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girliekeyblade 10-30-2008 04:58 AM

Free Tarot Profiles~ Personality and Soul Cards


Greetings everyone!

I was a bit hesitant at first, making my own thread and all, but I decided that I wanted to contribute to the festivities. Now everyone knows how mysterious the Tarot is. It has been a form of divinations since even before Columbus discovered America. Since I was very young it has always intrigued me as well.

For this Halloween festival I would like to do something a little different, yet special. I will not be giving out tarot readings because I'm sure there are threads specifically for that already. I beam with joy whenever I get to meet a fellow tarot reader. Although instead, I will be doing free tarot profiles.

Each one of us has a specific personality card, and a soul card. Sometimes the personality and soul card are the same. Don't fret, it only emphasizes the purpose of the life you're living even more. For example both my personality and soul card is The Empress; a mother, nurturing, caring, can smother those she cares for without realizing it. Just to name a few things. ;)

It's an interesting little tidbit of information, that some might like to know. Regardless, I would like everyone that stops by to have fun and enjoy this most magical time of year.

If you would like to know your personality and soul card, all you have to do is post with your full birth date. That's all! I will then get to you a.s.a.p with your cards or card, and I will give you some information on that card. :) Simple eh?


- Please follow the rules of Menewsha.

- Everyone has to get along, or this mother goose is gonna have to put her foot down. We wouldn't want that, now would we? Hmm?

- If you're skeptical of the subject, ignore it and go elsewhere. You shouldn't be in a tarot related thread, if you don't feel comfortable about it.

- If you would like a tarot reading from me, or are interested in knowing more aspects of your tarot profile, please PM me. :) I will be more than honored to help anyone out to the best of my ability.

- Have all the fun possible! Anything can be discussed in the thread as long as it follows the Mene guidelines. :D


The banners were made by me and the cards were scanned by me. Forgive me if they're crummy, I rushed them ( So let's ignore the fact that I misspelled Judgment, some of my cards spell it with an e at the end of Judge, some don't. It confuses me greatly ;-; ). D: I take no credit for the gorgeous images, they're all copyrighted to the wonderful creators of the Mystic Faerie Tarot.

If you would like to request a graphic, more examples of my work can be found at my graphics journal. Right here. :).

BoomBoom 10-30-2008 05:08 AM

Oh wow! This sounds so interesting - I love finding things like this out! They intrigue me as well, but I haven't really gone out of my way to find information on it! Which I should!

Can I please know my card?
My birth date is the 25 August 1989!

I wonder what I'll get! :3

Smellerbee 10-30-2008 05:21 AM

This sounds interesting :]

July 13, 1990

girliekeyblade 10-30-2008 05:24 AM

Hello sweetie! Thanks so much for stopping by, BoomBoom. :3

I just got your card. The results for your personality card and soul card are, the lovers. You might be thinking, oh what now? I find it amusing whenever a friend of mine gets that card. It's obviously a good card. For your purpose in this lifetime revolves around loving. Whether it be friends, family, or a special someone. Learning to love, and be comfortable with yourself.

The Lovers are known for their duality as they are ruled by the sign of Gemini. As in every card there are good and bad attributes. This card rules all aspects of relationships. Including the relationship you have with yourself. It governs your inner being. When your mind, body, and spirit are not balanced, everything goes out of control.

You may suffer problems with either loving others, or have difficulty opening up to those you feel you can have a connection with.

Just be careful with matters of the heart darling. Sorry it took me forever to type everything out. : x I'm a chatterbox, when I get going no one can stop me. Hope you enjoy what you got! <3

Thanks for stopping by Smellerbee! I've got your card, both your personality and soul card are...

The Empress, which is ruled by the planet Venus. A woman of beauty, sensuality, and motherly instincts. By what can you expect you're ruled by Venus!

Your purpose in this life deals with caring for others, and creativity. Having the urge to always create something fantastic. As long as your creative desires are met, you're happy. Signs of good health and well being for the most part. Seeing the beauty in everything around you.

But as every card, there's always the shadow attributes as well. If you're not careful, you may become clingy, or smother those close to you. If you fall into depression, you're prone to feeling useless. Unwanted. Unneeded. All of which an Empress such as yourself shouldn't put yourself through. I should know, my card is the Empress as well. :3

In this life it's about fulfilling your desires, and nurturing those around you. You are the other half of the Emperor, without you he's nothing.

BoomBoom 10-30-2008 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by girliekeyblade (Post 4163601)
Hello sweetie! Thanks so much for stopping by, BoomBoom. :3

I just got your card. The results for your personality card and soul card are, the lovers. You might be thinking, oh what now? I find it amusing whenever a friend of mine gets that card. It's obviously a good card. For your purpose in this lifetime revolves around loving. Whether it be friends, family, or a special someone. Learning to love, and be comfortable with yourself.

