistress: Miss Harmony James
Phone: 818-734-9764

We cordially invite you to join our high school of the arts. We are proud to say that we have noticed a great talent in you, whether through an audition or scouts, and would like for you to join us. Attached is a form that must be filled out and signed by you and your parent/guardian. It is a simple information sheet that requires honesty in all categories. If the required signature causes an issue, please contact us if needed. We again congratulate you on your artistic accomplishments, and look forward to seeing you in the next school year.

Due to an excess in our budget, and just cause we can, we have added three new wings and additional courses to our school, and can now accept more students then ever before. A new music wing as been added, allowing more music oriented classes into the school, as well more core classes due to extra classrooms in the main hall. A drama wing and an art wing have also been added, allowing for us to accept art and drama majors into our halls now, as well as the original music majors.

Yours Truly,
Harmony James
Harmony James

GirLover4ever 08-25-2012 08:46 PM

Song Bird High School Entrance Application

Name: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]First and Last please, Middle if you'd like as well.[ / COLOR ]
Age: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Somewhere between 14 and 18 please, I want this high school to be realistic so no grade skippers.[ / COLOR ]
Grade: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]If your major isn't music I'd prefer for you to be a freshman, but if you'd like a different grade just ask me first please.[ / COLOR ]
Major: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Art, music, or drama[ / COLOR ]
Classes: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]4 classes each semester, this will only be for your first one, if you'd like me to choose this for you just leave it blank or specify. You should pick four core classes each semester, that way each major will have more regular social contact to the each other, but it won't be too serious to learn. Your teachers may have "homework" or "projects" from teachers, but it's mostly for after school stuff to talk about. You really don't have to worry about doing any actual work since you won't get grades or anything, it's mostly to give conversation starters.[ / COLOR ]
Song: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]What song are you going to follow throughout the year. This can change each year but you should follow it during the year it's active.[ / COLOR ]
Picture: [ IMG ]anime or drawing please[ / IMG] - OR - [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Describe what you look like to us.[ / COLOR ]
Other: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Anything you may have left out. May include any pet, please okay it with me first, your history if you'd like to share, anything else.[ / COLOR ]

For Teachers and Staff:
Name: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]First and Last please, Middle if you'd like as well.[ / COLOR ]
Age: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Somewhere between 20 or up.[ / COLOR ]
Course/Job: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Art, music, drama, core classes, or whatever other job you apply for.[ / COLOR ]
Class(es): [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]If you are not a teacher just put N/A. Teachers please include what periods you teach each class in.[ / COLOR ]
Song: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]What song are you going to follow throughout the year. This can change each year but you should follow it during the year it's active.[ / COLOR ]
Picture: [ IMG ]anime or drawing please[ / IMG] - OR - [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Describe what you look like to us.[ / COLOR ]
Other: [ COLOR = "you're preferred color" ]Anything you may have left out. May include any pet, please okay it with me first, your history if you'd like to share, anything else.[ / COLOR ]

Other things to know: Teachers will have the freedom to make a class that's based in the majors, but I will also need teachers for the core classes. I only need one for each core class since it's supposed to be a small school.
Please pm all profiles to me, any that are posted will be rejected and deleted.
If you want something specially added please ask me first, I will read all profiles thoroughly, so I will ask about anything I'm unsure about.
I will not require a history, as I understand how much people dislike them and don't want any (it's a mystery, they don't share this with anyone, they don't remember) as it gets annoying after a little bit. If you'd like for me to add this into the profile outline I will, and if you want me to add onto your history as it gets revealed, under the other catagory, you can just ask and I will.
You can send me your profile before the forum has opened, I will accept it even if it is sent before I finish making the forum.

GirLover4ever 09-04-2012 01:43 AM

The Rules of Song Bird High School

School Rules
  • All large animals and birds must be kept in a kennel or cage at all times when not accompanied by their specified owner. Written notes with permission for another student to have the animal at a specific point in time must be approved and signed by the principle.
  • Those who live in dorms must be in the dorm by midnight, so they can recieve an appropriate ammount of sleep before the next day.
  • Student are to stay out of the dorms of the opposite sex. If you would like to gather in a group there are plenty of courtyards and areas in town to hang around.
  • To abide to city curfew, all off campus student must be off the campus by 10 unless given written permission, all dorming students should be on campus and can not leave after 10.
  • Those who live off campus must be on campus between the hours of 8 and 3 for classes, if caught anywhere other than on campus you will be filed for skipping. We have eyes in the city who will contact us at any sign of mischeif, so don't expect to get away. If you are sick we expect a call or a note the next day you reurn.
  • Please take your studies seriously, but also enjoy your time at the school, we don't enjoy unhappy students.
  • Please abide to the dress code, if you are unsure of it please contact the principle for a further explination. You will get a days detention if you are not wearing the proper attire between the hours of 8 and 3.

