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Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 08:33 AM

Menewshan Clow Reader: Alex
Yep, you hear dit right. I'll be doing some Clow card readings for free. There's a catch however... There always is. You have to ask me a question first, but it can't be a yes or no question...

Dare 07-29-2007 08:35 AM

Can I play? :D

...Um.... How long have you been on Menewsha?

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dare
Can I play? :D

...Um.... How long have you been on Menewsha?

I've been here since Feb... D: I've been commenting about your cute eyebrows when your picture was still in your siggeh... DDD:

Dare 07-29-2007 08:41 AM


That seems like an infinity ago! Anyway - what do I do, to be read?

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Dare

That seems like an infinity ago! Anyway - what do I do, to be read?

Well, you ask me a question that IS NOT answered by "Yes" or "No", and no "Guess My Age" questions either... What Ib mean is things you need advice in and such...

Dare 07-29-2007 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Alexandrus Gambino

Originally Posted by Dare

That seems like an infinity ago! Anyway - what do I do, to be read?

Well, you ask me a question that IS NOT answered by "Yes" or "No", and no "Guess My Age" questions either... What Ib mean is things you need advice in and such...

Sorry! I totally knew that :shock:;;; (...and had just woken up @WW@)

Will my exam results be any good? (I suppose that's yes, or no as well, but a question regarding my exam results, hrmmm).

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dare

Originally Posted by Alexandrus Gambino

Originally Posted by Dare

That seems like an infinity ago! Anyway - what do I do, to be read?

Well, you ask me a question that IS NOT answered by "Yes" or "No", and no "Guess My Age" questions either... What Ib mean is things you need advice in and such...

Sorry! I totally knew that :shock:;;; (...and had just woken up @WW@)

Will my exam results be any good?

I just SAID that yes/no questions aren't allowed DDDX

Dare 07-29-2007 08:58 AM

I know, let me think now T___T;;

How long will I live for?
How many children will I have?
... Pick? x_x

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Dare
I know, let me think now T___T;;

How long will I live for?
How many children will I have?
... Pick? x_x

x_x... I'm pretty sure I put in "Questions asking for advice" somewhere up there... You know like "How should I go about my career" or something like that... x_x

Dare 07-29-2007 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Alexandrus Gambino

Originally Posted by Dare
I know, let me think now T___T;;

How long will I live for?
How many children will I have?
... Pick? x_x

x_x... I'm pretty sure I put in "Questions asking for advice" somewhere up there... You know like "How should I go about my career" or something like that... x_x

Sorry! I just had a quick shower there; my brain was all fuzzy @WW@;;;

Okay then! How should I go about my career?

I don't know what career I want, but any advice to offer; maybe help me in that sense~

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Dare

Originally Posted by Alexandrus Gambino

Originally Posted by Dare
I know, let me think now T___T;;

How long will I live for?
How many children will I have?
... Pick? x_x

x_x... I'm pretty sure I put in "Questions asking for advice" somewhere up there... You know like "How should I go about my career" or something like that... x_x

Sorry! I just had a quick shower there; my brain was all fuzzy @WW@;;;

Okay then! How should I go about my career?

I don't know what career I want, but any advice to offer; maybe help me in that sense~

Okay... Here we go @_@

The Lock: This represents that you're locking youself up in a social shell. You're either very timid, don't show emotions very well, or don't show your real emotions to other people... Try being more open @_@. Also, this represents unlocked potential.

The Windy: Represents drifting. Are you drifting from clique to clique? Or perhaps you can use your charm to make new friends (Though, still being able to hide what you REALLY think)

The Sand: Broken, small, tiny tiny peaces of earth. Your thoughts are way too scattered and you should try focusing on one thing at a time.

The Twin: Represents duality. In relation to the windy, it means that you're being... well, not being truthful to your friends/family about something. In relation to the sand, it means that while you seem to be focusing on one thing, you're actually thinking about another and this makes it hard for you too concentrate. Once again, try to learn concentration

The Storm: Trouble is brewing in the horizon, but perhaps, this is exactly what you need to get your thoughts together. Try to resist the surge of ideas that come with this emotional storm and try focusing on one project at a time.

Dare 07-29-2007 09:44 AM

I COULD use with some new friends actually, so that prediction in that sense is pretty accurate; thanks :D

Interesting stuff, most of the stuff is right: The Lock, The Windy, The Sand and The Twin are all correct.

The Storm is something I'll have to avoid then! ;_;

Thank you very much <3

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dare
I COULD use with some new friends actually, so that prediction in that sense is pretty accurate; thanks :D

Interesting stuff, most of the stuff is right: The Lock, The Windy, The Sand and The Twin are all correct.

