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Kiyoto 02-19-2016 05:48 PM

☬ Lazrus ☬ (OPEN and ACCEPTING)
☬ Lazrus ☬

Everyone wants something. How you obtain it and what the price is, is something entirely different. For those who do not fit into the norm of the natural world, there is another way of coming across what they desire. A network of connections that on the surface operate as normal clubs or business'. Under the surface however, a much more sinister world lies. To those of supernatural origin, it is known as Lazrus. In ancient times, such a term ment a haven, a place of refuge and peace, where those of supernatural blood could live in harmony away from the persecution of the humans who lived around them.

Now, it is more like the supernatural hell. Run by a family who has more in common with the mafia than saviors, they run a supernatural black market unknown by the human world. They can get you whatever you need, but the prices that they have begun to ask in return have gained them a less than savory reputation. Their power is not bound only to the supernatural world, they have connections within the human world as well. Their power and reach making them a group that is not wisely crossed. Each member has their own region of the network where they control. What you pay, depends on who you deal with.

Could be simply money, perhaps something a bit more sensual, or even the price of another's life in return. The family has little trouble using others seeking something to do their own bidding, or get what they want in return, and they always collect on their price. Trying to outrun the price, would be making an enemy capable of turning an entire society against you. It all comes back to what it is you are seeking, and how far you are truly willing to go to obtain it. Not all are happy with those in charge however. There are those who wish to overthrow the family in charge. Why? Well that is entirely up to them.

Perhaps they desire to overthrow them in order to gain that power and hold. Others desire to restore peace and a sense of dignity to the supernatural world. Whatever the path chosen is, it all comes down to the choices made. A game of deals and power, who has the upper hand and what you're willing to do to gain and maintain it. Would you make a deal with the devil? Stab him in the back? Try to outrun him? Eventually life catches up with you, and another choice must be made. One that could potentially be your last. So choose wisely....

Kiyoto 02-19-2016 06:00 PM

☬ Factions ☬
(Note: These are "Ideas" for alignments for characters. You do not HAVE to fit into just one or any of them. You can discuss an alternate one with me if you like.)
No supernatural blood within you. Simply a human, either aware of the supernatural world or not.

Lazrus Head Family
The family who runs Lazrus, makes the deals and collects on the payment. Each member of the family has their own "territory" that they run. Meaning they decide the deals and prices for that area, as well as are in charge of all other dealings that go through their territory. The family itself is led by a Matriarch, who resides within New York City. The Matriarch is the only one who has say and power over the members of the head family, thus some pull over the entire state. Meaning, their basically the king/queen of the Lazrus.

Supernatural Innocent
Just a simple supernatural being trying to make it through the world. These are the majority of the Lazrus world. The ones who make a majority of the deals and life by the rules the head family makes for them.

Supernatural Rebel
Those who oppose the head family. Their reasons are their own. Some desire to take power from them, others wish to free the supernatural world of their reign.

☬ The Scene ☬
(The main portion of the roleplay will take place in New York. The state is broken up into the ten major territories. Each member/branch of the head family controls a portion of the state. So if you choose to make a head family member, then you can discuss with me which territory that you want.)

Territory Leaders





5. The Ruelle Family




9. (New York City is the location of the Matriarch, meaning the leader of the head family. This can not be chosen, unless you want to be the overall leader of the head family. Discuss with me if interested.)

10. The DeRosso Family

Kiyoto 02-19-2016 06:06 PM

☬ Rules ☬

1. No Godmodding

2. PM me profiles with the name of the roleplay, or they will not be looked at. No exceptions.

3. Yaoi, hetero and yuri romance welcome, but follow mene rules. I also do not want the quest for romance to be the main goal of characters within the story. I want the story to have depth and meaning. So pursuit of romance should be GRADUAL, it never happens in one hour or day.

4. All normal mene rules apply.

5. If you're going to be gone or slow for a period of time, please let me know.

6. No mary or gary sue characters, or those who simply have a "Poor me" attitude or simply a tragic history where nothing ever goes right for them. I want the characters to have depth and be able to evolve and grow with the story.

7. If you are not committed to a long term rp, please do not join. I want this to last for awhile, so for me and others within, I want dedication.

8. If you join, you need to be able to keep up and maintain a multi paragraph style. I do NOT want one liner's or paragraphs.

9. Know how to keep what is known by the writers and what is known by the characters separate.

10. Please respect me as the GM. If I make a decision, trust I know what I am doing. Do not call me out or slam me please. You can message me with ideas or POLITELY let me know if I make a mistake. If I say no on something or choose a different direction, do not spazz out. I know what I'm doing, but I am also only human.

11. I am flexible, so if you have an idea for a plot twist or something you would like to see happen, feel free to message me. Again though, be mindful of rule 10.

12. NO Out of context chat in the thread. That is what the OOC is for! It takes up needless space. The thread is for the roleplay.

