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PrincessKasumi 08-24-2014 05:46 PM

The Hunters and Prey | Shingeki no Kyojin
Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger

They are the Prey, and we are the Hunters.

In our time, Humanity is nothing but cattle to monstrous atrocities known as Titans. Forced to retreat behind three giant walls, Maria, Rose, and Sina, our only hopes lie within the Military and the soldiers that risk their lives in order to bring down the Titans that only desire to devour us all....

PrincessKasumi 08-24-2014 05:50 PM

Accepted Rolepalyer & Their Status

PrincessKasumi 08-24-2014 05:52 PM

Reserved for updates.

PrincessKasumi 08-24-2014 05:55 PM

And Open for business, get to posting my fellow RPers! n_n

Shikabane Hime 08-30-2014 02:18 AM

(Finally, I have it down~ ^^)



The sky used to be clear and light blue. The clouds would be a fluffy white and float across the sky like they would any other day. Days within the safety behind Wall Maria was blissful. Even though, it wasn't normal a long time ago; this was the closest to safe the humans could get to. Within the wall there was a human, a young female with a pink cloth eyepatch over her right eye. She wore a long red sleeveless and shoulderless kimono with long white hair and dark pink tint towards the end. He had to pinned up into a very long ponytail which went down her back all the way to her calves. Normally, she would be walking through town, getting ingredients to make lunch and dinner, possibly dessert. The young woman had a time for how long she can be outside, it was dangerous for her due to what she was. A rare type of human called an oriental, a human born outside of Germanic culture. Once she would collect the ingredients, she would make a beeline home. However, things were different. Today, a horrible thing happened. Large humanoid beings called titans had manage to get into the walls of Shiganshina. The titans had swarmed in, panic filling the streets as the young girl had watched in disbelief.

'Th-They g-got in...n-no, not again. N-no more.' She thought crying softly, her body trembled lightly as the memories of her past played through her head. She placed her hands on the side of her head, slouching low, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Big brother, wh-where are you?" She asked aloud. She was unable to control herself now, her thoughts were all over the place. She couldn't get a grip on herself as she moved her navy blue gloved hands away from her head and held her arms tightly. Her eyes were widened, her pupils had shrunken in fear. The fear of losing everything to the titans again had become a reality. The young girl named Mirage had lived outside of the walls for only three years as her older brother, Salem had lived out there for eleven years. But they both still had the memories of having to run from the titans at night and hiding in the daytime. Suddenly, Mirage soon came to her sense, partly, she looked up, seeing titans slowly walking through town. She shook her head lightly, and stood up slowly. 'Wh-What am I doing? They need me, my family needs me. I-I have to save them, I have to protect them.' She thought to herself, turning around as her navy colored shoes tapped the ground followed by a heavy breath.

Mirage felt her muscle arch, she was running too fast and she was making herself tired, but her foster family was in danger, she had to save them. "Please, be ok." Mirage said to herself, bypassing the screaming people as she dashed towards her home. The home she had had remembered since she was almost three...before she and her brother were found and brought in.



Salem was with Wall Maria as he was minding his own business as he was hanging out with his friends within the Survey Corps. Salem combed his white hair with his fingers, sighing softly. He wanted to go and see Mirage before he and his squad left for the outer walls. His violet eyes scanned the surroundings, within the walls, it was peaceful and quiet. Salem believed that maybe he could have his family moved with the walls, where that would be a little safer. They were leaving from Shiganshina by horse back. The dark skinned male looked up towards the sky, humming softly as he swayed his head lightly. Humming a lullaby he always sung to his sister, Mirage, to help her sleep. She was everything to him, she was, after all, the only family she had left and losing her would cause him to lose it. He whistled softly to himself and what felt like hours, another person had come out to the small group. It was a Garrison officer. Salem was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of an officer, the older man listened to the Garrison speak, "The titans are in Shignashina!" The officer said, Salem's eyes slowly widened.

Once he heard that, he shook his head lightly. The first thing that came to mind was his sister as well as the memories of his past. The struggle of living out in Titan country, looking for food was hard, but it was livable. Without thinking, Salem galloped away back towards Shiganshina. Not really informing anyone about what he was doing, he just left. 'I can't lose her, I can't.' He thought to himself, to held the reins tightly in his hands. The wind whipping slightly around him as the horse ran as fast as it could, back to the gates of Shiganshina. Back to the place he and his sister called home. The only real home they had ever known. However, within his hurried place, Salem didn't realize that his swords were dull and he only had one pair left. The blades on the spare were half dulled, but they would still cut through a titan, but it would take a lot more of his strength to do so. Luckily, he had enough gas to last him for a while, but with his current attitude, it might not be enough. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him, he continued running, not really caring about himself or the consequences he could be putting the others in.

[Sorry that it is short. ^^" at least I tried.]

Shadowgamer42 09-05-2014 06:48 PM


Today was just like any other day in Diana's life. She would help her mother with chores, play with her sister, or smash those annoying little bugs. She absolutely hated those things.

While she was helping her mother wash the dishes, Diana heard a scream. It wasn't a little, "Ah! It's a spider!" type of scream. It was a loud, ear deafening scream that could only come from Emilie, Diana's little sister. Diana dropped what she was doing, and ran towards Emilie's room. When she got there, she saw Emilie standing completely still, looking at the window. Diana looked, and saw a huge Titan head looking right at Emilie. "Emilie!" she shouted, pulling her sister by the arm. "Run!"