The Storm is something I'll have to avoid then! ;_;

Thank you very much <3

XDDD, the storm can be positive if you use it in a positive way, like coming up with new ideas.

Celria 07-29-2007 09:57 AM

Oh clow card readings! I own some oracle cards myself if you want me to give you a little three card spread yourself.

I'll ask the cards if they have any advice for me regarding my current semester of university work. <33

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Celria
Oh clow card readings! I own some oracle cards myself if you want me to give you a little three card spread yourself.

I'll ask the cards if they have any advice for me regarding my current semester of university work. <33

I'd love the reading. Now... Here we go... Maybe we should turn this thread into "Fortunetellers United"

The Silent: It is a card of mystery. Mystery relates to excitement. On the other had, The Silent can also mean a quiet, boring place. Hopefully, you can try to liven up your semester by doing some school activities.

The Sleep: Aaahh... Sleeping inside a classroom. What a classic way to pass the time. You also got the Earthy and Flower cards. Perhaps this means that if your school has a camping excursion, you should join?

The Earthy: The Earthy is a cool, feminine card related to the moon. It is also a motherly aspect. Perhaps you will have enough time to tutor people who know less than you do and play as mother to them.

The Flower: Wow, another feminine card. You're just the epitome of womanhood, aren't you? The Flower's robust colors represent creativity. You, perhaps will have a burst of creativity while at camp. Tell me, does your camp give you hands-on arts and crafts experience?

The Erase: The Erase. Things start disappearing for you. Like old enemies, or old friendships even. Try not to let go of the good things. If you do happen to let go, try to get them back, since you never know how much something matters to you until you lose it.

Celria 07-29-2007 10:47 AM

Well I don't know of any camps, but I will need to be creative for my digital video and special effects course.
I havn't been sleeping right either so perhaps that's what the sleepy is about?
As for the feminine cards, I am a giant feminist - there could be some connection there.

Now your reading:

Your first card is the 'detatch from drama' card. 'pparenty there's been some clashing egos about, and it 'aint been making you feel too great?
Anyhoo - whatever it is, try not to be too bothered by it, and ignore the people and their drama-llama.

Ths next card is the 'clear your shield and energy' card, which must be related to the drama in the first card.
'pparently you've been taking in the negative energy of people around you, and you need to take time to clear your head and feel better.

This is emphasised by the third card. The 'nurture yourself' card.

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Celria
Well I don't know of any camps, but I will need to be creative for my digital video and special effects course.
I havn't been sleeping right either so perhaps that's what the sleepy is about?
As for the feminine cards, I am a giant feminist - there could be some connection there.

Now your reading:

Your first card is the 'detatch from drama' card. 'pparenty there's been some clashing egos about, and it 'aint been making you feel too great?
Anyhoo - whatever it is, try not to be too bothered by it, and ignore the people and their drama-llama.

Ths next card is the 'clear your shield and energy' card, which must be related to the drama in the first card.
'pparently you've been taking in the negative energy of people around you, and you need to take time to clear your head and feel better.

This is emphasised by the third card. The 'nurture yourself' card.

XDDD I generally hate most of the human populace so I could care less, anyway.

Also, I think "Camp" is the same as "Workshop" like those... leadership workshops...

Celria 07-29-2007 10:58 AM

I wonder if digvid has a workshop session like it did last semester?

Man, I'm hungry!

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Celria
I wonder if digvid has a workshop session like it did last semester?

Man, I'm hungry!

It might, and if it does, you should take it.

Celria 07-29-2007 11:02 AM

I'd totally have to if it's part of the course. <3333

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Celria
I'd totally have to if it's part of the course. <3333

XDDD If it actually DOES happen, I might actually brign these babies to school (Despite the fact that... Well, I'm in a christian school that doesn't allow occult things XDDD)

Celria 07-29-2007 11:15 AM

Haha! I brought tarot/oracle cards to school all the time when I was there. It wasn't a Christian school, but I still wasn't supposed A bunch of the pagan kids were sent to the office and were told off. For some reason I wasn't despite doing things like giving other students readings in art class.

Alexandrus Gambino 07-29-2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Celria
Haha! I brought tarot/oracle cards to school all the time when I was there. It wasn't a Christian school, but I still wasn't supposed A bunch of the pagan kids were sent to the office and were told off. For some reason I wasn't despite doing things like giving other students readings in art class.

Tarot reading IS an art, BRB. Dinner.

Celria 07-29-2007 11:27 AM

Haha, well. See you later!

kin no megami 07-29-2007 11:37 AM

How can you do a reading with clow cards? I do assume you mean the made up deck from CardCaptor Sakura? :?

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