13. I reserve the right to add or alter the rules if I need or want to.

Kiyoto 02-19-2016 06:08 PM

☬ Links ☬
Recruitment Thread


Accepted Profiles

Kiyoto 02-19-2016 06:10 PM

☬ Profile Skeleton ☬

(Contributed by the talented Xavrine)

HTML Code:

[CENTER][IMG]real photo goes here[/IMG]

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I]First "Nickname" Last[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Age[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]┊[SIZE="1"]xxx[/SIZE]
[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Gender[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]┊[SIZE="1"]xxx[/SIZE]
[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Sexuality[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]┊[SIZE="1"]xxx[/SIZE]
[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Race[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]┊[SIZE="1"]xxx[/SIZE]

[FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Silver"]☬[/COLOR][COLOR="Gray"]☬[/COLOR][COLOR="Silver"]☬[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

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[SIZE="1"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
 cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident,
sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.[/SIZE]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Personality[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Powers/Abilities[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Weapons/Equipment[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Biography[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Extra[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I][COLOR="color"]Theme[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/I]

Kiyoto 02-19-2016 06:10 PM

☬ Reserved ☬

Kiyoto 02-22-2016 01:57 PM

The arrow set poised on the tense string of the bow. The male who stood behind the weapon stood still as stone. It was aimed at the door, across the room, which was closed for the moment. Blue eyes focused on it, taking in every detail of the dark wood. He focused especially on the knob, which at any moment could be on the verge of being turned. If they chose to use it. They, being the guards who had managed to recognize Alecross from the latest post put out about him by that bastard of a demon lord.

Fingers pulled back a bit more on the arrow in annoyance. He should have known better, been more careful. He was usually a shadow, a ghost to everyone around him. He had let himself attempt relaxing, this is where it had led. Taking a breath, he felt their approach. Outside in the hall, near the stairs, he had hidden it. A marking, one that blended into the dark wood.

It was a mark that alerted Alecross to the approaching presence of anyone who came up the stairs. He was the only one up on this floor, the only room, so there was no other reason to come up this far. There was one...two...three of them. A light smirk tugged at his lips, they had underestimated him....big mistake. He counted down the seconds until they came.

The door bursts off its hinges, the wood splintering as it was hit inward. Alecross didn't hesitate, releasing the arrow he had been holding back. It flew through the splinters, landing with a hard thud into the shoulder of the first man way to eager to enter the room. The second moved in, with Alecross moving forward to greet him. There was no time to reload the bow in this short of a distance, it would leave him to open and exposed. The man raised a hand, fire forming within it. Demon, figured it would be.

The attack was aimed at his torso, to take him down. He side stepped to his right, bringing up the bow instead in an attack. The man put up his arm to block it, leaving the rest of his body exposed. Turning, Alecross lifted his leg, delivering a kick to the center of the man. It pushed him back, into the third. It was all happening so fast, mere moments in time, but it felt like slow motion to him. The world moving an inch a minute. A hand grabbed his shoulder, the man he had shot in the shoulder had managed to get up.

That was good, he wasn't done taking out his annoyance yet. Grabbing his wrist, Alecross slid back on his foot. He pulled forward on the man's wrist, using their differences in weight and the momentum in his favor. The man was flipped over his shoulder, landing hard on the floor. He did not let go of the wrist, placing a boot upon the man's chest, before twisting the arm he held. He noted a pop, the man giving a slight yell in pain as the arm was dislocated. He released it, the man rolling over on his side holding the arm with the other.

One down, but the other two were also getting back up. He took a step back, deciding to take a slightly different tactic. He could already see it in his mind, drawing itself out. Lifting a hand, he used a finger to begin tracing the image in his mind into the air before him. Bright orange smoke like fire followed his finger, creating a tangible mark within the air. Once it was complete, he looked through it to the men who were pulling out guns to point at him. He knew very well that they were most likely ordered not to kill him, but that usually never stopped them from trying to injure him. He placed the palm of his hand against the mark within the air, pushing it towards them.

The mark moved through the air, one of the men raising a hand, as if to brush it away. As soon as he came into contact with it, a flash of light and an explosion took place. Alecross didn't stick around to see what became of them, turning away from the scene to the only window in the room. Jumping from a third story window was stupid, but when there was a waiting pile of bags down below, it was hopefully better than it looked. Not the most appealing landing, but it was what he had. Landing hard into the bags as the explosion blasted out the window above, he looked up into the sky above him. Flames flickered out the window above, along with smoke.

Well, that ended that. He pushed himself up from the bags, dusting himself off. Picking up the bow, he slid it back over his shoulder next to the quiver. Now then, he needed to get out of here, before he drew to much attention to himself. He made his way down the alley, slipping out on the street. People were already coming to see what the noise had been all about. He slipped past them, taking care to avoid eye contact. Thank goodness, none of them paid the elder teen any notice. He managed to get down the street, before slipping across it and down another alley. He needed a drink after that one.

Heading into a darker part of town, the people thinned out a bit. The only ones who came out here, were those who were the darker of the supernatural, or those who were dark enough to do their dealings with them. He made his way along the street, to a dark looking unmarked building. He had never been there before, but he had heard they had good drinks. He slipped the door open, smelling the clear scent of smoke inside. It was darker than the light outside. A few eyes glanced in his direction. He could practically feel the bristiling tension in the air, one that could be cut with a knife. He would not be surprised if the people in here were carrying them either.

He made his way towards the back of the building, towards an open table. Eyes followed him, but he paid them no mind. He slid the bow and arrows from his back, tossing them onto the seat within the booth, before sliding into it himself. Now here, he was realizing how hungry he was. It had been since the day before early morning he had last eaten. After the fight, he could use something as a pick me up as well. He pulled one of the menu's out from the end of the table, flipping it open. He allowed his eyes to scan across what was for the public to choose from that day.

