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fireprincess 01-02-2015 07:58 AM

***"Meeeemmmmooooriiiiieeeeessss....All alone in the moonlight..."*** ~2015~
Memory Jar! Setting up

Jar curtesy of Knerd

fireprincess 01-02-2015 08:02 AM

Dec. 31, 2014 / Jan. 1, 2015

I rang in the new year with some of my family at my first New Years party. My family usually hosts a party where we invite a couple of my cousins over, but this was the first one I've been invited to that wasn't at my house. It started off rocky because I found out that my cousin invited her friend Kaitlin (and Kaitlin's boyfriend) to the party, despite her knowing that Kaitlin bullies me, and I therefore can't stand to be around her. I didn't let her spoil my fun though, and I'm so glad I decided to go to the party anyways.
We got lost on the way there though, because they re-configured the road to my aunt's house, and she forgot to tell us that we now had to turn left instead of going straight. We ended up driving 20 mins the wrong way, but my phone's GPS saved the day, and we made it to her house safely.
Once we ate, we played this game my aunt made up, where there is this giant paper ball that is full of little surprises. You have to start unwrapping the ball while the next person in line starts rolling a dice and trying to roll a 5. Once they roll a 5, you have to stop unwrapping, move aside, and then the person behind you starts unwrapping while the next in line starts rolling. You continue this until all of the presents are unwrapped, and in order to keep the present, it must be completely unwrapped (and then you move on to unwrapping the next present). I got the cutest little pink piggy socks, and a pink highlighter.
After the game was over, we went downstairs and took pictures with costume pieces and props. It was a blast taking goofy pictures with my cousins, and I died laughing at the pictures of my uncle Billy. We went back upstairs and talked while we waited for midnight to roll around. Billy and I shared a seat while we looked at pictures from when he was a kid, then my uncle Gregg showed me pictures of fireworks from Thunder he had taken on his camera. We went back downstairs and watched the ball drop, then we got plastic champagne glasses and toasted the new year with sparkling cider and champagne. After that, Billy, Michael, Dylan, and Reed lit fireworks while we watched from the porch. Dylan had the funniest wolf howl, and Kristina followed it up with her monkey call. It was a pretty great night


fireprincess 01-02-2015 08:03 AM

Another Jan. 1, 2015

My grandparents decided to throw a party on New Years Day to celebrate Billy and Kristina's marriage. We had all kinds of yummy food, and Billy and Kristina opened cards and presents. I had gotten them this wedding cake topper that had a bride standing in a horse drawn carriage, while the groom was outside helping her out. They absolutely loved it, and told me exactly where they would put it. After the party was over, we went ice skating. It was the first time I had ever been ice skating, and I actually did really well. I didn't fall (not even once...although there was a few close calls), and I barely held on to the railing. It was so much fun to spend that extra time with my family, and it made it even more special that I got to spend my first time skating with them. Afterwards, my mom, brothers, and I went to Cracker Barrel for supper, and I bought some really cool starfish napkin holders that I plan to use as curtain holders. It was a really great day (actually, it was a really great week!)


fireprincess 01-03-2015 09:11 PM

Jan 2, 2015

(Updated: 1-5-14) My family left for Florida today, and I can't really remember anything eventful happening. I know we had some leftovers, but the rest of the day is just lost on me. I'm pretty sure it was the end of the event, so I spent some of the day making last minute contest entries. We also got some pretty awesome heaters from my uncle since our heater is going out, so that was pretty nice.
I can't remember what else happened, so I'm going to use this to update my monthly challenge.

1. Lasagna, ham sandwiches, potato salad, cole slaw, and m&m cookies
2. I'm going to really try and lose weight for this summer.

Oh! I also found these on Instagram by lulemee [eager] She's going to be making them into dolls.

fireprincess 01-03-2015 09:16 PM

Jan 3, 2015

Today was a gloomy rainy day. It didn't start off great, but eventually got better :)
I got a good morning text from my favorite uncle, saying they made it back to Florida safely. We joked about the weather some, but it put me in a good mood. Mom and I went to Target to look at Christmas decorations, and ended up finding a bunch of cool stuff in the $1 or $3 section. I got a lot of scrapbook stuff, and a cute little mailbox. We're getting ready to meet my grandparents for church


3. A is for apple. I had an apple dipped in peanut butter for a late night snack.

fireprincess 01-05-2015 09:58 PM

Jan. 4, 2015
It was another pretty un-eventful day. That's ok though, because I need time to relax. We had to take my brother to school early, and then we went to eat. They lost our ticket at Roosters, so we got to have our appetizer and drinks free. They also gave use free coupons worth $20 to use when we come back next. We decided to eat Panera, which was extremely delicious. Mom and I went to her work late that night so she could do some scheduling, then we came home and sat together on our iPads until we got too tired to stay awake.

