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Ninja-Princess33 07-26-2017 07:01 PM

Hidden Magic

Name: Haji Sano
Age: 18
Race: human
Height: 5'6"
Preference: males
Likes: magic, sweets, watching anime, playing video games
Dislikes: magic hunters, always hidden, school
Bio: Haji came into his powers when he was three. His parents keep themselves hidden for years so no one would find their secret. Haji never could keep friends long cause how much they moved. About two years ago, hunters had found them and his parents died, protecting him. Now he struggles keeping his normal life and his powers from getting out.


Haji runs down the dark alley, there was men after him. He found himself at a dead end as he was cornered. "Damn..." He said as he turns around seeing the men had caught up. "We have you will never walk across this earth with your powers. We will destroy you." One of them said. Haji smirks as he held out his hand, "You won't take me down that easy." Of course he was out numbered and it seems they always had a counter every time he uses his powers.

Haji knew if he didn't do anything, he was dead. "Come I summon thee. Help me take out those who wish me harm. Come forward." Not sure what he would summon but it didn't give him much to think. As a summoning circle forms around himself. Whatever it comes out hope it would help him. He was not ready to die yet. He had so much else to life for. Another thing he hopes he can control what he had summoned to aid him.

Kat Dakuu 07-26-2017 09:25 PM

Name: Mordecai (He's been called Morty before and he absolutely hates it)
Race: Incubus
Age: Just turned 18
Appearance: 5’7 tall, he has a slender, toned body with defined angles around his hips and shoulders, but a lithe grace in the way he moves. Eyes are red and his skin pale. His black hair reaches his chin with a couple longer strands of purple that come down to sit in front of his shoulders. He’s often wearing scant clothing in order to look sexier even though his body still resembles that of a teenager. His boots have a slight heel and he can grow wings, but does not always have them. The wings would be bat like and appear to sit a little lower than the usual shoulder-attached wing look. They have purple tips to match his hair. His horns curl inward and are silver in color. The tip of his tail would match this silver color.
Personality: He's a tease and devilish little demon. He likes to play around and is lazy. The sort who would rather prank someone that do anything productive. His immaturity and, at times, incompetence, makes him more of a nuisance than a devil. He’s not truly ‘evil,’ just not angelic. Could be hot-headed if told all this though.
Bio: At age 18, demons start taking jobs in the outside world. Like most, he was raised in hell with a real harem of sisters and older brothers. He’s been dying for a chance to fool around on earth for the first time.


"I'm so freakin' bored!" Mordecai huffed, yelling the words out to no one in particular. He turned eighteen more than a month ago and readied himself to work with the souls of the damned, but this entire world seemed against him. His older brothers got summons within a week, their father's blood running strong in their veins. And really, was there ever a lack of interest in sex type demons? Humans needed this kind of stuff. Dragging a long nail through the dark bone-wood of his desk, he carved a nonsensical pattern--a circle with various runes inside of it. Of course his brothers made fun of him too so he wanted nothing more than to get out of this hell hole, pun completely intended. He snickered for a half second and focused back on his carving, not that it would do him any good. A human needed to call him if he wanted to go to the human realm. Hell be damned. He was going to die of having nothing to do!

Just as he thought that, a spark went off inside of him. Mordecai felt the call immediately, even before the world went fuzzy around him, his body already pulling away from this realm he lived in. Freeing his mind, he let go of this space and rushed straight to the call. A master! His first, most wonderful master. Not worried in the slightest, he flew straight into the portal that the human created and materialized in the human realm.

Floating three feet off the ground, his dark wings spread out behind him, Mordecai slowly opened his eyes, revealing their crimson color. He needed to make a good impression, so, smirk in place, he looked around the scene. The world that came into focus in front of him looked...shitty. He appeared to be in some kind of alley and the purple tips of his wings almost touched the buildings on each side of him. He expected a private area and one person waiting for him, but instead he was greeted by multiple angry faces which he looked over until he found the right one. The magic of the summon circle still left a violet glow around him and Mordecai knew in an instant.