Forum Rules
  1. This is a literate to semi-lit forum, so please use proper grammar and spelling.
  2. Please do not exclude any specific character or roleplayer, it's kinda rude and insensitive, so if someone is having trouble finding a way to join someone reach out and join them.
  3. Please keep up with announcements, it will hold important news and have your "homework" so you can have something to talk about. It will also contain the time and day so you'll know where your character should be at the time.
  4. The school rules are there to be followed or broken, because if you get to detention it just gives you something to roleplay about so we don't run out of things to do.
  5. The forum rules, however, are not made to be broken I will be generous and give you 6 times before you are banned. 3 will land you on the grey list, meaning that you are in trouble and need to start following rules. If you are on the black list you will be banned from the roleplay. People on the grey list have the oppurtunity to redeem themselves by being exemplary roleplayers, and being a good example for the others. Once you are on the black list however, you will not be able to post in this roleplay anymore and your characters will become npcs..
  6. Please have fun, because as the school rules stated, we do not enjoy unhappy students. I feel the same about those who roleplay in my forums.
  7. Do not bully, it's mean and rude. If that's just how your character acts just don't go overboard and don't be rude ooc at all please.
  8. On the note of ooc, there will be an ooc forum that I would love for you to post your ooc comments in. It keeps this forum based around the role play and keeps people focused.
  9. Thank you for joining and following the rules. <3

GirLover4ever 09-04-2012 04:30 AM


Name: Harmony M. James
Age: 25
Course/Job: Principle
Class(es): N/A
Song: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
Other: The founder and principal of Song Bird High School, Harmony James is a persuer of all arts. Her music is beautiful, her dancing is entrancing, her drawings and painting could take you into an entire story, her acting is so great she could even play something totally opposite of her person, and her writing is so wonderful that her stories can pull you in and never let go. She always wanted to have a school of the arts, but five years prior, at the age of twenty, she only had enough funding to make a school for music. As the school grew in talent and prestige, she made plans to grow and create the school she had always dreamed of. Starting with art and drama she is now working to grow the school even more, to hold writing and dance. She's extremely fun loving, and is often caught walking around the school and socializing with the other students, sometimes even blending in due to her short height and young age. She tends to joke around and make fun with the other students, sometimes allowing for them to get away with minor misdemeanors, but when something happens that she doesn't approve of she has even gone as far as to expel some students.

Name: Julie K. Peters
Age: 16/18
Grade: Junior
Major: Music
Classes: She no longer takes them.
Song: Hello - Evanescence
Other: Julie is a ghost that was well attached to the school. She was a music major, whose grades never went below an A. When she was on her way home from winter vacation she was in a car accident, and died shortly after in the school infirmary. She was the first student to die from the school, and well loved throughout the school as well. Her music was said to be so glorious and beautiful that it could take you someplace completely different. She played a violin that she had received from her mother as a gift for getting invited to the school, which is now on display in front of the office in her memory. Some people have said that they heard her playing in the 3rd music room, where the orchestra held its classes. She is a friendly ghost, who often comforts those who are upset or lonely, who is unseen but has a calming presence. She has even settled disputes between students, and if often thanked, even though no one can prove that she was there or has really seen her.
(This is a case of a special profile, because this is a new school she will be the only ghost unless another student dies, but I need to give permission for it.)

Name: Melody H. James
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
Major: Music
Song: Tik Tok - Ke$ha
Other: Melody is Harmony's cousin, and Cadenza's older sister. She plays the trumpet, and DJ's most of the school's dance events. She is commonly considered a wild child, causes her older cousin Harmony a lot of trouble. She loves to party, and is almost always hosting or joining one that has loud music. She is always listening to music, except for in class, and won't be found without her favorite pair of pink kitten headphones.

