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Gemini 03-18-2013 03:42 AM

*Hot Topics* Debate Thread ~Prizes Inside~
I want your opinions!

I have always enjoyed a good debate.People's opinions are important and it's fun to express them in true democratic fashion.So,I'll post topics here for people to give their opinions on.If you disagree with someone's opinion,come on in and tell us why! If your argument is strong enough to sway my own views,you'll get a prize!

So,what are the prizes?
Ok,I don't have much,but depending on how good your argument is,you could get gold,a common,or an item contributed by other users!

If you'd like to contribute a prize for someone to win,please message me,and I'll post your name and contribution here-unless you'd like to remain anonymous,of course.

Please try to be polite.I want debates,not flat out fighting.Present your case,but NO PERSONAL ATTACKS or you're out!

Arriana 03-18-2013 03:51 AM

I like best of both worlds - a ninja masquerading as a pirate XD

I dress up as a pirate ever year for Halloween, but I'm very (read: way too) good at sneaking up on people. haha

Gemini 03-18-2013 04:28 AM

Cool ^-^ I can never choose,personally.I'm a huge Narutard,which goes a long way towards ninja,but I'm also a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean so that put's me directly in the middle >.<

Nephila 03-18-2013 04:29 AM

Lol we're very similar in that aspect Arri. Hmm I think I would choose... Shape-shifter/vampire/alien. pew pew pew!!

Arriana 03-18-2013 04:30 AM

But as a ninja, you'd never be able to hit me!

Nephila 03-18-2013 07:15 AM

I don't know my alien sense just might see threw that ninja stance. XD

Neora 03-18-2013 08:10 AM

As ninja You can hide and poke someone from behind. Actualy I would choose all options :P
Pirate - I love parrots
Jedi - It would be nice to move things by using mind :)

Admonish Misconstruction 03-18-2013 08:56 AM

The age old question, which is better: a pirate or a ninja? Well then! Onto my opinion. I believe the entire debate is rubbish and I'll tell you why.

When you say "pirate" or "ninja" you're addressing two very broad occupations. For example, who is a pirate anyways? We all know that a pirate is someone who engages in robbery of ships at sea but who is this pirate really? Is he/she some brain damaged, bar brawling, sewer sludge who slashes away at anything that isn't nailed down? Or is he/she a more sophisticated swashbuckler. Is she/he a formal military officer? A expert fencer? Maybe someone like Sir Francis Drake or some other privateer that worked with empires like France, Spain, or England. Does this pirate have a moral code by which they abide by or is morality something as long forgotten as personal hygiene? Needless to say, there's a vast difference between Sir Francis Drake and Peter The Foul Smelling. Maybe its a group of Somalian pirates!

Ninja is a umbrella term to describe espionage skills (spying/disguise), the use of poisons, martial arts, swords, explosives, and numerous other stealthy ways to kill. There are whole schools devoted to the teaching of the art each with their own differences including different techniques, skills, and uses.

There are pros and cons to either. If you throw pirates and ninjas in a urban setting I'd wager the ninjas would prevail. However, at sea? I would wager the pirates. Furthermore because the definitions are so broad its impossible to generate a good comparison. Are we talking about a ninja master against some flea infested slob who spends his/her earnings on alcohol and whores? Or are we talking about a trained and experienced pirate against a ninja who was trained to slip poisons into people's drinks?

The result of the argument with change depending on the condition and situation you place pirates and ninjas. Then, at the very core it's impossible to get a answer because it's all subjective. What criteria are you comparing pirates and ninjas on? Which one is morally better, psychically better, better at operating a ship, better at covert assassination, so on, and so forth. It's like arguing about what food or what books is better. In the end it's all based on personal taste.

hummy 03-18-2013 03:15 PM

hummy would like to be a pirated masked as a ninja
the best of both world and pirate-ie cloths
and swords are spectacular, too

~LONGCAT~ 03-18-2013 08:47 PM

Two words. Grog bitches.
I keed I keed. but seriously. You never hear stories about Ninjas cutting loose and having fun, it's all SRS BISNS!! I am far to flamboyant of a person to wear all black and sneak around like a sneegle. I love my large hats and billowy jackets and reds and whites and purples or and shiny things. loads of shiny things. I don't need to be strictly disciplined to know which end of the sword is sharp and to not get hit.
Also, Bluebeard needs to go on high sea adventures with me. my tiny little grumpy parakeet is already more pirate than bird.

xuvrette 03-18-2013 09:05 PM

a DEBATE thread... now this is NEW!

I am all go for ninja.
Personally, because they are spy. I like to work in dark.

Nephila 03-18-2013 10:27 PM

*skims admonished nonsense's response then slaps them with a fish*

Debate over... that's how it works right?

xuvrette 03-18-2013 10:41 PM

... NO! Why you slap it? XD

hummy 03-18-2013 11:19 PM

get out the feeshies!

beautiful_psycho 03-19-2013 02:22 AM

Stopped by to help out my fellow thread owner! ^-^

Gemini 03-19-2013 02:27 AM

admonished nonsense: well,you certainly made your point! I'm impressed.Now,when I ask Pirate or Ninja,I'm asking about personal taste.I suppose it is rather vague,but I was thinking more along the lines of the more publicized versions of each.For instance,do you prefer Pirates of the Caribbean or Naruto? And then an argument for either side.Perhaps I should have asked Naruto versus One Piece or factual pirates versus fictional pirates.Either way,thank you for your input.I appreciate it!

xuvrette 03-19-2013 06:31 AM

Pirate and Ninja sounds like to me a comparison hard to compare. XD

Anyway~ anything can be compare~

beautiful_psycho 03-20-2013 04:01 AM

I need help if I'm gonna get you to 100 posts, Gem!

CosmicFoxKitty 03-20-2013 05:03 AM

I'd personally go with Jedi. I mean sure ninja are sneaky and perfect weapons in destructiom, and pirates are good at looting and what not... but you have The Force with Jedi. Not only do you have The Force but many Jedi have the perks and talents that come with both ninja and pirates. You get to assasinate, play sword fighting, destroy bases. Heck, in my opinion you cannot go wrong with beimmg a jedi!

( f you talk to me then please ping me, I can't keep up with all the posts in threads due to me being on a phone.)

Arriana 03-20-2013 05:04 AM

Longcat does being up an interesting point - are extroverts more likely to side with pirates and introverts more likely to identify with ninjas?

That could be a real life study guyz. With people in coats and EVERYTHING.
you'd be the coolest scientist arounddd.

CosmicFoxKitty 03-20-2013 05:22 AM

Jedi was in the poll lol so I chose them, if that counts any. Otherwise I would choose ninja.

hummy 03-20-2013 05:54 AM

good luck with the debates

xuvrette 03-20-2013 07:21 AM

I don't even know what is Jedi. XD
lol. Didn't watch trek or wars.

hummy 03-20-2013 11:39 AM

google it, rettie
*makes light saber sounds*
i still say we need a teal light saber on mene

xuvrette 03-20-2013 12:14 PM

So Jedi is the one with light sabres? XD
I like that thing.

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