4. In my bag there's lots of things. The first thing I notice though is the pamphlet for the second line of fairytale designer dolls. It makes me excited for the new disney doll release every time I see it :3

fireprincess 01-05-2015 10:14 PM

Jan 5, 2015

I bought some of my school books today. I was pleasantly surprised at their prices. They are 1 and 2 credit hour classes, but I still expected them to be in the $100+ range. Instead, I got 3 books for $165, and I found the fourth edition of the science book I need. I actually need the 5th edition, but maybe I can get by with the 4th [mrgreen] I posted on the used book board that I was looking for the science and Econ book, so fingers crossed. I also found someone looking to buy a book I have, and they seemed interested in buying it at $100 since the bookstore sells it used for $166. That'd be pretty nice if I sold it for that much.

I also started talking to a friend on here that just recently came back. It turns out we have quite a bit in common, and it's been a lot of fun talking to her. I hope she sticks around [eager]

5. Earliest memory.
This is a tricky one. I have a lot of memories from when I was super young, but I have no idea which ones came first. I guess I'll go with when I was having caps put on my teeth and I woke up during surgery. They kinda freaked out and quickly got a gas mask to put me back under XD

fireprincess 01-06-2015 11:29 PM

Jan 6, 2015

Today was another un-eventful day. I spent it running errands with my mom, and just chilling at home. I took my brother to school, came home and put an ice pack on my jaw because its been hurting for some reason, fell asleep, got my mom up at 12:30pm, went to the bank, ate at chick-fil-a, payed a bill, then came back home and sat in my mom's room until she had to go to bed. I'm dreading starting school Monday, but hopefully it won't be too bad. I'll have 3 professors I already like, so that'll make it better.

Update: We brought my 3 doggies in because it's getting dangerously cold. Sure they smell like outside and wet dog, but now I have my "puppies" to keep me company. (My dogs are a German Shepard/golden retriever/ golden lab mix, a terrier mix, and a shnouzer mix. All over the age of 9) They were so good when we brought them in. Molly didn't even need a leash. She ran right to the door

6. What brought me to Mene
I was on this avatar site called Zwinky, and I saw an add for Menewsha. I was really impressed by the pixel art, and decided to check it out. This was way back when they still had the map thing. I didn't really talk to anyone because I didn't understand the whole forum thing, and I was pretty intimidated. I didn't stick around for long, and eventually forgot about it. One morning I woke up early and was bored because everyone else was asleep. I remembered this place and came back. It still took me a while to get active, but I was hooked ever since

fireprincess 01-07-2015 01:22 PM

Jan 7, 2015

I won a green lederhosen from the auctioneer last night for 800g [eager] I can't wait to use it :D
I also purchased a mystic faun CI for 6k! Now I can recreate my faun avi from the event
Update to come:

7. Random fact about me
I was homeschooled from the fifth grade to the end of my senior year in highschool. I finished highschool about a year and a half early. Now I have a 3.89 GPA in college [boogie]
I also really like foxes and zebras as far as "exotic" animals go, and I'd love to have a fox as a pet

fireprincess 01-08-2015 01:44 PM

Jan. 8, 2015

I spent the morning watching tv with my mom. I haven't been feeling well, so I've pretty much spent the whole day laying down. I have decided to add all of the avis I make in 2015 to this thread. I'm really bad about saving the images, so hopefully this will make me better at it [sweat]

I'm not really sure if I want to bother a mod with making more posts for me, so I think I'll just post them in here as I create them. I'll get caught up with posting everything I've done so far in this post.