Bowing over one arm like his father taught him, Mordecai tried hard to force back a wild grin of glee. He finally got summoned! "Master, I have answered your call. What would you have me do?"

Ninja-Princess33 07-26-2017 11:01 PM

The hunters stumbles back as the summoner had summon the demon. "What the hell?!" He said as he regroups with his comrades. Haji smirks lightly at his success and looks at them, "What's the matter? Afraid that you might get beat for once." he said as he looks over at the demon. "I need aid dealing with theses hunters." he sudden felt weak. Summoning had always taken alot out of him. "Please drive them away...." he said panting.

The hunters glare as they was taken a change in being killed. "Lance we can't...we need to retreat now...we aren't prepare to face a demon." The black hair person talks to the person upfront of him. He turns around and looks at him, "We are not backing down...we have our orders to kill this magic user. I'm not scare of a demon.." Lance says as he pulls out his gun and points it at the demon. "We just need to take out this demon before dealing with him." He goes on saying to the other two with him.

Kat Dakuu 07-28-2017 12:33 AM

Mordecai looked between his master and the hunter's in confusion. This couldn't be an actual mistake could it? Didn't this guy mean for something powerful and scary to come out, not a sex demon? The hunter's already started to retreat and that snapped Mordecai back to reality. Master asked for something and he needed to respond. "Of course! I'll handle them so fast you'll be singing my praises in a second! Watch this!" Grinning with pure confidence, he flew straight for the hunter's, making one of them dive away without him doing a thing. The others seemed to be making their stand though and he had to pull up quick, scrambling for a second plan. Did one of those guys have a gun? Why him?! Why couldn't he just get some horny beach babe like Mordecient?

Glancing back at the summoner, he saw him stagger slightly. Even if this wasn't Mordecai's real speciality, he knew he needed to kill these hunters and fast. So, without really thinking through what spell he would do, he just started weaving his hands and letting the magic spit out, hoping it at least incapacitated someone. A half second later, screams pierced the air. Mordecai blinked, trying to figure out what kind of damage he did. Instead of people below him though, or even dead bodies, he saw a complete hodge-podge of what stood there before. Not a group of enemies, just one all stuck together like a children's puzzle. The thing fell over, not seeming able to manage any real movement with too many legs and eyes and everything really.

"Um....oops?" Mordecai murmured, looking back at the summoner again.

Ninja-Princess33 07-31-2017 01:03 AM

Haji watches as the demon took care of the hunters. He begin to wonder what type of demon that he summoned. He really wasn't aiming at a type, especially in the problem he was in. Once the problem was taking care, he could regain his strength. He sighs lightly and brushes himself off, "Well, not what I had in mind but it will do...we need to leave before more come..." He said. 'I'm going to have to cover my tracks again...' he thought to himself.

Haji place his hands into his pocket as he turns around, holding up his hand to summon a portal, "Oh, by the way, thank you.
I'm Haji..and as you already know I'm a summoner. Probably the last summoner alive."
he looks down. He shakes his head, looking over at him. "Come on, this will lead back to my apartment." he said, before walking thru the portal.

Kat Dakuu 08-02-2017 02:14 PM

"Should I uh...just leave these three like that or do you want me to send them down to hell or something?" Mordecai asked, his voice hesitant. "Because, that's definitely one thing I can do. Basic demon skill and all." Looking over his master once more, he folded his wings, letting himself fall down to land on the pavement, his boot heels clacking slightly on the stone. Haji must not have been old, even for a human because his face looked somehow softer than Mordecai imagined. Was that a human thing? Or just the discrepancy between his imaginings of the person who would call on him and reality? Haji actually looked quite awesome.

Bowing again, Mordecai stepped toward the portal that the summoner created. "Well, Haji...I can call you that right? The whole 'master, master' thing is a little old fashioned and stupid. Since you're not an old fart, it should be fine. How old are you anyway?" he questioned. Whatever was left of his mock polite attitude had slipped away at this point. "My name's Mordecai though, which is a very powerful one I might add." He stepped through the portal after Haji, pulling the creature he'd created with him because it would be a shame to leave it there. Poor thing could offer them a lot of fun.

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