It was hard to believe places like this were becoming more and more the norm. But with the head family of the Lazrus becoming more and more like a power hungry monarch than a guiding hand, it was to be expected. They were intent on deals, having people under their thumb, all of this was like a game to them, with the lives of people as the prizes. He sighed, running a hand through his black hair. It was bad enough he had gotten mixed up in the darker side of dealings here, now others were being forced to pay prices of their own. He was hoping that he could avoid having to do anything that would bring him into contact with that family again. He was never going to go back to that, being someone's toy and pawn.

ISOS Duke 02-28-2016 05:29 AM

The images were still fresh, vivid in the woman's mind; the task from a few nights before. The Ruelle House wanted her to hunt down some rogue Sylph that had jilted someone within the family, or something like that. Ulrica wasn't sure, but the details of why she had to hunt the Sylph matter less than the task itself; she wasn't there to question orders, but to fill them.

A bright red light flashed from the neck of the furred, four-legged beast that seemed to effortlessly slip through the shadows of Northern New York unnoticed. Though light would glisten against her red fur every so often, those that prowled the streets at night did not seem to notice her, they never seemed to notice.

The Sylph would be at Star Lake; it had seemed to enjoy that place and had taken up residence there. After leaving the city, Ulrica would have quite the trek before her to get to the lake. The trip itself would be easy, not much chose to venture into the woods so late at night for even though humans didn't notice the supernatural world anymore, it didn't stop the stories from keeping them indoors once the sun went down.

The excitement would take place at the lake itself. The area was densely wooded, though with heightened sight and sense, the werewolf and little issue navigating. As trees gave way to the shore, there stood a man with beautiful pale skin and unnatural blue hair that fell to his shoulders. There were others nearby though, she could feel them there.

The man didn't seem to tense, though Ulrica knew that he was well aware of her presences, the Sylph were not easy to trick.

As she stepped forward, her wolf shape elongated before she stood behind the man on two legs, running a hand through her brown hair, pulling the loose strands from the shaved side.

"I was not aware that we were expecting a pet," the man said, his voice soothing and almost like a song dancing on a spring breeze. He slowly turned around to look at the stranger, a daring look in his purple orbs, he eyes locking on the black collar around her neck.

Ulrica rolled her eyes and said, "And I didn't expect having to pay a Sylph a visit over something so petty. A mirror, really?"

The man turned to face her head on before shrugging. "It was a token of appreciation, how would I know that the receiver would be so offended?"

The woman shook her head, "Vampires, don't even get me started. Ungrateful creatures."

The man looked confused, eyes narrowing before he said, "Are you not here to kill me?"

Raising a brow, Ulrica crossed her arms under her chest before saying, "Well yeah, I was sent to kill you but it seems stupid to kill you over the fact that vampire couldn't use the thing."

The Sylph was quiet, staring at the woman in disbelief.

"You really don't think I choose to wear this thing, do you?"

The man was silent for a moment more before shaking his head. "I do not understand why one would become a willing pet for a Lazrus, especially one that must know didn't come alone."

Ah, yes, that topic. "I'm a werewolf, I am well aware that we are not alone."

"Vampires. You choose to go against them?"

Ulrica let out a sarcastic bark of a laugh before saying, "What werewolf do you know, would willing work for or even with a vampire?"

The man took a few steps closer, his eyes falling over her body. Though she wore a pair a jeans, holes at the knees, and a stained white t-shirt, she knew that what he was seeing with was more than the eyes of a human. "Why defy them when they have done so much harm? Why for a Sylph?"

Rolling her eyes, Ulrica shook her head once again before saying, "Because I think this demand is stupid?" Adding a shrug she said, "And because I'm tired of people thinking that I'm a willing pet to these guys."

Though it wasn't audible, the male's shoulders lowered with a silent sigh. "We both know, whether it is you or not, I will not be leaving here alive."

Nodding, the brunette said, "And like myself, I know you did not come alone and what's going to happen next will hopefully get some talk among the Sylph so I don't have to worry about you guys attacking me every time I get let out."

It was then that a shot rang out, a bright flash coming from the woods. Ulrica's body jerked forward, a crimson blossom forming at her side. Stabling herself, wild eyes locked on the Sylph, whom had a curtain of color surrounding him at this point, defending himself as long as he could.

Lips curled back, Ulrica growled as her teeth began to sharpen, her body stretching and popping as she grew taller and taller. What was once a four-legged creature the size of an extra-large dog was now a canine that walked on two feet and stood nearly seven feet high. The Sylph had watched the woman's grotesque transformation before his orbs fearfully shot towards the woods where a handful of armed vampires were coming.

"See, knew we couldn't trust her on this one," one jeered to the others. A guttural howl erupted from the beast's throat before she lunged herself at the men, her massive forearms pulling herself across the ground with ease.

The air around her exploded in color as the Sylph's light curtain shot towards the vampires; it would kill them, but it would at least distract them as the werewolf threw herself at them.

Her muzzle was quickly buried into the neck of the one she landed on and unless he lost his head or fully bled out, would live. One near him was quick to shove a small dagger in his side; the weapons were all clearly silver and stung, they wouldn't heal quickly and would more than likely scar without proper treatment, treatment that she never got.