My mom got up and we ate dinner at Tucker's. I had a fish sandwich and french fries, with a water to drink. It was pretty good. Then we came home and chilled until she had to go to work. It was pretty nice :)
Update to come:

Avatar(s): She is a dragon guard warrior from Diane. I made this for CK's winter nights avatar contest

Avis for ChannahX


Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1773157788)
Now honey, the first thing to go needs to be that muumuu! However, we don't want to lose your old sense of style completely, so let's make it into a scarf

Next, we want to have something more sophisticated. I suggest going dressy casual with this ever stylish look, perfect for any occasion

Next you'll need something for those Christmas parties, so we'll get a little festive this time

On a cold winter day, you need a look that will keep you warm, but still look fabulous. You can even change up the scarf for a different look for PM's "do you want to build a snowman" contest for the bimonthly CI contest for Queen_Andais' birthday update: 1-25-15

8. My best friends are my mom and Amber. My mom and I are super super close, and we're more like friends than mother/daughter. I love that we have such a close relationship. We hardly ever fight, and if we do, it's not ever anything big. Amber and I have been friends since I was about 13 or 14 years old. She has been there for me while I was going through a lot of hard stuff. I don't know what I would do without either of them in my life (More to come later today)

fireprincess 01-10-2015 03:41 AM

Jan 9, 2015

I found out at about 2am last night that they switched my Econ professor from Dr. Bennett (who I love) to someone I've never heard of. This is the second semester in a row that they've done this to me, so I was very upset. I looked at the classes available and thought I found a solution. Before I could change anything though, the science class I would have switched to filled up, and it turns out the new Econ class was a cohort class, and I wouldn't be able to take it. I was partially upset, and partially relieved. I'm super upset because I was really looking forward to having Dr. Bennett as a professor again, but relieved because I know there's nothing I can do to change it. Before all that happened though, my mom and I went to the book store early in the morning to look for monthly planners, and I found this adorable polka dot one. It was $30 and turned out to be made by Kate Spade. I decided at first not to get it because, you know, it was $30 for a planner. I really loved it though and it was a 17 month planner instead of a 12 month like other planners (that end in August...weird!), so I looked on eBay to see if I could find it cheaper. Turns out they sell upwards of $70, and one ended today with 14 bids at $100 not including shipping! I ran back to the book store and grabbed it. It's a good thing too because it was the last one, and as I was paying, the girl next to me was asking about planners. I got there at the right time. Now I just need to decide if I should sell it and use that money towards my book fees, or keep it and use it. It'll be a tough decision.
We took my grandma to the doctors today, and her counts were normal so she didn't have a treatment. They're talking to the doctors on Tuesday, but it looks like she's getting better! After we left the doctors (and I got my planner), we met my grandpa at Golden Corral for supper. It was so nice being able to sit and eat with them without Bobby (my uncle that is currently mooching off of them) being there. We laughed and carried on conversations, it was great!

(The pens didn't come with it, I just thought they looked cute together)

9. What I'm wearing
I'm wearing my favorite Ohio State t-shirt, yoga pants, and my grey jeans when I go outside XD

fireprincess 01-10-2015 02:06 PM

Jan. 10, 2015

My uncle Billy from Florida just texted me good morning - just out of the blue :) It makes me happy to know they're thinking about me this morning. He followed it up with a text saying "I don't know if you know this; however, the Angles in heaven held a vote, and it was decided that you are the sweetest thing on earth! I certainly agree!" It really made my morning!!!
My mom ended up having a killer migraine, so she stayed in bed most of the day. I went over to my grandparents house to meet Amber so we could take Ella to church. We played for a while at my grandparent's until it was time for us to go to church, and she talked to my mom on the phone before we left. It was the first time Ella has ever been to chuch, and she was really good! She was quiet pretty much the whole time, except for when I had to take her to the bathroom and she came back and yelled to everyone that she went pee pee in the potty XD
We went to Mr. Gattis to eat with my grandparents, Jimmy, Kris, Noah, and Bobby. It was fun spending time with my grandparents and Ella, especially since I don't get to see them much. After we ate we went home to check on my mom, and Amber picked Ella up. I was supposed to stay the night with them, but my mom was too sick for me to leave. I spent most of the night on Instagram, uploading pictures to my computer, and putting some of them on Facebook. When my mom got to feeling better, we went to Denny's and ate supper. The waiter was really funny, and the food was really good. It was a pretty nice day :)

