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Mizayo 12-31-2011 10:58 PM

Undying (Harry Potter FanFic)
A/N - I have been re-watching all the Harry Potter movies recently, and have unintentionally reawakened my obsession for Draco Malfoy. In the event of this disaster, I began writing a story about it (as all my horrible failures go). I do so like where this is going, but I doubt I'll ever take it seriously and throw it in a pile of scraps. But, maybe, with a little coaxing, I'll keep up? Well, first I'd like to say that this isn't going to be a Twilight "I love him so, yet he knows not of me!" crap romance. It'll have a story other than that of Draco and Kaylani (or Kayla). It'll show the progression in her life from first year to seventh, and it'll hopefully give a perspective on how Harry, Ron, and Hermione's actions effect those not as involved. And, of course, it'll have steamy romance near the end, as I would not be able to help myself. =3 That said, I have provided the very beginning on what is to be Kayla Riddle's first year at Hogwarts and just what she is thinking about. If you like it, say something and I will post more. If you see things that can be approved upon, tell me and I'll see what I can do (but please do keep in mind that this IS just the very beginning, and all the answers are never revealed at the beginning. Don't ask stuff like, "What does she think of Harry?" or "What are her main traits, because you've gotta show them so you can progress your character." Blah blah blah, guys. It's five paragraphs, be patient, I'll get there.) Eh, sorry, that was a long parenthesis. Alrighty then... just... tell me what you think and... please don't judge me on the long A/N. :)


It was so utterly exciting, yet at the same time it was absolutely terrifying! I couln't believe I was finally there, in Hogwarts. My mum talked about it all the time, but I never truly could have imagined it. And how lucky was I to be the same year as Harry Potter? We would be sorted together! Well, not TOGETHER, but... Well, you know what I mean. I was just so excited!

The crowd of first-years started to thin out, and I couln't help but begin to wonder if they had forgotten about me. My rational mind told me that was impossible, but my nerves were taking over. If this was a normal situation, I would be able to handle it, no problem, but seeing as this moment was the sharp turn that the next seven years would be shaped with... I couldn't help it.

"William Tyler!" Professor McGonagall called one of the last up. The dark-headed boy stepped up and nervously took a seat on the stool. The hat was placed on his head, and a moment later, it shouted, "Hufflepuff!"

The room was filled with applause once again. William Tyler ran off the stage and found a place among other first-year Hufflepuffs. "Kaylani Riddle!" I gulped. That was me. Slowly, I inched up to the stool and gently sat down. The hat was placed, and I could hear it mumble in my ear.

"Such a smart one, you are... So ready to learn. Very self-conscious... Steady and willing, yet lacking confidence... You could do well in Hufflepuff. They could teach you as well as you teach them... Yet, I can feel another trait I cannot place... You could be more suited for Slytherin.... Underlying courage and kindness... Could you be Gryffindor? No, no, no... Ravenclaw!" I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and stumbled clumsily off the stage to sit with Ravenclaw. That was... dramatic. Was I really that tough to place?

Mizayo 01-04-2012 02:20 AM

Alright, so changed the beginning completely. Hope it's a little better than the other one. It felt as if it was too simple, and I didn't have a place to pick up on it afterwards, so I created a completely different thing. Hope you think it's better as well.

It was freezing. This place - it was beyond cold. There was no way to describe it. I felt so alone, so far away from anything I cared about, so far away from happiness. This place could not be real. A place this void of any sort of feeling could not possibly exist. No, I was wrong. This place wasn't void of any feeling. I did feel one thing: fear. My bones chilled from the inside out, and I shivered. There was no light, no wind, no noise at all. I couldn't see anything but pure darkness.

Then there was a soft smack of bare feet lightly stepping on a marble floor. Realizing this, I felt the cold, polished rock beneith my own feet. The footsteps slowly became louder, and in turn my heart ran rampant. Panic washed over my body, and I took a few steps back, but I could not go further. The steps were loud now, and I could see a face forming in the darkness. It looked slimy and pale, and the nose was two slits, resembling a snake. It grew closer, and I could still not move. A black draped robe showed itself wrapped around the face's body. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound would come out. Terrified and paralized, I felt my head growing light and I felt as if I would faint. A rank stench drifted into my nose and I started coughing. The stranger's hand was brought up, revealing a wand. His mouth moved as if speaking, but I could not hear a thing. Green light sprouted from the wand and wafted past me. The stranger faded away and I realized I had lost all vision, and was falling.


I sat up quickly in bed. It was my room. I was in my bedroom. It was just a dream! Realization hit me like a train, and I was soon aware of my surroundings. A thin layer of cold sweat made my sheets stick to me. Slightly grossed out, I picked off the sheets and tossed them to the side. I threw my legs off the side of the bed and clumsily walked out of my room and into the kitchen, not even bothering to get dressed first.

Kitchen utensils, pots and pans were flying around the room, undoubtedly making my favorite breakfast (Blueberry pancakes with strawberries and watermelon. I'm a fruit freak, don't judge). I loved the way my mum cooked - not cooking. It was weird not seeing her setting the table, and it took me a while to find where she was at. She was sitting on the couch just beyong the dining table, reading a letter happily. It must've been some good news, because she was smiling from ear to ear. Maybe it was from Dad. His letters always made her smile. But he usually used a company sticker to seal his letters; this one had red sealing wax. I walked in, stepping slightly louder to make my presence known. Mum looked up from the letter and beamed at me instead. I couldn't help it; I smiled as well. Her happiness is contagious, I swear. "Kayla," her voice was soft and she seemed as if she might cry. Maybe it wasn't a good letter. "This letter's for you, sweetheart."

Surprised, I walked over to her and sat down on the couch. I leant over gently to look at it as she read it aloud. "Dear Ms. Riddle, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," My eyes widened. She didn't need to read anymore. I was accepted at Hogwarts!

"Dear Lord..." I whispered under my breath before jumping into my mum's arms. "I'm going to Hogwarts, Mum!" Said Ms. Obvious.

"I know dear, I'm so proud of you!" She hugged back, and suddenly those tears she'd bee holding back started to fall at last. She pulled me back, kissed my forehead, and squeezed me again. "Happy birthday, Kayla."

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