With another howl, the werewolf whipped its head to look at the attacking vampire before swiping a massive paw at the creature, effortlessly knocking him away. She was just about to lunge at another when an all too familiar currently coursed through her body, dropping the creature to her knees.

"Really, why must we play these games with you every time, Ula?"

As her head hit the smooth river stone, her silver orbs watched the Sylph at the water's edge fall, blood pooling at his chest. The vision was soon blocked as a cleanly dressed figure knelt before her.

"You know fighting us is futile."

Then everything went black.

There was a dripping sound, water splashing down in uneven patterns just outside her cell window. Ulrica growled in annoyance, her arm twitching against her will causing her arm to fall from its spot on her hand which caused her wrist to fall flesh down to the silver cuff that had been attached to her.

Letting out a hissing growl, the woman quickly shoved her hand back under her arm, her eyes wide and alert as they looked at the shackle.

The vampires had been very displeased with her behavior the last order. That wasn't any surprise though, they knew that Ulrica thought the order was stupid and that was partly why they sent the others in the first place.

Blinking a few times, her eyes focused on the rosy flesh under the shackle, it really looked like she had been burned. Though, to her, silver would burn her.

The sudden searing from her wrist distracted her from the pain in her sides and around her neck. Getting the shock never felt good, especially not when she knew she saved a life by getting it. The shot and stab wounds, like always, hadn't been treated. The bullet was removed, Ulrica could easily tell that much. Not only was the burning from it being lodged in her side not there, but the vampires seemed to like to reclaim and reuse what silver bullets they could. If those bullets were in their "pet"? It made it all the easier.

Ulrica kept her gaze on the cuff; she had been pleased with the fact she had managed to keep her wrist from touching any of the sides. If the vampires knew she figured this out, she wasn't sure if they cared enough to fit her with a smaller cuff, though hurting her wrist too much would make her lose use of it; she wasn't sure how important that was to them though.

She recalled when she had first gotten the cuff put on years ago, after disobeying the first solo order she had received. She had attempted to break the thing off her, only to receive a lovely set of burns on her wrist and opposing hand.

Ever since then, she had tried to figure out what disobedience would earn her the blasted thing and would often tempt fate as to if they would put it on her or not. She wasn't fully sure as to if this time was worth it or not, the Sylph didn't live. Though, the fact that it was on her must have meant she killed at least one of the vampires, if not managed to take out two of them; even if it were just one, it was worth it. A small smiled played the woman's features as she thought of that while mentally blocking out the dripping noise from outside.

Kiyoto 02-28-2016 07:01 AM

Vladamir sat in the dark of the library. Despite it being daylight out, he kept the thick black curtains closed for now. Within the room, he sat in a black chair, near the lit fireplace. The flames the only source of light, sent shadows dancing along the walls. Some of the light caught in his eyes, made them glow within the darkness. Many said his eyes were his best and worst quality. He had golden eyes, that seemed to glow at times with the changes of the light around him. Many of the vampire kind held redish eyes, or darker ones. But his, his had always been so...piercing. Some used to tease him when he was younger, comment that his eyes were more like that of a wolf's than a vampires.

He frowned, his head resting upon his fingertips. How pathetic, being compared to such fleabags. He was always inclined to show them just how much of a vampire he could be. A slight smirk tugged at his lip, fangs he otherwise kept hidden for a moment exposed to no one. There were so many rumors about vampires and other supernatural creatures going around. It was amazing how foolish and gulible some could be. Take the brat in the basement for example. He sighed, uncrossing his legs. His father had always enjoyed teasing the wolves, partially because of his mother. Since the little one was just that...little...when brought in, she was taught for the most part what others wanted her to believe.

He wouldn't put it past her to believe they were all the same. No, there were variety among vampires, just as there were among any supernatural creature species that might walk the earth. It was not like he cared really, for the most part, he allowed the advisors and such deal with that beast. It had been a hobby brought on before he was born, one he had little interest in dirtying his hands with. Although now as the head of the Ruelle family, he supposed it was in some of his interest to make an effort. He sighed, standing from the chair. He crossed to the window, before throwing open the curtains. Light flooded the room.

For a moment, it stung his eyes, but he refused to look away. The world beyond the curtains was coming into focus, in all its annoying beauty. The flames within the fireplace were useless now, little more than flickering heat in the corner. He turned away from it, walking to the door. He had met the female a few times, or rather seen her. He was not allowed to associate with her much, nor she him. She was beneath him, nothing more than a tool. Tools were supposed to be used, nothing more. Once they had outlasted their usefulness, they would be discarded. Now that his father was no longer around to deal with his little project, power over what to do with it fell to him.

The doors were opened for him, a maid standing outside. He passed through and turned down the hall, without so much as a glance in her direction. The beast in the basement had a history of failing, of testing his father's patience. His father however, had enjoyed toying with the thing, so he let her survive. Vladamir however, was not his father. His father had been a strong powerful man in many ways, but he was also weak. He made a mess of things, and now that he no longer had the opportunity to meddle, Vladamir would make certain to turn this place around. It would rise from the ashes, people would once again hear the name Ruelle and know to fear it.