Name: Cadenza H. James
Age: 14
Grade: Freshman
Major: Music
Song: Innocence - Avril Lavigne
Other: Cadenza is the cousin of Harmony, and younger sister to Melody. Like the rest of her family she is well gifted with the arts. She is a dancer, but also plays Baritone. She majored in music, hoping to change later if Dance was added to the school before she leaves. She's extremely shy, and finds it hard to talk to people first or stick up for herself, but once you get to know her she can get almost as crazy as her older sister Melody. Because she is so engulfed in the arts and doesn't spend much time watching TV or going to a ton of parties you're more likely to find her in the orchestra room, music room 3, practicing her baritone, or dancing. She takes private lessons from her cousin, and excels in dance as much as her sister in music. She's fairly naive, and doesn't catch on to jokes that might have a not so pleasant meaning. She usually has her headphones in, even in class, but it doesn't affect her hearing since it's usually low enough for her to hear what everyone is saying. Even around close friends she is quiet.


Originally Posted by Gemini
Name: Rosemary Luimnigh
Age: 16
Grade: Sophmore
Major: Music
Song: Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
Picture: Rosemary
Other: Rosemary was born and raised in Ireland,where she developed a love of art and music at a young age.her father had a job that had him traveling all the time,and her mother was abusive and a drinker,so Rosemary was raised by her older brother,who she idolized.her brother always called her little bird,because even though she was a talented artist,she was an even better singer.after her brother moved out,Rosemary recieved an invitation to go to a school she had only ever heard of.she jumped at the chance and left,bringing her art supplies,a picture of her brother, and Hunter,her wolf/husky hybrid that she rescued from a shelter.on a side note,her last name is Irish Gaelic for "limerick." Rosemary is very tough and kind of a is rare to hear her singing,but it is a treat worth waiting for.


Originally Posted by Temple
Name: Mikle Alexander.
Age: 15
Grade: Grade 9
Major: Music
Song: Shadows - Lindsey Stirling.
Other:Mikle at a young age lost his eye sight to Macular Degeneration. After years of not being able to do much but play the violin, he was soon able to list off every note on it. After 6 years he began to write songs on how he felt, which was mostly cheery, showing that nothing got in his way no matter what. On his 15th birthday, he was playing a song in a public school, where a talent hunter found him. Soon afterwards he was told about a school for gifted students like himself, he was so happy that soon his talent would be able to be shown to people who respect talent.


Originally Posted by Coppelia36
Name: Loghan V. Delain
Age: 23.
Course/Job: Teacher
Class(es): Music for periods 2 and 4.
Song: Feeling Good - Muse
Other: Loghan Delain is a strange, intelligent, mature man, and can seem somewhat intimidating to most students.
His family name has great prestige tied to it, as he was born into a family line obsessed with the arts and music. Now, though, he is trying to escape his family name in hopes that he can pursue his dream of teaching and leave the past behind him. Loghan's father, a stubborn and controlling old man, was a famous musician, as was his father before that. When Loghan was just a young boy, his father had hired many musical tutors and kept him secluded from the other children around his hometown, in hopes to groom another star in the world of music. Every day was the same thing: rigorous vocal lessons and countless hours of instrumental training, with very little time for play. Eventually, Mr. Delain passed away, leaving his musical empire to his son. But he had no interest in keeping it.
Using some of his inheritance to pay for an education in teaching, Loghan tried his hardest to stay out of the publics eye. Eventually, he became a qualified teacher in the one thing he was trained in: music. Applying for a job at Songbird High, Loghan was given the job and he has hopes this will be his home for many, many years to come.


Originally Posted by Codette
Name: Annique Cecil Munroe
Age: 23
Course/Job: Teacher
Class(es): Period 1 English, Period 2 Drama

Song: Danny Gokey - My Best Days are Ahead of Me
Other: Young and vibrant, Annique -or Miss Munroe- loves passing knowledge onto others. At a young age she mastered ballet, jazz, hip hop and tap dancing and from there has only increased her repertoire. But she also cares greatly for the English language and was ecstatic for the opportunity to teach. She also has a pet Chinchilla named Shade, that usually sits patiently on her shoulder as she teaches, and in it's cage during dance.