The Lovers are known for their duality as they are ruled by the sign of Gemini. As in every card there are good and bad attributes. This card rules all aspects of relationships. Including the relationship you have with yourself. It governs your inner being. When your mind, body, and spirit are not balanced, everything goes out of control.

You may suffer problems with either loving others, or have difficulty opening up to those you feel you can have a connection with.

Just be careful with matters of the heart darling. Sorry it took me forever to type everything out. : x I'm a chatterbox, when I get going no one can stop me. Hope you enjoy what you got! <3

Awwwr it sounds like a really wonderful card! :O
I really like it and it does sound a lot like me! Thank you so much!

I like to be loved and to love in return - hehe I'm lames and cheesy!

Thanks again and I hope you're having an awesome time in the event right now!

girliekeyblade 10-30-2008 05:37 AM

@BoomBoom; Thank you hun, I'm so glad you enjoyed the card reading. :3 I'm very glad you can relate to it! And of course, who wouldn't want to be loved and loved in return. That's such a wonderful feeling. <333 If you ever have any other question you would like to ask the cards, I'm just a PM away.

You take care of yourself, and thanks again for stopping by. I hope you're having a fabulous time as well! :D

Winter Wind 10-30-2008 05:39 AM

Oh my.

This sounds super interesting.

I have a tarot deck myself, but I've never really gotten around to using it.

I've never heard of soul cards. o-o

Care to try me?

July 8, 1993

Smellerbee 10-30-2008 05:43 AM

Wow, thanks!

Where can I learn more about this? That described me really well. . .

Winter Wind 10-30-2008 05:47 AM

Smellerbee: Isn't tarot reading just incredible? x'3

I wish I had time to try out my set. x'3

After I spent like 15 minutes picking it out too.

Smellerbee 10-30-2008 05:53 AM

Is it an occult thing?

I have some books and grimoires, but I've never read any of them.

Winter Wind 10-30-2008 05:57 AM

I have no idea.

I've tried it before, and to me it's more based on your skills of logic and analysis, because you have to draw lines from the cards' abstract and broad meanings to fit your question.

The whole eerie accuracy of tarot reading scares me but excites me as well.

girliekeyblade 10-30-2008 05:57 AM

@Winter Wind; Thank you for stopping by sweetie, I'll get your card in a bit! I'll probably do yours and a couple more if anyone else stops by. Since it's about to be 2AM and I have to work tomorrow. : x But you should totally spend some time with your cards. I have a small collection myself, and they say it's always good to sleep with your deck of cards the first week or so when you purchase them. So they can get your energy and vibrations. Treat them like a baby, I so mean it. xD But yes, I agree I love tarot reading. I've been reading the cards since I was fourteen, and my passion for it has yet to cease. :3

@Smellerbee; You're very welcome sweetheart. :3 I'm very happy you enjoyed what you got! If you would like to learn more about this method and the tarot in general, I promise to include a list of reading material later tomorrow. I have a wonderfully long list of recommendations.

As for all that is interested in learning the Tarot, any books regarding the cards by Mary K. Greer are pure genius. "Tarot For Yourself" is practically my tarot bible. :D

Winter Wind 10-30-2008 05:59 AM

Hallo GirlieKeyBlade! May I call you Key?

Ohh, thank you very much. x3 <3
Woahh, 2am.
It's almost 11am here.

My deck is mainly used by my mom.
She's kinda superstitous, but what's creepy is that she gets these RIGHT ON THE MARK predictions.

It's REALLY creepy.
They're ALL on mark.

I'll look into those books someday.

serafim_azriel 10-30-2008 06:00 AM

I love Tarot! I would love to know my soul card.
April 13th, 1989
(On a random note, the first time I tried reading Tarot for a friend, it was actually very true, and in a very short time in coming true as well!)

Winter Wind 10-30-2008 06:02 AM

Serafim: YEAA ME TOO.

Cept I haven't tried reading in a longgg time.

Smellerbee 10-30-2008 06:04 AM

Okay, I'll check back again tomorrow!

girliekeyblade 10-30-2008 06:31 AM

@Winter Wind;
Of course you can call me Key! :D I don't mind at all. :3 Now, back to business. Wow, you're the first one tonight that has gotten two different cards. One for personality and one for the soul. Let's start with the personality, which is the Wheel of Fortune.

Anything goes with you. In this world there will always be a balance of good and bad karma. Sometimes you might feel that things are not going your way, but never fear... where there's bad times, there will be good times. It might seem like a roller-coaster ride inside your head, and your heart. Unfortunately a major downside to this card can be the way you take certain types of news. This card is always full of surprises. Depending on your actions they can be delightful surprises or the contrary. The planet Jupiter rules this card, so you are bound to have luck on your side when least expected.