He walked to the grand stairs, that led down into the main hall. A man waiting for him at the base, handed him a paper. He took it, glancing down at the writing. A frown tugged at his lips now, seemed the fleabag had been brought back after the latest failure. He tossed the paper aside, leaving the man scrounging for it. Continuing on his way, it was not long before he stood in front of the door that led down into the dungeon. The guard there bowed to him, before opening it to let him pass. Again, not a word of thanks left his lips. He stepped down, making his way down the stairs. It was disgusting down here, a place he had refrained from visiting most of the time. A place he would refrain from visiting again for a long time to come.

Vladamir Ruelle, son and heir to the Ruelle name. This was his domain, all of it was under his command and say. That included this little beast within his home's walls. He was not about to allow someone under his power, under his rule, disrespect any command given. Especially a fleabag. If anything, it only succeeded in getting under his skin. Making him annoyed, that something was out of place. It needed to be fixed, it needed to be silenced. He would deal with it, if need be, in a way his father never could. He was not interested in someone elses broken toys. If anything, they would either need to choose a new road, or he would break them for good.

That was the reason for this little visit after all. This would be the first time he and she had seen each other, since just before his father's death. He had been eighteen then, so months ago at least. Not long enough in his opinion. Even then though, he had only seen her for a few moments. They had not actually spoken to one another, so really it could have been said they had not had actual contact in far longer. He continued on, walking into the depths, walking into what many preferred to call hell. He reached the floor below, one lined with torches. It looked like something out of the time of castles and knights. Then again, the whole house did.

A mansion made to look like a castle. From the outside, it looked like a normal building. Inside however, it was far more spacious and grand. His father had redecorated a bit, but it had much of the original design still. It had been built by one of the first in his line, when this area of New York had been chosen for his family. A worlock had been chosen to help in the layout, and it had been here ever since. He walked along, ignoring the sounds from some of the rooms, the guards along the hall and more. At the end of one of the halls, he paused before a door. Sighing, he finally glanced at a nearby guard, who scrambled to open it the room of the basement beast.

Great, he was actually going to waste time with this thing. He watched as the door was opened, standing there as he looked beyond to what lied within. It was not hard to pick out the female, she was the only actual living creature beyond the door. His expression remained calm, almost mildly bored as he regarded her within. He did not speak, nor did he act right away. The other did not deserve that, he was in no desire to rush. The other could simply sit back and wait like a good fleabag, or knowing her kind, she would start up with that mouth of hers. Either way, she would be met with something she would not like as a result.

ISOS Duke 03-14-2016 04:35 PM

Ulrica's eyes were glued to the bracelet around her wrist and the balancing act she had going on to keep from touching the metal when a somewhat familiar scent wafted through the air, breaking the usually musty and stale air she breathed in. Lifting her head from resting on her arm, the woman's grey eyes widened before locking on her cell door. It took all that she had to not yank back, but the reminder of the pain that would follow if she did kept her still.

If he was coming down, she must have taken out two vamps on her last mission. This brought a bitter sweet feeling to the wolf as while she was pleased that she managed that much before being knocked out, she knew the Master of the House would not be pleased with her and would deal with her punishment accordingly. It was knowing he was coming and what would happen that partly made the brunette regret what she did, but at the same time not.

It was as the scent grew closer that Ulrica remembered, the old Master was dead; she had not yet met the new one that she could recall. Her once wide eyes narrowed as she heard the lock on her cell click open. A low growl trickled from the woman's throat as the door swung open, the sound halted abruptly as her eyes widened at the site of the man. She jumped, moving back towards the far wall slightly, though the action was enough to lose her balance of her wrist and it fell to the silver band.

Her eyes locked on the bracelet, hissing at it before readjusting herself to keep her wrist raised slightly as she now half sat up. Eyes jumping to the man in the door way again, his features began to settle in more; this wasn't the old Master, but the resemblance was strong, the scent was so similar; it was his own flesh and blood.

Her eyes narrowed on the man, those golden orbs a distinct difference from the man that used to pay her visits. "I must have only managed to take out one if you're unarmed," she barked at the male, noting that he didn't seem to have anything in his hands. Ulrica wasn't foolish enough to believe that just because he appeared unarmed that it made him harmless, or that he would be that way for long, but she didn't know this man, of course she would push the limits first. If it weren't for the bracelet around her wrist, she probably would have lunged at the male, but she wasn't dumb enough to fight against the toxic metal she danced with.

Kiyoto 03-14-2016 08:09 PM

Just as he had thought, the female before him spoke up. Her words reaching his ears, she spoke of taking out someone. That was right, she had attacked the men from last night. He had noticed the way she reacted to him when he had entered. Moving back, before giving him that defiant look. His eyes remained on her, though he did not speak right away. He was well aware that the reason she was probably keeping back was his appearance, as well as the silver upon her. He had been told in ways he ressembled his father, while others said he looked like his mother. Either way, it was safe to say that she knew who he was. That was fine with him, it would save the pointless need to explain such things to her. Not that he really cared to be here in the first place.

He remained silent, taking in the form before him. If she hadn't been in this position as well as a fleabag, she might have passed as pretty. Even from here though, the distinct smell of wolf reached his nose. It made him partially feel nauseated, resisting the urge to back away from her a bit to escape it. Vampires like wolves had sensitive noses. When asked, wolves might be snark in saying a Vapire had a distinct smell to them, but they were also used to their own scents. For a vampire, the strong scent of fur, of dog was disgusting. It lowered his opinion of her even further than it was. There was a possiblility that part of it was the simple natural dislike between their two kinds. It was clear she disliked him already, whether she had discovered he was a vampire yet or not. By her comment though, it was safe to say that she had.