GirLover4ever 09-04-2012 04:32 AM


Room 1 - Loghan Delain _ Blocks 2 and 4
Room 2 - Open
Room 3 - Practice Room
Room 4 - Open

Each course has four rooms, one for practice or tutoring specifically (Or in case of overflow on the job). Each open room has one teacher, who can choose the blocks they teach. If there is a specific form of a type of class for one or both blocks, please specify to me so I can add it in. These are needed for students to choose their classes.

Date and Time
August 21 8:00 AM

GirLover4ever 09-04-2012 11:08 PM


We are now Open!! <3

I will be making announcements, and saying which day in rl it was made, and the school day for which it will happen or is happening on at the time.

Update day - 9-22-2012 (School day 8-21)
Today is the first day of school, so everyone is getting ready for class and the tryouts. A big dance will be held after tryouts, and tomorrow will be the announcements of who will be where on what teams, groups, clubs, or other areas.

Gemini 09-07-2012 02:57 AM

((ok here I go!))
Rosemary stood in front of the school,feeling a mixture of anxiety and elation at war in her heart.She was finally here,finally free of her mother and the dull life she was sure to have otherwise.Clutching her sketch pad tight to her chest,she adjusted her backpack and tugged her suitcase along as she approached the building where she would stay for the rest of her schooling career."C'mon,Hunter!" She called over her shoulder to the young wolf mix she had rescued from a shelter back home.The dog gave a bark and a wag of his tail and followed happily."Good boy,Hunter.Now remember,you can't stay with me during the day,but I'll visit you every morning before class and every night after school,so you won't miss me too much." She said,giving the dog a warm smile.Hunter wagged his tail again,showing that he understood,and the two entered the building together to find out where they would each be staying.

GirLover4ever 09-09-2012 05:33 PM

Julie watched Rosemary walk into the school premises, and smiled at the familiar face. She had seen her the year before, but knew that she would be staying for good now. She couldn't wait to here her sing, and she knew the sketch book was full of amazing drawings. Some of the students she wasn't expecting to show up behind Hunter though, most didn't look like they had much to do with music.

Melody and Cadenza walked in together, the two sisters looking around to see who was showing up along side them. Melody was showing her sister where everything was, pointing out each entrance and path to everything on campus. Cadenza was excited to finally be a freshman, and to go to Songbird of all high schools. Her baritone was held in her left hand, while her right had held a baton which was slowing spinning by her side. Melody only held a trumpet, without the case, in her right hand, playing silent solos with her fingers. Even though she was introducing her sister to the school, her mind was on the opening dance that night. She was going to be the DJ this year, and had the whole playlist going through her head. She also knew that her younger sister wasn't even paying attention, as she had the vacant look of thought in her eyes.

When she had finished with her impromptu tour she went to find some of her friends. The first one she spotted was Rosemary, a sophomore. "Hey, how have you been!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Gemini 09-10-2012 02:12 AM

Rosemary,lost in a world of thought,was startled by the voice from behind her."Huh? Oh,hiya!" she said cheerily."I've been well,as well as can be expected.And how've you been keeping yourself?" she asked,her lilting irish accent a bit difficult to understand.Hunter stepped forward to sniff at the other girls,trying to identify them.He barked."Back,Hunter." Rosemary ordered.Hunter stepped back.

GirLover4ever 09-16-2012 01:49 AM

Cadenza, who had followed her older sister, was startled by the bark from the girl's dog. After she realized she wasn't about to be attacked by a giant, man-eating beast, she looked at the dog and smiled. "Aren't you just a cutie pie." She said, putting down her baritone and propping her baton beside it to put her hand out for the dog to sniff. Melody laughed and smiled at her friend.

"I guess this is Hunter?" She said, remembering the stories Rosemary had told about her dog the previous year. "I'm good by the way, so are you excited that my cus could get you to stay during the summer too? I was so excited to find out that she could afford to keep people over the summer, that's gonna help so much with getting more students!" She said, getting more excited as she talked.

Gemini 09-16-2012 03:32 AM

Rosemary smiled."yeah,this is Hunter." she replied."Yes,I was thrilled to hear that I could stay here.It was such a relief not to have to go back to me mum.I love the woman,but I'm just so sick of her drinking..." the redhead trailed off,a pained expression in her eyes as she absentmindedly rubbed at a spot on her upper arm."Anyway,I think this will be a great opportunity for me,and for the school." she said.she tilted her head a bit,watching Cadenza interact with Hunter."hey there,hold that pose.I gotta draw this!" she said,her accent even more pronounce in her excitement.she took out a pencil and her sketch pad and started was an unfortunate habit of her,when she saw something that inspired her,to drop everything and sketch it.