As for your soul card, you have the Magician milady. A wonderful card to have as well. This one is one of obvious magic and allure in life. Having the power to make things appear out of thin air! As a magician would! This card is of great abilities, whether you've learned such or not. Life is all about learning, and the magician goes through life with passion about the things he/she wants. Although the shadow side of this card is the let-downs. When you're let-down, it's big. When you lose focus of the goal, you tend to get overly distracted. Sometimes, not finishing certain tasks that you've begun. You must be careful of those that manipulate. If not cautious, you'll be caught in their web, and it'll be difficult to get out. Mercury rules the Magician, as Hermes the messenger of the Gods, you're great in communicating with others. Expressing yourself is key.

I can truly believe that gal. Your mom must have some real talent! I think you have it too. You should definitely practice more, if you want to pursue the art. Even if it's just as a hobby, it's a wonderful thing to know. Along the way you're learning how to interpret symbolism, that I've learned is very important in everything I do. Especially dreams. Oooh don't get me started on dreams. I bought myself a book on past life regression, and amazingly enough it works.

I would love to share my experiences with those that would like to listen. But anyways, enough babbling. >.>; *slaps hand* Bad me. >.>;;;

@serafim; I'm going to get to yours now sweets. Sorry once again for taking forever and a day. <3

After Serafim I'll have to continue tomorrow. I'll anxiously wait for others that would like readings. :3

[edit]To the sweet Serafim, I promise to post your card meaning tomorrow. I would post it tonight, but I fear it'll come out inaccurate if I do it half asleep. Once again, sorry for the delay!

serafim_azriel 10-30-2008 07:13 AM

Yay! I shall wait patiently! ^-^ It is alright.

girliekeyblade 10-31-2008 12:28 AM

Dear all that's holy I'm so sorry Serafim Azriel!

It took me forever to pick up my mom's meds, and do groceries. But still, if you're still here somewhere in Mene... *feels so bad* I finally got the results of your card reading. <3

All right my dear Serafim, your personality and soul card are both Strength, which is ruled by the sign of Leo. You might be an Aries by sun sign, but your personality is also monopolized by Leo. Which in turn are both fire signs, making you very passionate about your goals, love... anything you set your heart on. When you want something, you gotta have it. By all means possible at times. The Strength card is also referred to as Lust, but the power of strength overcomes all obstacles. Only if you so desire. With such passionate powers within you, all is possible.

You have the ability to put yourself in the place of others, to know how they feel. It could be a curse, or otherwise. For the most part you can empathize with others. Something that many people seem to ignore, or don't even try to do in their life.

As ever card has a Yang, there's bound to be a Yin. The desire to fulfill your needs, or the ones of others can only come about if your heart is in it. Sometimes you can become easily overwhelmed by the circumstances of things. As much of a fiery passion you might have, you can become submissive when there's fear of what you believe. Not to say you don't follow your believes, but there can be loss of interest. If so, the belief ceases to be.

In this life, animals will probably be your most important allies. They'll teach you what you have yet to see in yourself. Don't be afraid to follow true to your beliefs. Be as strong as your card, and with that you'll enchant all those around you.

serafim_azriel 10-31-2008 09:24 PM

It's alright. I finally found the thread again, thanks to you PMing me. ^-^

And my, that is really accurate. Thank you. ^-^

demonic X rose 10-31-2008 09:50 PM

I would like my cards read please ^_^

my birthday date is 2nd august 1978

Winter Wind 10-31-2008 11:31 PM

That's exactly right! :0

Wowww, eerie-ly accurate.

Thank you Key. ^^ <3

And yes, when I have time, I'll be sure to try out my deck again.

girliekeyblade 11-01-2008 03:24 AM

@serafim_azriel; You're very welcome sweetie. I'm very glad you enjoyed your reading. <3 I hope you had a wonderful Hollow's Eve as well! Take care! <333

@demonic x rose; Thank you so much for stopping by my little ol' thread here on Mene, sweets. I promise to do your reading a.s.a.p. I'm sorry if I've taken forever. D: I do hope you've had a delightful Halloween though! I'll try to get your reading done real soon, hopefully by tonight. <333

@Winter Wind; Hello again darling! I'm so glad you enjoyed your reading. I'm one very happy bunny at the moment. Speaking of bunnies, those critters are wanting my attention again. My aunt decided to stop by so I can give her a reading as well. It's a shame Halloween is only once a year. xD Either way, thank you once more for stopping by, and I hope to stumble upon you throughout Mene in the future. Take care! <3333

In general I was thinking of making my own hangout thread or shop after the Halloween festivities. I do hope it'll be welcomed as much as this thread has been. I know I sound like a broken record, but thank you to all! I really appreciate all the wonderful support on here. You guys are awesome. *GLOMPS everyone times infinity and beyond*

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda 11-01-2008 03:31 AM

Ahh... I love this stuff. I wonder if you'd end up giving me a different card then I've gotten from other tarot readers/sites. *chuckles, debating giving it a go*

Tarot is such an Achilles heel...

evefarrel 11-01-2008 04:00 AM

Oh this sounds awesome...

My birthday is January 17th 1991

I would love to hear my profile.

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