He finally sighed, reaching a hand up to brush a few strands of hair from his eyes. That bugged him, they were out of place. He hated things out of place, even simple things like his hair. "So you're the mongrel in the basement..." his voice calm and collected, brushing off her comment as if it wasn't worth his time. In his mind, it wasn't. His eyes moved to the wrist, it was clear she was trying not to move and touch the silver as best she could. He could have gotten right to it, made her squirm if he wanted. But he had more class than that, more than his father. His patience though, was another story. He would keep composed as he could, but he didn't doubt the other would get on his nerves. Wolves had that effect on Vampires and vice versa. He cared little if he annoyed her though, once more it was not important in his eyes.

He stepped into the room, unafraid of what laid within. Being down here was disgusting, being closer to her was more so. However, he was clear on the point that a lord had to do difficult things at times, things he might not want to do. He felt a slight frown tug at the corner of his lips. "My father was to lenient with you" he said, a clear icy edge to his voice, "you'll find I'm not as kind." With that, his eyes would meet with hers. Allowing his power to surface a bit, he would reach out through their eye contact, feeling her mind. Deep within her's, unknown to her, the signals within her brain would shift. The portion that reported pain within the body would begin to be stimulated. Registering pain from within her head. He didn't need to touch her at all to make her suffer.

He had developed this pain over his life. His father having caught wind of what his son could do, had made him practice upon a range of creatures, from animals up to people. Some described this particular tactic like a beast within their head ripping to get out. Others felt like fire, or like they were begin hit repeatedly within the head. Some went so far as to actually hit themselves and cause damage to get it to stop. He was keeping it on a low enough setting, so she would still be able to register things around her. On a scale of his power, this was a relatively low one or two on what he could do. Perhaps to a wolf, it would be more like having silver within her head, he cared little really with how she might describe it. All he cared, was that she was feeling pain.

ISOS Duke 03-15-2016 12:27 PM

Even though she had spoken to him, nothing all that obedient at that, Ulrica was actually surprised to see that the man didn't seem to react at all, he just watched her. Through the smell of death that radiated from the male, she could smell that familiar scent that was close to his father; if it weren't for the fact that vampires smelled like death first and something else later, one could have said the smell was pleasant. The old master always had an old money smell; he wore cologne (though that just made things worse for the wolf), but beneath it was the smell of old woods and varnish with a floral hint; this man wasn't too far off, though he seemed to forgo the cologne, or at least as much.

His lack of response was rather surprising; with what she had done, her talking back would have lead to a quick response from the other. As his gaze remained locked steady on her, the woman made sure to keep her own glare locked on him; her grey eyes darkening to almost the blackness of the ring that surrounded the much brighter color. It was definitely a glare of defiance, even in the werewolf world maintaining eye contact was viewed as a sort of defiance or challenge; he was new though and if he proved to give away any hint that he was weak, the wolf planned to be all over that in a flash.

Eventually the man sighed, lifting a hand; an action that caused the woman to unwillingly flinch. Though he wasn't near her, the action could have been far from harmless when the man's father was the one that would pay her visits. Her eye contact broke when she jumped, her gaze falling to the cold floor beneath her; not that she could really tell as her body temperature was much warmer than most other beings.

Nothing ever came from his hand lifting, no pain at least and it was at that point he spoke; his voice seeming dark, almost velvety though perhaps the most startling part was that it was calm and that calm almost seemed to give hint to a kindness that could possibly lay beneath his skin. Ulrica wasn't a fool though, at least not entirely; the words betrayed whatever kindness could have tried to taunt the wolf woman. After all, vampires were hunters, hunters that were designed to lure in human prey and make them feel pleasure, rather than fear. They were a horribly deceitful race full of lies, smoke and mirrors.

After he spoke, the woman's eyes locked on him again, though is attention was no longer focused on the staring contest that had moments before. Baring her teeth, she growled, "And your the next corpse taking the leash I see."

Again, it was like she was ignored; almost as though she hadn't said anything to begin with, with the way this man behaved. It annoyed her; his predecessor seemed much more quick to react to things she said or did, granted, it was also part of the reason she guarded her tongue and behaviors more often than not. It felt as though the room dropped a few degrees when the man spoke again; the warning and threat in his words seemed to stop the woman's breath as his golden orbs slowly made their way up to her grey ones. Both were predatory creatures, but there was something about this man and the way those words came out that made him feel like the hunter, a far more dangerous one than his father had been.

Her mouth hung slight ajar, her body still as her orbs remained locked on his; it was as though her very nerve endings were trying to cause her to disappear, to not be noticed by this man. It was then that she realized why. The fear that had cause her to freeze up soon gave way to a burning sensation quite literally in her head. Her eyes widened as her teeth clenched, but the pain didn't lessen, rather it seemed to burn even more intensely as she tried to will it away. It wasn't a burn from fire or another heat source, but something far more dangerous to the wolf: silver.