GirLover4ever 09-17-2012 12:48 AM

Cadenza obeyed, and stayed in place, as Hunter began to sniff her fingers to confirm she was friendly. Melody just laughed at her sister's reactions and watched as Rosemary sketched. That's really nice! She said happily, wishing she could draw as well as her talented friend.

Gemini 09-17-2012 02:55 AM

Rosemary grinned,finishing the highlights on the sketch and signing it."there,all set.sorry,I just had to get that scene." she said."I might color it later." Hunter jumped up on her arm,seeming to look at the sketch,and Rosemary laughed."trying to see how you look,boy?" she asked.Hunter barked happily.

GirLover4ever 09-17-2012 03:02 AM

Cadenza got up once the dog left and smiled, a little curious as well, not willing to ask for a look herself. She picked up her baritone and baton and started to walk off. I think I need to go practice a little bit before freshman tryouts start. She stated quietly, her nerves for the evenings performance showing in her small voice.
Melody laughed and pat her sister on the back, a little harder than she probably planed, almost making her fall over. You'll get first chair for sure! No one can compete with your talent, and there's no way you won't make the majorette team. Heck you'd probably be the one that made the "dance" part of the school become a reality. Melody said proudly, a hint of bragging in her voice. You should be more worried about the music I'm gonna be playing tonight, I know how you are about partying.

Temple 09-18-2012 10:07 PM

Mikle droped off by his parents they insisted that they helped him find his classes but he wanted to do this for himself so he hoped out and he grabbed his bags and his violin case he set his stuff on the ground and snaped his walking stick into place and picked his stuff he had to move around to find the handle but he soon found it picking up his bag and violin case he started walking forword making his way to the entrince taping his stick on the ground finding each curve and obsical in his path he soon found himself bumping into people he said sorry each time but he could here manny people talking about him he smirked knowing that he put his life into his music so he didnt let anything bother him he seemed to here music it seemed to be people preparing there music for somthing "I wonder what's going on" being new here he didnt know much about what happens in the school Mikle smirks and soon finds himself siting on bench tired from all the walking with the lugege "Huh looks like doing this will be harder then I thought"

(I'm so sorry the computer isnt leting me right click but ill fix up all my posts when i find a better working computer :'(. )

GirLover4ever 09-18-2012 10:21 PM

Cadenza said bye to her sister and Rosemary and walked off, almost running into someone as she headed towards the entrance. She almost said something, but then noticed the boy had a stick in his hand and decided she didn't know enough to say anything. When she saw him sit down she wondered if he knew where he was supposed to go. "Are you okay?" She asked quietly, unsure of whether he actually heard her or not.

Melody turned to Rosemary and again and smiled. "So do you want to go check out the gym with me? We can see what it looks like now, and I can check on what music I have. I can also test out my playlist with you to judge and make sure it sounds good. Please, please, please?!" She was talking so fast that it would even take a skilled listener a little bit of thinking to completely understand what she said.

Gemini 09-19-2012 03:18 AM

Rosemary laughed."sure,sure,just let me get Hunter set up first,ay? he's tired from the trip." she said,though Hunter made that last statement seem fake as he went running after a butterfly,then stopped short of a boy sitting on a bench.the dog sniffed at the boy,and Rosemary shot a horrified glance at Melody before running after him."Hunter,no! bad dog! I'm so sorry,he's just so people friendly,he gets curious.I hope he didn't jump on you,I've tried to teach him not to...I should shut up now..." she said,her face reddening as she realized that thee boy had a walking cane.she truly hadn't realized it at all,and once she did,she had no idea what to say.she didn't want to seem fake."Hunter,come on...Melody,can you help me with the brute? he likes you." Hunter wagged his tail innocently,pretending he hadn't just gone running off out of nowhere.

Temple 09-19-2012 09:14 PM

Mikel head the sound of a dog running around it got louder before from what he could tell it was right in front oh him he smiled before the a girl was apologizing for the dog but before he could say any thing he heard her walk off he smiled he had a couple reasons for it ruining through his head but and then right before his mind started to wonder again he heard what seemed to be a girl asking if he was alright he smiled looking right in front of him "Oh well I'm new here but I cant seem to find the main building see I was going to practice my violin because it seemed most of the kids here were already doing so" finishing of with a smile "If you wouldn't mind could you happen to help me" Mikel stood up picking up his stuff with a smile.