10. Favorite song
I don't really have a favorite song, but some of the ones I like are anything by Meghan Trainor, blank space by Taylor swift, and take me to church by Hozier

fireprincess 01-11-2015 06:54 PM

Jan 11, 2015

Today was another lazy day. My mom and I spent the day running around doing errands, and getting supplies for my first day back to school...or trying to anyways. I couldn't find the notebook I needed, and I forgot what size lead to get for my pencils. That night we watched the grammy's arriving party, then switched it over to Galavant.
I don't really remember anything else XD

11. I never leave home without
My cellphone. I feel naked without it

fireprincess 01-13-2015 02:29 AM

Jan 12, 2015

Today was my last first day at Ivy tech. I had 3 classes today, and two of them are with professors that I know. My first class was Income Tax (accounting 105) with Mr. Hartog. I didn't know how he would feel about having me in his class for a third semester in a row, especially since he's always joking with me about me being high maintenance lol. He seemed really happy about it though, and bragged to the whole class about what a good student I was, and how he's enjoyed having me in his classes. He said he would be sad to see me go, but he knows I'll come back to visit :D He kept complimenting me and giving me praise, and that really made my day. I talked about how I was homeschooled, and one of the guys said he admired me for being able to do that, and didn't think he could. That made me feel good as well, because a lot of people look down on homeschoolers. Once class was over we joked around a little bit, and he showed me a picture of his daughter's office view (she works in Indianapolis, and her view is of the river and buildings - it's really nice). I told him to take a picture of his view, which included the highway and the sound barrier wall to block the noise of the traffic for the nearby houses. He thought that was hilarious, and said he was definitely going to do it. We joked around some more before he left, and I had to leave for my next class. Before I left I spent some time talking to some of my classmates, and one of them seems really cool (the one who complimented me on being homeschooled).
My next class was with Dr. Clifton, and I saw Elisha in there (which I wasn't all too thrilled about because she talks without being called on, and thinks she knows everything). I commented on how it looks like we'd be having a third class together, and I sat down. I turned around for some reason, and saw Audreauanna sitting there waving at me! I was so excited!!!!! We started talking about how it was great that we had the class together, and how excited we were. It made me so much more comfortable that Auddy was in this class with me, because we get along so well. :) The class went by pretty quickly, and it seems like it'll be a fairly easy class.
My third and final class of the day was Econ. I knew Gabe was going to be there, but I was still on edge because this was the class they had switched professors on me. Instead of it being Dr. Bennett, it was some guy I had never heard of. I had an hour to kill before class started, so I sat in the class room and looked at my iPad. This guy walked in and smiled at me. He sat in the very back on his laptop, and started talking to me. He mentioned how cold it was outside, and we started talking about how much we both like the snow. I realized he was the same guy from my personal finance class. We talked about movies that had just come out, and he gave me the name of a website where I could watch movies for free legally, and it wouldn't put viruses on my computer. Gabe came in, and the class started to fill up. This red head chick started talking to me about random stuff like she knew me, and would not stop talking. Gabe told me he had her in three of his classes, and he considered dropping those classes because he couldn't stand her (-this was after class).
The professor walked in, and he was pretty intimidating. He was dressed in a full suit, had a broad build, and a deep voice. He made some (very) small talk as he got his things together, and then began the class by introducing himself. Gabe sent me a text saying he didn't think this class would be much fun, and I replied that I didn't think so either. As the class went on, the professor started loosening up and joking around with us. He saw that I had my Ohio State t-shirt on, and he joked around with me about the team. I'm still a little worried about how this class will turn out, but hopefully it's not too bad.

12. My room
My room has pink rose colored walls, a chandelier, a white fireplace mantle with candles in it, white tile, a canopy bed, and a cherry wood wardrobe.

fireprincess 01-14-2015 04:38 AM

Jan. 13, 2015
Today was my second day of school, and my only class was science. I knew Danielle was gong to be there, so that settled my nerves some. I walked in and she was sitting in the front on the other side of the room. I waved to her, and sat in my usual seat - as this was the same class room I had chemistry in last semester. I was sitting there, and and a girl walks in, stops, and says "Oh. My. Gosh. No way!" I turn, and it's Audreauanna!! We start talking, and Danielle comes over to sit with us. I am so so so excited because this brought us all closer together, and now we'll have a study group for tests and what not.
The class was ok on the whole. The professor is really hyper like he's jacked up on caffeine, so he's a little all over the place. We asked him about the workbook they told us to buy in the bookstore, and he said we didn't need it. That was great news, because that's about $60 I got back for returning the book. Auddy and I went to the bookstore together, and we talked about returning books, planners they had, and miscellaneous stuff. Then we looked at the used book board, and exchanged phone numbers before her boyfriend picked her up. I also found out that we have the same online class together, so we'll be able to work on that class together as well! So far this semester is going pretty well.