Her skull seemed to burning with a white, hot flame that felt like it could easily split it apart if it really wanted to. The woman's eyes furrowed as her hands went to her head, extended nails poking the flesh beneath her hair as though it would help to let the pain out. As her shackled hand rose, the silver bracelet fell down her arm till it stopped part way up her forearm; the trail to where it stopped leaving vibrant, pink irritated skin as though it were burned. Where the cuff rest, the skin was growing more and more red with every passing moment and it almost seemed to smoke as it quite literally burned her skin.

Falling from her half seated position, the werewolf curled around herself, tears falling from clenched eyes. "I-I'm sorry," she breathed out, the words nearly lost as a scream ripped from the woman's throat as her back legs pawing uselessly at the ground as though they were trying to push her further from the man, but not really doing anything. "I'm sorry," she whispered over and over again as the pain seemed to start numbing her senses.

Silver was a known material to be the quickest way to harm a wolf and over the many years of vampires using it on her, Ulrica had grown very sensitive to the metal. Not to mention, once they figured out they could get silver powder and use that, things got a lot worse. If they were in a foul mood, which seemed to be quite frequent, they would hide it in her food or water. Much like the powder, especially being in something she ingested, this burning feeling seemed just as bad, if not worse for she couldn't reach it to try and make it stop.

Kiyoto 03-15-2016 09:02 PM

She spoke again, it was clear that that defiance was still within her. However, it was not long before she was pulling away from him. The pain beginning to set in. She clenched her head, pulling back from him before curling up. He heard the sounds coming from her, the words, the scream. But even with that, he felt little for the wolf before him. Perhaps it was the coldness that ran within his blood.

Either from his race or how he was raised. Vampires were never known to be the most warm and cudily people. Let alone being raised to be perfect, to keep everything in place, was something he had come to seek out. Keep things in their place, keep them tidy and clean. It had come to make him obsessive in many ways, he needed such things for comfort. It was a sickening weakness, one he knew that people would have little problem taking advantage of if they could find a way.

He was well aware that it was a part of him that was born of his past as well as his own emotional state. Things being unstable. He hated the thought, there were so many things underlying that, that it would take time to sort through. Time he did not have right now, nor time he cared to take in front of the beast in the cellar. He remained focused on watching her, letting her squirm for a bit.

Slowly, he allowed the pain to subside from her head. "Lets get something straight" he said, walking over to where she laid. He placed his foot on top of the silver band that laid around her arm. Stepping down on it a bit, he kept his eyes on her. "You are little more than a tool, a mess my father left behind for me to clean up" he pressed a bit more on the ring.

"Do not think for a second that I will put up with the same pitiful rebellion that he did" he kneeled by her, lifting her face so their eyes met. "If you cross me, I will make you pay....Worse than he ever did" he said coldly, "push me to far....and I will make you beg for death before I silence that mouth of yours for good." He stood, stepping away from her. He paused, as he stepped towards the door.

He already felt the urge to take a shower from the slight contact. This place made him feel dirty and sick. He would have been happy to get out of there, to get back to the surface. However, he could not leave without dealing with this woman first. Like he had said, it was a mess that had been left for him to clean up. One he was not interested in wasting his time on, but one he had to face eventually.

How would it look for him to avoid it? Especially a wolf of all things. The last thing he needed, was to be seen as weak by anyone. So, here he was. He had made their relationship clear, but he did not doubt that she would probably have some sort of snide comment. If she did, he would show her just how serious his words were.

He was not a liar, for the most part he was coldly direct and honest in his words. It was something people either liked or hated about him. He moved to the door, pausing, before he turned back to face her. "You will never be more than you are now" he says, "if you think this pathetic rebellion will do you any good, you're sadly mistaken." It really was pathetic in his eyes.

To see her fight so much against this life. He knew that it was partially just her way. The way of the wolf, to rebel and show defiance. Especially against those like him, a vampire. He took a breath, closing his eyes for a moment. To struggle against what was, what could not be changed. It was probably a natural thing for most people. Something all did, sought to fight for change.

Still, there was a point where one should learn their place, give up. He saw little point in continuing to fight when over and over again, it was shown to only bring pain and heartache. He frowned slightly, opening his eyes. Was that what he was doing? What he had done? He looked over to the female, before turning away. No...he was nothing like that beast.

ISOS Duke 03-16-2016 01:08 PM

As the pain started to leave, Ulrica stared numbly at the floor, her nails retracting as her mind barely noticed the man was talking until he was before her. The band around her arm was still burning away at her flesh, something that didn't set in until the other placed a foot on it. His weight didn't do anything to the band itself; it was made to hold a werewolf after all, but it was like simply seeing what he was doing was enough to get that pain to flood back and when he stepped harder, though it didn't bend, the pain still seemed to worsen.

Her free hand was quickly wrapped around the forearm of her other arm, pulling on it to try and pulling the band from where it had stopped on her arm. She could hear his words; his words and his behaviors, all were meant to put her down, put her in a place where he and the rest of his kind wanted her. It was obvious that vampires and werewolves never got along and this just seemed to prove it to her; Ulrica hadn't grown old enough before the attack to assume that it was the hatred of the houses that made up what was supposed to govern and protect all of supernatural kind.