GirLover4ever 09-20-2012 01:17 AM

Cadenza smiled as he stood up and nodded, forgetting the cane he held. "Sure! I was going there anyway to play my instrument, I feel like I should practice my baritone before I practice for my dancing, the tryouts are today, but I know a good place to practice. For some reason no one goes into the room, something about how they feel like someone is watching them or something. I like it though, sometimes I even feel like someone is playing along with me. Oh! I'm rambling, come on, I'll take you!" She said, grabbing the boy by his wrist and running towards the building. She had surprised herself even, due to the fact that she never talked that much around someone or even thought of talking to them first. There was one simple fact that made her feel more comfortable, she didn't think he could see her so if she screwed up and he thought she was a freak she would easily be able to hide and not have to worry about him saying so to other people.

Melody ran after Rosemary, who was running after Hunter, and noticed the guy they were apologizing to. After her friend finished apologizing she giggled and made a peace sign. "OKAY! You know how great I am with animals." She laughed, and ran off with Rosemary and Hunter to head to her room and get the dog put away.

Gemini 09-21-2012 02:54 AM

Once hunter was set up in the pet lodgings,Rosemary sighed."thanks,Melody.I don't know what got into Hunter...the dog's just crazy,I,where to first? I'd kind of like to do a bit of singing,just with you around,and see what you think." she mused,looking self-concious.

GirLover4ever 09-21-2012 03:26 AM

Melody laughed at how shy her friend was, and how open she was when it was just the two of them. "Sure, I have some karaoke on my playlists. I can play a few tracks, and maybe practice a few jazz songs so I can practice my trumpet for tryouts. I just hope Cadenza can get along well, she is so shy and nervous I'm scared she's gonna crack in her tryouts. Well anyways, let's get to the dance hall now. It's closed off before the big shindig tonight, and I have full and only access as the DJ, so we'll have it all to our selves in there." She exclaimed, still a little to quick for most people. She was always so hyper and easily excited, so it was hard to calm her down unless she was singing or playing her music, and even then she moved around like a hyper squirrel on caffeine and stuff.

Gemini 09-21-2012 05:56 AM

Rosemary beamed,gaining confidence from her friend's hyper,sure-of-herself-ness."Ok,sounds great.let's go!" she said,heading for the dance hall,nerves and excitement rising in her.she didn't want to say anything,for fear of jinxing herself,but depending on what her friend thought,she might try out for chorus,or the drama club,which was doing a musicl that she wanted the lead in badly.
((I hope that was ok?))

Temple 09-22-2012 07:03 PM

Mikle enjoyed the company as she grabbed his hand and started to pull he fallowed her as she pulled him through what seemed to be the school before he new it he felt peaceful they seemed to have ran into another room but it was quiet "this sounds like a good place to practice the violin" he smiled as he put down his suitcase and opened a suitcase to a nice looking violin with the word Alexander in carved into it [COLOR="rgb(255, 140, 0)"]"you ready"[/COLOR] as he shut the case"

GirLover4ever 09-22-2012 08:53 PM

Melody looked towards the DJ stand, her eyes sparking with excitement. "So what song do you want to sing? I'm pretty sure we have like everything!" She asked, heading to the stand and looking through the music on the computer. It had been updated over the summer, and all the music since the beginning of music was on the it. The excitement she felt about the dance made her so excited and hyper, she didn't even worry about the tryouts that day.

Candenza looked in awe for a second at the beautiful violin, but didn't hesitate to take out her baritone. It was a regular baritone with a curved bell, which turned to fit in the case, gold lacquer, and three valves. "So what are you going to try out for? Orchestra?" She asked, wondering what music she was going to practice first.

Gemini 09-23-2012 03:41 AM

Rosemary hesitated,then sat down."um...well,I don't know my strengths,if I even have any...but I really like an opening song from an anime I watched,let me see if I can find it." she stood up and went over to the D.J. station."ah,there it is.yes,I want to sing this's kind of tough,but..." she trailed off,then set her face and went to stand in the center of the room,where her voice would be clearest.
((here's the song Naraku no Hana [Lyrics & Translation] - Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai - YouTube ))

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