While she pulled her sister's arm, Diana ran. She ran so fast that she bumped into her mother. "What's wrong Diana?" she asked. Diana turned her head back towards Emilie's room. When her mother looked, she saw the Titan, and froze. Diana saw her mother freeze, and yelled, "Move!"
Still clutching Emilie's arm, Diana ran past her mother toward the front door. Just then, a part of the house ripped apart, revealing the huge titan that was at Emilie's window. Diana skid to a stop.

There it was, a huge Titan looking down at them. Diana's mother stood where she was, open-mouthed. Diana looked at the titan, while it stared right back at her. Then, it reached down and grabbed Emilie, prepared to eat her. Diana tried to hold on to Emilie, but the titan was much stronger than she was. It picked Emilie up, and ate her in one gulp. Diana stood helpless as she watched Emilie get eaten by the titan. Then the titan walked away.

"No," Diana thought to herself. She backed up toward her mother and grabbed her hand. "Where's Dad?" she asked. Her mother just stared at her. Just then, her father appeared in the living room, gasping for air. He looked at Diana and her mother, and asked, "Where's Emilie?" Diana shook her head. She grabbed her father's hand and said, "Titans."

Her father looked at her for a second. Then he looked towards the floor. Diana saw the tears forming in his eyes. Then she squeezed his hand, and yelled, "We need to go now!" Her parents looked at her, and and she sighed. Diana was upset and angry that her sister died, but she couldn't sit around and wait for her parents to snap out of it and run for their lives.

"Fine!" Diana yelled as she let go of her parent's hands. She gave then one last look. (a look meant to say goodbye) Then she turned around and ran out of the house, leaving her parents behind. She had to figure out a way to help stop the titans. She was going to make them pay for killing her sister.

Diana kept running toward the Survey Corps. She was going to learn how to kill titans.

(First time with a long post. I hope this is okay.)

Kiyoto 09-07-2014 08:43 PM

Yukio Masahiro

The world was a dark place, for years things had been turning worse and worse. Titans were a constant threat, one that was not going to go away so easily. All efforts to erraticate them were failing, and those who tried were made a laughing stock for risking their lives for the people. They were thought to be fools. The fools were those who thought they could live their lives safely behind a wall for the rest of their lives. Yukio stood in the training grounds as usual. He was still young, only fifteen at the moment. He had joined the Survey Corps as one of the youngest members ever, he was working on getting stronger as always.

In moments though, things began to crash and burn. It came as the echo of a loud boom in the distance. His eyes turning towards the walls that rose up in the distance. It was barley like a small whisp of smoke and dust filtered into the sky. A few people whispered, speaking. Then a group of officers were making their way towards the gates that connected this inner wall to Yukio's home area of Shiganshina. He had known it almost immediately from the direction and a feeling inside of him. He moved over, to a commanding officer, "what happened?" he asked. The man looked at him, "we do not know, return to your post soldier, stand at the ready."

With that he was gone, he would not give the young male any more information. He clenched his hands, turning away as he moved towards the wall. He was positioned further from the scene, but he would get a good enough view from up there. He was still emotionless right now, as he had been since the beginning. He had been raised as a soldier, he had been raised to do his duty to the people and the nation. He made his way up the all to familiar steps towards the top of the wall. The further up he got, the further the feelings inside of him changed a bit. He was admittadly getting a bit nervous.

He pushed the feelings away, as he broke the surface of the stairs and stood on top of the wall. His eyes moved over the sky, before turning off into the distance where the smoke had come from. He frowned, he could see them. The massive shapes of Titans who stood out against the buildings. Even from here, he could hear the screams and the fear even from here. His eyes narrowed. He glared, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. He was to stay here, he had to follow orders. He turned his head away, he knew better than to disobey and go rampaging off.

Those stationed there were supposed to be the ones to protect the people to take care of them. But with this all going on, chaos was breaking out. An attack like this had not been recorded in a long time. He sighed, closing his eyes. He would not allow this to keep going on. He would keep training and fighting, so those bastards would not be able to stand in his way. He took a breath, forcing these feelings to go away. He was a soldier, he had trained from a young age to deal with this, to get here. He was trained in keeping his feelings in check, which is what he put to use now. He kept his eyes trained on his position on the wall, focusing his attention on his task.

It was like a sudden knife had cut through the air however, a strong bolt of lightning striking down through the air. His eyes turned as smoke rose out of the center of the city. The sounds that were coming from it now seemed to echo through the screams. He caught flashes of something coming through the buildings. Moving a step forward, it felt like a huge mass was slamming into the wall where he stood. It shook, some falling off of their feets. Smoke moved into the air from farther along the wall. He moved back towards the other edge of the wall where he had come out of the stairs.

As the smoke cleared, what stood there was nothing short of a monster. He glared coldly, at the large Titan standing there. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, it had broken through the inner wall. He could see the forms of people moving along, orders being yelled, his own body preparing for a fight when...suddenly it was gone in a rush of what seemed like wind and dirt. He lifted his arm to cover his face, protecting himself from it. When he lowered his arm, the titan had vanished. Everything had changed, everything wold change. They were no longer safe now in the walls.

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