With a grimmace, the woman managed to pull her arm free, a more slender part of her arm at the band leaving a red and angry mark glaring back at her. This sort of wound would easily become infected for humans; fortunately, werewolves were already considered diseased by many and didn't seem to have issue with infection in most cases. The silver, however, being the culprit to the wound would cause it to heal painfully slow and it would hurt to get dirty and bump something like any othe wound.

As her arm freed itself from the burning metal, the man knelt down, his cold hand gripping her face pulling her attention from her angry burn to look up at his glaring gold eyes. Her eyes were still glazed over from the tears of his last attack; her dirty face tear striken in clean lines down her cheeks exposing a light tan, one that hinted at a richer color that could be born should the woman ever be permitted in the sunlight.

The cold that seemed through those warm colored eyes and the venom and dripped from his words told the woman that while his father may have feigned care to lure the woman in, this one would not. At that point, Ulrica wasn't sure which was the better torture; to live thinking that the one that controlled you may have actually cared, but didn't or to know that the one in control would end you without a second thought. She said nothing as she maintained eye contact with him; something about those orbs making it difficult to look away.

The man seemed done talking as he released her and started walking back towards the door, leaving the woman to lower her head to the stone ground, her gaze blankly falling to the seemingly rusted cuff around her wrist. Slowly, as she heard the man stop again, she brought her free hand back to prop her arm up. Her eyes rolled back up towards him as he started speaking again.

Was the rebellion dumb? Was this all she would ever amount to? Her mind flicked to fading memories of her father; a strong, powerful wolf that defended what he believed in until it literally killed him. Ulrica was all too easily able to recall her father's death; it was something she knew would never leave her. Would her father want this? Of course not, why would he have fought so hard for her to end up there?

No, she knew he wouldn't, but what choice did she have at this point? Between the silver cuff, silver cell and the collar around her neck, it wasn't like she exactly had many opportunities to retaliate or get away. It pained her to think of what her father would think about her being in that situation and her eyes fell back to the ground. She was a sad excuse for a wolf, so she told herself; letting herself be commanded by blood suckers and not fighting back to the point that they just killed her.

The boy said his father was lenient; such a thought made Ulrica fear just what about the other had been lenient. The man had been horrible and brutal, not to mention had no issue in letting others handle her punishment. Eyes falling back to the dirty ground, she tried to force thoughts of her father and the dark future before her out of her mind. After all, what was the point?

Kiyoto 03-18-2016 07:38 PM

The female looked pathetic. She made no move to resist him, or to speak in responce to his words. Once he had harmed her, it was like she shut down, letting go. What had happened to that rebellion and mouth of hers? It seemed the little beast was more or less simply talk. That only made his opinion of her lower more. He hated the fakeness, the lies and facade. He had dealt with it enough with his step mother what felt like long ago. The witch got what she deserved in the end. He watched her for a moment, before turning back to the door. Just for such a thing, he was tempted to make her scream once more.

He restrained himself though, keeping his composure. "You have a mission tonight mutt, fail or try any of this pathetic act again.....and you will get your first taste of just how bad things can really get for you" he says coldly. He turned away from her, walking out to hear the door closed behind him. "Sir, are you sure about this?" a guard followed him, "sending her after him?" Vladamir frowned, another thing he hated, was to have someone question him. "Yes. If we are lucky, he'll deal with her for us and kill her. If not and she comes back without doing her job.....I'll have a new toy to take my aggression out on" his words remaining calm, cold and collected.

The guard gave a bow, "as you wish Lord Ruelle..." Vladamir didn't miss a step, continuing along back to the stairs. He walked up them back to the main home. Lord Ruelle, that had been what his father had been known as. To be called that name, brought back a few memories of the older man. He hated and loved it at the same time. To be compared to his father, it was an honor and a discrace. He had made it clear, to himself and to others, that he wanted to be better than his father ever had been. However, he could never live up to his potential, if he was competing with living up to his father. He sighed slightly, he would have to deal with this and soon.

The quicker he got out from under this, the better. But how to make a name for himself? There were certain ways. One of which would be to attempt something within the family, another would be outside of it. He could not risk having a failure of a wolf messing things up for him. So, if she died on the mission tonight, that would be great for him. If not, he would make an example of her to the others. It was in a sense a win win for him. It would be up to her in the end what would become of her. There were two major enemies to the head family at the moment. A worlock werewolf who refused to die, and a pet that had managed to escape its master. Both needed to be silenced or submit.

He headed to the dining hall, where a place had already been set up for him. A maid pulled the chair out for him, to which he sat in. She bowed, before then proceeding to pour him a glass of dark red liquid. She then backed off, as a butler brought out his meal. Most believed blood was all vampires survived on. They needed it to survive yes, but their body was also able to process other food and drink as well. In some cases, it was able to help slate and manage the hunger a bit. For a vampire who knew their body and how to manage their power and more, the hunger was little more than something that needed to be handled on occasion. However, this was not the case with all vampires.

There were plenty who enjoyed using the hunger as an excuse. The pure taste of blood, the hunt and the way victims responded. They gave vampires a bad name. There were different types, just like with all races. He was not like the others, though this did not matter to those who wanted to just lump them in as all one hellish race. Like that beast. He frowned, lifting the glass, his eyes on the liquid within. They would be happy with them all slaughtered. He knew the differences that could arise within races, that not all were the same. Though as much as he preferred to make up his own mind about something, he also wouldn't have cared if all of them simply rolled over and died.

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