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-   -   Some <3 for you all, just because =3 (

jellysundae 02-14-2015 03:29 AM

Some <3 for you all, just because =3

Listen to the pretty soothing music, and imagine you're getting a big Menewsha hug on this day for showing love. [heart]

Silenia 02-14-2015 03:31 AM


Hey there. =)

jellysundae 02-14-2015 03:41 AM

Hey Sil \o I should be asleep, but the email's gonna be hours yet, and if I leave it it'll freeze up [illgetu] Woe is me! D: xD

At the End of the Rainbow 02-14-2015 03:43 AM

I probably also should be asleep what with it being 5:13 am, but nocturnal, insomnia and event /shrug.

At least it gives you a chance to spread some love, I guess? <3

jellysundae 02-14-2015 04:08 AM

This version of Nyan's Cat's like a lullaby, so a good thing to listen to if you can't sleep :D

Mule of Silenia 02-14-2015 04:08 AM

XD I'm just not capable of falling asleep before 6-7am unless ill or exhausted, jelly, and no music can make a difference there. XD

star2000shadow 02-14-2015 04:14 AM

it's only ten forty three PM for me. but i wan tto sleep or at least take a short nap befor ei get back up and on line for the event haha. events mean 'perpertually short on sleep' cause im to hyped up.. and oh i like that song.. it's soothing.. and i COULD probably sleep to it.

Queen_Andais 02-14-2015 04:17 AM

*pounces the elusive Jelly* How do, Jelly! Missed seeing you around.

salvete 02-14-2015 04:22 AM

Oh I love that!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Elirona 02-14-2015 04:23 AM

Happy Valentine's day, Jelly! Happy valentine's day, Menewshans! [hug]

jellysundae 02-14-2015 04:51 AM

You're welcome Salvete, it's really nice isn't it :D

Queenie! Hi xD Yeah, I've been pretty elusive I know, sorry about that [blush]

It's Mr. Giant Butt! Hi Eli ;D [hug]

Sil, really D: I'm like that sometimes, but thankfully not always! [sweat]

Silenia 02-14-2015 04:55 AM

Yeah. So much that if I fall asleep before 6am and there's no logical reason for me to be exhausted, I can say with about 90% certainty that I'm falling ill.

jellysundae 02-14-2015 05:14 AM

Well, that's helpful...I suppose ^^;

Woodlandnymph 02-14-2015 05:18 AM

*insert eyebrow waggles and all manner of crazy eyes*

Queen_Andais 02-14-2015 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1773204711)
You're welcome Salvete, it's really nice isn't it :D

Queenie! Hi xD Yeah, I've been pretty elusive I know, sorry about that [blush]

It's Mr. Giant Butt! Hi Eli ;D [hug]

Sil, really D: I'm like that sometimes, but thankfully not always! [sweat]

Happens. Sometimes life just gets in the way of being out and about. Totally understand.
After this event I will probably have to disappear for a bit since I am trying to lose weight before summer and vacations. Not to be in bathing suit shape, just so that I can go to theme parks and not feel so cumbersome. Plus I have decided to start crocheting baby blankets and other blankets for money. Kind of excited about that, actually.

Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 1773204738)
Yeah. So much that if I fall asleep before 6am and there's no logical reason for me to be exhausted, I can say with about 90% certainty that I'm falling ill.

Oh no! You can't get sick during an event. Would some Chicken soup help you out?

Originally Posted by Woodlandnymph (Post 1773204854)

*insert eyebrow waggles and all manner of crazy eyes*

Such a cheesy line, love it!

hummy 02-14-2015 05:43 AM

love from jelly *snuggle and clickies*

fireprincess 02-14-2015 05:59 AM

I love this! :D
So peaceful. I wanna listen to this every night while I'm going to sleep.

jellysundae 02-14-2015 06:12 AM

It's Doctor Who cheese though, and that makes it 100% ok!

Loads of luck with both your endeavours then, Queenie! Make sure you show us your pretties that you make! I like seeing people's crocheted stuff =3

Hummy [hug] <3

Fire, it really would work great, I think, though you might end up dreaming of poptarts ><

Queen_Andais 02-14-2015 06:32 AM

Jelly, I just completed a baby blanket for my friend and his wife, they are having their first kiddo, a boy. Not sure specifically when he is due, she is 21 weeks. June-ish baby I believe. Managed to get their blanket done in a week. I'll post a picture here for you to see.

jellysundae 02-14-2015 06:33 AM

Cool :D Mmmm, blankets [drool]

Queen_Andais 02-14-2015 06:56 AM

Chrome is starting to piss me off. But finally, here is a picture of the blanket. Sorry for the sizing.

NichoalAkasha 02-14-2015 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Queen_Andais (Post 1773205184)
Chrome is starting to piss me off. But finally, here is a picture of the blanket. Sorry for the sizing.

that is an awesome Blanket..

bloodstainedwings 02-14-2015 02:07 PM

wow thats really well done! great job!!!

zigbigadorlube 02-14-2015 02:31 PM

I can only crochet scarves... [cry] *Envies talent*

jellysundae 02-14-2015 03:05 PM

I can't crochet at all, so I envy all talent [cry] It's a shame so much wool's used, because a blanket big enough for an adult bed would be awesome, some of the stuff I've seen on places like Pinterest is so beautiful! You going to learn fancy stitches, Queen?

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