13. Favorite movie
I'm really terrible at picking "favorite" things, because there's so many things I like! Instead of listing my favorite, I'll just list some I really enjoy right now.
Frozen, tangled, 21 jump street, 22 jump street, Cinderella

fireprincess 01-16-2015 09:49 PM

Jan. 14, 2015

It was my third day of school today, and it went pretty well. I started talking to brad in my Econ class more, and he asked what my last name was because he couldn't find me on Facebook XD It made me feel good that he wanted to get to know me more and talk to me outside of class.
I can't really remember much more about what happened that day.

14. Dream job
I would love to be the CEO of a company

fireprincess 01-16-2015 09:50 PM

Jan 15, 2015

My second class of science was today, and we met in the lab. We didn't actually do any lab work, we just lectured over power points. I couldn't keep up with writing everything as fast as he talked, but at least I have Audraeanna and Danielle with me.
Today is also Ella's 3rd birthday!!!

15. I wish I could...
Go back to Destin!

fireprincess 01-16-2015 10:00 PM

Jan 16, 2015

Today I got up early at 4:30 to go pick my mom up, but then I got some much needed rest. I slept until 1:00pm, and I didn't have to get up to take my brother to school. Once my mom and brother got up at 1:30, we went to Olive Garden to eat. I ordered the chicken marsala, and it came out looking funky. They didn't grill the chicken all the way, and the marsala sauce was way too water-ey. They took it back and fixed it, and it was delicious. They ended up taking it off our bill completely, and the waiter (who was in my psychology class) thanked us for being so nice about the whole thing. We went to the dollar tree after that to get some birthday stuff for one of my mom's coworkers, and then went home. My mom fixed up the birthday basket, and went to bed since she has to work tonight. I went in the living room and chilled on the couch, all snuggled in some blankets while on my iPad :)

16. My favorite place
I'm terrible at picking favorites. I really love Indiana, and Destin, FL

fireprincess 01-24-2015 06:55 PM

Jan. 17, 2015

(I spent the night at Amber's house)
Today my mom and I ran some errands. The weather was pretty nice out, which is weird for it being the middle of January. We went to Target and got some storage bins, a wrapping paper holder, and a notebook for my schoolwork. The lines were crazy long so it took forever. I knew I was going to be eating Golden Corral with Amber, Jason, and Ella when they picked me up at 4:30, so I didn't really eat anything. My mom was getting hungry because she hadn't eaten anything either, so we stopped at the Pizza Hut in target so she could get a personal pan pizza thing (a serving for 1 person) and some breadsticks. It was about 2:45/3:00 so she bought both of us drinks, and let me have some breadsticks. She offered me pizza, but I didn't want to spoil my appetite. After we ate, we went back home to wait for Amber. My mom decided she was going to do some cleaning, and wanted to light a few candles.

17. The weather today
The weather today was crazy warm for January. It was pretty windy, but I didn't even need a jacket. I think it was like 57 degrees.

fireprincess 01-24-2015 07:00 PM

Jan 18, 2015

Ella's birthday party was today

18. Pets
I have three dogs - King, Cotton, and Molly
Today is actually Molly's 9th birthday!

fireprincess 01-24-2015 07:02 PM

Jan 19, 2015

We didn't have school today because it was Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday

19. Something new
Jason gave me the portable speaker when I spent the night at their house. It's really cool!

fireprincess 01-30-2015 10:51 PM

Jan. 20, 2015

20. Last book I read
It would have been one of my textbooks. Probably my physical science book, Econ book, or income tax.

fireprincess 01-30-2015 10:52 PM

Jan 21, 2015

21. My middle name
My middle name is Lee

fireprincess 01-30-2015 10:55 PM

Jan 22, 2015

22. The zodiac
My zodiac sign is a Tarus

fireprincess 01-30-2015 10:57 PM

Jan 23, 2015

23. Tattoos
I don't have any tattoos, but if I were to get one, it would be a white ink henna elephant on my shoulder

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